In [1]:
import sys

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

from polara import (SVDModel, PopularityModel, RandomModel,
                    RecommenderData, get_movielens_data)
from polara.recommender.models import CoffeeModel
from polara.evaluation import evaluation_engine as ee
from import filter_sessions_by_length
from polara.evaluation.plotting import show_hit_rates, show_precision_recall, show_ranking




In [2]:
DATA_NAME = 'ml-1m'
DATA_FILE = 'D:/datasets/recsys/movielens/{}.zip'.format(DATA_NAME)#path to Movielens-1M zip-file
                                      #set it to None to automatically download data from Grouplens

Prepare data

In [3]:
ml_data = get_movielens_data(local_file=DATA_FILE, get_genres=False)

In [4]:
ml_data = filter_sessions_by_length(ml_data, min_session_length=SESS_SIZE)
data_model = RecommenderData(ml_data, 'userid', 'movieid', 'rating', seed = 0) = DATA_NAME

In [5]:

{'test_ratio': 0.2,
 'test_sample': None,
 'random_holdout': False,
 'permute_tops': False,
 'negative_prediction': False,
 'shuffle_data': False,
 'warm_start': True,
 'test_fold': 5,
 'holdout_size': 3}

Prepare models

In [6]:
svd = SVDModel(data_model)
popular = PopularityModel(data_model)
random = RandomModel(data_model, seed=0)
coffee = CoffeeModel(data_model)

In [7]:
coffee.flattener = [3, 4] # ratings 4 and 5

In [8]:
models = [svd, coffee, popular, random]
model_names = [model.method for model in models]

['PureSVD', 'CoFFee', 'MP', 'RND']

In [9]:
for model in models:
    model.switch_positive = 4

In [10]:
for model in models:
        rank = model.rank
    except AttributeError:
            rank = model.mlrank
        except AttributeError:
    print('{} rank: {}'.format(model.method, rank))

PureSVD rank: 10
CoFFee rank: (13, 10, 2)

Set evaluation parameters

In [11]:
metrics = ['ranking', 'relevance', 'experience']
topk_list = [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100]
test_samples = [0, -1]
folds = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

In [12]:
data_model.holdout_size = 10
data_model.random_holdout = True

Run experiments

In [13]:
result = {}
for test_sample in test_samples:
    data_model.test_sample = test_sample
    result[test_sample] = ee.run_cv_experiment(models,

Preparing data...
23 unique movieid's within 27 testset interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
1 unique movieid's within 1 holdout interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
1 of 1208 userid's were filtered out from holdout. Reason: incompatible number of items.
1 userid's were filtered out from testset. Reason: inconsistent with holdout.
There are 803312 events in the training and 12070 events in the holdout.
PureSVD training time: 0.104s
CoFFee training time: 3.544s
Preparing data...
47 unique movieid's within 56 testset interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
2 unique movieid's within 2 holdout interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
2 of 1208 userid's were filtered out from holdout. Reason: incompatible number of items.
2 userid's were filtered out from testset. Reason: inconsistent with holdout.
There are 792890 events in the training and 12060 events in the holdout.
PureSVD training time: 0.112s
CoFFee training time: 1.299s
Preparing data...
16 unique movieid's within 18 testset interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
4 unique movieid's within 4 holdout interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
4 of 1208 userid's were filtered out from holdout. Reason: incompatible number of items.
4 userid's were filtered out from testset. Reason: inconsistent with holdout.
There are 808443 events in the training and 12040 events in the holdout.
PureSVD training time: 0.121s
CoFFee training time: 1.186s
Preparing data...
28 unique movieid's within 39 testset interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
2 unique movieid's within 2 holdout interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
2 of 1208 userid's were filtered out from holdout. Reason: incompatible number of items.
2 userid's were filtered out from testset. Reason: inconsistent with holdout.
There are 788733 events in the training and 12060 events in the holdout.
PureSVD training time: 0.121s
CoFFee training time: 1.305s
Preparing data...
18 unique movieid's within 25 testset interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
2 unique movieid's within 2 holdout interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
2 of 1208 userid's were filtered out from holdout. Reason: incompatible number of items.
2 userid's were filtered out from testset. Reason: inconsistent with holdout.
There are 807458 events in the training and 12060 events in the holdout.
PureSVD training time: 0.111s
CoFFee training time: 1.648s
Preparing data...
1 unique movieid's within 1 holdout interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
1 of 1208 userid's were filtered out from holdout. Reason: incompatible number of items.
1 userid's were filtered out from testset. Reason: inconsistent with holdout.
There are 803312 events in the training and 12070 events in the holdout.
PureSVD training time: 0.122s
CoFFee training time: 1.188s
Preparing data...
1 unique movieid's within 1 testset interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
2 unique movieid's within 2 holdout interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
2 of 1208 userid's were filtered out from holdout. Reason: incompatible number of items.
1 userid's were filtered out from testset. Reason: inconsistent with holdout.
There are 792890 events in the training and 12060 events in the holdout.
PureSVD training time: 0.098s
CoFFee training time: 2.081s
Preparing data...
1 unique movieid's within 1 testset interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
4 unique movieid's within 4 holdout interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
4 of 1208 userid's were filtered out from holdout. Reason: incompatible number of items.
1 userid's were filtered out from holdout. Reason: inconsistent with testset.
4 userid's were filtered out from testset. Reason: inconsistent with holdout.
There are 808443 events in the training and 12030 events in the holdout.
PureSVD training time: 0.095s
CoFFee training time: 1.178s
Preparing data...
2 unique movieid's within 2 holdout interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
2 of 1208 userid's were filtered out from holdout. Reason: incompatible number of items.
2 userid's were filtered out from testset. Reason: inconsistent with holdout.
There are 788733 events in the training and 12060 events in the holdout.
PureSVD training time: 0.114s
CoFFee training time: 1.314s
Preparing data...
2 unique movieid's within 2 holdout interactions were filtered. Reason: not in the training data.
2 of 1208 userid's were filtered out from holdout. Reason: incompatible number of items.
2 userid's were filtered out from testset. Reason: inconsistent with holdout.
There are 807458 events in the training and 12060 events in the holdout.
PureSVD training time: 0.117s
CoFFee training time: 1.416s

In [14]:
test_sample = 0

In [15]:
scores = result[test_sample].mean(axis=0, level=['top-n', 'model'])
deviation = result[test_sample].std(axis=0, level=['top-n', 'model'])

In [16]:

metric nDCG nDCL
model CoFFee MP PureSVD RND CoFFee MP PureSVD RND
1 0.070532 0.034049 0.077220 0.000463 0.019687 0.021976 0.026973 0.001412
2 0.099847 0.049284 0.111342 0.000805 0.030107 0.031109 0.040239 0.001739
3 0.118388 0.057795 0.132601 0.000989 0.038499 0.037549 0.051971 0.002081
5 0.143842 0.070335 0.159641 0.001398 0.050786 0.048499 0.069481 0.002621
10 0.179879 0.091356 0.197528 0.002269 0.074132 0.064922 0.101178 0.004211
15 0.201091 0.105611 0.219348 0.002940 0.090331 0.077387 0.122217 0.005838
20 0.216314 0.116623 0.234971 0.003573 0.104698 0.086674 0.139544 0.006509
30 0.238373 0.130844 0.256997 0.004453 0.127263 0.101282 0.166981 0.008315
50 0.265625 0.151501 0.284766 0.006308 0.158359 0.125126 0.205027 0.011740
70 0.282639 0.164905 0.302296 0.007902 0.182479 0.143222 0.230614 0.014341
100 0.300352 0.180364 0.319825 0.010240 0.208954 0.165874 0.262407 0.018518

Visualize results

In [17]:

Predictions for "known" user

In [18]:
show_hit_rates(scores, errors=deviation, err_alpha=ERR_ALPHA)

In [19]:
show_precision_recall(scores, errors=deviation, err_alpha=ERR_ALPHA)

In [20]:
show_ranking(scores, errors=deviation, err_alpha=ERR_ALPHA)

Predictions from single negative feedback

In [21]:
test_sample = -1

In [22]:
scores = result[test_sample].mean(axis=0, level=['top-n', 'model'])
deviation = result[test_sample].std(axis=0, level=['top-n', 'model'])

In [23]:
show_hit_rates(scores, errors=deviation, err_alpha=ERR_ALPHA)

In [24]:
show_precision_recall(scores, errors=deviation, err_alpha=ERR_ALPHA)

In [25]:
show_ranking(scores, errors=deviation, err_alpha=ERR_ALPHA)