This tutorial includes everything you need to set up IBM Decision Optimization CPLEX Modeling for Python (DOcplex), build a Mathematical Programming model, and get its solution by solving the model on the cloud with IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer.
When you finish this tutorial, you'll have a foundational knowledge of Prescriptive Analytics.
This notebook is part of Prescriptive Analytics for Python
It requires either an installation of CPLEX Optimizers or it can be run on IBM Watson Studio Cloud (Sign up for a free IBM Cloud account and you can start using Watson Studio Cloud right away).
Table of contents:
This model deals with nurse scheduling. Nurses must be assigned to hospital shifts in accordance with various skill and staffing constraints.
The goal of the model is to find an efficient balance between the different objectives:
Prescriptive analytics (decision optimization) technology recommends actions that are based on desired outcomes. It takes into account specific scenarios, resources, and knowledge of past and current events. With this insight, your organization can make better decisions and have greater control of business outcomes.
Prescriptive analytics is the next step on the path to insight-based actions. It creates value through synergy with predictive analytics, which analyzes data to predict future outcomes.
Prescriptive analytics takes that insight to the next level by suggesting the optimal way to handle that future situation. Organizations that can act fast in dynamic conditions and make superior decisions in uncertain environments gain a strong competitive advantage.
With prescriptive analytics, you can:
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import sys
raise Exception('Please install docplex. See')
Input data consists of several tables:
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from enum import Enum
from collections import namedtuple
# utility to conevrt a weekday string to an index in 0..6
_all_days = ["monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"]
def day_to_day_week(day):
day_map = {day: d for d, day in enumerate(_all_days)}
return day_map[day.lower()]
TWorkRules = namedtuple("TWorkRules", ["work_time_max"])
TVacation = namedtuple("TVacation", ["nurse", "day"])
TNursePair = namedtuple("TNursePair", ["firstNurse", "secondNurse"])
TNurseSkill = namedtuple("TNurseSkill", ["nurse", "skill"])
TSkillRequirement = namedtuple("TSkillRequirement", ["department", "skill", "required"])
# subclass the namedtuple to refine the str() method as the nurse's name
class TNurse(namedtuple("TNurse1", ["name", "pay_rate"])):
""" A subclass to redefine the default str() of namedtuple.
This class is used in variable naming, so we need to redefine the str() method
used by variable naming.
def __str__(self):
class TShift(
namedtuple("TShift1", ["department", "day", "start_time", "end_time", "min_requirement", "max_requirement"])):
""" specialize namedtuple to redefine its str() method
def __str__(self):
# keep first two characters in departement, uppercased
dept2 = self.department[0:4].upper()
# keep 3 days of weekday
dayname =[0:3]
return '%s_%s_%02d' % (dept2, dayname, self.start_time)
class ShiftActivity(object):
def to_abstime(day_index, time_of_day):
""" Convert a pair (day_index, time) into a number of hours since Monday 00:00
:param day_index: The index of the day from 1 to 7 (Monday is 1).
:param time_of_day: An integer number of hours.
time = 24 * (day_index - 1)
time += time_of_day
return time
def __init__(self, weekday, start_time_of_day, end_time_of_day):
assert (start_time_of_day >= 0)
assert (start_time_of_day <= 24)
assert (end_time_of_day >= 0)
assert (end_time_of_day <= 24)
self._weekday = weekday
self._start_time_of_day = start_time_of_day
self._end_time_of_day = end_time_of_day
# conversion to absolute time.
start_day_index = day_to_day_week(self._weekday)
self.start_time = self.to_abstime(start_day_index, start_time_of_day)
self.day_start_time = self.to_abstime(start_day_index, 0)
end_day_index = start_day_index if end_time_of_day > start_time_of_day else start_day_index + 1
self.end_time = self.to_abstime(end_day_index, end_time_of_day)
assert self.end_time > self.start_time
def duration(self):
return self.end_time - self.start_time
def overlaps(self, other_shift):
if not isinstance(other_shift, ShiftActivity):
return False
return other_shift.end_time > self.start_time and other_shift.start_time < self.end_time
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CSS = """
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from IPython.core.display import HTML
from IPython.display import display
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from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
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# This notebook requires pandas to work
import pandas as pd
# Make sure that xlrd package, which is a pandas optional dependency, is installed
# This package is required for Excel I/O
import xlrd
if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'):
#we are in a virtual env.
