Consider a system of three aquifers. The aquifer parameters are presented in Table 1. Note that an average thickness is specified for the top unconfined aquifer. A river with three branches cuts through the upper aquifer. The river is modeled with a string of 7 head-specified line-sinks and each branch is modeled with strings of 5 head-specified line-sinks. The heads are specified at the ends of the line-sinks and are shown in Figure 1.
Three wells are present. Well 1 is screened in aquifer 0 and has a discharge of 1000 m$^3$/d, well 2 is screened in aquifer 2 and has a discharge of 5000 m$^3$/d, and well 3 is screened in aquifers 1 and 2 and has a total discharge of 5000 m$^3$/d. A constant recharge through the upper boundary of aquifer 0 is simulated by one large circular infiltration area that covers the entire model area; the recharge rate is 0.2 mm/day. A head of 175 m is specified in layer 0 at the upper righthand corner of the model domain. A layout of all analytic elements, except the boundary of the infiltration area, is shown in Figure 1.
Layer | $k$ (m/d) | $z_b$ (m) | $z_t$ | $c$ (days) | $n$ (-) | $n_{ll}$ (-) |
Aquifer 0 | 2 | 140 | 165 | - | 0.3 | - |
Leaky Layer 1 | - | 120 | 140 | 2000 | - | 0.2 |
Aquifer 1 | 6 | 80 | 120 | - | 0.25 | - |
Leaky Layer 2 | - | 60 | 80 | 20000 | - | 0.25 |
Aquifer 2 | 4 | 0 | 60 | - | 0.3 | - |
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from timml import *
from pylab import *
figsize=(8, 8)
In [2]:
# Create basic model elements
ml = ModelMaq(kaq=[2, 6, 4],
z=[165, 140, 120, 80, 60, 0],
c=[2000, 20000],
rf = Constant(ml, xr=20000, yr=20000, hr=175, layer=0)
p = CircAreaSink(ml, xc=10000, yc=10000, R=15000, N=0.0002, layer=0)
w1 = Well(ml, xw=10000, yw=8000, Qw=1000, rw=0.3, layers=0, label='well 1')
w2 = Well(ml, xw=12100, yw=10700, Qw=5000, rw=0.3, layers=2, label='well 2')
w3 = Well(ml, xw=10000, yw=4600, Qw=5000, rw=0.3, layers=[1,2], label='maq well')
xy1 = [(833, 14261), (3229, 14843), (6094, 15885), (8385, 15677), (10781, 14895), (12753, 14976)]
hls1 = [176, 166]
xy2 = [(356, 6976), (4043, 7153), (6176, 8400), (9286, 9820), (12266, 9686), (15066, 9466)]
hls2 = [174, 162]
xy3 = [(1376, 1910), (4176, 2043), (6800, 1553), (9953, 2086), (14043, 2043), (17600, 976)]
hls3 = [170, 156]
xy4 = [(9510, 19466), (12620, 17376), (12753, 14976), (13020, 12176),
(15066, 9466), (16443, 7910), (17510, 5286), (17600, 976)]
hls4 = [170, nan, 166, nan, 162, nan, nan, 156]
ls1 = HeadLineSinkString(ml, xy=xy1, hls=hls1, layers=0)
ls2 = HeadLineSinkString(ml, xy=xy2, hls=hls2, layers=0)
ls3 = HeadLineSinkString(ml, xy=xy3, hls=hls3, layers=0)
ls4 = HeadLineSinkString(ml, xy=xy4, hls=hls4, layers=0)
In [3]:
ml.contour(win=[0, 20000, 0, 20000], ngr=50, layers=[0, 1, 2],
levels=10, color=['C0', 'C1', 'C2'], legend=True, figsize=figsize)
In [4]:
print('The head at well 1 is:', w1.headinside())
print('The head at well 2 is:', w2.headinside())
print('The head at well 3 is:', w3.headinside())
In [5]:
ml.plot(win=[0, 20000, 0, 20000], orientation='both', figsize=figsize)
w1.plotcapzone(hstepmax=50, nt=10, zstart=150, tmax=250 * 365.25, orientation='both')
w2.plotcapzone(hstepmax=50, nt=10, zstart=30, tmax=250 * 365.25, orientation='both')
w3.plotcapzone(hstepmax=50, nt=10, zstart=30, tmax=250 * 365.25, orientation='both')
w3.plotcapzone(hstepmax=50, nt=10, zstart=100, tmax=250 * 365.25, orientation='both')
In [6]:
ml.plot(win=[0, 20000, 0, 20000], orientation='both', topfigfrac=0.7, figsize=figsize)
w1.plotcapzone(hstepmax=50, nt=10, zstart=150, tmax=50 * 365.25, orientation='both')
w2.plotcapzone(hstepmax=50, nt=10, zstart=30, tmax=50 * 365.25, orientation='both')
w3.plotcapzone(hstepmax=50, nt=10, zstart=30, tmax=50 * 365.25, orientation='both')
w3.plotcapzone(hstepmax=50, nt=10, zstart=100, tmax=50 * 365.25, orientation='both')
In [ ]: