More Feature Engineering - Wide and Deep models

Learning Objectives

  • Build a Wide and Deep model using the appropriate Tensorflow feature columns


In this notebook we'll use what we learned about feature columns to build a Wide & Deep model. Recall, that the idea behind Wide & Deep models is to join the two methods of learning through memorization and generalization by making a wide linear model and a deep learning model to accommodate both.


The Wide part of the model is associated with the memory element. In this case, we train a linear model with a wide set of crossed features and learn the correlation of this related data with the assigned label. The Deep part of the model is associated with the generalization element where we use embedding vectors for features. The best embeddings are then learned through the training process. While both of these methods can work well alone, Wide & Deep models excel by combining these techniques together.

In [ ]:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import shutil

Load raw data

These are the same files created in the create_datasets.ipynb notebook

In [ ]:
!gsutil cp gs://cloud-training-demos/taxifare/small/*.csv .
!ls -l *.csv

Train and Evaluate input Functions

These are the same as before with one additional line of code: a call to add_engineered_features() from within the _parse_row() function.

In [ ]:
CSV_COLUMN_NAMES = ["fare_amount","dayofweek","hourofday","pickuplon","pickuplat","dropofflon","dropofflat"]
CSV_DEFAULTS = [[0.0],[1],[0],[-74.0],[40.0],[-74.0],[40.7]]

def read_dataset(csv_path):
    def _parse_row(row):
        # Decode the CSV row into list of TF tensors
        fields = tf.decode_csv(records = row, record_defaults = CSV_DEFAULTS)

        # Pack the result into a dictionary
        features = dict(zip(CSV_COLUMN_NAMES, fields))
        # NEW: Add engineered features
        features = add_engineered_features(features)
        # Separate the label from the features
        label = features.pop("fare_amount") # remove label from features and store

        return features, label
    # Create a dataset containing the text lines.
    dataset = = csv_path) # (i.e. data_file_*.csv)
    dataset = dataset.flat_map(map_func = lambda = filename).skip(count = 1))

    # Parse each CSV row into correct (features,label) format for Estimator API
    dataset = = _parse_row)
    return dataset

def train_input_fn(csv_path, batch_size = 128):
    #1. Convert CSV into with (features,label) format
    dataset = read_dataset(csv_path)
    #2. Shuffle, repeat, and batch the examples.
    dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size = 1000).repeat(count = None).batch(batch_size = batch_size)
    return dataset

def eval_input_fn(csv_path, batch_size = 128):
    #1. Convert CSV into with (features,label) format
    dataset = read_dataset(csv_path)

    #2.Batch the examples.
    dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size = batch_size)
    return dataset

Feature columns for Wide and Deep model

For the Wide columns, we will create feature columns of crossed features. To do this, we'll create a collection of Tensorflow feature columns to pass to the tf.feature_column.crossed_column constructor. The Deep columns will consist of numberic columns and any embedding columns we want to create.

In [ ]:
# 1. One hot encode dayofweek and hourofday
fc_dayofweek = tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_identity(key = "dayofweek", num_buckets = 7)
fc_hourofday = tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_identity(key = "hourofday", num_buckets = 24)

# 2. Bucketize latitudes and longitudes
latbuckets = np.linspace(start = 38.0, stop = 42.0, num = NBUCKETS).tolist()
lonbuckets = np.linspace(start = -76.0, stop = -72.0, num = NBUCKETS).tolist()
fc_bucketized_plat = tf.feature_column.bucketized_column(source_column = tf.feature_column.numeric_column(key = "pickuplon"), boundaries = lonbuckets)
fc_bucketized_plon = tf.feature_column.bucketized_column(source_column = tf.feature_column.numeric_column(key = "pickuplat"), boundaries = latbuckets)
fc_bucketized_dlat = tf.feature_column.bucketized_column(source_column = tf.feature_column.numeric_column(key = "dropofflon"), boundaries = lonbuckets)
fc_bucketized_dlon = tf.feature_column.bucketized_column(source_column = tf.feature_column.numeric_column(key = "dropofflat"), boundaries = latbuckets)

