In [1]:
%pylab inline
import os
import pickle
import warnings
import pandas as pd
from astropy.wcs import WCS
import katalogss.fhd_pype as fp
import katalogss.katalogss as kg


Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

The first part of this tutorial shows you how to get the data you need from the FHD output directories. This relies mostly on functions in the fhd_pype module.

The function fp.fhd_base() returns the full path to the directory where the FHD output is located. It defaults to the common Aug23 output folder on the MIT cluster, but this can be assigned to another string using fp.set_fhd_base(<new_path>).

In [2]:
print 'The default path: '+fp.fhd_base()
print 'Our path: '+fp.fhd_base()

The default path: /nfs/eor-09/r1/djc/EoR2013/Aug23/
Our path: /astro/users/pcarroll/MWA/katalogss/katalogss/data/

We also need to define the version specifying the name of the run. This is equivalent to the case string in, or the string following "fhd_" in the output directory name.

The katalogss data directory includes a mock FHD output run and the relevant files for a single obsid.

In [3]:
fhd_run = 'mock_run'
s = '%sfhd_%s'%(fp.fhd_base(),fhd_run)
!ls -R $s

deconvolution  katalogss  katalogss_old  metadata  output_data

1066580664_fhd_params.sav  1066580664_fhd.sav

area_maps  components.p


area_maps  catalogs.p  components.p


0:  1066580664_obs.sav

1066580664_Beam_XX.fits  1066580664_uniform_Residual_I.fits

Next we want to define the list of obsids we want to process. You can do this manually, or you can easily grab all obsids with deconvolution output for your run using:

In [4]:
obsids = fp.get_obslist(fhd_run)


Next we'll grab the source components and metadata for each obsid in the list. Note that if you don't supply the list of obsids, it will automatically run for all obsids.

In [5]:
comps  = fp.fetch_comps(fhd_run, obsids=obsids)
meta = fp.fetch_meta(fhd_run,obsids=obsids)

Fetching compoonent array from 1066580664_fhd.sav

This returns a dictionary of dictionaries. Since it takes some work to run, let's cache it a new katalogss output directory.

In [8]:
kgs_out = '%sfhd_%s/katalogss/'%(fp.fhd_base(),fhd_run)
if not os.path.exists(kgs_out): os.mkdir(kgs_out)

print 'saving %scomponent_arrays.p'
pickle.dump([comps,meta], open(kgs_out+'components.p','w'))

saving %scomponent_arrays.p
{'1066580664': {'alpha': array([-0.80000001, -0.80000001, -0.80000001, ..., -0.80000001,
         -0.80000001, -0.80000001]),
  'dec': array([-27.73212051, -28.1602993 , -27.73209   , ..., -29.28472519,
         -37.0483551 , -21.39456367]),
  'flag': array([ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  2.,  0.,  0.]),
  'flux': array([ 2.02153563,  4.10171652,  1.82323956, ...,  0.01396699,
          0.02448948,  0.00976452]),
  'freq': array([ 182.43501282,  182.43501282,  182.43501282, ...,  182.43501282,
          182.43501282,  182.43501282]),
  'gain': array([ 0.1,  0.1,  0.1, ...,  0.1,  0.1,  0.1]),
  'id': array([  4.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   4.00000000e+00, ...,
           5.81100000e+03,  -1.00000000e+00,   2.53400000e+03]),
  'ra': array([ 57.91218948,  71.16273499,  57.91217804, ...,  66.2097702 ,
          55.21427155,  53.02481079]),
  'x': array([ 1536.05639648,  1833.78259277,  1536.05615234, ...,  1723.52001953,
          1465.60998535,  1412.20422363]),
  'y': array([ 1459.33105469,  1430.35949707,  1459.33190918, ...,  1410.80688477,
          1209.22814941,  1626.56591797])}}

If you need to come back to this later, restore it with

comps, meta = pickle.load(open(kgs_out+'component_arrays.p'))

In [9]:
#comps, meta = pickle.load(open(kgs_out+'components.p'))

Now we want to get the beam and residual maps. These are stored in fits files, and we read them into HDU objects with data and header attributes.

The get_maps function works for any of the 2D images stored as fits in the 'output_data' directory.

In [10]:
beamxx, beamyy, residual = [fp.get_maps(fhd_run, obsids=obsids, imtype=imtype)
                       for imtype in ('Beam_XX','Beam_YY','uniform_Residual_I')]

To convert the residual maps from Jy/pixel to Jy/beam, we need the map of pixel areas in units of beam.

In [11]:
pix2beam = fp.pixarea_maps(fhd_run, obsids=obsids, map_dir=kgs_out+'area_maps/')
for o in obsids: residual[o].data*=pix2beam[o]

Now we're ready to start source finding using the katalogss module.

In [14]:
#clustering parameters
eps_factor = 0.25
min_samples = 1


for obsid in obsids:
    cmps = pd.DataFrame(comps[obsid])
    cmps = kg.clip_comps(cmps)

    beam = beamxx[obsid].copy() = np.sqrt(np.mean([beamxx[obsid].data**2, beamyy[obsid].data**2],axis=0))

    eps = eps_factor * meta[obsid]['beam_width']
    cmps = kg.cluster_sources(cmps, eps, min_samples)

    catalog[obsid] = kg.catalog_sources(cmps, meta[obsid], residual[obsid], beam)

In [15]:
cat = catalog[obsid]

id ncomp ra sig_ra dec sig_dec flux x y beam sig_flux ext
0 0 17 57.912690 0.001136 -27.731572 0.000908 20.607863 1537 1460 0.870620 0.015610 False
1 1 30 71.161941 0.002146 -28.160433 0.002305 43.623094 1835 1431 0.314305 0.037504 False
2 2 27 64.015560 0.000093 -20.938997 0.000322 14.716517 1686 1638 0.634651 0.020489 False
3 3 24 57.872148 0.001058 -14.488509 0.003805 23.169188 1527 1812 0.396126 0.030734 False
4 4 25 62.209217 0.000679 -24.302575 0.000061 10.277728 1641 1550 0.796489 0.016852 False
5 5 27 52.146617 0.000146 -28.697057 0.000396 10.571080 1399 1431 0.738417 0.017986 False
6 6 29 52.291740 0.000646 -26.004686 0.000107 8.043195 1400 1503 0.809474 0.016619 False
7 7 31 44.060973 0.000188 -23.414189 0.000175 19.685439 1186 1556 0.305076 0.038478 False
8 8 26 63.785760 0.001085 -29.482654 0.000842 10.288576 1670 1409 0.632137 0.020559 False
9 9 28 60.067256 0.000380 -16.167808 0.001243 13.205410 1586 1767 0.497452 0.025265 False

In [16]:
wcs = WCS(resi.header)
ax = plt.subplot(111,projection=wcs)
x,y = wcs.wcs_world2pix(cat.ra, cat.dec,1)
lon,lat = ax.coords

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f08d0b0e990>

In [17]:
pickle.dump(catalog, open(kgs_out+'catalogs.p','w'))

In [ ]: