In [2]:
import matplotlib.pylab as pl
%matplotlib inline
Let's assume that we ask the reviewers to bet on the usefullness of an article. The question is "how many articles will use the methods introduced in this article?" The reviewers is then be asked to give a prediction of how many articles within 1 year, 2 year, 3 year x.. with a standard deviation for each prediction. This would effectively create a real time betting curve for each reviewer. Every hour/day, the market would resolve itself and attribute the earnings to all the winning reviewers.
Reviewers can modify their future predictions, but by doing so they have to sell their position back to the market, which might be at a loss or as a gain.
In [3]:
import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.special import erf
import matplotlib.pylab as pl
%matplotlib inline
In [4]:
# illustration of what a predictive market would look like.
guess = np.array([
# year, n_articles, std
[ 0.0, 0., 0.0001 ],
[ 1.0, 2., 3. ],
[ 2.0, 3., 4. ],
[ 3.0, 5., 5. ],
[ 4.0, 8., 6. ],
[ 5.0, 10., 6. ],
[ 10.0, 14., 6. ],
with pl.xkcd():
pl.plot(guess[:,0], guess[:,1])
pl.fill_between(guess[:,0], guess[:,1]-guess[:,2], guess[:,1]+guess[:,2], alpha=0.2)
pl.ylabel('Number of articles')
Definite integral of a normal distribution
In [5]:
normint = lambda a,b,mu,sigma: 0.5 * (erf((b - mu) / (np.sqrt(2.0)*sigma)) - erf((a - mu) / (np.sqrt(2.0)*sigma)))
In [6]:
Y,N = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0.5, 10, 10),
np.linspace(0, 50, 30))
dn = abs(N[0,0]-N[1,1])
imu = interp1d(guess[:,0],guess[:,1])
isig = interp1d(guess[:,0],guess[:,2])
P = normint(N.flatten(), N.flatten()+dn, imu(Y.flatten()), isig(Y.flatten()))
P = P.reshape(Y.shape)
Lets plot the difference between the predictions and the reported trend
In [7]:
t = 3.5
x = np.linspace(0,t, 100)
scal = 1.4
with pl.xkcd():
pl.contourf(Y,N+dn/2.,P, 20)
cb = pl.colorbar()
pl.errorbar(guess[:,0], guess[:,1], guess[:,2], marker='s', ls='', c='k', label='PREDICTION')
pl.plot(x, imu(x)*scal, label='REPORTED')
pl.plot(t, imu(t)*scal,'ro')
pl.ylabel('N ARTICLES')
pl.xlabel('N YEARS')
pl.xlim([0.5, 10])
pl.ylim([1, 30])
xy=(t,imu(t)*scal+1), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->'), xytext=(1.5, 18))
In [8]:
In [ ]:
In [9]:
import pandas as pd
In [10]:
from datetime import datetime
In [11]:
class PredictiveMarket(object):
def __init__(self, task):
for k, v in task.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
self.positions_wannabe = []
self.positions_players = []
#for o in range(len(self.possible_outcomes)):
# self.positions_wannabe.append({
# 'name':'start',
# 'outcome':o,
# 'amount':0.0,
# 'buy':1.0/len(self.possible_outcomes),
# 'sell':1.0,
# 'date'})
# self.positions_players.append({
# 'name':'start',
# 'outcome':o,
# 'amount':0.0,
# 'buy':1.0/len(self.possible_outcomes),
# 'sell':1.0,
# 'date'})
def register_position(self, name, outcome, amount, buy, sell=0.95):
"""Register the position of a scientific bet
outcome (int) The index of the possible outcome
amount (float, min=0.0) How much money in EUR the user want to buy
buy (float, min=0.0, max=1.0) The maximum ratio at before which the user is ready to buy at
sell (float, min=0.0, max=1.0) The maximum ratio at after which the user is ready to sell at
def resolve_positions(self):
def wannabe(self):
return pd.DataFrame(self.positions_wannabe)
def players(self):
return pd.DataFrame(self.positions_players)
def market_value(self):
if len(self.positions_players) == 0:
return 0.0
return self.players.amount.sum()
def close_market(self):
Mark is reviewing an article. In this context he is doubting that a result can be reproduced. He therefore creates a scientific task around it.
In [12]:
result1_task1 = {
'description': 'Attempt to reproduce the result 1 of this article',
'doi': '10.1051/itmconf/20140201004',
'reference': 'result 1, p. 4',
'type': 'scientific task',
'possible_outcomes': [
'the result is reproducible',
'the result is not reproducible'
pm_result1 = PredictiveMarket(result1_task1)
Mark then proceed to bet on the predicitve market that he has just created
In [13]:
pm_result1.register_position('Mark', 1, 50., 0.6, 0.95)
#pm_result1.register_position('Albert', 1, 10., 0.7, 0.95)
Erik notices that there is a new predictive market that is of interest for him
In [14]:
print('Emergence: There is a new scientific task associated to DOI:%s: "%s"'%(pm_result1.doi, pm_result1.description))
print('Erik: hmmm interesting! I bet it is not goint to be reproducible')
Erik then proceeds to bet:
In [15]:
pm_result1.register_position('Erik', 0, 10., 0.7, 0.95)
pm_result1.register_position('Soeren', 0, 20., 0.6, 0.95)
The market booky is going to create the bet odds from there on. He will use the lowest probability as a starting point. Mark is ready to pay 50EUR at a probability of winning of 0.6. That means that if he wins, the booky would need to pay him.
In [16]:
pos_mark = pm_result1.wannabe.query('name == "Mark"')
print("%2.2f EUR"%(pos_mark.amount/
We try to maximize the market value, while keeping the probability as high as possible, without going over the constraints
In [17]:
from scipy.optimize import fmin_cobyla
import numpy as np
In [18]:
obj_func = lambda x: -x.sum()
In [19]:
x_init = np.ones(len(pm_result1.wannabe))
Create the constraints functions:
In [20]:
cons = []
amount = pm_result1.wannabe.amount
# The x cannot be more than the specified amount
more_than_amount = lambda i: lambda x: amount[i] - x[i]
# The x cannot be less than 0
less_than_0 = lambda i: lambda x: x[i]
for i in range(len(df)):
# If the outcome o wins, then the sum of all the payments shouldnt be bigger than the total sum of all the
# money in the market
mv = pm_result1.market_value
ocs = pm_result1.wannabe.outcome.values
buy =
house_never_loses = lambda o: lambda x: mv + x.sum() - sum(x[ocs == o]/buy[ocs == o])
for o in range(len(pm_result1.possible_outcomes)):
Find maxima that maximize the prediction market
In [ ]:
x1 = fmin_cobyla(obj_func, x_init, cons)
In [ ]:
for i in range(len(cons)):
print(i, cons[i](x1))
In [ ]:
for o in range(len(pm_result1.possible_outcomes)):
print(o, x1[pm_result1.wannabe.outcome.values == o],[pm_result1.wannabe.outcome.values == o],
x1[pm_result1.wannabe.outcome.values == o]/[pm_result1.wannabe.outcome.values == o],
sum(x1[pm_result1.wannabe.outcome.values == o]/[pm_result1.wannabe.outcome.values == o]),
In [ ]:
def probabilities(x, df):
for o in set(df.outcome.values):
print(pm_result1.possible_outcomes[o],':', sum(x[df.outcome.values==o])/sum(x))
In [ ]:
probabilities(x1, pm_result1.wannabe)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
10/0.5 + 33.33
Heavily inspired from this blog post: Augur’s Automated Market Maker: The LS-LMSR, By Dr. Abe Othman.
The cost function for the LMSR is given by:
$$ C(\textbf{q}) = b \log \left(\sum_{i=1}^n e^{\frac{q_i}{b}} \right) $$and the marginal prices on each event are given by the partial derivatives of the cost function: $$ p_j(\textbf{q}) = \frac{e^{\frac{q_j}{b}}}{\sum_{i=1}^n e^{\frac{q_i}{b}}} $$ where $b$, which is defined as a constant in the original LMSR model of Hanson, is here defined as a variable of q $$ b(\textbf{q})=\alpha \sum_{i=1}^n q_i $$
with $\alpha$ defined as
$$ \alpha = \frac{0.1}{n \log{n}} $$with $n$ being the number of dimensions of $\textbf{q}$
In [329]:
class LS_LMSRMarket(object):
def __init__(self, task, vig=0.1, init=1.0):
task dict
A dictionary describing the task for which the predictive market is created.
type: str
(e.g. 'scientific task')
description: str
description of the task to be performed
reference: str
Internal reference (e.g. 'result 1, p. 4')
doi: str
DOI of the related publication
possible_outcomes: list
List of strings describing the possible outcomes of the task
vig float
parameter of the `alpha` variable used to calculate the `b` variable.
Corresponds to the market "vig" value - typically between 5 and 30 percent in real-world markets
init float
The initial subsidies of the market, spread equally in this algorithm on all the outcomes.
for k, v in task.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
self.init = init
self.n = len(self.possible_outcomes)
self._x = [np.ones([self.n])*init/self.n]
self._book = []
self.market_value = init
self._history = []
self.alpha = vig*self.n/np.log(self.n)
def b(self, x):
"""Calculate the `b` equation: b=\alpha \Sigma x"""
return self.alpha * x.sum()
def book(self):
return pd.DataFrame(self._book)
def x(self):
return self._x[-1].copy()
def cost(self, x):
return self.b(x)*np.log(np.exp(x/self.b(x)).sum())
def _new_x(self, amount, outcome):
new_x = self.x
new_x[outcome] += amount
return new_x
def price(self, amount, outcome):
return self._price(self._new_x(amount, outcome))
def _price(self, x):
return self.cost(x)-self.cost(self.x)
def register_x(self, x):
def new_bet(self, name, paid, outcome):
obj_func = lambda a: np.abs(self.price(a, outcome) - paid)
owed = fmin_cobyla(obj_func, paid, [])
if owed<paid:
print('No, sorry the bet would be unfair!')
return owed
#price = self.price(amount, outcome)
self.register_x(self._new_x(owed, outcome))
self._book.append({'name':name, 'owed':owed, 'outcome':outcome, 'paid':paid})
self.market_value += paid
return owed
def p(self):
return np.exp(self.x/self.b(self.x))/np.exp(self.x/self.b(self.x)).sum()
def history(self):
return np.array(self._history)
In [330]:
In [331]:
In [332]:
pm = LS_LMSRMarket(result1_task1, init=10., vig=0.1)
In [333]:
pm.new_bet('Mark', 1., 0)
pm.new_bet('Erik', 3., 1)
pm.new_bet('Soeren', 1., 0)
pm.new_bet('Albert', 3., 1)
In [334]:
In [335]:
In [336]:
pl.legend(['outcome 0', 'outcome 1'])
In [337]:
n = 100
outcome = 0.001
# The amount is assumed to increase linearly with time, as the market increases its liquidity
amount = np.random.random([n]) * 100. #* (1+np.arange(n))/(1.*n)
outcomes = np.zeros([n])
outcomes[np.random.random([n])<outcome] = 1.0
Creating the new task prediction market
In [338]:
pm = LS_LMSRMarket(result1_task1, init=10., vig=0.1)
Performing the bets
In [339]:
for i, a, o in zip(range(n),amount, outcomes):
pm.new_bet('Trader-%d'%(i), a, int(o))
One company comes along and bet sh*t ton of money
In [340]:
pm.new_bet('EvilMegaCorp', 1.E3, 1)
The total to pay for each outcome
In [341]:
total ='outcome').sum()
total['house_wins'] = pm.market_value - total.owed
In [349]:'outcome').sum()
Plot the market prediction history
In [327]:
pl.legend(['outcome 0', 'outcome 1'])
pl.title('%d Trades, total market value=%2.2f EUR'%(n, pm.market_value))
The book of trades
In [328]:
book =
book['possible_win'] = -
book['p0'] = pm.history()[:,0]
book['p1'] = pm.history()[:,1]
In [237]:
In [229]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]: