In [23]:
#wide screen hack, great for making big plots and have more room for the control panels
from IPython.core.display import HTML
html ='''
.container { width:100% !important; }
.input{ width:60% !important;
       align: center;
.text_cell{ width:70% !important;
            font-size: 16px;}
.title {align:center !important;}


Shaolin GraphCalculator tutorial


1 Introduction

In this tutorial we will analyse the structure of the graph resulting from the correlation matrix of the prices of different currency exchanges. We just need time series data and a few lines of code to map matrices into graphs and calculate its metrics.

2 Loading the sample data

We are using a week of hourly data data from different to conduct our analysis. Each time series has also its normalized price, its returns and its logarithmic returns so you don't have to calculate it if you want to use it. In this example we will start just with the normalized price values.

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
from IPython.display import Image #this is for displaying the widgets in the github repo
from shaolin.dashboards.graph import GraphCalculator
forex_data = pd.read_hdf('gcalculator_data/forex_sample.h5')

In [25]:
fund = forex_data['fund']

2016-02-15 00:00:00 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
2016-02-15 01:00:00 1.000956 0.998559 1.001034 1.001826 0.998471 1.000491 1.001224
2016-02-15 02:00:00 1.001238 0.999502 1.000462 1.001267 0.998153 0.999530 0.997675
2016-02-15 03:00:00 1.003418 0.998514 1.000600 1.001750 0.997417 1.000726 1.000643
2016-02-15 04:00:00 1.004810 0.997972 1.000489 1.002882 0.996746 1.001615 1.002307

2.1 Calculating the graph matrices

In this case we will start calculating the correlation and covariance matrices of the series.

In [6]:
matrices = {}
matrices['corr'] = fund.corr()
matrices['cov'] = fund.cov()
matrices['exchange'] = fund.corr()#alpha version hack, needs to be a matrix called exchange. you dont
                                  #need to use it
matrix_panel = pd.Panel(matrices)

In [32]:

<class 'pandas.core.panel.Panel'>
Dimensions: 3 (items) x 7 (major_axis) x 7 (minor_axis)
Items axis: corr to exchange
Major_axis axis: AUDUSD to USDJPY
Minor_axis axis: AUDUSD to USDJPY

2.2 Calculating some metrics for the nodes

This data will be used to add additional information to every node of the graph. This information will be included in the GraphCalculator.

In [33]:
def calculate_pdf(x,n=1000):
        """Fits a Gaussian Kernel, resamples n values and returns (X,p(x=X))"""
            kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(x,bw_method='scott')
            X= kernel.resample(n)
            p = kernel(X)
            X= x
            p = np.ones(len(x))*1.0/len(x)
        return X.flatten(),p.flatten()

def shannon_entropy(x,n=1000):
    X,p = calculate_pdf(x,n)
    ent = p*np.log2(p)
    return -ent.sum()/(10*n)# this way we dont get values too big. 
                            #After all, entropy is a purely arbitrary measure ;)

def mean_rets(x):
     return x.pct_change().mean()*10e4

def std_rets(x):
     return x.pct_change().mean()*10e4
def total_rets(x):
    return x.pct_change().sum()

In [34]:
node_metrics = pd.DataFrame(columns=fund.columns)
funcs = [total_rets, np.mean, np.std, shannon_entropy,mean_rets,std_rets]
for fun in funcs:
    node_metrics.ix[fun.__name__] = fund.apply(fun)

In [35]:

total_rets 0.044782 -0.004359 -0.015000 0.005178 -0.034737 0.005485 -0.006254
mean 1.019019 0.980220 0.975572 1.007091 0.978751 1.015520 0.997831
std 0.018122 0.008516 0.012586 0.010881 0.013711 0.004247 0.006199
shannon_entropy -9.747734 -17.154454 -10.398859 -15.097520 -9.410607 -42.464386 -26.590648
mean_rets 7.526429 -0.732642 -2.520989 0.870311 -5.838132 0.921772 -1.051116
std_rets 7.526429 -0.732642 -2.520989 0.870311 -5.838132 0.921772 -1.051116

3 GraphCalculator components

The GraphCalculator lets us have complete control over the process of turning a matrix and arbitrary data into a graph. Although every component can be used as a standalone widget it is recommended to use the widget attribute for controlling the GraphCalculator.

Every component can be hidden with the toggle buttons situated at the bottom, and every change you make in the widget will take effect after you click the Calculate button.

In [37]:
gc = GraphCalculator(node_metrics=node_metrics,matrix_panel=matrix_panel)



3.1 Graph creation parameters

This widget is used to select which kind of graph will be calculated from the supplied matrix.

Graph type

This is how the matrix will be converted into a graph. There are currently three possible options to build a non directed graph:

  • Full matrix: The matrix will be interpreted as the adjacency matrix of a full connected graph.

  • MST: The target graph will be a minimum spanning tree constructed and the data matrix.

  • PMFG: Maximum planary filtered graph, calculated from the data matrix.

Absolute value threshold

Minimum absolute value forn an element of the matrix needed to be taken into account as a valid edge.

Invert distance

Use 1/value instead of the original value of the data matrix.


Node metrics that will be calculated when the graph is constructed

Target attribute

This widget allows us to select which matrix of our matrix panel will be used as an adjacency matrix for the graph. In other words, this will select which data matrix we will convert into a graph.

3.2 Matrix transformations

This widget handles the transformations we will apply to the target data matrix before mapping it into a graph. One, or a succession of the following transformations has to be applied to the matrix.

  • Raw: Do not apply any transformation.

  • Scale: Rescale the values of the matrix to match the interval [Rescale min, Rescale max].

  • Clip: All the values lower than Clip min will be changed for Clip min and all the values greater than Clip max will be changed for Clip max.

  • Zscore: The matrix will be transformed so its elements have mean 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

  • Distance: The matrix will be transformed according to the following distance function:
np.sqrt(2 * np.clip(1. - correlation_matrix ** 2, 0., 2.))

3.3 Graph Layout

The Layout manager is the widget in charge of managing the layout that we will use to draw our graph. It can calculate the layouts of the selected type. Any layout available in the networkx package is included in the LayoutCalculator and any of its parametrs can be tweaked via a widget.

Alpha version disclaimer:

  • Can only calculate both the 3D and the 2D and not only one of them separatedly.

4 GraphCalculator Data

The results of running the GraphCalculator will be sored internally in different object attributes as explained below.

4.1 Node graph metrics

The metrics that are graph related are sored as a dataframe in the node attribute as a DataFrame.

In [14]:
gc.node = gc.node.dropna(axis=1)

betweenness betweenness_centrality betweenness_weighted closeness degree degree_weighted eccentricity eccentricity_weighted eigenvector eigenvector_weighted index
count 7.0 7.000000 7.000000 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.000000 7.000000 7.000000
mean 6.0 3.571429 3.571429 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 3.571429 3.000000 3.000000
std 0.0 2.225395 2.225395 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.225395 2.160247 2.160247
min 6.0 0.000000 0.000000 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 6.0 2.000000 2.000000 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 2.000000 1.500000 1.500000
50% 6.0 5.000000 5.000000 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.000000 3.000000 3.000000
75% 6.0 5.000000 5.000000 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.000000 4.500000 4.500000
max 6.0 6.000000 6.000000 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.000000 6.000000 6.000000

In [15]:

betweenness betweenness_centrality betweenness_weighted closeness degree degree_weighted eccentricity eccentricity_weighted eigenvector eigenvector_weighted label index
AUDUSD 6.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 3.0 AUDUSD 0
EURUSD 6.0 2.0 2.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 EURUSD 1
GBPUSD 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 1.0 GBPUSD 2
NZDUSD 6.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 NZDUSD 3
USDCAD 6.0 2.0 2.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 USDCAD 4

4.2 Edge metrics

The edge attribute is a pandas Panel with all the information regarding the edges of the graph. This means that it will contain two kinds of metrics:

  • Edge: All the metrics calculated on the edges of the graph in the form of an adjacency matrix.

  • Matrix: All the matrices that were not used to build the graph are stored in the form of an adjacency matrix.

