Compute yelp review ratings and counts by business category by geo

Compute 3 files for use in later analysis:

stars_by_geocat_SCALE_THRESH.csv Average reviews by category by GISJOIN.

qstars_by_geocat_SCALE_THRESH.csv Average reviews by category by GISJOIN, weighted by useful score.

counts_by_geocat_SCALE_THRESH.csv Total review counts and review counts as fraction of total by category by GISJOIN.

where SCALE is the geographic scale (e.g. track, county), which is set as a variable when running the notebook. THRESH is the minimum number of non-missing values needed to keep a category.

In [82]:
%pylab inline

scale = 'tract'
thresh = 99 # Minimum number of non-missing per category

import pandas, json
reviews = pandas.DataFrame(json.loads(l) for l in open('yelp/review.json'))

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [83]:
reviews['useful'] = reviews['votes'].apply(lambda v: v['useful'])

In [84]:
ytract = pandas.DataFrame(json.loads(l) for l in open('business_'+scale+'.json'))
business = pandas.DataFrame(json.loads(l) for l in open('yelp/business.json'))

In [85]:
cats = []
for d in (json.loads(l) for l in open('yelp/business.json')):
    for c in d['categories']:
        cats.append(dict(business_id = d['business_id'], category=c))
cats = pandas.DataFrame(cats)
cats = cats.merge(ytract)

In [86]:
review_cats = reviews[['business_id', 'stars', 'useful']].merge(cats)

In [87]:
review_cats['wstars'] = review_cats.stars * (review_cats.useful + 1)

In [88]:
stars_by_geocat = review_cats[['stars']].groupby([review_cats.category, review_cats.GISJOIN]).mean()
stars_by_geocat = stars_by_geocat.unstack(level=0).dropna(how='all').dropna(axis=1, thresh=thresh)
stars_by_geocat.columns = stars_by_geocat.columns.get_level_values(1)
stars_by_geocat.to_csv('stars_by_geocat_%s_%s.csv' % (scale, thresh))

wstars_by_geocat = review_cats[['wstars']].groupby([review_cats.category, review_cats.GISJOIN]).mean()
wstars_by_geocat = wstars_by_geocat.unstack(level=0).dropna(how='all').dropna(axis=1, thresh=thresh)
wstars_by_geocat.columns = wstars_by_geocat.columns.get_level_values(1)
wstars_by_geocat.to_csv('wstars_by_geocat_%s_%s.csv' % (scale, thresh))

In [89]:
gisjoin_counts = reviews[['business_id']].merge(ytract)
gisjoin_counts = (gisjoin_counts[['business_id']]
                  .rename(columns=dict(business_id = 'TotalReviews'))

In [90]:
counts_by_geocat = cats[['business_id']].groupby([cats.category, cats.GISJOIN]).count()
counts_by_geocat.columns = ['business_count']
counts_by_geocat = counts_by_geocat.unstack(level=0).dropna(how='all').dropna(axis=1, thresh=thresh)
counts_by_geocat.columns = counts_by_geocat.columns.get_level_values(1)
counts_by_geocat = counts_by_geocat.merge(gisjoin_counts)
counts_by_geocat = pandas.concat(
    (counts_by_geocat[['GISJOIN', 'TotalReviews']],
        .div(counts_by_geocat['TotalReviews'], axis=0)
    ), axis=1)
counts_by_geocat.to_csv('counts_by_geocat_%s_%s.csv' % (scale, thresh))

TotalReviews Accessories Active Life American (New) American (Traditional) Apartments Appliances Appliances & Repair Arts & Crafts Arts & Entertainment ... Urgent Care Used, Vintage & Consignment Vape Shops Vegetarian Venues & Event Spaces Veterinarians Vietnamese Wine Bars Women's Clothing Yoga
count 1942.000000 172.000000 956.000000 613.000000 838.000000 326.000000 119.000000 100.000000 264.000000 526.000000 ... 127.000000 133.000000 110.000000 150.000000 225.000000 335.000000 127.000000 131.000000 268.000000 153.000000
mean 767.570546 0.001617 0.014804 0.005619 0.007275 0.008600 0.003122 0.006783 0.003433 0.007896 ... 0.004079 0.002155 0.002459 0.001713 0.009421 0.006857 0.002290 0.001610 0.002191 0.002902
std 4490.666066 0.002477 0.035192 0.012745 0.019041 0.028363 0.004444 0.018197 0.008720 0.022892 ... 0.009887 0.003696 0.008339 0.002792 0.037087 0.020490 0.002933 0.002491 0.003322 0.006197
min 1.000000 0.000078 0.000141 0.000153 0.000153 0.000011 0.000137 0.000078 0.000030 0.000140 ... 0.000031 0.000028 0.000031 0.000011 0.000057 0.000062 0.000011 0.000028 0.000099 0.000006
25% 50.000000 0.000500 0.001771 0.001163 0.001459 0.000697 0.000561 0.000645 0.000514 0.001066 ... 0.000587 0.000463 0.000351 0.000374 0.000645 0.000868 0.000515 0.000401 0.000629 0.000425
50% 180.000000 0.000957 0.004057 0.002384 0.003040 0.001458 0.001271 0.001405 0.001074 0.002427 ... 0.001166 0.000906 0.000791 0.000723 0.001383 0.001953 0.001088 0.000880 0.001176 0.000843
75% 618.000000 0.001842 0.010989 0.005181 0.006612 0.004204 0.003891 0.004211 0.002499 0.005823 ... 0.003320 0.002022 0.001598 0.001701 0.005181 0.004728 0.003301 0.001511 0.002410 0.002358
max 181002.000000 0.020408 0.400000 0.166667 0.333333 0.333333 0.030303 0.125000 0.083333 0.333333 ... 0.071429 0.027027 0.083333 0.022222 0.333333 0.250000 0.018519 0.014925 0.033333 0.047619

8 rows × 182 columns

In [ ]: