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%matplotlib inline
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from feynman import Diagram
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,2))
ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1], frameon=False)
ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
# Sigma operator
D = Diagram(ax)
v11 = D.vertex([.1, .08])
v12 = D.vertex(v11.xy, dx=.15)
Sigma = D.operator([v11, v12])
# Symbols
D.text(v12.x+.1, v12.y, "=")
# GW convolution
v21 = D.vertex(v12.xy, dxy=[0.2, -0.04])
v22 = D.vertex(v21.xy, dx=0.4)
l21 = D.line(v21, v22, style='double', arrow=True)
# Specifying the number of wiggles and the amplitude of the wiggles
l22 = D.line(v21, v22, style='double wiggly elliptic', nwiggles=5.5, amplitude=0.015)
# 't' is the coordinate along the line (from 0 to 1)
l21.text("G", t=0.4, y=.025, fontsize=24)
l22.text("W", y=-.06, fontsize=24)
# Plot and show