In [16]:

<class 'pandas.core.panel.Panel'>
Dimensions: 7 (items) x 7 (major_axis) x 7 (minor_axis)
Items axis: corr to weight
Major_axis axis: AUDUSD to USDJPY
Minor_axis axis: AUDUSD to USDJPY

In [17]:

Index(['corr', 'cov', 'edge_betweenness', 'edge_betweenness_centrality',
       'edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality', 'exchange', 'weight'],

In [18]:

AUDUSD NaN -0.000039 0.000033 0.000165 -0.000199 0.000018 0.000005
EURUSD -0.000039 NaN 0.000085 -0.000010 0.000076 -0.000028 -0.000003
GBPUSD 0.000033 0.000085 NaN 0.000021 0.000049 -0.000029 0.000012
NZDUSD 0.000165 -0.000010 0.000021 NaN -0.000096 0.000002 0.000001
USDCAD -0.000199 0.000076 0.000049 -0.000096 NaN -0.000031 -0.000022
USDCHF 0.000018 -0.000028 -0.000029 0.000002 -0.000031 NaN 0.000001
USDJPY 0.000005 -0.000003 0.000012 0.000001 -0.000022 0.000001 NaN

In [19]:

AUDUSD NaN 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619
EURUSD 0.047619 NaN 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619
GBPUSD 0.047619 0.047619 NaN 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619
NZDUSD 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 NaN 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619
USDCAD 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 NaN 0.047619 0.047619
USDCHF 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 NaN 0.047619
USDJPY 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 0.047619 NaN

4.3 External node metrics

The node metrics that were passed as a parameter are stored in the node_metrics attribute. They are not currently used by the GraphCalculator. This information is currently used only when displaying the node tooltips on a plot.

In [30]:

total_rets 0.044782 -0.004359 -0.015000 0.005178 -0.034737 0.005485 -0.006254
mean 1.019019 0.980220 0.975572 1.007091 0.978751 1.015520 0.997831
std 0.018122 0.008516 0.012586 0.010881 0.013711 0.004247 0.006199
shannon_entropy -10.101042 -17.269426 -10.302946 -15.579892 -9.508544 -42.435164 -26.678195
mean_rets 7.526429 -0.732642 -2.520989 0.870311 -5.838132 0.921772 -1.051116
std_rets 7.526429 -0.732642 -2.520989 0.870311 -5.838132 0.921772 -1.051116

4.4 Networkx Graph

All the data is also stored in a networkx graph containing all the DataFrames of the GraphCalculator as node and edge attributes. It is possible to acces the Graph using the G attribute.

In [21]:

{'AUDUSD': {'betweenness': 6,
  'betweenness_centrality': 5,
  'betweenness_weighted': 5,
  'closeness': 6,
  'closeness_weighted': None,
  'degree': 6,
  'degree_weighted': 6,
  'eccentricity': 6,
  'eccentricity_weighted': 6,
  'eigenvector': 5,
  'eigenvector_weighted': 3},
 'EURUSD': {'betweenness': 6,
  'betweenness_centrality': 2,
  'betweenness_weighted': 2,
  'closeness': 6,
  'closeness_weighted': None,
  'degree': 6,
  'degree_weighted': 6,
  'eccentricity': 6,
  'eccentricity_weighted': 6,
  'eigenvector': 2,
  'eigenvector_weighted': 0},
 'GBPUSD': {'betweenness': 6,
  'betweenness_centrality': 6,
  'betweenness_weighted': 6,
  'closeness': 6,
  'closeness_weighted': None,
  'degree': 6,
  'degree_weighted': 6,
  'eccentricity': 6,
  'eccentricity_weighted': 6,
  'eigenvector': 5,
  'eigenvector_weighted': 1},
 'NZDUSD': {'betweenness': 6,
  'betweenness_centrality': 5,
  'betweenness_weighted': 5,
  'closeness': 6,
  'closeness_weighted': None,
  'degree': 6,
  'degree_weighted': 6,
  'eccentricity': 6,
  'eccentricity_weighted': 6,
  'eigenvector': 5,
  'eigenvector_weighted': 4},
 'USDCAD': {'betweenness': 6,
  'betweenness_centrality': 2,
  'betweenness_weighted': 2,
  'closeness': 6,
  'closeness_weighted': None,
  'degree': 6,
  'degree_weighted': 6,
  'eccentricity': 6,
  'eccentricity_weighted': 6,
  'eigenvector': 6,
  'eigenvector_weighted': 2},
 'USDCHF': {'betweenness': 6,
  'betweenness_centrality': 0,
  'betweenness_weighted': 0,
  'closeness': 6,
  'closeness_weighted': None,
  'degree': 6,
  'degree_weighted': 6,
  'eccentricity': 6,
  'eccentricity_weighted': 6,
  'eigenvector': 0,
  'eigenvector_weighted': 6},
 'USDJPY': {'betweenness': 6,
  'betweenness_centrality': 5,
  'betweenness_weighted': 5,
  'closeness': 6,
  'closeness_weighted': None,
  'degree': 6,
  'degree_weighted': 6,
  'eccentricity': 6,
  'eccentricity_weighted': 6,
  'eigenvector': 2,
  'eigenvector_weighted': 5}}

In [22]:

{'AUDUSD':                                             EURUSD    GBPUSD    NZDUSD  \
 corr                                     -0.250899  0.146507  0.833959   
 cov                                      -0.000039  0.000033  0.000165   
 edge_betweenness                          0.047619  0.047619  0.047619   
 edge_betweenness_centrality               0.047619  0.047619  0.047619   
 edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality  0.000015  0.211684  0.000016   
 exchange                                 -0.250899  0.146507  0.833959   
 weight                                    0.000010  0.146507  0.833959   
                                             USDCAD    USDCHF    USDJPY  
 corr                                     -0.801005  0.234333  0.043249  
 cov                                      -0.000199  0.000018  0.000005  
 edge_betweenness                          0.047619  0.047619  0.047619  
 edge_betweenness_centrality               0.047619  0.047619  0.047619  
 edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality  0.034344  0.000015  0.000020  
 exchange                                 -0.801005  0.234333  0.043249  
 weight                                    0.000010  0.234333  0.043249  ,
 'EURUSD':                                             AUDUSD    GBPUSD    NZDUSD  \
 corr                                     -0.250899  0.794830 -0.112556   
 cov                                      -0.000039  0.000085 -0.000010   
 edge_betweenness                          0.047619  0.047619  0.047619   
 edge_betweenness_centrality               0.047619  0.047619  0.047619   
 edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality  0.000015  0.024853  0.151452   
 exchange                                 -0.250899  0.794830 -0.112556   
 weight                                    0.000010  0.794830  0.000010   
                                             USDCAD    USDCHF    USDJPY  
 corr                                      0.651165 -0.784686 -0.063185  
 cov                                       0.000076 -0.000028 -0.000003  
 edge_betweenness                          0.047619  0.047619  0.047619  
 edge_betweenness_centrality               0.047619  0.047619  0.047619  
 edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality  0.053037  0.085802  0.000014  
 exchange                                  0.651165 -0.784686 -0.063185  
 weight                                    0.651165  0.000010  0.000010  ,
 'GBPUSD':                                             AUDUSD    EURUSD    NZDUSD  \
 corr                                      0.146507  0.794830  0.154837   
 cov                                       0.000033  0.000085  0.000021   
 edge_betweenness                          0.047619  0.047619  0.047619   
 edge_betweenness_centrality               0.047619  0.047619  0.047619   
 edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality  0.211684  0.024853  0.000014   
 exchange                                  0.146507  0.794830  0.154837   
 weight                                    0.146507  0.794830  0.154837   
                                             USDCAD    USDCHF    USDJPY  
 corr                                      0.283081 -0.544016  0.149962  
 cov                                       0.000049 -0.000029  0.000012  
 edge_betweenness                          0.047619  0.047619  0.047619  
 edge_betweenness_centrality               0.047619  0.047619  0.047619  
 edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality  0.171534  0.234648  0.000019  
 exchange                                  0.283081 -0.544016  0.149962  
 weight                                    0.283081  0.000010  0.149962  ,
 'NZDUSD':                                             AUDUSD    EURUSD    GBPUSD  \
 corr                                      0.833959 -0.112556  0.154837   
 cov                                       0.000165 -0.000010  0.000021   
 edge_betweenness                          0.047619  0.047619  0.047619   
 edge_betweenness_centrality               0.047619  0.047619  0.047619   
 edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality  0.000016  0.151452  0.000014   
 exchange                                  0.833959 -0.112556  0.154837   
 weight                                    0.833959  0.000010  0.154837   
                                             USDCAD    USDCHF    USDJPY  
 corr                                     -0.644542  0.039789  0.019937  
 cov                                      -0.000096  0.000002  0.000001  
 edge_betweenness                          0.047619  0.047619  0.047619  
 edge_betweenness_centrality               0.047619  0.047619  0.047619  
 edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality  0.000015  0.169252  0.176972  
 exchange                                 -0.644542  0.039789  0.019937  
 weight                                    0.000010  0.039789  0.019937  ,
 'USDCAD':                                             AUDUSD    EURUSD    GBPUSD  \
 corr                                     -0.801005  0.651165  0.283081   
 cov                                      -0.000199  0.000076  0.000049   
 edge_betweenness                          0.047619  0.047619  0.047619   
 edge_betweenness_centrality               0.047619  0.047619  0.047619   
 edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality  0.034344  0.053037  0.171534   
 exchange                                 -0.801005  0.651165  0.283081   
 weight                                    0.000010  0.651165  0.283081   
                                             NZDUSD    USDCHF    USDJPY  
 corr                                     -0.644542 -0.526196 -0.258134  
 cov                                      -0.000096 -0.000031 -0.000022  
 edge_betweenness                          0.047619  0.047619  0.047619  
 edge_betweenness_centrality               0.047619  0.047619  0.047619  
 edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality  0.000015  0.000016  0.114824  
 exchange                                 -0.644542 -0.526196 -0.258134  
 weight                                    0.000010  0.000010  0.000010  ,
 'USDCHF':                                             AUDUSD    EURUSD    GBPUSD  \
 corr                                      0.234333 -0.784686 -0.544016   
 cov                                       0.000018 -0.000028 -0.000029   
 edge_betweenness                          0.047619  0.047619  0.047619   
 edge_betweenness_centrality               0.047619  0.047619  0.047619   
 edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality  0.000015  0.085802  0.234648   
 exchange                                  0.234333 -0.784686 -0.544016   
 weight                                    0.234333  0.000010  0.000010   
                                             NZDUSD    USDCAD    USDJPY  
 corr                                      0.039789 -0.526196  0.055641  
 cov                                       0.000002 -0.000031  0.000001  
 edge_betweenness                          0.047619  0.047619  0.047619  
 edge_betweenness_centrality               0.047619  0.047619  0.047619  
 edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality  0.169252  0.000016  0.162264  
 exchange                                  0.039789 -0.526196  0.055641  
 weight                                    0.039789  0.000010  0.055641  ,
 'USDJPY':                                             AUDUSD    EURUSD    GBPUSD  \
 corr                                      0.043249 -0.063185  0.149962   
 cov                                       0.000005 -0.000003  0.000012   
 edge_betweenness                          0.047619  0.047619  0.047619   
 edge_betweenness_centrality               0.047619  0.047619  0.047619   
 edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality  0.000020  0.000014  0.000019   
 exchange                                  0.043249 -0.063185  0.149962   
 weight                                    0.043249  0.000010  0.149962   
                                             NZDUSD    USDCAD    USDCHF  
 corr                                      0.019937 -0.258134  0.055641  
 cov                                       0.000001 -0.000022  0.000001  
 edge_betweenness                          0.047619  0.047619  0.047619  
 edge_betweenness_centrality               0.047619  0.047619  0.047619  
 edge_current_flow_betweenness_centrality  0.176972  0.114824  0.162264  
 exchange                                  0.019937 -0.258134  0.055641  
 weight                                    0.019937  0.000010  0.055641  }

In [ ]:

In [ ]: