
In [ ]:
%autoreload 2
%load_ext autoreload

In [ ]:
import pylab
from pylab import *
from collections import OrderedDict
import pickle
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'nearest'
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'

# Make sure that caffe is on the python path:
caffe_root = '../../'  # this file is expected to be in {caffe_root}/notebooks
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, caffe_root + 'python')
import caffe

In [ ]:
from localdefs import *
from plotting import *
from caffe_misc import *
from jby_misc import *

In [ ]:
# Define paths
load_dir = '/home/jyosinsk/results/140311_234854_afadfd3_priv_netbase_upgraded/'
model_def_file = load_dir + 'deploy_1.prototxt'
pretrained_model = load_dir + 'caffe_imagenet_train_iter_450000'

#dataset_file = '/home/jyosinsk/s/caffe/data/ilsvrc12/data/whole_train/files.txt'
#dataset_dir  = '/home/jyosinsk/imagenet2012/train/'
dataset_file = '/home/jyosinsk/s/caffe/data/ilsvrc12/data/whole_valid/files.txt'
dataset_dir  = '/home/jyosinsk/imagenet2012/val/'

Load labels, mean, and trained network

In [ ]:
# Load labels

with open(caffe_root + '/data/ilsvrc12/synset_words.txt') as ff:
    labels = [line.strip() for line in ff.readlines()]

def get_image_info(dataset_file):
    with open(dataset_file) as ff:
        lines = [line.strip().split() for line in ff.readlines()]
    image_info = {}
    for line in lines:
        filename = line[0]
        label = int(line[1])
        dict_for_label = image_info.setdefault(label,{'classname':labels[label], 'files':[]})
    #filenames = [line[0] for line in lines]
    #classlabels = [int(line[1]) for line in lines]
    #image_info = [(ff,ll) for (ff,ll) in zip(filenames, classlabels)]
    return image_info

image_info = get_image_info(dataset_file)

In [ ]:
print 'First image in first few classes:'
for ii in range(5):
    print '  %d: %s' % (ii, image_info[ii]['classname'])
    print '   ', image_info[ii]['files'][0]

In [ ]:
# Load mean

imagenet_mean = np.load(caffe_root + 'python/caffe/imagenet/ilsvrc_2012_mean.npy')
imagenet_mean = imagenet_mean[:, 14:14+227, 14:14+227]
print imagenet_mean.shape
print imagenet_mean.min(), imagenet_mean.max()
showimage(imagenet_mean[::-1]/255, c01=True)       # Color order is BGR, reverse to RGB before plotting

In [ ]:
# Load network

net = caffe.Classifier(model_def_file, pretrained_model,
                       #image_dims=(256, 256),

Load an image

In [ ]:
def load_image(filename):
    image =   # produces an image in [0,1]
    return image

def resize_and_scale(image, size = (227,227), scale = 255):
    im =, (227,227))
    im = norm01(im) * scale
    return im

In [ ]:
#image_filename = caffe_root + 'examples/images/cat.jpg'
#image_filename = caffe_root + 'examples/images/lion.jpg'

class_id = 291
image_index = 0

filename = dataset_dir + image_info[class_id]['files'][image_index]
image_large = load_image(filename)
image = resize_and_scale(image_large)

print 'Filename:', filename
print 'Loaded image %d from class %d (%s)' % (image_index, class_id, image_info[class_id]['classname'])
print 'Image has shape %s and values in [%g,%g]' % (image.shape, image.min(), image.max())

In [ ]:
# image is:                                            (227,227,3), RGB order, [0,255]
tmp = image.transpose((2,0,1))[newaxis, ::-1, : :]   # (1,3,227,227), BGR order [0,255]
data_blob = tmp - imagenet_mean                      # 0-centered
print 'data_blob has shape %s and values in [%g,%g]' % (data_blob.shape, data_blob.min(), data_blob.max())

Forward prop and plot

In [ ]:
# Show network

In [ ]:
# Forward prop
out = net.forward_all(data = data_blob)

In [ ]:
iimax = out['prob'].argmax()
plot(iimax, out['prob'].flatten()[iimax], 'ro')
_=title('Max at idx %d (%s)' % (iimax, labels[iimax]))

In [ ]:
# Show activations throughout the network

In [ ]:
blob_name = 'conv5'

blob = net.blobs[blob_name].data
print blob_name, 'has shape', blob.shape

imshow(tile_images(blob[0], padval = 1))

In [ ]:

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