In [1]:
import re, requests, StringIO
from dateutil import tz

Load Fluxtream library and authenticate

In [2]:
def exec_ipynb(url):
    import json, re, urllib2
    nb = (urllib2.urlopen(url) if re.match(r'https?:', url) else open(url)).read()
    exec '\n'.join([''.join(cell['input']) for cell in json.loads(nb)['worksheets'][0]['cells'] if cell['cell_type'] == 'code']) in globals()


Fluxtream username:
Fluxtream password:

In [9]:
import datetime, exifread, glob, json, os, pprint, subprocess
from dateutil import tz

# Keep track of where you save the files, and enter in the next section
import httplib, urllib, time, base64, string, datetime, json, csv, calendar
from dateutil import tz
from dateutil import parser

# Replace non alnum chars with _
def sanitize_channel_name(name):
    return re.sub(r'\W+', '_', name).strip('_')

def epoch_time(dt):
    epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=tz.tzutc())
    return (dt - epoch).total_seconds()    

# Returns 2D array of data suitable for posting to Fluxtream API
def sleepyhead_csv_to_channel_map(filename, timezone):
    # Sleepyhead channel map maps channel name to a 2D array of data
    # of the form [[unixtime0, value0], [unixtime1, value1],...]
    channel_map = {}
    reader = csv.reader(open(filename,'rb'), delimiter=',')

    # skip header
    header =

    rowcount = 0;
    data = []
    for row in reader:
        # In sleepyhead output, the zeroth column is the datetime of the start of sleep, the second column is the event type 
        # and the third column is a value  
        datetime_str= row[0]
        event_name = row[2]
        value = float(row[3])
        dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(datetime_str, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').replace(tzinfo=timezone)
        if event_name in channel_map:
            channel_map[event_name].append([epoch_time(dt), value])
            channel_map[event_name]=[[epoch_time(dt), value]]

        #print "%s (%d): %s %f [%d]" % (dt, epoch_time(dt), event_name, value, len(channel_map[event_name]))
    return channel_map

def sleepyhead_channel_map_to_fluxtream(device_name,channel_map):
    for event_name in channel_map:
        ch_name = sanitize_channel_name(event_name)
        fluxtream_upload(device_name, [ch_name], channel_map[event_name])
        print "Uploaded %d samples to %s" %(len(channel_map[event_name]), ch_name)

Read in CSV from filesystem

In [10]:
device_name = 'CPAP'
timezone = tz.gettz('America/New York')

csv_path = '/Users/anne/education/bodytrack/data/cpap/sleepyhead/SleepyHead_Username_Details_2015-03-25_2015-03-31.csv'
print 'Reading CSV from %s...' % csv_path

channel_map = sleepyhead_csv_to_channel_map(csv_path,timezone)

Reading CSV from /Users/anne/education/bodytrack/data/cpap/sleepyhead/SleepyHead_Username_Details_2015-03-25_2015-03-31.csv...
Uploading 16 data points to rsargent's account on server, device CPAP, channels ['EPAP']
Uploaded 16 samples to EPAP
Uploading 24 data points to rsargent's account on server, device CPAP, channels ['Obstructive']
Uploaded 24 samples to Obstructive
Uploading 71 data points to rsargent's account on server, device CPAP, channels ['RERA']
Uploaded 71 samples to RERA
Uploading 84 data points to rsargent's account on server, device CPAP, channels ['Hypopnea']
Uploaded 84 samples to Hypopnea
Uploading 26 data points to rsargent's account on server, device CPAP, channels ['PressurePulse']
Uploaded 26 samples to PressurePulse
Uploading 16 data points to rsargent's account on server, device CPAP, channels ['IPAP']
Uploaded 16 samples to IPAP
Uploading 8 data points to rsargent's account on server, device CPAP, channels ['ClearAirway']
Uploaded 8 samples to ClearAirway
Uploading 222 data points to rsargent's account on server, device CPAP, channels ['VSnore2']
Uploaded 222 samples to VSnore2

In [ ]: