Batch Normalization – Solutions

Batch normalization is most useful when building deep neural networks. To demonstrate this, we'll create a convolutional neural network with 20 convolutional layers, followed by a fully connected layer. We'll use it to classify handwritten digits in the MNIST dataset, which should be familiar to you by now.

This is not a good network for classfying MNIST digits. You could create a much simpler network and get better results. However, to give you hands-on experience with batch normalization, we had to make an example that was:

  1. Complicated enough that training would benefit from batch normalization.
  2. Simple enough that it would train quickly, since this is meant to be a short exercise just to give you some practice adding batch normalization.
  3. Simple enough that the architecture would be easy to understand without additional resources.

This notebook includes two versions of the network that you can edit. The first uses higher level functions from the tf.layers package. The second is the same network, but uses only lower level functions in the tf.nn package.

  1. Batch Normalization with tf.layers.batch_normalization
  2. Batch Normalization with tf.nn.batch_normalization

The following cell loads TensorFlow, downloads the MNIST dataset if necessary, and loads it into an object named mnist. You'll need to run this cell before running anything else in the notebook.

In [1]:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot=True, reshape=False)

Extracting MNIST_data/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Extracting MNIST_data/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
Extracting MNIST_data/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
Extracting MNIST_data/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz

Batch Normalization using tf.layers.batch_normalization

This version of the network uses tf.layers for almost everything, and expects you to implement batch normalization using tf.layers.batch_normalization

We'll use the following function to create fully connected layers in our network. We'll create them with the specified number of neurons and a ReLU activation function.

This version of the function does not include batch normalization.

In [2]:
def fully_connected(prev_layer, num_units):
    Create a fully connectd layer with the given layer as input and the given number of neurons.
    :param prev_layer: Tensor
        The Tensor that acts as input into this layer
    :param num_units: int
        The size of the layer. That is, the number of units, nodes, or neurons.
    :returns Tensor
        A new fully connected layer
    layer = tf.layers.dense(prev_layer, num_units, activation=tf.nn.relu)
    return layer

We'll use the following function to create convolutional layers in our network. They are very basic: we're always using a 3x3 kernel, ReLU activation functions, strides of 1x1 on layers with odd depths, and strides of 2x2 on layers with even depths. We aren't bothering with pooling layers at all in this network.

This version of the function does not include batch normalization.

In [3]:
def conv_layer(prev_layer, layer_depth):
    Create a convolutional layer with the given layer as input.
    :param prev_layer: Tensor
        The Tensor that acts as input into this layer
    :param layer_depth: int
        We'll set the strides and number of feature maps based on the layer's depth in the network.
        This is *not* a good way to make a CNN, but it helps us create this example with very little code.
    :returns Tensor
        A new convolutional layer
    strides = 2 if layer_depth % 3 == 0 else 1
    conv_layer = tf.layers.conv2d(prev_layer, layer_depth*4, 3, strides, 'same', activation=tf.nn.relu)
    return conv_layer

Run the following cell, along with the earlier cells (to load the dataset and define the necessary functions).

This cell builds the network without batch normalization, then trains it on the MNIST dataset. It displays loss and accuracy data periodically while training.

In [4]:
def train(num_batches, batch_size, learning_rate):
    # Build placeholders for the input samples and labels 
    inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 28, 28, 1])
    labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])
    # Feed the inputs into a series of 20 convolutional layers 
    layer = inputs
    for layer_i in range(1, 20):
        layer = conv_layer(layer, layer_i)

    # Flatten the output from the convolutional layers 
    orig_shape = layer.get_shape().as_list()
    layer = tf.reshape(layer, shape=[-1, orig_shape[1] * orig_shape[2] * orig_shape[3]])

    # Add one fully connected layer
    layer = fully_connected(layer, 100)

    # Create the output layer with 1 node for each 
    logits = tf.layers.dense(layer, 10)
    # Define 
    model_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=labels))
    train_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(model_loss)
    correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits,1), tf.argmax(labels,1))
    accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
    # Train and test the network
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        for batch_i in range(num_batches):
            batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size)

            # train this batch
  , {inputs: batch_xs, 
                                 labels: batch_ys})
            # Periodically check the validation or training loss and accuracy
            if batch_i % 100 == 0:
                loss, acc =[model_loss, accuracy], {inputs: mnist.validation.images,
                                                              labels: mnist.validation.labels})
                print('Batch: {:>2}: Validation loss: {:>3.5f}, Validation accuracy: {:>3.5f}'.format(batch_i, loss, acc))
            elif batch_i % 25 == 0:
                loss, acc =[model_loss, accuracy], {inputs: batch_xs, labels: batch_ys})
                print('Batch: {:>2}: Training loss: {:>3.5f}, Training accuracy: {:>3.5f}'.format(batch_i, loss, acc))

        # At the end, score the final accuracy for both the validation and test sets
        acc =, {inputs: mnist.validation.images,
                                  labels: mnist.validation.labels})
        print('Final validation accuracy: {:>3.5f}'.format(acc))
        acc =, {inputs: mnist.test.images,
                                  labels: mnist.test.labels})
        print('Final test accuracy: {:>3.5f}'.format(acc))
        # Score the first 100 test images individually, just to make sure batch normalization really worked
        correct = 0
        for i in range(100):
            correct +=,feed_dict={inputs: [mnist.test.images[i]],
                                                    labels: [mnist.test.labels[i]]})

        print("Accuracy on 100 samples:", correct/100)

num_batches = 800
batch_size = 64
learning_rate = 0.002

with tf.Graph().as_default():
    train(num_batches, batch_size, learning_rate)

Batch:  0: Validation loss: 0.69066, Validation accuracy: 0.09580
Batch: 25: Training loss: 0.33632, Training accuracy: 0.07812
Batch: 50: Training loss: 0.32540, Training accuracy: 0.10938
Batch: 75: Training loss: 0.32689, Training accuracy: 0.09375
Batch: 100: Validation loss: 0.32562, Validation accuracy: 0.10700
Batch: 125: Training loss: 0.32580, Training accuracy: 0.03125
Batch: 150: Training loss: 0.32605, Training accuracy: 0.10938
Batch: 175: Training loss: 0.32327, Training accuracy: 0.09375
Batch: 200: Validation loss: 0.32601, Validation accuracy: 0.09860
Batch: 225: Training loss: 0.32541, Training accuracy: 0.07812
Batch: 250: Training loss: 0.32626, Training accuracy: 0.07812
Batch: 275: Training loss: 0.32360, Training accuracy: 0.12500
Batch: 300: Validation loss: 0.32589, Validation accuracy: 0.09240
Batch: 325: Training loss: 0.32271, Training accuracy: 0.15625
Batch: 350: Training loss: 0.32303, Training accuracy: 0.12500
Batch: 375: Training loss: 0.32643, Training accuracy: 0.10938
Batch: 400: Validation loss: 0.32498, Validation accuracy: 0.11260
Batch: 425: Training loss: 0.32552, Training accuracy: 0.09375
Batch: 450: Training loss: 0.32669, Training accuracy: 0.10938
Batch: 475: Training loss: 0.32649, Training accuracy: 0.04688
Batch: 500: Validation loss: 0.32516, Validation accuracy: 0.11000
Batch: 525: Training loss: 0.32924, Training accuracy: 0.01562
Batch: 550: Training loss: 0.32491, Training accuracy: 0.20312
Batch: 575: Training loss: 0.32237, Training accuracy: 0.28125
Batch: 600: Validation loss: 0.32532, Validation accuracy: 0.09240
Batch: 625: Training loss: 0.32465, Training accuracy: 0.14062
Batch: 650: Training loss: 0.32736, Training accuracy: 0.07812
Batch: 675: Training loss: 0.32522, Training accuracy: 0.12500
Batch: 700: Validation loss: 0.32503, Validation accuracy: 0.09860
Batch: 725: Training loss: 0.32523, Training accuracy: 0.09375
Batch: 750: Training loss: 0.32533, Training accuracy: 0.14062
Batch: 775: Training loss: 0.32533, Training accuracy: 0.12500
Final validation accuracy: 0.11420
Final test accuracy: 0.12190
Accuracy on 100 samples: 0.13

