Normalisation of T2W-MRI using Fisher-Rao metric and functional data analysis

We can put all the needed libraries there

In [1]:
import numpy as np

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import fdasrsf as fs

from scipy import interpolate

Unormalized data

We need first to investigate the unormalized data. To do so, we can construct the PDFs of the T2W image.

Load the data

In [2]:
data_t2w_norm = np.load('../data/t2w/data_raw_norm.npy')
data_t2w_norm = (data_t2w_norm + 1.) / 2.

patient_sizes = np.load('../data/t2w/patient_sizes.npy')
label = np.load('../data/t2w/label.npy')

print '-----> Data loaded'

-----> Data loaded

Function to normalised the data

In [3]:
# Define the function to compute the Normalised Mean Intensity
def nmi(data):
    # get the minimum 
    #min_data = np.min(data)
    min_data = -1.
    print 'mini: {}'.format(min_data)

    # get the maximum
    #max_data = np.max(data)
    max_data = 1.
    print 'maxi: {}'.format(max_data)

    # find the mean
    mean_data = np.mean(data)
    print 'mean: {}'.format(mean_data)

    # return the nmi
    return mean_data / (max_data - min_data)

Compute the histogram for the raw T2W-MRI

In [11]:
# To make the future plots
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(20, 15))


global_hist_t2w = np.zeros((nsampling, len(patient_sizes)))
global_hist_t2w_cap = np.zeros((nsampling, len(patient_sizes)))
nmi_raw = []

for pt in xrange(len(patient_sizes)):
    # Find the index of the current patients
    if (pt == 0):
        start_idx = 0
        end_idx = patient_sizes[pt]
        start_idx = np.sum(patient_sizes[0 : pt])
        end_idx = np.sum(patient_sizes[0 : pt + 1])

    ##### RAW DATA #####
    # Compute the histogram for the whole data
    nb_bins = nsampling
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data_t2w_norm[start_idx : end_idx], bins=nb_bins, range=(0., 1.), density=True)
    hist = np.divide(hist, np.sum(hist))
    axes[0, 0].plot(bin_edges[0 : -1], hist, label='Patient '+str(pt))
    # Append the histogram to the global list of histogram
    global_hist_t2w[:, pt] = hist

    # Compute the histogram for the cancer data
    nb_bins = nsampling
    sub_data = data_t2w_norm[start_idx : end_idx]
    cap_data = sub_data[np.nonzero(label[start_idx : end_idx] == 1)[0]]
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(cap_data, bins=nb_bins, range=(0., 1.), density=True)
    hist = np.divide(hist, np.sum(hist))
    axes[0, 1].plot(bin_edges[0 : -1], hist)
    # Append the histogram to the global list of histogram
    global_hist_t2w_cap[:, pt] = hist
    time = bin_edges[0 : -1]
# Align all the curve using FDASRSF
# Define the variance as in the original code for each curve
#from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
#pca = PCA(n_components=.99)
#print pca.noise_variance_
var = []
for c in global_hist_t2w.T:
    var.append((.1 * np.fabs(c).max()) ** 2)
#    var.append(pca.noise_variance_)
out = fs.srsf_align(global_hist_t2w, time, showplot=False, smoothdata=True, 
#                    method='mean', fit_variance=False, var=np.array(var))
                    method='mean', fit_variance=True, method_fit='pca')
#print global_hist_t2w.shape
#print time.shape
#out = fs.align_fPCA(global_hist_t2w, time, num_comp=1, showplot=False,
#                    smoothdata=True, fit_variance=False, var=np.array(var))
#                    smoothdata=True, fit_variance=True, method_fit='pca')
axes[1, 0].plot(time, out.fn)

Compute Karcher Mean of 17 function in SRSF space...
updating step: r=1
updating step: r=2
updating step: r=3
updating step: r=4
updating step: r=5
updating step: r=6
updating step: r=7
updating step: r=8
updating step: r=9
updating step: r=10
updating step: r=11
updating step: r=12
updating step: r=13
updating step: r=14
updating step: r=15
updating step: r=16
updating step: r=17
updating step: r=18
updating step: r=19
updating step: r=20
maximal number of iterations is reached

Normalise the data using the inverse function

In [14]:
# To make the future plots
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(20, 15))

# Make a copy of the original data
data_norm_fda = data_t2w_norm.copy()

# Try to normalise the data
for pt in xrange(len(patient_sizes)):
    # Find the index of the current patients
    if (pt == 0):
        start_idx = 0
        end_idx = patient_sizes[pt]
        start_idx = np.sum(patient_sizes[0 : pt])
        end_idx = np.sum(patient_sizes[0 : pt + 1])
    # Let's normalise the data using the interpolation function
    time = time / time[-1]
    f = interpolate.interp1d(time, fs.invertGamma(out.gam[:, pt]), kind='cubic')
    data_norm_fda[start_idx:end_idx] = f(data_t2w_norm[start_idx:end_idx])
    #data_norm_fda[start_idx:end_idx] = np.interp(data_t2w_norm[start_idx:end_idx],
    #                                             time,
    #                                             fs.invertGamma(out.gam[:, pt]))
    # Compute the histogram for the whole data
    nb_bins = 200
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data_norm_fda[start_idx : end_idx], bins=nb_bins, range=(0., 1.), density=True)
    hist = np.divide(hist, np.sum(hist))
    axes[1, 0].plot(bin_edges[0 : -1], hist, label='Patient '+str(pt))
    # Compute the histogram for the cancer data
    nb_bins = 200
    sub_data = data_norm_fda[start_idx : end_idx]
    cap_data = sub_data[np.nonzero(label[start_idx : end_idx] == 1)[0]]
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(cap_data, bins=nb_bins, range=(0., 1.), density=True)
    hist = np.divide(hist, np.sum(hist))
    axes[1, 1].plot(bin_edges[0 : -1], hist)
    #print np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(hist))
    # Compute the histogram for the whole data
    nb_bins = nsampling
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data_t2w_norm[start_idx : end_idx], bins=nb_bins, range=(0., 1.), density=True)
    hist = np.divide(hist, np.sum(hist))
    axes[0, 0].plot(bin_edges[0 : -1], hist, label='Patient '+str(pt))
    # Append the histogram to the global list of histogram
    global_hist_t2w[:, pt] = hist

    # Compute the histogram for the cancer data
    nb_bins = nsampling
    sub_data = data_t2w_norm[start_idx : end_idx]
    cap_data = sub_data[np.nonzero(label[start_idx : end_idx] == 1)[0]]
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(cap_data, bins=nb_bins, range=(0., 1.), density=True)
    hist = np.divide(hist, np.sum(hist))
    axes[0, 1].plot(bin_edges[0 : -1], hist)
    # Append the histogram to the global list of histogram
    global_hist_t2w_cap[:, pt] = hist

Save the data

In [15]:
# Normalise the data between -1 and 1
data_norm_fda = (data_norm_fda * 2.) - 1.'../data/t2w/data_fdasrsf_norm.npy', data_norm_fda)

In [39]:

array([False], dtype=bool)

Just to plot some data for the poster SPIE MI 2015

In [5]:
import seaborn as sns

In [21]:
# Plot each transformation curve
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
for gamma in out.gam.T:
    time = np.linspace(0., 1., len(gamma))
    plt.plot(fs.invertGamma(gamma), time)
plt.xlabel('Non-normalized intensities')
plt.ylabel('Normalised intensities')
