Double Multiple Stripe Analysis (2MSA) for Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) Oscillators

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import numpy
from rmtk.vulnerability.common import utils
from rmtk.vulnerability.derivation_fragility.NLTHA_on_SDOF import MSA_utils
from rmtk.vulnerability.derivation_fragility.NLTHA_on_SDOF.read_pinching_parameters import read_parameters
from rmtk.vulnerability.derivation_fragility.NLTHA_on_SDOF import double_MSA_on_SDOF
%matplotlib inline

Load capacity curves

In order to use this methodology, it is necessary to provide one (or a group) of capacity curves, defined according to the format described in the RMTK manual.

Please provide the location of the file containing the capacity curves using the parameter capacity_curves_file.

If the User wants to specify the cyclic hysteretic behaviour of the SDOF system, please input the path of the file where the hysteretic parameters are contained, using the variable sdof_hysteresis. The parameters should be defined according to the format described in the RMTK manual. If instead default parameters want to be assumed, please set the sdof_hysteresis variable to "Default"

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capacity_curves_file = '/Users/chiaracasotto/GitHub/rmtk_data/2MSA/capacity_curves.csv'
sdof_hysteresis = "/Users/chiaracasotto/GitHub/rmtk_data/pinching_parameters.csv"

capacity_curves = utils.read_capacity_curves(capacity_curves_file)
capacity_curves = utils.check_SDOF_curves(capacity_curves)
hysteresis = read_parameters(sdof_hysteresis)

Load ground motion records

For what concerns the ground motions to be used in the Double Multiple Stripe Analysis the following inputs are required:

  1. gmrs_folder: path to the folder containing the ground motion records to be used in the analysis. Each accelerogram needs to be in a separate CSV file as described in the RMTK manual.
  2. record_scaled_folder. In this folder there should be a csv file for each Intensity Measure bin selected for the MSA, containing the names of the records that should be scaled to that IM bin, and the corresponding scaling factors. An example of this type of file is provided in the RMTK manual.
  3. no_bins: number of Intensity Measure bins.
  4. no_rec_bin: number of records per bin
  5. number_models_in_DS: the number of model to populate each initial damage state with.

If a certain relationship wants to be kept between the ground motion characteristics of the mainshock and the aftershock, the variable filter_aftershocks should be set to TRUE and the following parameters should be defined:

  1. Mw_multiplier: the ratio between the aftershock magnitude and the mainshock magnitude.
  2. waveform_path: the path to the file containing for each gmr magnitude and predominant period; Otherwise the variable filter_aftershocks should be set to FALSE and the aforementioned parameters can be left empty.

If the user wants to plot acceleration, displacement and velocity response spectra, the function utils.plot_response_spectra(gmrs, minT, maxT) should be un-commented. The parameters minT and maxT are used to define the period bounds when plotting the spectra for the provided ground motion fields.

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gmrs_folder = '../../../../../rmtk_data/MSA_records'
number_models_in_DS = 1
no_bins = 2
no_rec_bin = 10
damping_ratio = 0.05
minT = 0.1
maxT = 2

filter_aftershocks = 'FALSE'
Mw_multiplier = 0.92
waveform_path = '../../../../../rmtk_data/2MSA/waveform.csv'

gmrs = utils.read_gmrs(gmrs_folder)
gmr_characteristics = MSA_utils.assign_Mw_Tg(waveform_path, gmrs, Mw_multiplier, 
                                                   damping_ratio, filter_aftershocks)

Load damage state thresholds

Please provide the path to your damage model file using the parameter damage_model_file in the cell below.

Currently the user can provide spectral displacement, capacity curve dependent and interstorey drift damage model type. If the damage model type is interstorey drift the user has to input interstorey drift values of the MDOF system. The user can then provide the pushover curve in terms of Vb-dfloor to be able to convert interstorey drift limit states to roof displacements and spectral displacements of the SDOF system, otherwise a linear relationship is assumed.

In [ ]:
damage_model_file = "/Users/chiaracasotto/GitHub/rmtk_data/2MSA/damage_model_ISD.csv"

damage_model = utils.read_damage_model(damage_model_file)

Calculate fragility function

In order to obtain the fragility model, it is necessary to input the location of the damage model (damage_model), using the format described in the RMTK manual. It is as well necessary to input the damping value of the structure(s) under analysis and the value of the period (T) to be considered in the regression analysis. The method allows to consider or not degradation. Finally, if desired, it is possible to save the resulting fragility model in a .csv file.

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degradation = False
record_scaled_folder = "../../../../../rmtk_data/2MSA/Scaling_factors"

msa = MSA_utils.define_2MSA_parameters(no_bins,no_rec_bin,record_scaled_folder,filter_aftershocks)
PDM, Sds, gmr_info = double_MSA_on_SDOF.calculate_fragility(
                        capacity_curves, hysteresis, msa, gmrs, gmr_characteristics,
                        damage_model, damping_ratio,degradation, number_models_in_DS)

Fit lognormal CDF fragility curves

The following parameters need to be defined in the cell below in order to fit lognormal CDF fragility curves to the damage probability matrix obtained above:

  1. IMT: This parameter specifies the intensity measure type to be used. Currently supported options are "PGA", "Sa","Sd" and "HI" (Housner Intensity).
  2. period: This parameter defines the period for which a spectral intensity measure should be computed. If Housner Intensity is selected as intensity measure a range of periods should be defined instead (for example T=np.arange(0.3,3.61,0.01)).
  3. regression_method: This parameter defines the regression method to be used for estimating the parameters of the fragility functions. The valid options are "least squares" and "max likelihood".

In [ ]:
IMT = 'Sa'
T = 0.47
#T = numpy.arange(0.4,1.91,0.01)
regression_method = 'max likelihood'
fragility_model = MSA_utils.calculate_fragility_model_damaged( PDM,gmrs,gmr_info,IMT,msa,damage_model,
                                                                        T,damping_ratio, regression_method)

Plot fragility functions

The following parameters need to be defined in the cell below in order to plot the lognormal CDF fragility curves obtained above:

  • minIML and maxIML: These parameters define the limits of the intensity measure level for plotting the functions

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minIML, maxIML = 0.01, 4

MSA_utils.plot_fragility_model(fragility_model,damage_model,minIML, maxIML)

Save fragility functions

The derived parametric fragility functions can be saved to a file in either CSV format or in the NRML format that is used by all OpenQuake input models. The following parameters need to be defined in the cell below in order to save the lognormal CDF fragility curves obtained above:

  1. taxonomy: This parameter specifies a taxonomy string for the the fragility functions.
  2. minIML and maxIML: These parameters define the bounds of applicability of the functions.
  3. output_type: This parameter specifies the file format to be used for saving the functions. Currently, the formats supported are "csv" and "nrml".

In [ ]:
output_type = "csv"
output_path = "../../../../../rmtk_data/2MSA/"
minIML, maxIML = 0.01, 4
tax = 'RC'

MSA_utils.save_mean_fragility(fragility_model,damage_model,tax,output_type,output_path,minIML, maxIML)

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