With this many layers, it's going to take a lot of iterations for this network to learn. By the time you're done training these 800 batches, your final test and validation accuracies probably won't be much better than 10%. (It will be different each time, but will most likely be less than 15%.)

Using batch normalization, you'll be able to train this same network to over 90% in that same number of batches.

Add batch normalization

To add batch normalization to the layers created by fully_connected, we did the following:

  1. Added the is_training parameter to the function signature so we can pass that information to the batch normalization layer.
  2. Removed the bias and activation function from the dense layer.
  3. Used tf.layers.batch_normalization to normalize the layer's output. Notice we pass is_training to this layer to ensure the network updates its population statistics appropriately.
  4. Passed the normalized values into a ReLU activation function.

In [5]:
def fully_connected(prev_layer, num_units, is_training):
    Create a fully connectd layer with the given layer as input and the given number of neurons.
    :param prev_layer: Tensor
        The Tensor that acts as input into this layer
    :param num_units: int
        The size of the layer. That is, the number of units, nodes, or neurons.
    :param is_training: bool or Tensor
        Indicates whether or not the network is currently training, which tells the batch normalization
        layer whether or not it should update or use its population statistics.
    :returns Tensor
        A new fully connected layer
    layer = tf.layers.dense(prev_layer, num_units, use_bias=False, activation=None)
    layer = tf.layers.batch_normalization(layer, training=is_training)
    layer = tf.nn.relu(layer)
    return layer

To add batch normalization to the layers created by conv_layer, we did the following:

  1. Added the is_training parameter to the function signature so we can pass that information to the batch normalization layer.
  2. Removed the bias and activation function from the conv2d layer.
  3. Used tf.layers.batch_normalization to normalize the convolutional layer's output. Notice we pass is_training to this layer to ensure the network updates its population statistics appropriately.
  4. Passed the normalized values into a ReLU activation function.

If you compare this function to fully_connected, you'll see that – when using tf.layers – there really isn't any difference between normalizing a fully connected layer and a convolutional layer. However, if you look at the second example in this notebook, where we restrict ourselves to the tf.nn package, you'll see a small difference.

In [6]:
def conv_layer(prev_layer, layer_depth, is_training):
    Create a convolutional layer with the given layer as input.
    :param prev_layer: Tensor
        The Tensor that acts as input into this layer
    :param layer_depth: int
        We'll set the strides and number of feature maps based on the layer's depth in the network.
        This is *not* a good way to make a CNN, but it helps us create this example with very little code.
    :param is_training: bool or Tensor
        Indicates whether or not the network is currently training, which tells the batch normalization
        layer whether or not it should update or use its population statistics.
    :returns Tensor
        A new convolutional layer
    strides = 2 if layer_depth % 3 == 0 else 1
    conv_layer = tf.layers.conv2d(prev_layer, layer_depth*4, 3, strides, 'same', use_bias=False, activation=None)
    conv_layer = tf.layers.batch_normalization(conv_layer, training=is_training)
    conv_layer = tf.nn.relu(conv_layer)

    return conv_layer

Batch normalization is still a new enough idea that researchers are still discovering how best to use it. In general, people seem to agree to remove the layer's bias (because the batch normalization already has terms for scaling and shifting) and add batch normalization before the layer's non-linear activation function. However, for some networks it will work well in other ways, too.

Just to demonstrate this point, the following three versions of conv_layer show other ways to implement batch normalization. If you try running with any of these versions of the function, they should all still work fine (although some versions may still work better than others).

Alternate solution that uses bias in the convolutional layer but still adds batch normalization before the ReLU activation function.

In [ ]:
def conv_layer(prev_layer, layer_num, is_training):
    strides = 2 if layer_num % 3 == 0 else 1
    conv_layer = tf.layers.conv2d(prev_layer, layer_num*4, 3, strides, 'same', use_bias=True, activation=None)
    conv_layer = tf.layers.batch_normalization(conv_layer, training=is_training)
    conv_layer = tf.nn.relu(conv_layer)
    return conv_layer

Alternate solution that uses a bias and ReLU activation function before batch normalization.

In [ ]:
def conv_layer(prev_layer, layer_num, is_training):
    strides = 2 if layer_num % 3 == 0 else 1
    conv_layer = tf.layers.conv2d(prev_layer, layer_num*4, 3, strides, 'same', use_bias=True, activation=tf.nn.relu)
    conv_layer = tf.layers.batch_normalization(conv_layer, training=is_training)
    return conv_layer

Alternate solution that uses a ReLU activation function before normalization, but no bias.

In [ ]:
def conv_layer(prev_layer, layer_num, is_training):
    strides = 2 if layer_num % 3 == 0 else 1
    conv_layer = tf.layers.conv2d(prev_layer, layer_num*4, 3, strides, 'same', use_bias=False, activation=tf.nn.relu)
    conv_layer = tf.layers.batch_normalization(conv_layer, training=is_training)
    return conv_layer

To modify train, we did the following:

  1. Added is_training, a placeholder to store a boolean value indicating whether or not the network is training.
  2. Passed is_training to the conv_layer and fully_connected functions.
  3. Each time we call run on the session, we added to feed_dict the appropriate value for is_training.
  4. Moved the creation of train_opt inside a with tf.control_dependencies... statement. This is necessary to get the normalization layers created with tf.layers.batch_normalization to update their population statistics, which we need when performing inference.

In [7]:
def train(num_batches, batch_size, learning_rate):
    # Build placeholders for the input samples and labels 
    inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 28, 28, 1])
    labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])

    # Add placeholder to indicate whether or not we're training the model
    is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool)

    # Feed the inputs into a series of 20 convolutional layers 
    layer = inputs
    for layer_i in range(1, 20):
        layer = conv_layer(layer, layer_i, is_training)

    # Flatten the output from the convolutional layers 
    orig_shape = layer.get_shape().as_list()
    layer = tf.reshape(layer, shape=[-1, orig_shape[1] * orig_shape[2] * orig_shape[3]])

    # Add one fully connected layer
    layer = fully_connected(layer, 100, is_training)

    # Create the output layer with 1 node for each 
    logits = tf.layers.dense(layer, 10)
    # Define loss and training operations
    model_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=labels))
    # Tell TensorFlow to update the population statistics while training
    with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)):
        train_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(model_loss)
    # Create operations to test accuracy
    correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits,1), tf.argmax(labels,1))
    accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
    # Train and test the network
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        for batch_i in range(num_batches):
            batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size)

            # train this batch
  , {inputs: batch_xs, labels: batch_ys, is_training: True})
            # Periodically check the validation or training loss and accuracy
            if batch_i % 100 == 0:
                loss, acc =[model_loss, accuracy], {inputs: mnist.validation.images,
                                                              labels: mnist.validation.labels,
                                                              is_training: False})
                print('Batch: {:>2}: Validation loss: {:>3.5f}, Validation accuracy: {:>3.5f}'.format(batch_i, loss, acc))
            elif batch_i % 25 == 0:
                loss, acc =[model_loss, accuracy], {inputs: batch_xs, labels: batch_ys, is_training: False})
                print('Batch: {:>2}: Training loss: {:>3.5f}, Training accuracy: {:>3.5f}'.format(batch_i, loss, acc))

        # At the end, score the final accuracy for both the validation and test sets
        acc =, {inputs: mnist.validation.images,
                                  labels: mnist.validation.labels, 
                                  is_training: False})
        print('Final validation accuracy: {:>3.5f}'.format(acc))
        acc =, {inputs: mnist.test.images,
                                  labels: mnist.test.labels,
                                  is_training: False})
        print('Final test accuracy: {:>3.5f}'.format(acc))
        # Score the first 100 test images individually, just to make sure batch normalization really worked
        correct = 0
        for i in range(100):
            correct +=,feed_dict={inputs: [mnist.test.images[i]],
                                                    labels: [mnist.test.labels[i]],
                                                    is_training: False})

        print("Accuracy on 100 samples:", correct/100)

num_batches = 800
batch_size = 64
learning_rate = 0.002

with tf.Graph().as_default():
    train(num_batches, batch_size, learning_rate)

Batch:  0: Validation loss: 0.69135, Validation accuracy: 0.09860
Batch: 25: Training loss: 0.58727, Training accuracy: 0.10938
Batch: 50: Training loss: 0.47633, Training accuracy: 0.09375
Batch: 75: Training loss: 0.40283, Training accuracy: 0.17188
Batch: 100: Validation loss: 0.36413, Validation accuracy: 0.11260
Batch: 125: Training loss: 0.34614, Training accuracy: 0.09375
Batch: 150: Training loss: 0.34372, Training accuracy: 0.04688
Batch: 175: Training loss: 0.31415, Training accuracy: 0.25000
Batch: 200: Validation loss: 0.33029, Validation accuracy: 0.20880
Batch: 225: Training loss: 0.37454, Training accuracy: 0.20312
Batch: 250: Training loss: 0.35721, Training accuracy: 0.42188
Batch: 275: Training loss: 0.30789, Training accuracy: 0.46875
Batch: 300: Validation loss: 0.18574, Validation accuracy: 0.71100
Batch: 325: Training loss: 0.22868, Training accuracy: 0.64062
Batch: 350: Training loss: 0.27518, Training accuracy: 0.65625
Batch: 375: Training loss: 0.05569, Training accuracy: 0.90625
Batch: 400: Validation loss: 0.09854, Validation accuracy: 0.85200
Batch: 425: Training loss: 0.04723, Training accuracy: 0.90625
Batch: 450: Training loss: 0.02127, Training accuracy: 0.98438
Batch: 475: Training loss: 0.00786, Training accuracy: 0.98438
Batch: 500: Validation loss: 0.04686, Validation accuracy: 0.93780
Batch: 525: Training loss: 0.02769, Training accuracy: 0.95312
Batch: 550: Training loss: 0.00446, Training accuracy: 1.00000
Batch: 575: Training loss: 0.05585, Training accuracy: 0.92188
Batch: 600: Validation loss: 0.03143, Validation accuracy: 0.95780
Batch: 625: Training loss: 0.00918, Training accuracy: 0.98438
Batch: 650: Training loss: 0.03437, Training accuracy: 0.95312
Batch: 675: Training loss: 0.03991, Training accuracy: 0.96875
Batch: 700: Validation loss: 0.03455, Validation accuracy: 0.95300
Batch: 725: Training loss: 0.03672, Training accuracy: 0.93750
Batch: 750: Training loss: 0.03293, Training accuracy: 0.95312
Batch: 775: Training loss: 0.02039, Training accuracy: 0.96875
Final validation accuracy: 0.97460
Final test accuracy: 0.97450
Accuracy on 100 samples: 0.98

With batch normalization, we now get excellent performance. In fact, validation accuracy is almost 94% after only 500 batches. Notice also the last line of the output: Accuracy on 100 samples. If this value is low while everything else looks good, that means you did not implement batch normalization correctly. Specifically, it means you either did not calculate the population mean and variance while training, or you are not using those values during inference.

Batch Normalization using tf.nn.batch_normalization

Most of the time you will be able to use higher level functions exclusively, but sometimes you may want to work at a lower level. For example, if you ever want to implement a new feature – something new enough that TensorFlow does not already include a high-level implementation of it, like batch normalization in an LSTM – then you may need to know these sorts of things.

This version of the network uses tf.nn for almost everything, and expects you to implement batch normalization using tf.nn.batch_normalization.

This implementation of fully_connected is much more involved than the one that uses tf.layers. However, if you went through the Batch_Normalization_Lesson notebook, things should look pretty familiar. To add batch normalization, we did the following:

  1. Added the is_training parameter to the function signature so we can pass that information to the batch normalization layer.
  2. Removed the bias and activation function from the dense layer.
  3. Added gamma, beta, pop_mean, and pop_variance variables.
  4. Used tf.cond to make handle training and inference differently.
  5. When training, we use tf.nn.moments to calculate the batch mean and variance. Then we update the population statistics and use tf.nn.batch_normalization to normalize the layer's output using the batch statistics. Notice the with tf.control_dependencies... statement - this is required to force TensorFlow to run the operations that update the population statistics.
  6. During inference (i.e. when not training), we use tf.nn.batch_normalization to normalize the layer's output using the population statistics we calculated during training.
  7. Passed the normalized values into a ReLU activation function.

If any of thise code is unclear, it is almost identical to what we showed in the fully_connected function in the Batch_Normalization_Lesson notebook. Please see that for extensive comments.

In [1]:
def fully_connected(prev_layer, num_units, is_training):
    Create a fully connectd layer with the given layer as input and the given number of neurons.
    :param prev_layer: Tensor
        The Tensor that acts as input into this layer
    :param num_units: int
        The size of the layer. That is, the number of units, nodes, or neurons.
    :param is_training: bool or Tensor
        Indicates whether or not the network is currently training, which tells the batch normalization
        layer whether or not it should update or use its population statistics.
    :returns Tensor
        A new fully connected layer

    layer = tf.layers.dense(prev_layer, num_units, use_bias=False, activation=None)

    gamma = tf.Variable(tf.ones([num_units]))
    beta = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([num_units]))

    pop_mean = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([num_units]), trainable=False)
    pop_variance = tf.Variable(tf.ones([num_units]), trainable=False)

    epsilon = 1e-3
    def batch_norm_training():
        batch_mean, batch_variance = tf.nn.moments(layer, [0])

        decay = 0.99
        train_mean = tf.assign(pop_mean, pop_mean * decay + batch_mean * (1 - decay))
        train_variance = tf.assign(pop_variance, pop_variance * decay + batch_variance * (1 - decay))

        with tf.control_dependencies([train_mean, train_variance]):
            return tf.nn.batch_normalization(layer, batch_mean, batch_variance, beta, gamma, epsilon)
    def batch_norm_inference():
        return tf.nn.batch_normalization(layer, pop_mean, pop_variance, beta, gamma, epsilon)

    batch_normalized_output = tf.cond(is_training, batch_norm_training, batch_norm_inference)
    return tf.nn.relu(batch_normalized_output)

The changes we made to conv_layer are almost exactly the same as the ones we made to fully_connected. However, there is an important difference. Convolutional layers have multiple feature maps, and each feature map uses shared weights. So we need to make sure we calculate our batch and population statistics per feature map instead of per node in the layer.

To accomplish this, we do the same things that we did in fully_connected, with two exceptions:

  1. The sizes of gamma, beta, pop_mean and pop_variance are set to the number of feature maps (output channels) instead of the number of output nodes.
  2. We change the parameters we pass to tf.nn.moments to make sure it calculates the mean and variance for the correct dimensions.

In [9]:
def conv_layer(prev_layer, layer_depth, is_training):
    Create a convolutional layer with the given layer as input.
    :param prev_layer: Tensor
        The Tensor that acts as input into this layer
    :param layer_depth: int
        We'll set the strides and number of feature maps based on the layer's depth in the network.
        This is *not* a good way to make a CNN, but it helps us create this example with very little code.
    :param is_training: bool or Tensor
        Indicates whether or not the network is currently training, which tells the batch normalization
        layer whether or not it should update or use its population statistics.
    :returns Tensor
        A new convolutional layer
    strides = 2 if layer_depth % 3 == 0 else 1
    in_channels = prev_layer.get_shape().as_list()[3]
    out_channels = layer_depth*4
    weights = tf.Variable(
        tf.truncated_normal([3, 3, in_channels, out_channels], stddev=0.05))
    layer = tf.nn.conv2d(prev_layer, weights, strides=[1,strides, strides, 1], padding='SAME')

    gamma = tf.Variable(tf.ones([out_channels]))
    beta = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([out_channels]))

    pop_mean = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([out_channels]), trainable=False)
    pop_variance = tf.Variable(tf.ones([out_channels]), trainable=False)

    epsilon = 1e-3
    def batch_norm_training():
        # Important to use the correct dimensions here to ensure the mean and variance are calculated 
        # per feature map instead of for the entire layer
        batch_mean, batch_variance = tf.nn.moments(layer, [0,1,2], keep_dims=False)

        decay = 0.99
        train_mean = tf.assign(pop_mean, pop_mean * decay + batch_mean * (1 - decay))
        train_variance = tf.assign(pop_variance, pop_variance * decay + batch_variance * (1 - decay))

        with tf.control_dependencies([train_mean, train_variance]):
            return tf.nn.batch_normalization(layer, batch_mean, batch_variance, beta, gamma, epsilon)
    def batch_norm_inference():
        return tf.nn.batch_normalization(layer, pop_mean, pop_variance, beta, gamma, epsilon)

    batch_normalized_output = tf.cond(is_training, batch_norm_training, batch_norm_inference)
    return tf.nn.relu(batch_normalized_output)

To modify train, we did the following:

  1. Added is_training, a placeholder to store a boolean value indicating whether or not the network is training.
  2. Each time we call run on the session, we added to feed_dict the appropriate value for is_training.
  3. We did not need to add the with tf.control_dependencies... statement that we added in the network that used tf.layers.batch_normalization because we handled updating the population statistics ourselves in conv_layer and fully_connected.

In [10]:
def train(num_batches, batch_size, learning_rate):
    # Build placeholders for the input samples and labels 
    inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 28, 28, 1])
    labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])

    # Add placeholder to indicate whether or not we're training the model
    is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool)

    # Feed the inputs into a series of 20 convolutional layers 
    layer = inputs
    for layer_i in range(1, 20):
        layer = conv_layer(layer, layer_i, is_training)

    # Flatten the output from the convolutional layers 
    orig_shape = layer.get_shape().as_list()
    layer = tf.reshape(layer, shape=[-1, orig_shape[1] * orig_shape[2] * orig_shape[3]])

    # Add one fully connected layer
    layer = fully_connected(layer, 100, is_training)

    # Create the output layer with 1 node for each 
    logits = tf.layers.dense(layer, 10)
    # Define loss and training operations
    model_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=labels))
    train_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(model_loss)
    # Create operations to test accuracy
    correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits,1), tf.argmax(labels,1))
    accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
    # Train and test the network
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        for batch_i in range(num_batches):
            batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size)

            # train this batch
  , {inputs: batch_xs, labels: batch_ys, is_training: True})
            # Periodically check the validation or training loss and accuracy
            if batch_i % 100 == 0:
                loss, acc =[model_loss, accuracy], {inputs: mnist.validation.images,
                                                              labels: mnist.validation.labels,
                                                              is_training: False})
                print('Batch: {:>2}: Validation loss: {:>3.5f}, Validation accuracy: {:>3.5f}'.format(batch_i, loss, acc))
            elif batch_i % 25 == 0:
                loss, acc =[model_loss, accuracy], {inputs: batch_xs, labels: batch_ys, is_training: False})
                print('Batch: {:>2}: Training loss: {:>3.5f}, Training accuracy: {:>3.5f}'.format(batch_i, loss, acc))

