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This notebook provides an example workflow of using the PCA ML container for training a clustering ML model.


The notebook uses the Iris dataset. It consists of 3 different types of irises (Setosa, Versicolour, and Virginica) petal and sepal length, stored in a 150x5 table. Since this algorithm is unsupervised, we disregard the labels.


The goal of this notebook is to go through a common training workflow:

  • Create a dataset
  • Train an ML model using the AI Platform Training service
  • Monitor the training job with TensorBoard
  • Identify if the model was trained successfully by looking at the generated "Run Report"
  • Deploy the model for serving using the AI Platform Prediction service
  • Use the endpoint for online predictions
  • Interactively inspect the deployed ML model with the What-If Tool


This tutorial uses billable components of Google Cloud Platform (GCP):

  • Cloud AI Platform
  • Cloud Storage

Learn about Cloud AI Platform pricing and Cloud Storage pricing, and use the Pricing Calculator to generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage.

Set up your local development environment

If you are using Colab or AI Platform Notebooks, your environment already meets all the requirements to run this notebook. You can skip this step.

Otherwise, make sure your environment meets this notebook's requirements. You need the following:

  • The Google Cloud SDK
  • Git
  • Python 3
  • virtualenv
  • Jupyter notebook running in a virtual environment with Python 3

The Google Cloud guide to Setting up a Python development environment and the Jupyter installation guide provide detailed instructions for meeting these requirements. The following steps provide a condensed set of instructions:

  1. Install and initialize the Cloud SDK.

  2. Install Python 3.

  3. Install virtualenv and create a virtual environment that uses Python 3.

  4. Activate that environment and run pip install jupyter in a shell to install Jupyter.

  5. Run jupyter notebook in a shell to launch Jupyter.

  6. Open this notebook in the Jupyter Notebook Dashboard.

Set up your GCP project

The following steps are required, regardless of your notebook environment.

  1. Select or create a GCP project.. When you first create an account, you get a $300 free credit towards your compute/storage costs.

  2. Make sure that billing is enabled for your project.

  3. Enable the AI Platform APIs and Compute Engine APIs.

  4. Enter your project ID in the cell below. Then run the cell to make sure the Cloud SDK uses the right project for all the commands in this notebook.

Note: Jupyter runs lines prefixed with ! as shell commands, and it interpolates Python variables prefixed with $ into these commands.

In [ ]:
PROJECT_ID = "[your-project-id]" #@param {type:"string"}
! gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

Authenticate your GCP account

If you are using AI Platform Notebooks, your environment is already authenticated. Skip this step.

If you are using Colab, run the cell below and follow the instructions when prompted to authenticate your account via oAuth.

Otherwise, follow these steps:

  1. In the GCP Console, go to the Create service account key page.

  2. From the Service account drop-down list, select New service account.

  3. In the Service account name field, enter a name.

  4. From the Role drop-down list, select Machine Learning Engine > AI Platform Admin and Storage > Storage Object Admin.

  5. Click Create. A JSON file that contains your key downloads to your local environment.

  6. Enter the path to your service account key as the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS variable in the cell below and run the cell.

In [ ]:
import sys

# If you are running this notebook in Colab, run this cell and follow the
# instructions to authenticate your GCP account. This provides access to your
# Cloud Storage bucket and lets you submit training jobs and prediction
# requests.

if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
  from google.colab import auth as google_auth

# If you are running this notebook locally, replace the string below with the
# path to your service account key and run this cell to authenticate your GCP
# account.

Create a Cloud Storage bucket

The following steps are required, regardless of your notebook environment.

You need to have a "workspace" bucket that will hold the dataset and the output from the ML Container. Set the name of your Cloud Storage bucket below. It must be unique across all Cloud Storage buckets.

You may also change the REGION variable, which is used for operations throughout the rest of this notebook. Make sure to choose a region where Cloud AI Platform services are available. You may not use a Multi-Regional Storage bucket for training with AI Platform.

In [ ]:
BUCKET_NAME = "[your-bucket-name]" #@param {type:"string"}
REGION = 'us-central1' #@param {type:"string"}

Only if your bucket doesn't already exist: Run the following cell to create your Cloud Storage bucket.