!pip install xlrd
!pip install --user xlrd
data_url = ""
nurse_xls_file = pd.ExcelFile(data_url)
SkillTable = nurse_xls_file.parse('Skills')
DeptTable = nurse_xls_file.parse('Departments')
ShiftTable = nurse_xls_file.parse('Shifts')
SkillRequirementTable = nurse_xls_file.parse('SkillRequirements')
NurseTable = nurse_xls_file.parse('Nurses')
NurseSkillTable = nurse_xls_file.parse('NurseSkills')
NurseVacationTable = nurse_xls_file.parse('NurseVacations')
NurseAssociationTable = nurse_xls_file.parse('NurseAssociations')
NurseIncompatibilityTable = nurse_xls_file.parse('NurseIncompatibilities')
Now, we create some additional data structures to be used for building the prescriptive model.
The goal is to not depend on pandas when defining decision variables and constraints.
The 'nurses_pandas' notebook illustrates how to benefit from pandas to build the prescriptive model.
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skills = [SkillTable["name"][i] for i in range(len(SkillTable))]
depts = [DeptTable["name"][i] for i in range(len(DeptTable))]
nurses =[TNurse(NurseTable["name"][i], NurseTable["pay_rate"][i]) for i in range(len(NurseTable))]
nurses = [nurse for nurse in nurses if nurse.pay_rate <25 and nurse.pay_rate >15]
# Build {nurse: [skills]} dictionary
nurse_skills = {}
for nsk in NurseSkillTable.itertuples(index=False):
nskt= TNurseSkill(*nsk)
nurse_skills.setdefault(nskt.nurse, []).append(nskt.skill)
shifts = [TShift(*shift_row) for shift_row in ShiftTable.itertuples(index=False)]
skill_requirements = [TSkillRequirement(*skill_requirement_row) for skill_requirement_row in
vacations = [TVacation(*vacation_row) for vacation_row in NurseVacationTable.itertuples(index=False)]
nurse_associations = [TNursePair(*na) for na in NurseAssociationTable.itertuples(index=False)]
nurse_incompatibilities = [TNursePair(*na) for na in NurseIncompatibilityTable.itertuples(index=False)]
# compute shift activities (start, end, duration) and store them in a dict indexed by shifts
shift_activities = {s: ShiftActivity(, s.start_time, s.end_time) for s in shifts}
# map from nurse names to nurse tuples.
nurses_by_id = { n for n in nurses}
# Work rules: max work time
work_rules = TWorkRules(40)
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from import Environment
env = Environment()
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from import Model
mdl = Model("nurses")
In [ ]:
# One binary variable for each pair (nurse, shift) equal to 1 if nurse n is assigned to shift s
nurse_assignment_vars = mdl.binary_var_matrix(nurses, shifts, 'NurseAssigned')
# For each nurse, allocate one variable for worktime
nurse_work_time_vars = mdl.continuous_var_dict(nurses, lb=0, name='NurseWorkTime')
# And two variables for over_average and under-average work time
nurse_over_average_time_vars = mdl.continuous_var_dict(nurses, lb=0, name='NurseOverAverageWorkTime')
nurse_under_average_time_vars = mdl.continuous_var_dict(nurses, lb=0, name='NurseUnderAverageWorkTime')
# Finally the global average work time
average_nurse_work_time = mdl.continuous_var(lb=0, name='AverageWorkTime')
In [ ]:
mdl.add_constraint(len(nurses) * average_nurse_work_time ==
mdl.sum(nurse_work_time_vars[n] for n in nurses), "average")
In [ ]:
for n in nurses:
work_time_var = nurse_work_time_vars[n]
work_time_var == mdl.sum(nurse_assignment_vars[n, s] * shift_activities[s].duration for s in shifts),
# Relate over/under average worktime variables to the worktime variables.
# The trick here is that variables have zero lower bound
# however, these variables are not completely defined by this constraint,
# only their difference is.
# If these variables are part of the objective, CPLEX will naturally minimize their value,
# as expected.
work_time_var == average_nurse_work_time + nurse_over_average_time_vars[n] - nurse_under_average_time_vars[n],
# State the maximum work time as a constraint, so that it can be relaxed,
# should the problem become infeasible.
mdl.add_constraint(work_time_var <= work_rules.work_time_max, "max_time_{0!s}".format(n))
In [ ]:
for vac_nurse_id, vac_day in vacations:
vac_n = nurses_by_id.get(vac_nurse_id, -1)
if vac_n != -1:
for shift in (s for s in shifts if == vac_day):
mdl.add_constraint(nurse_assignment_vars[vac_n, shift] == 0,
"medium_vacations_{0!s}_{1!s}_{2!s}".format(vac_n, vac_day, shift))
In [ ]:
# Post only one constraint per couple(s1, s2)
number_of_overlaps = 0
nb_shifts = len(shifts)
for i1 in range(nb_shifts):
for i2 in range(i1 + 1, nb_shifts):
s1 = shifts[i1]
s2 = shifts[i2]
if shift_activities[s1].overlaps(shift_activities[s2]):
number_of_overlaps += 1
for n in nurses:
mdl.add_constraint(nurse_assignment_vars[n, s1] + nurse_assignment_vars[n, s2] <= 1,
"high_overlapping_{0!s}_{1!s}_{2!s}".format(s1, s2, n))
print("# overlapping shifts: {}".format(number_of_overlaps))
Each shift requires a minimum and a maximum number of nurses. For each shift, the sum over all nurses of assignments to this shift must be greater than or equal to the minimum requirement and lesser than or equal to the maximum requirement.
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for s in shifts:
demand_min = s.min_requirement
demand_max = s.max_requirement
total_assigned = mdl.sum(nurse_assignment_vars[n, s] for n in nurses)
mdl.add_constraint(total_assigned >= demand_min,
"high_req_min_{0!s}_{1}".format(s, demand_min))
mdl.add_constraint(total_assigned <= demand_max,
"medium_req_max_{0!s}_{1}".format(s, demand_max))
In [ ]:
for (dept, skill, required) in skill_requirements:
if required > 0:
for dsh in (s for s in shifts if dept == s.department):
mdl.add_constraint(mdl.sum(nurse_assignment_vars[skilled_nurse, dsh] for skilled_nurse in
(n for n in nurses if in nurse_skills.keys() and
skill in nurse_skills[])) >= required,
"high_required_{0!s}_{1!s}_{2!s}_{3!s}".format(dept, skill, required, dsh))
In [ ]:
# for each pair of associted nurses, their assignement variables are equal over all shifts.
c = 0
for (nurse_id1, nurse_id2) in nurse_associations:
if nurse_id1 in nurses_by_id and nurse_id2 in nurses_by_id:
nurse1 = nurses_by_id[nurse_id1]
nurse2 = nurses_by_id[nurse_id2]
for s in shifts:
c += 1
ctname = 'medium_ct_nurse_assoc_{0!s}_{1!s}_{2:d}'.format(nurse_id1, nurse_id2, c)
mdl.add_constraint(nurse_assignment_vars[nurse1, s] == nurse_assignment_vars[nurse2, s], ctname)
In [ ]:
# For each pair of incompatible nurses, the sum of assigned variables is less than one
c = 0
for (nurse_id1, nurse_id2) in nurse_incompatibilities:
if nurse_id1 in nurses_by_id and nurse_id2 in nurses_by_id:
nurse1 = nurses_by_id[nurse_id1]
nurse2 = nurses_by_id[nurse_id2]
for s in shifts:
c += 1
ctname = 'medium_ct_nurse_incompat_{0!s}_{1!s}_{2:d}'.format(nurse_id1, nurse_id2, c)
mdl.add_constraint(nurse_assignment_vars[nurse1, s] + nurse_assignment_vars[nurse2, s] <= 1, ctname)
The objective mixes different (and contradictory) KPIs.
The first KPI is the total salary cost, computed as the sum of work times over all nurses, weighted by pay rate.
The second KPI is the total number of assignments (nurse, shift).
The third KPI is the average total work time over all nurses.
The fourth KPI represents the total number of hours that is above the average work time (summed over all nurses), while the fifth KPI represents the total number of hours that is below this average.
Finally, the last KPI is a measure of fairness, which is evaluated as the total deviation from the average work time.
In [ ]:
total_number_of_assignments = mdl.sum(nurse_assignment_vars[n,s] for n in nurses for s in shifts)
nurse_costs = [nurse_assignment_vars[n, s] * n.pay_rate * shift_activities[s].duration for n in nurses for s in shifts]
total_salary_cost = mdl.sum(nurse_costs)
mdl.add_kpi(total_salary_cost, "Total salary cost")
mdl.add_kpi(total_number_of_assignments, "Total number of assignments")
total_over_average_worktime = mdl.sum(nurse_over_average_time_vars[n] for n in nurses)
total_under_average_worktime = mdl.sum(nurse_under_average_time_vars[n] for n in nurses)
mdl.add_kpi(total_over_average_worktime, "Total over-average worktime")
mdl.add_kpi(total_under_average_worktime, "Total under-average worktime")
total_fairness = total_over_average_worktime + total_under_average_worktime
mdl.add_kpi(total_fairness, "Total fairness")
The goal is to minimize the non-weighted sum of the total salary cost, fairness and total number of assignment.
