Getting started with TensorFlow (Eager Mode)

Learning Objectives

  • Understand difference between Tensorflow's two modes: Eager Execution and Graph Execution
  • Practice defining and performing basic operations on constant Tensors
  • Use Tensorflow's automatic differentiation capability


Eager Execution

Eager mode evaluates operations immediatley and return concrete values immediately. To enable eager mode simply place tf.enable_eager_execution() at the top of your code. We recommend using eager execution when prototyping as it is intuitive, easier to debug, and requires less boilerplate code.

Graph Execution

Graph mode is TensorFlow's default execution mode (although it will change to eager with TF 2.0). In graph mode operations only produce a symbolic graph which doesn't get executed until run within the context of a tf.Session(). This style of coding is less inutitive and has more boilerplate, however it can lead to performance optimizations and is particularly suited for distributing training across multiple devices. We recommend using delayed execution for performance sensitive production code.

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import tensorflow as tf

Eager Execution

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Adding Two Tensors

The value of the tensor, as well as its shape and data type are printed

In [ ]:
a = tf.constant(value = [5, 3, 8], dtype = tf.int32)
b = tf.constant(value = [3, -1, 2], dtype = tf.int32)
c = tf.add(x = a, y = b)

Overloaded Operators

We can also perform a tf.add() using the + operator. The /,-,* and ** operators are similarly overloaded with the appropriate tensorflow operation.

In [ ]:
c = a + b # this is equivalent to tf.add(a,b)

NumPy Interoperability

In addition to native TF tensors, tensorflow operations can take native python types and NumPy arrays as operands.

In [ ]:
import numpy as np 

a_py = [1,2] # native python list
b_py = [3,4] # native python list

a_np = np.array(object = [1,2]) # numpy array
b_np = np.array(object = [3,4]) # numpy array

a_tf = tf.constant(value = [1,2], dtype = tf.int32) # native TF tensor
b_tf = tf.constant(value = [3,4], dtype = tf.int32) # native TF tensor

for result in [tf.add(x = a_py, y = b_py), tf.add(x = a_np, y = b_np), tf.add(x = a_tf, y = b_tf)]:
    print("Type: {}, Value: {}".format(type(result), result))

You can convert a native TF tensor to a NumPy array using .numpy()

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Linear Regression

Now let's use low level tensorflow operations to implement linear regression.

Later in the course you'll see abstracted ways to do this using high level TensorFlow.

Toy Dataset

We'll model the following function:

\begin{equation} y= 2x + 10 \end{equation}

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X = tf.constant(value = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], dtype = tf.float32)
Y = 2 * X + 10

Loss Function

Using mean squared error, our loss function is: \begin{equation} MSE = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{m}(\hat{Y}_i-Y_i)^2 \end{equation}

$\hat{Y}$ represents the vector containing our model's predictions: \begin{equation} \hat{Y} = w_oX + w_1 \end{equation}

Exercise 1

The function loss_mse below takes four arguments: the tensors $X$, $Y$ and the weights $w_0$ and $w_1$. Complete the function below to compute the Mean Square Error (MSE). Hint: check out the tf.reduce_mean function.

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def loss_mse(X, Y, w0, w1):
  # TODO: Your code goes here

Gradient Function

To use gradient descent we need to take the partial derivative of the loss function with respect to each of the weights. We could manually compute the derivatives, but with Tensorflow's automatic differentiation capabilities we don't have to!

During gradient descent we think of the loss as a function of the parameters $w_0$ and $w_1$. Thus, we want to compute the partial derivative with respect to these variables. The params=[2,3] argument tells TensorFlow to only compute derivatives with respect to the 2nd and 3rd arguments to the loss function (counting from 0, so really the 3rd and 4th).

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# Counting from 0, the 2nd and 3rd parameter to the loss function are our weights
grad_f = tf.contrib.eager.gradients_function(f = loss_mse, params = [2, 3])

Training Loop

Here we have a very simple training loop that converges. Note we are ignoring best practices like batching, creating a separate test set, and random weight initialization for the sake of simplicity.

Exercise 2

Complete the code to update the parameters $w_0$ and $w_1$ according to the gradients d_w0 and d_w1 and the specified learning rate.

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STEPS = 1000

# Initialize weights
w0 = tf.constant(value = 0.0, dtype = tf.float32)
w1 = tf.constant(value = 0.0, dtype = tf.float32)

for step in range(STEPS):
    #1. Calculate gradients
    d_w0, d_w1 = grad_f(X, Y, w0, w1) # derivatives calculated by tensorflow!

    #2. Update weights
    w0 = # TODO: Your code goes here
    w1 = # TODO: Your code goes here

    #3. Periodically print MSE
    if step % 100 == 0:
        print("STEP: {} MSE: {}".format(step,loss_mse(X, Y, w0, w1)))

# Print final MSE and weights
print("STEP: {} MSE: {}".format(STEPS,loss_mse(X, Y, w0, w1)))
print("w0:{}".format(round(float(w0), 4)))
print("w1:{}".format(round(float(w1), 4)))


Try modelling a non-linear function such as: $y=xe^{-x^2}$

Hint: Creating more training data will help. Also, you will need to build non-linear features.

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from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

X = tf.constant(value = np.linspace(0,2,1000), dtype = tf.float32)
Y = X*np.exp(-X**2) * X
plt.plot(X, Y)

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def make_features(X):
    features = [X]
    features.append(tf.ones_like(X))  # Bias.
    # TODO: add new features.
    return tf.stack(features, axis=1)

def make_weights(n_weights):
    W = [tf.constant(value = 0.0, dtype = tf.float32) for _ in range(n_weights)]
    return tf.expand_dims(tf.stack(W),-1)

def predict(X, W):
    Y_hat = tf.matmul(# TODO)
    return tf.squeeze(Y_hat, axis=-1)

def loss_mse(X, Y, W):
    Y_hat = predict(X, W)
    return tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor = (Y_hat - Y)**2)

X = tf.constant(value = np.linspace(0,2,1000), dtype = tf.float32)
Y = np.exp(-X**2) * X

grad_f = tf.contrib.eager.gradients_function(f = loss_mse, params=[2])

In [ ]:
STEPS = 2000

# Weights/features.
Xf = make_features(X)
# Xf = Xf[:,0:2]  # Linear features only.
W = make_weights(Xf.get_shape()[1].value)

# For plotting
steps = []
losses = []

for step in range(STEPS):
    #1. Calculate gradients
    dW = grad_f(Xf, Y, W)[0]
    #2. Update weights
    #3. Periodically print MSE
    if step % 100 == 0:
        loss = loss_mse(Xf, Y, W)
        plt.plot(steps, losses)
# Print final MSE and weights
print("STEP: {} MSE: {}".format(STEPS,loss_mse(Xf, Y, W)))

# Plot results
plt.plot(X, Y, label='actual')
plt.plot(X, predict(Xf, W), label='predicted')

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