In [ ]:
! gsutil mb -l $REGION gs://$BUCKET_NAME

Finally, validate access to your Cloud Storage bucket by examining its contents:

In [ ]:
! gsutil ls -al gs://$BUCKET_NAME

PIP Install Packages and dependencies

In [ ]:
! pip install witwidget

Import libraries and define constants

In [ ]:
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import time
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from IPython.core.display import HTML
from googleapiclient import discovery

Create a dataset

In [4]:
# load Iris dataset
iris = datasets.load_iris()
names = ['sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_length', 'petal_width']
data = pd.DataFrame(, columns=names)

# split
training, validation = train_test_split(data, test_size=50)

# standardization 
data_mean = training.mean(axis=0)
data_std = training.std(axis=0)
training = (training - data_mean) / data_std
validation = (validation - data_mean) / data_std

print('Training data head')

training_data = os.path.join('gs://', BUCKET_NAME, 'data/train.csv')
validation_data = os.path.join('gs://', BUCKET_NAME, 'data/valid.csv')

print('Copy the data in bucket ...')
with, 'w') as f:
  training.to_csv(f, index=False)
with, 'w') as f:
  validation.to_csv(f, index=False)

Training data head
sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width
116 0.862523 -0.061862 0.970659 0.741731
148 0.478611 0.821882 0.911724 1.412374
30 -1.312980 0.159074 -1.327805 -1.404326
118 2.398172 -0.945606 1.795748 1.412374
37 -1.185009 1.263754 -1.445675 -1.538455
Copy the data in bucket ...

Cloud training

Accelerator and distribution support

GPU Multi-GPU Node TPU Workers Parameter Server
Yes No No Yes Yes

To have distribution and/or accelerators to your AI Platform training call, use parameters similar to the examples as shown below.

--master-machine-type standard_gpu
    --worker-machine-type standard_gpu
    --worker-count 2

AI Platform training

In [ ]:
output_location = os.path.join('gs://', BUCKET_NAME, 'output')

job_name = "pca_{}".format(time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
!gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training $job_name \
    --master-image-uri \
    --region $REGION \
    --scale-tier CUSTOM \
    --master-machine-type standard \
    -- \
    --output-location $output_location \
    --training-data $training_data \
    --validation-data $validation_data \
    --data-type csv \
    --number-components 2

Local training snippet

Note that the training can also be done locally with Docker

docker run \
    -v /tmp:/tmp \
    -it \
    --output-location /tmp/pca \
    --training-data /tmp/train.csv \
    --validation-data /tmp/valid.csv \
    --data-type csv \
    --number-components 2

Monitor the training with TensorBoard

In [ ]:
  %load_ext tensorboard
  %tensorboard --logdir {output_location}
  !tensorboard --logdir {output_location}

Inspect the Run Report

The "Run Report" will help you identify if the model was successfully trained.

In [5]:
if not, 'report.html')):
  raise RuntimeError('The file report.html was not found. Did the training job finish?')

with, 'report.html')) as f:

+ Table of Contents

Runtime arguments

training_data gs://aihub-content-test/pca/data/train.csv
validation_data gs://aihub-content-test/pca/data/valid.csv
number_components 2
output_location gs://aihub-content-test/pca/output
data_type csv
fresh_start False
projection_dimension 0
projection_type sparse
projection_sparsity_coefficient 1
batch_size 64
sparse_data_flag False
training_steps -1
num_gpus 0
remainder None

Tensorboard snippet

To see the training progress, you can need to install the latest tensorboard with the command: pip install -U tensorboard and then run one of the following commands.

Local tensorboard

tensorboard --logdir gs://aihub-content-test/pca/output

Publicly shared tensorboard

tensorboard dev upload --logdir gs://aihub-content-test/pca/output


Data reading snippet

import tensorflow as tf
import pandas as pd

sample = pd.DataFrame()
for filename in'gs://aihub-content-test/pca/data/valid.csv'):
  with, 'r') as f:
    sample = sample.append(
      pd.read_csv(f, nrows=sample_size-len(sample)))
  if len(sample) >= sample_size:

Training dataset sample

sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width
0 0.7053 0.1411 0.9918 0.7776
1 0.5839 -1.8053 0.3677 0.1263
... ... ... ... ...
98 2.2835 1.8443 1.6727 1.2987
99 0.5839 -1.3187 0.6514 0.3869

100 rows × 4 columns

Validation dataset sample

sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width
0 0.4625 -0.3455 0.3109 0.1263
1 0.5839 0.6277 0.5379 0.5171
... ... ... ... ...
48 -0.1445 3.3041 -1.2778 -1.0460
49 -0.8729 1.8443 -1.2211 -1.3065

50 rows × 4 columns

Dataset inspection

You can use AI Platform to create a detailed inspection report for your dataset with the following console snippet:

# can be one of: tfrecord, parquet, avro, csv, json, bigquery
JOB_NAME=tabular_data_inspection_$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')

gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training $JOB_NAME \
  --stream-logs \
  --master-image-uri \
  -- \
  --output-location $OUTPUT_LOCATION \
  --data $DATA \
  --data-type $DATA_TYPE \
  --max-sample-size $MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE


Local predictions snippet

import tensorflow as tf

# The input data should have format: {f1: [[1],[2]], f2: [[4,2],[3,1], ...]}
saved_model = 'gs://aihub-content-test/pca/output/export/1581023709'
predict_fn = tf.contrib.predictor.from_saved_model(saved_model)
predictions = predict_fn(estimator_input)

Deploy for serving snippet


# create model name
gcloud ai-platform models create $MODEL_NAME

# create version name
gcloud ai-platform versions create $MODEL_VERSION \
  --model $MODEL_NAME \
  --origin gs://aihub-content-test/pca/output/export/1581023709 \
  --runtime-version=1.15 \
  --framework=tensorflow \

Training transformation sample

0 1
0 1.2770 0.5201
1 1.0897 -1.4078
... ... ...
98 2.2382 2.7737
99 1.2498 -0.9211

100 rows × 2 columns

Validation transformation sample

0 1
0 0.5454 -0.1206
1 0.6567 0.8701
... ... ...
48 -2.4631 2.7874
49 -2.4948 1.1447

50 rows × 2 columns

Scatter plot of the first two principal components

Prediction tables

Training data and transformation sample

Predictions Data Features:
result sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width
0 1
26 1.1482 -0.2591 0.4625 -0.5888 0.5947 0.7776
86 0.6685 -0.0272 0.7053 -0.3455 0.3109 0.1263
2 1.4993 0.8095 0.7053 0.3844 0.8784 1.4289
55 0.2998 -1.1274 -0.3873 -1.0754 0.3677 -0.0039
75 0.8904 0.0737 0.9481 -0.3455 0.4812 0.1263
93 0.8221 0.3057 0.9481 -0.1022 0.3677 0.2566
16 1.2592 1.1641 0.4625 0.8710 0.9351 1.4289
73 -2.1993 0.2954 -0.7515 0.8710 -1.3346 -1.3065
54 0.0002 -2.7486 -0.9943 -2.5352 -0.1430 -0.2644
95 0.8087 0.5751 1.0695 0.1411 0.3677 0.2566
53 -2.1987 -0.5246 -1.1157 0.1411 -1.2778 -1.4367
92 0.4016 -1.5561 -1.1157 -1.3187 0.4244 0.6474
78 0.1892 -0.2377 -0.5087 -0.1022 0.4244 0.3869
13 -2.3107 -0.6503 -1.4799 0.1411 -1.2778 -1.3065
7 0.5803 0.0773 0.3411 -0.1022 0.4812 0.2566
30 1.1485 -0.6466 -0.0231 -0.8321 0.7649 0.9079
22 -2.7638 1.8427 -0.7515 2.5742 -1.2778 -1.4367
24 1.2270 -0.0363 1.1909 -0.5888 0.5947 0.2566
33 -2.3900 -0.3860 -1.3585 0.3844 -1.3913 -1.3065
8 1.7387 1.0319 0.5839 0.6277 1.2756 1.6894
43 1.4367 -0.3522 -0.0231 -0.5888 0.7649 1.5592
62 1.9304 0.7487 1.0695 0.1411 1.0486 1.5592
3 -2.2279 0.2513 -0.8729 0.8710 -1.2778 -1.3065
71 -2.8503 0.4507 -1.4799 1.3576 -1.5615 -1.3065
45 -2.3458 1.9069 -0.0231 2.3309 -1.4480 -1.3065
48 0.0207 -1.0287 -0.7515 -0.8321 0.0840 0.2566
6 -2.2807 0.1213 -1.2371 0.8710 -1.0509 -1.3065
99 1.2498 -0.9211 0.5839 -1.3187 0.6514 0.3869
82 -2.4247 -0.9715 -1.7227 -0.1022 -1.3913 -1.3065
76 -2.4186 -0.4301 -1.4799 0.3844 -1.3346 -1.3065

Validation data and transformation sample

Predictions Data Features:
result sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width
0 1
28 0.2468 -0.5818 -0.1445 -0.5888 0.1975 0.1263
11 -2.2632 0.4858 -0.8729 1.1143 -1.3346 -1.1762
10 2.2445 0.5150 1.7979 -0.3455 1.4458 0.7776
41 0.3785 -0.5717 -0.1445 -0.5888 0.4244 0.1263
2 -2.1547 -0.5545 -1.2371 0.1411 -1.2211 -1.3065
27 2.7129 0.9911 2.2835 -0.1022 1.3323 1.4289
38 -2.0200 1.4417 -0.1445 1.8443 -1.1643 -1.1762
31 0.2931 -0.8487 -0.2659 -0.8321 0.2542 0.1263
22 2.1171 2.8309 2.5263 1.8443 1.5025 1.0381
4 1.2766 -1.1270 -0.1445 -1.3187 0.7081 1.0381
33 2.1006 2.1227 1.6765 1.3576 1.3323 1.6894
35 -1.8692 0.0766 -0.8729 0.6277 -1.1643 -0.9157
26 -2.6065 0.5865 -1.1157 1.3576 -1.3346 -1.4367
34 -2.6145 2.2174 -0.3873 2.8175 -1.3346 -1.3065
18 1.3177 -0.4326 0.5839 -0.8321 0.6514 0.7776
7 0.0571 -0.1482 -0.1445 -0.1022 0.2542 -0.0039
14 1.3230 -1.7268 0.2197 -2.0486 0.7081 0.3869
45 0.6637 0.4918 0.0983 0.3844 0.5947 0.7776
48 -2.4631 2.7874 -0.1445 3.3041 -1.2778 -1.0460
29 -1.9774 0.3964 -0.5087 0.8710 -1.1643 -1.3065
15 1.8029 0.4090 0.8267 -0.1022 1.1621 1.2987
30 0.4600 -0.3976 0.3411 -0.5888 0.1407 0.1263
32 1.9432 1.0114 1.1909 0.3844 1.2188 1.4289
16 -0.2906 -2.0854 -0.9943 -1.8053 -0.2565 -0.2644
42 2.0103 -0.6687 1.0695 -1.3187 1.1621 0.7776
20 -0.4272 -1.9094 -1.1157 -1.5620 -0.2565 -0.2644
43 0.1795 -1.6023 -0.3873 -1.5620 0.0272 -0.1342
8 1.5955 1.1537 1.0695 0.6277 1.1053 1.1684
13 1.8160 0.5272 1.1909 -0.1022 0.9918 1.1684
25 -1.7657 -2.4696 -1.6013 -1.8053 -1.3913 -1.1762

Deployment parameters

In [ ]:
#@markdown ---
model = 'pca_iris' #@param {type:"string"}
version = 'v1' #@param {type:"string"}
#@markdown ---

In [ ]:
# the exact location of the model is in model_uri.txt
with, 'model_uri.txt')) as f:
  model_uri =

# create a model
! gcloud ai-platform models create {model} --regions {REGION}

# create a version
! gcloud ai-platform versions create {version} \
  --model $model \
  --runtime-version 1.15 \
  --origin $model_uri \
  --project $PROJECT_ID

Use the endpoint for online predictions

In [11]:
# format the data for serving
instances = validation.to_dict(orient='records')

# make a REST call for online inference
service ='ml', 'v1')
name = 'projects/{project}/models/{model}/versions/{version}'.format(project=PROJECT_ID,
body = {'instances': instances}

response = service.projects().predict(name=name, body=body).execute()
if 'error' in response:
    raise RuntimeError(response['error'])

reduced_dimention = [row['result'] for row in response['predictions']]
print('First 5 rows of the result:')

[{'sepal_length': 0.46253253969737423,
  'sepal_width': -0.3454944346334629,
  'petal_length': 0.31094454340312366,
  'petal_width': 0.12634912850538776},
 {'sepal_length': 0.5839321564158446,
  'sepal_width': 0.6277293248974221,
  'petal_length': 0.5379113634054036,
  'petal_width': 0.517119629037516}]
/Users/evo/Library/Python/3.7/lib/python/site-packages/google/auth/ UserWarning:

Your application has authenticated using end user credentials from Google Cloud SDK. We recommend that most server applications use service accounts instead. If your application continues to use end user credentials from Cloud SDK, you might receive a "quota exceeded" or "API not enabled" error. For more information about service accounts, see

First 5 rows of the result:
[[0.5453819036483765, -0.12061499804258347],
 [0.6567033529281616, 0.8700851202011108],
 [-2.1546521186828613, -0.5544523000717163],
 [1.4599521160125732, 0.3652043044567108],
 [1.276591181755066, -1.126971960067749]]

Inspect the ML model

In [ ]:
import witwidget
from witwidget.notebook.visualization import WitWidget, WitConfigBuilder

config_builder = WitConfigBuilder(examples=validation.to_dict(orient='records'))

Cleaning up

To clean up all GCP resources used in this project, you can delete the GCP project you used for the tutorial.

In [ ]:
# Delete model version resource
! gcloud ai-platform versions delete $version --quiet --model $model 

# Delete model resource
! gcloud ai-platform models delete $model --quiet

# If training job is still running, cancel it
! gcloud ai-platform jobs cancel $job_name --quiet

# Delete Cloud Storage objects that were created
! gsutil -m rm -r $BUCKET_NAME