This is accomplished using the Model.minimize()
This definition is arbitrary and could be revised. For instance, one could emphasize minimizing salary cost by adding a weight on this term in the objective.
In [ ]:
mdl.minimize(total_salary_cost + total_fairness + total_number_of_assignments)
In [ ]:
# Set Cplex mipgap to 1e-5 to enforce precision to be of the order of a unit (objective value magnitude is ~1e+5).
mdl.parameters.mip.tolerances.mipgap = 1e-5
s = mdl.solve(log_output=True)
if not s:
# solve has failed, we try relaxation, based on constraint names
# constraints are prioritized according to their names
# if a name contains "low", it has priority LOW
# if a ct name contains "medium" it has priority MEDIUM
# same for HIGH
# if a constraint has no name or does not match any, it is not relaxable.
from import Relaxer
relaxer = Relaxer(prioritizer='match', verbose=True)
# self.enable_trace()
#self.parameters.mip.tolerances.mipgap = 0.03 # 3%
relaxed_sol = relaxer.relax(mdl)
relaxed_ok = relaxed_sol is not None
assert relaxed_ok, "relaxation failed"
Let's display some charts to visualize the results: a Gantt chart displaying the assignment of nurses to shifts in a Gantt chart, and another chart showing the number of assigned nurses to each department over time.
In [ ]:
min(shift_activities, key=lambda i: shift_activities[i].day_start_time)
min(s.day_start_time for s in shift_activities.values())
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
%matplotlib inline
# Build set of all departments and assign a color to each of them to be used in figures
departments = {s.department for s in shifts}
colorByDepartment = {}
for d, c in zip(departments, ['r', 'm', 'b', 'g', 'y', 'c', 'k']):
colorByDepartment[d] = c
# Build dictionary with number of assigned nurses for each shift
for n in nurses:
for s in shifts:
if nurse_assignment_vars[n,s].solution_value > 0:
nbAssignmentsByShift[s] = nbAssignmentsByShift.get(s,0) + 1
# Build a dictionary with the list of each shift corresponding to each department
shiftsByDepartment = {}
for s in shifts:
shiftsByDepartment.setdefault(s.department, []).append(s)
# Shared code
def createLabels(ax, title, xlabel, ylabel):
shiftInfoByDay = { : s1 for s1 in shifts}
try: # Python 2
plt.xticks([shift_activities[s].day_start_time + w * 7 * 24 for w in [0,1] for (d, s) in shiftInfoByDay.iteritems()],
["{}".format( for w in [0,1] for (d, s) in shiftInfoByDay.iteritems()])
plt.xticks([shift_activities[s].day_start_time + w * 7 * 24 for w in [0,1] for (d, s) in shiftInfoByDay.items()],
["{}".format( for w in [0,1] for (d, s) in shiftInfoByDay.items()])
plt.xlim([min(s.day_start_time for s in shift_activities.values()) - 6,
max(s.day_start_time for s in shift_activities.values()) + 30])
# Plot shift assignments for each nurse
def displayNursesAssignmentsGantt(ax):
ylabels, tickloc = [], []
for i, n in enumerate(nurses):
for s in shifts:
if nurse_assignment_vars[n,s].solution_value > 0:
shift_activity = shift_activities[s], 0.8,
width=shift_activity.end_time - shift_activity.start_time, bottom=i + 0.1,
ylabels.append("{} (worked: {} hours)".format(str(n), nurse_work_time_vars[n].solution_value))
tickloc.append(i + 0.5)
plt.ylim(0, len(nurses))
plt.yticks(tickloc, ylabels)
# Create labels on x/y axis
# Plot number of assigned nurses for each shift, by department
def displayDepartmentsAssignments(ax):
ylabels, tickloc = [], []
maxNbAssignements = max(nbAssignmentsByShift.values())
for i, d in enumerate(departments):
for s in shiftsByDepartment[d]:
shift_activity = shift_activities[s], nbAssignmentsByShift.get(s, 0) / float(maxNbAssignements + 1),
width=shift_activity.end_time - shift_activity.start_time, bottom=i + 0.5,
tickloc.append(i + 0.5)
plt.ylim(0, len(departments) + 0.5)
plt.yticks(tickloc, ylabels)
# Create labels on x/y axis
# Display figures as two sub-plots so that they are vertically aligned
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[14,12])
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[3,1])
ax = plt.subplot(gs[0])
ax = plt.subplot(gs[1])
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