# 3. Cross features to get combination of day and hour
fc_crossed_day_hr = tf.feature_column.crossed_column(keys = [fc_dayofweek, fc_hourofday], hash_bucket_size = 24 * 7)
fc_crossed_dloc = tf.feature_column.crossed_column(keys = [fc_bucketized_dlat, fc_bucketized_dlon], hash_bucket_size = NBUCKETS * NBUCKETS)
fc_crossed_ploc = tf.feature_column.crossed_column(keys = [fc_bucketized_plat, fc_bucketized_plon], hash_bucket_size = NBUCKETS * NBUCKETS)
fc_crossed_pd_pair = tf.feature_column.crossed_column(keys = [fc_crossed_dloc, fc_crossed_ploc], hash_bucket_size = NBUCKETS**4)

We also add our engineered features that we used previously.

In [ ]:
def add_engineered_features(features):
    features["dayofweek"] = features["dayofweek"] - 1 # subtract one since our days of week are 1-7 instead of 0-6
    features["latdiff"] = features["pickuplat"] - features["dropofflat"] # East/West
    features["londiff"] = features["pickuplon"] - features["dropofflon"] # North/South
    features["euclidean_dist"] = tf.sqrt(x = features["latdiff"]**2 + features["londiff"]**2)

    return features

Gather list of feature columns

Next we gather the list of wide and deep feature columns we'll pass to our Wide & Deep model in Tensorflow. To do this, we'll create a function get_wide_deep which will use our previously bucketized columns to collect crossed feature columns and sparse feature columns for our wide columns, and embedding feature columns and numeric features columns for the deep columns.

In [ ]:
def get_wide_deep():
    # Wide columns are sparse, have linear relationship with the output
    wide_columns = [
        # Feature crosses
        fc_crossed_day_hr, fc_crossed_dloc, 
        fc_crossed_ploc, fc_crossed_pd_pair,
        # Sparse columns
        fc_dayofweek, fc_hourofday
    # Continuous columns are deep, have a complex relationship with the output
    deep_columns = [
        # Embedding_column to "group" together ...
        tf.feature_column.embedding_column(categorical_column = fc_crossed_pd_pair, dimension = 10),
        tf.feature_column.embedding_column(categorical_column = fc_crossed_day_hr, dimension = 10),

        # Numeric columns
        tf.feature_column.numeric_column(key = "pickuplat"),
        tf.feature_column.numeric_column(key = "pickuplon"),
        tf.feature_column.numeric_column(key = "dropofflon"),
        tf.feature_column.numeric_column(key = "dropofflat"),
        tf.feature_column.numeric_column(key = "latdiff"),
        tf.feature_column.numeric_column(key = "londiff"),
        tf.feature_column.numeric_column(key = "euclidean_dist"),
        tf.feature_column.indicator_column(categorical_column = fc_crossed_day_hr),
    return wide_columns, deep_columns

Serving Input Receiver function

Same as before except the received tensors are wrapped with add_engineered_features().

In [ ]:
def serving_input_receiver_fn():
    receiver_tensors = {
        'dayofweek' : tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.int32, shape = [None]), # shape is vector to allow batch of requests
        'hourofday' : tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.int32, shape = [None]),
        'pickuplon' : tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32, shape = [None]), 
        'pickuplat' : tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32, shape = [None]),
        'dropofflat' : tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32, shape = [None]),
        'dropofflon' : tf.placeholder(dtype = tf.float32, shape = [None]),
    features = add_engineered_features(receiver_tensors) # 'features' is what is passed on to the model
    return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver(features = features, receiver_tensors = receiver_tensors)

Train and Evaluate (500 train steps)

The same as before, we'll train the model for 500 steps (sidenote: how many epochs do 500 trains steps represent?). Let's see how the engineered features we've added affect the performance. Note the use of tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedRegressor below.

In [ ]:
OUTDIR = "taxi_trained_wd/500"
shutil.rmtree(path = OUTDIR, ignore_errors = True) # start fresh each time
tf.summary.FileWriterCache.clear() # ensure filewriter cache is clear for TensorBoard events file
tf.logging.set_verbosity(v = tf.logging.INFO) # so loss is printed during training

# Collect the wide and deep columns from above
wide_columns, deep_columns = get_wide_deep()

model = tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedRegressor(
    model_dir = OUTDIR,
    linear_feature_columns = wide_columns,
    dnn_feature_columns = deep_columns,
    dnn_hidden_units = [10,10], # specify neural architecture
    config = tf.estimator.RunConfig(
        tf_random_seed = 1, # for reproducibility
        save_checkpoints_steps = 100 # checkpoint every N steps

# Add custom evaluation metric
def my_rmse(labels, predictions):
    pred_values = tf.squeeze(input = predictions["predictions"], axis = -1)
    return {"rmse": tf.metrics.root_mean_squared_error(labels = labels, predictions = pred_values)}

model = tf.contrib.estimator.add_metrics(estimator = model, metric_fn = my_rmse) 
train_spec = tf.estimator.TrainSpec(
    input_fn = lambda: train_input_fn("./taxi-train.csv"),
    max_steps = 500)

exporter = tf.estimator.FinalExporter(name = "exporter", serving_input_receiver_fn = serving_input_receiver_fn) # export SavedModel once at the end of training
# Note: alternatively use tf.estimator.BestExporter to export at every checkpoint that has lower loss than the previous checkpoint

eval_spec = tf.estimator.EvalSpec(
    input_fn = lambda: eval_input_fn("./taxi-valid.csv"),
    steps = None,
    start_delay_secs = 1, # wait at least N seconds before first evaluation (default 120)
    throttle_secs = 1, # wait at least N seconds before each subsequent evaluation (default 600)
    exporters = exporter) # export SavedModel once at the end of training

tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate(estimator = model, train_spec = train_spec, eval_spec = eval_spec)


Our RMSE for the Wide and Deep model is worse than for the DNN. However, we have only trained for 500 steps and it looks like the model is still learning. Just as before, let's run again, this time for 10x as many steps so we can give a fair comparison.

Train and Evaluate (5,000 train steps)

Now, just as above, we'll execute a longer trianing job with 5,000 train steps using our engineered features and assess the performance.

In [ ]:
OUTDIR = "taxi_trained_wd/5000"
shutil.rmtree(path = OUTDIR, ignore_errors = True) # start fresh each time
tf.summary.FileWriterCache.clear() # ensure filewriter cache is clear for TensorBoard events file
tf.logging.set_verbosity(v = tf.logging.INFO) # so loss is printed during training

# Collect the wide and deep columns from above
wide_columns, deep_columns = get_wide_deep()

model = tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedRegressor(
    model_dir = OUTDIR,
    linear_feature_columns = wide_columns,
    dnn_feature_columns = deep_columns,
    dnn_hidden_units = [10,10], # specify neural architecture
    config = tf.estimator.RunConfig(
        tf_random_seed = 1, # for reproducibility
        save_checkpoints_steps = 100 # checkpoint every N steps

# Add custom evaluation metric
def my_rmse(labels, predictions):
    pred_values = tf.squeeze(input = predictions["predictions"], axis = -1)
    return {"rmse": tf.metrics.root_mean_squared_error(labels = labels, predictions = pred_values)}

model = tf.contrib.estimator.add_metrics(estimator = model, metric_fn = my_rmse) 
train_spec = tf.estimator.TrainSpec(
    input_fn = lambda: train_input_fn("./taxi-train.csv"),
    max_steps = 5000)

exporter = tf.estimator.FinalExporter(name = "exporter", serving_input_receiver_fn = serving_input_receiver_fn) # export SavedModel once at the end of training
# Note: alternatively use tf.estimator.BestExporter to export at every checkpoint that has lower loss than the previous checkpoint

eval_spec = tf.estimator.EvalSpec(
    input_fn = lambda: eval_input_fn("./taxi-valid.csv"),
    steps = None,
    start_delay_secs = 1, # wait at least N seconds before first evaluation (default 120)
    throttle_secs = 1, # wait at least N seconds before each subsequent evaluation (default 600)
    exporters = exporter) # export SavedModel once at the end of training

tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate(estimator = model, train_spec = train_spec, eval_spec = eval_spec)


Our RMSE is better but still not as good as the DNN we built. It looks like RMSE may still be reducing, but training is getting slow so we should move to the cloud if we want to train longer.

Also we haven't explored our hyperparameters much. Is our neural architecture of two layers with 10 nodes each optimal?

In the next notebook we'll explore this.

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