        # At the end, score the final accuracy for both the validation and test sets
        acc =, {inputs: mnist.validation.images,
                                  labels: mnist.validation.labels, 
                                  is_training: False})
        print('Final validation accuracy: {:>3.5f}'.format(acc))
        acc =, {inputs: mnist.test.images,
                                  labels: mnist.test.labels,
                                  is_training: False})
        print('Final test accuracy: {:>3.5f}'.format(acc))
        # Score the first 100 test images individually, just to make sure batch normalization really worked
        correct = 0
        for i in range(100):
            correct +=,feed_dict={inputs: [mnist.test.images[i]],
                                                    labels: [mnist.test.labels[i]],
                                                    is_training: False})

        print("Accuracy on 100 samples:", correct/100)

num_batches = 800
batch_size = 64
learning_rate = 0.002

with tf.Graph().as_default():
    train(num_batches, batch_size, learning_rate)

Batch:  0: Validation loss: 0.68918, Validation accuracy: 0.09860
Batch: 25: Training loss: 0.53546, Training accuracy: 0.07812
Batch: 50: Training loss: 0.41245, Training accuracy: 0.09375
Batch: 75: Training loss: 0.36121, Training accuracy: 0.07812
Batch: 100: Validation loss: 0.33833, Validation accuracy: 0.09900
Batch: 125: Training loss: 0.33615, Training accuracy: 0.06250
Batch: 150: Training loss: 0.36635, Training accuracy: 0.04688
Batch: 175: Training loss: 0.34496, Training accuracy: 0.07812
Batch: 200: Validation loss: 0.34961, Validation accuracy: 0.09900
Batch: 225: Training loss: 0.34695, Training accuracy: 0.17188
Batch: 250: Training loss: 0.50702, Training accuracy: 0.04688
Batch: 275: Training loss: 0.34169, Training accuracy: 0.20312
Batch: 300: Validation loss: 0.36515, Validation accuracy: 0.16300
Batch: 325: Training loss: 0.32103, Training accuracy: 0.29688
Batch: 350: Training loss: 0.31099, Training accuracy: 0.31250
Batch: 375: Training loss: 0.27836, Training accuracy: 0.43750
Batch: 400: Validation loss: 0.32132, Validation accuracy: 0.39140
Batch: 425: Training loss: 0.29945, Training accuracy: 0.45312
Batch: 450: Training loss: 0.28822, Training accuracy: 0.43750
Batch: 475: Training loss: 0.16682, Training accuracy: 0.70312
Batch: 500: Validation loss: 0.14634, Validation accuracy: 0.75320
Batch: 525: Training loss: 0.34097, Training accuracy: 0.45312
Batch: 550: Training loss: 0.15460, Training accuracy: 0.78125
Batch: 575: Training loss: 0.02774, Training accuracy: 0.95312
Batch: 600: Validation loss: 0.03633, Validation accuracy: 0.94900
Batch: 625: Training loss: 0.07376, Training accuracy: 0.90625
Batch: 650: Training loss: 0.05857, Training accuracy: 0.93750
Batch: 675: Training loss: 0.06562, Training accuracy: 0.92188
Batch: 700: Validation loss: 0.05356, Validation accuracy: 0.92300
Batch: 725: Training loss: 0.01616, Training accuracy: 0.98438
Batch: 750: Training loss: 0.02600, Training accuracy: 0.96875
Batch: 775: Training loss: 0.01844, Training accuracy: 0.96875
Final validation accuracy: 0.95780
Final test accuracy: 0.96050
Accuracy on 100 samples: 0.98

Once again, the model with batch normalization quickly reaches a high accuracy. But in our run, notice that it doesn't seem to learn anything for the first 250 batches, then the accuracy starts to climb. That just goes to show - even with batch normalization, it's important to give your network a bit of time to learn before you decide it isn't working.