Homework 6



due November 18th, 2015

We want to solve the linear system given by \begin{equation} Ax = b, \end{equation} where $A$ is a non-singular $n\times n$ matrix.

You have already solved this problem using Gaussian Elimination (and its partial pivoted version) which has an assymptotic cost $\mathcal{O}(n^3)$.

In this homework you will try to solve the system in lower complexity using an iterative method. In particular, you will implement the Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iterations and you will study its limitations.

Both Jacobi and Gauss-Iterations can be seen as fixed point methods, used by a matrix splitting.

Matrix Splitting

Given a square matrix $A$ you will define a splitting in two matrices $N$ and $M$ such that $A = N+M$. If you suppose that $N$ is invertible you can write the system \begin{equation} Ax = b, \end{equation} as \begin{equation} Nx = b - Mx, \end{equation} and you can define the fixed point iteration as \begin{equation} Nx^{n+1} = b - Mx^{n}, \end{equation} or equivalently \begin{equation} x^{n+1} = N^{-1}\left ( b - Mx^{n} \right), \end{equation} in which the inverse of $N$ is never computed explicitily.

In this case you can show that the convergence speed is can be determined from the spectral radius of the iteration matrix: \begin{equation} T = N^{-1}M. \end{equation}

Convergence rate

If we define \begin{equation} f(x) := N^{-1}\left ( b - Mx^{n} \right), \end{equation} then we are solving the fixed point problem \begin{equation} x = f(x). \end{equation}

We know that in this case, the fixed point iteration given by $x^{n+1} = f(x^n)$ converges if and only if there exist $\kappa <1$ such that \begin{equation} \| f(x) - f(y) \| \leq \kappa \|x - y\|, \qquad \forall x,y \in R^n, \end{equation} where we are using the Euclidean metric given by \begin{equation} \| x \| = \sqrt{\sum_{i = 1}^n |x_i|^2 }. \end{equation}

In such case, the error is given by \begin{equation} \| x^{n+1} - x\| \leq \frac{\kappa^{n+1}}{1 - \kappa} \| x^{0} - x\|, \end{equation} in other words, the convergence and its ratio ar given by $\kappa$.

Using the expression for $f$ we have that \begin{align} \| f(x) - f(y) \| & = \| N^{-1}(b - Mx) - N^{-1}(b - My) \|, \\ & = \| N^{-1} M(x -y) \|, \\ & \leq \|N^{-1} M \| \|x - y \|; \end{align} or \begin{equation} \kappa = \|N^{-1} M \| = \|T \|. \end{equation}

When we are using the Euclidean norm, we have that \begin{equation} \|T \| = \max_{z \neq 0} \frac{\|Tz \|}{\| z\|} = \rho(T). \end{equation} where the spectral radius $\rho(T)$ is given by \begin{equation} \rho(T) = \max_{i = 1,..,n} |\lambda_i|, \qquad \mbox{ where } \lambda_i \mbox{ are the eigenvalues of } T \end{equation}

Question 1: Jacobi Iteration

The Jacobi iteration correspond to a fixed point method, in which the Matrix splitting is given by \begin{equation} N = D, \qquad M= L+U, \end{equation} where $D$ is the diagonal of $A$ and $L$ and $U$ are the (strictly) upper and lower triangular parts of $A$.

In order to extract the diagonal, upper triangular and lower triangular matrices from $A$ we will use the built-in functions in Julia.

In [3]:
# size of the matrices
m = 10
# generate a random matrix
A = rand(m,m) + m*eye(m)
# get the digonal part
D = diagm(diag(A),0)
# to get the upper triangular part of the matrix
U = triu(A,1)
#and the lower part 
L = tril(A,-1)
# we check that this is indeed a matrix splitting
println("Error in the splitting = ",norm(A -(L+D+U)))

Error in the splitting = 0.0

Q1.a Implement the Jacobi iteration with input:

  • $A$ a square matrix,
  • $b$ a vector

Your function will have the following optional parameters

  • $Nmax$ maximum number of iterations, by default set to 30
  • $\epsilon$ the tolerance, by default set to 1e-6
  • history this is a boolean to return all the succesive approximations

The ouput of your function is the final approximation $x$ of your vector, of in the case that history is true, it will output a matrix with the all the intermediate approximations of size $ n \times \mbox{number of iterations to converge}$.

Your function will raise an error if it didn't converge in the $Nmax$ iterations.


  • to build the matrix with the intermediat steps you can use hcat

In [4]:
function JacobiIt(A,b; Nmax = 30, ϵ=1e-6, history = false)
    (n,m) = size(A)
    n!=m && error("Dimension mistmach")
    # initial guess
    x0 = zeros(b)
    history && (xHist = x0)
    absB = norm(b)
    # D
    D = diagm(diag(A),0)
    # L+U
    M = triu(A,1) + tril(A,-1)
    for i = 1:Nmax
        x = D\(b - M*x0)
        history && (xHist = hcat(xHist,x))
        if norm(x-x0)/absB < ϵ
            history ? (return xHist[:,2:end]) : (return x)
        x0 = x
    error("Tolerance not achieved within the maximum number of iterations")

JacobiIt (generic function with 1 method)

Question 2: Gauss-Seidel iteration

The Gauss-Seidel iteration is analogous to the Jacobi iteration; however, it uses a different splitting, namely \begin{equation} N = D+U, \qquad M= L, \end{equation}

Q1.a Implement the Gauss-Seidel iteration with input:

  • $A$ a square matrix,
  • $b$ a vector

Your function will have the following optional parameters

  • $Nmax$ maximum number of iterations, by default set to 30
  • $\epsilon$ the tolerance, by default set to 1e-6
  • history this is a boolean to return all the succesive approximations

The ouput of your function is the final approximation $x$ of your vector, of in the case that history is true, it will output a matrix with the all the intermediate approximations of size $ n \times \mbox{number of iterations to converge}$

Your function will raise an error if it didn't converge in the $Nmax$ iterations, and if the dimension of $A$ and $b$ are not consistent.


  • to build the matrix with the intermediat steps you can use hcat
  • you can type ? hcat to get the built-in help
  • you won't compute the inverse inv(N) explicitly, you will use a triangular solver by "\".

In [5]:
function GaussSeidelIt(A,b; Nmax = 30, ϵ=1e-6, history = false)
    x0 = zeros(b)
    history && (xHist = x0)
    absB = norm(b)
    N = triu(A,0)
    # to get the upper triangular part of the matrix
    M = tril(A,-1)
    for i = 1:Nmax
        x = N\(b - M*x0)
        history && (xHist = hcat(xHist,x))
        if norm(x-x0)/absB < ϵ
            history ? (return xHist[:,2:end]) : (return x)
        x0 = x
    error("Tolerance not achieved within the maximum number of iterations")

GaussSeidelIt (generic function with 1 method)

Question 3: Comparison

Use your algorithms to solve the following randomly generated system

In [6]:
m = 100
A = rand(m,m) + m*eye(m)
b = rand(m,1)

@time XJac = JacobiIt(A,b, history = true)
println("The residual is : ", norm(A*XJac[:,end]- b)/norm(b) )
println("number of iterations is : ",size(XJac,2))

@time XGS = GaussSeidelIt(A,b, history = true)
println("The residual is : ", norm(A*XGS[:,end]- b)/norm(b) )
println("number of iterations is : ",size(XGS,2))

  0.328955 seconds (661.30 k allocations: 31.605 MB, 2.90% gc time)
The residual is : 3

Q3.a How can you explain the one converges faster than the other? Write a small script that computes the spectral radius of the iteration matrix for both algorithms and use it on your explanation.

In [7]:
# we compute the spectral radius of the iteration matrix for both method
# Jacobi

N = diagm(diag(A),0)
M  = triu(A,1)+ tril(A,-1)

TJac = N\M;
λ = eigvals(TJac)
println("Spectral radius of the iteration of the Jacobi iteration is ", maximum(abs(λ)));

# Gauss Seidel
N = triu(A,0)
M  = tril(A,-1)

TGS = N\M;
λ = eigvals(TGS)
println("Spectral radius of the iteration of the Jacobi iteration is ", maximum(abs(λ)));

number of iterations is : 14
  0.026476 seconds (36.29 k allocations: 1.872 MB)
The residual is : 1.3149070138855238e-6
number of iterations is : 6
Spectral radius of the iteration of the Jacobi iteration is 0.4905944402067775
Spectral radius of the iteration of the Jacobi iteration is 0.10284071798268372

Answer: The number of iteration to converge is determined by the spectral radius of the iteration matrix. A smaller radius will mean a faster convergence, as you can see above, the spectral radius in the case of the Gauss Seidel iteration is much smaller than the one for Jacobi.

Now you will use your algorithms to solve a slighly different system

In [8]:
m = 100;
A = rand(m,m) + sqrt(m)*eye(m);
b = rand(m,1);

With the Jacobi iteration,

In [9]:
@time XJac = JacobiIt(A,b, history = true)
println("number of iterations is : ",size(XJac,2))

LoadError: Tolerance not achieved within the maximum number of iterations
while loading In[9], in expression starting on line 155

 in JacobiIt at In[4]:20

and with the Gauss Seidel iteration

In [10]:
@time XGS = GaussSeidelIt(A,b,Nmax = 60, history = true)
println("number of iterations is : ",size(XGS,2))

  0.001056 seconds (391 allocations: 599.203 KB)
number of iterations is : 27

Q3.b How can you explain the one converges and the other just fails? Write a small script that computes the spectral radius of the iteration matrix for both algorithms and use it on your explanation.

In [11]:
# we compute the spectral radius of the iteration matrix for both method
# Jacobi

N = diagm(diag(A),0)
M  = triu(A,1)+ tril(A,-1)

TJac = N\M;
λ = eigvals(TJac)
println("Spectral radius of the iteration of the Jacobi iteration is ", maximum(abs(λ)));

# Gauss Seidel
N = triu(A,0)
M  = tril(A,-1)

TGS = N\M;
λ = eigvals(TGS)
println("Spectral radius of the iteration of the Jacobi iteration is ", maximum(abs(λ)));

Spectral radius of the iteration of the Jacobi iteration is 4.695089018249572
Spectral radius of the iteration of the Jacobi iteration is 0.6846425465044048

Answer: We can observe that Jacobi iteration diverges, this is because the spectral radius of the iteration matrix is greater than 1, meaning that it has a instable mode. On the other hand, the spectral radius of the iteration matrix for Gauss-Seidel is well below one, meaning that the method converges.

Question 4: Complexity (bonus) (10 points)

Q4.a what is the complexity of one iteration of the Gauss-Seidel method? and about Jacobi?


Q4.b What would be the condition on the number of iterations in order such that the Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iteration would have a better complexity that Gaussian Elimination


Q4.c Run a benchmark with the randomly generated systems above. Can you achieve quadratic convergence?

In [136]:
# write your whole script here