Using turicreate for easy ML on SEEG dataset

For example, one thing that makes it easy is that turicreate automagically creates dummy variables for categorical features.

In [194]:
import turicreate as tc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Reading cleaned data

In [84]:
sf = tc.SFrame.read_csv('electrodes_clean.csv')
sf.explore() # in GUI

# optional save to SFrame
# sf = tc.SFrame('electrodes_clean.sframe')

Finished parsing file /Users/pieter/Dropbox/Data Science/Machine_Learning_iOS_Dev/turicreate-pk/electrodes_clean.csv
Parsing completed. Parsed 100 lines in 0.035029 secs.
Inferred types from first 100 line(s) of file as 
If parsing fails due to incorrect types, you can correct
the inferred type list above and pass it to read_csv in
the column_type_hints argument
Finished parsing file /Users/pieter/Dropbox/Data Science/Machine_Learning_iOS_Dev/turicreate-pk/electrodes_clean.csv
Parsing completed. Parsed 860 lines in 0.011321 secs.
Materializing SFrame...

Preparing data

We cannot have both TPLE and TPLE category in same set or results will be biased. So create two data sets: one for regression (removing TPLE category as feature) and one for classification (removing TPLE as feature).

Regarding the final (automatically selected) model:

  • <model>.summary() summarizes the model parameters
  • <model>.features shows which features have been included (= all selected for model building)

In [111]:
sf_reg   = sf.remove_column('TPLE category')
sf_class = sf.remove_column('TPLE')

Regression approach

In [112]:
sf_reg_train, sf_reg_test = sf_reg.random_split(0.8)
reg_model = tc.regression.create(sf_reg_train, target = 'TPLE')

PROGRESS: Creating a validation set from 5 percent of training data. This may take a while.
          You can set ``validation_set=None`` to disable validation tracking.

Boosted trees regression:
Number of examples          : 653
Number of features          : 16
Number of unpacked features : 16
| Iteration | Elapsed Time | Training-max_error | Validation-max_error | Training-rmse | Validation-rmse |
| 1         | 0.010024     | 16.889999          | 8.588558             | 2.877870      | 3.128701        |
| 2         | 0.017893     | 14.356499          | 8.330094             | 2.335031      | 2.634117        |
| 3         | 0.024582     | 12.214850          | 8.085856             | 1.954499      | 2.338607        |
| 4         | 0.032202     | 10.323213          | 7.867498             | 1.653496      | 2.110311        |
| 5         | 0.039163     | 8.832760           | 7.744569             | 1.459051      | 2.070699        |
| 6         | 0.046199     | 7.507846           | 7.660192             | 1.331713      | 2.019974        |

In [113]:

{'max_error': 14.209460735321045, 'rmse': 2.453981787261874}

In [115]:

Class                          : BoostedTreesRegression

Number of examples             : 653
Number of feature columns      : 16
Number of unpacked features    : 16

Number of trees                : 10
Max tree depth                 : 6
Training time (sec)            : 0.072
Training rmse                  : 1.0384
Validation rmse                : 1.9882
Training max_error             : 5.0893
Validation max_error           : 7.5279

Classification approach

Multi-class solution

Using TPLE category

In [122]:
sf_class_train, sf_class_test = sf_class.random_split(0.8)

In [123]:
class_model = tc.classifier.create(sf_class_train, target = 'TPLE category')

PROGRESS: Creating a validation set from 5 percent of training data. This may take a while.
          You can set ``validation_set=None`` to disable validation tracking.

PROGRESS: The following methods are available for this type of problem.
PROGRESS: BoostedTreesClassifier, RandomForestClassifier, DecisionTreeClassifier, LogisticClassifier
PROGRESS: The returned model will be chosen according to validation accuracy.
Boosted trees classifier:
Number of examples          : 642
Number of classes           : 5
Number of feature columns   : 16
Number of unpacked features : 16
| Iteration | Elapsed Time | Training-accuracy | Validation-accuracy | Training-log_loss | Validation-log_loss |
| 1         | 0.029589     | 0.747664          | 0.500000            | 1.299938          | 1.439662            |
| 2         | 0.053220     | 0.802181          | 0.500000            | 1.074125          | 1.346899            |
| 3         | 0.075981     | 0.811526          | 0.478261            | 0.937439          | 1.275376            |
| 4         | 0.098935     | 0.828660          | 0.500000            | 0.827948          | 1.247268            |
| 5         | 0.121740     | 0.848910          | 0.478261            | 0.738936          | 1.242491            |
| 6         | 0.146128     | 0.864486          | 0.456522            | 0.655975          | 1.229840            |
Random forest classifier:
Number of examples          : 642
Number of classes           : 5
Number of feature columns   : 16
Number of unpacked features : 16
| Iteration | Elapsed Time | Training-accuracy | Validation-accuracy | Training-log_loss | Validation-log_loss |
| 1         | 0.027882     | 0.721184          | 0.391304            | 0.907961          | 1.342106            |
| 2         | 0.049574     | 0.730530          | 0.478261            | 0.876542          | 1.338163            |
| 3         | 0.072152     | 0.741433          | 0.434783            | 0.846838          | 1.336017            |
| 4         | 0.093758     | 0.742991          | 0.434783            | 0.844381          | 1.303801            |
| 5         | 0.117028     | 0.747664          | 0.413043            | 0.836875          | 1.301310            |
| 6         | 0.139089     | 0.744548          | 0.413043            | 0.844208          | 1.287283            |
Decision tree classifier:
Number of examples          : 642
Number of classes           : 5
Number of feature columns   : 16
Number of unpacked features : 16
| Iteration | Elapsed Time | Training-accuracy | Validation-accuracy | Training-log_loss | Validation-log_loss |
| 1         | 0.029922     | 0.747664          | 0.500000            | 0.840261          | 1.323202            |
Logistic regression:
Number of examples          : 642
Number of classes           : 5
Number of feature columns   : 16
Number of unpacked features : 16
Number of coefficients      : 68
Starting Newton Method
| Iteration | Passes   | Elapsed Time | Training-accuracy | Validation-accuracy |
| 1         | 2        | 0.006840     | 0.582555          | 0.586957            |
| 2         | 3        | 0.013646     | 0.580997          | 0.630435            |
| 3         | 4        | 0.019890     | 0.585670          | 0.652174            |
| 4         | 5        | 0.026063     | 0.587227          | 0.652174            |
| 5         | 6        | 0.032472     | 0.587227          | 0.652174            |
| 6         | 7        | 0.038648     | 0.587227          | 0.652174            |
PROGRESS: Model selection based on validation accuracy:
PROGRESS: ---------------------------------------------
PROGRESS: BoostedTreesClassifier          : 0.45652174949645996
PROGRESS: RandomForestClassifier          : 0.45652174949645996
PROGRESS: DecisionTreeClassifier          : 0.5
PROGRESS: LogisticClassifier              : 0.652174
PROGRESS: ---------------------------------------------
PROGRESS: Selecting LogisticClassifier based on validation set performance.
SUCCESS: Optimal solution found.

In [175]:
metrics = class_model.evaluate(sf_class_test)
# metrics['confusion_matrix']

{'accuracy': 0.5872093023255814,
 'auc': 0.6144711849310336,
 'confusion_matrix': Columns:
 	target_label	str
 	predicted_label	str
 	count	int
 Rows: 13
 | target_label | predicted_label | count |
 |    5 - 10    |       > 10      |   2   |
 |    0 - 1     |      1 - 2      |   1   |
 |     > 10     |      1 - 2      |   1   |
 |    5 - 10    |      5 - 10     |   3   |
 |    2 - 5     |      2 - 5      |   96  |
 |    1 - 2     |      2 - 5      |   31  |
 |    5 - 10    |      2 - 5      |   17  |
 |    0 - 1     |      2 - 5      |   10  |
 |    1 - 2     |      1 - 2      |   2   |
 |     > 10     |      5 - 10     |   2   |
 [13 rows x 3 columns]
 Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
 You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.,
 'f1_score': 0.2118482843362263,
 'log_loss': 1.241136997120201,
 'precision': 0.35904159132007235,
 'recall': 0.2333333333333333,
 'roc_curve': Columns:
 	threshold	float
 	fpr	float
 	tpr	float
 	p	int
 	n	int
 	class	int
 Rows: 500005
 | threshold | fpr | tpr | p  |  n  | class |
 |    0.0    | 1.0 | 1.0 | 11 | 161 |   0   |
 |   1e-05   | 1.0 | 1.0 | 11 | 161 |   0   |
 |   2e-05   | 1.0 | 1.0 | 11 | 161 |   0   |
 |   3e-05   | 1.0 | 1.0 | 11 | 161 |   0   |
 |   4e-05   | 1.0 | 1.0 | 11 | 161 |   0   |
 |   5e-05   | 1.0 | 1.0 | 11 | 161 |   0   |
 |   6e-05   | 1.0 | 1.0 | 11 | 161 |   0   |
 |   7e-05   | 1.0 | 1.0 | 11 | 161 |   0   |
 |   8e-05   | 1.0 | 1.0 | 11 | 161 |   0   |
 |   9e-05   | 1.0 | 1.0 | 11 | 161 |   0   |
 [500005 rows x 6 columns]
 Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
 You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.}

In [126]:

Class                          : LogisticClassifier

Number of coefficients         : 68
Number of examples             : 642
Number of classes              : 5
Number of feature columns      : 16
Number of unpacked features    : 16

L1 penalty                     : 0
L2 penalty                     : 0.01

Training Summary
Solver                         : newton
Solver iterations              : 6
Solver status                  : SUCCESS: Optimal solution found.
Training time (sec)            : 0.042

Log-likelihood                 : 656.061

Highest Positive Coefficients
ElectrodeType[Orthogonal]      : 2.4113
ElectrodeType[Orthogonal]      : 2.0806
(intercept)                    : 1.6926
ElectrodeType[Orthogonal]      : 1.1783
ElectrodeType[Orthogonal]      : 1.1245

Lowest Negative Coefficients
(intercept)                    : -5.2147
(intercept)                    : -4.5131
Contacts                       : -0.2277
PlanningZ                      : -0.11
SkullAngle                     : -0.0736

Binary solution

Creating new column "Deviated" (yes/no) based on -arbitrary- cut off value.

In [192]:
# create new dataset - easier when experimenting with different cutoff values
# remove column 'TPLE category' - otherwise we severely bias results
sf_dev = sf_class.remove_column('TPLE category') 

def evaluate_classification_for_cutoff(value):
    '''Creates dataframe with predefined cutoff value. 
    Useful to play with different cutoffs. Value represents the deviation in mm.
    Returns metrics of model'''
    sf_dev['Deviated'] = sf['TPLE'].apply(lambda tple: 'yes' if tple > value else 'no')
    sf_dev_train, sf_dev_test = sf_dev.random_split(0.8)
    model = tc.classifier.create(sf_dev_train, target = 'Deviated', verbose = False)
    metrics = model.evaluate(sf_dev_test)
    return metrics
cutoff_values = [1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0]
results = {}

for cv in cutoff_values:
    metr = evaluate_classification_for_cutoff(cv)
    results.update({cv: metr})

In [221]:
for cutoff, metric in results.items():
    acc = metric['accuracy']; auc = metric['auc']
    print(f"Cutoff {cutoff} - Accuracy: {acc:.2f}  |  AUC: {auc:.2f}")
    plt.plot(cutoff, acc, 'bo', label = 'Accuracy') # Accuracy in BLUE
    plt.plot(cutoff, auc, 'ro', label = 'AUC') # AUC in RED

Cutoff 1.5 - Accuracy: 0.80  |  AUC: 0.50
Cutoff 2.0 - Accuracy: 0.68  |  AUC: 0.71
Cutoff 2.5 - Accuracy: 0.60  |  AUC: 0.60
Cutoff 3.0 - Accuracy: 0.65  |  AUC: 0.68
Cutoff 3.5 - Accuracy: 0.63  |  AUC: 0.64
Cutoff 4.0 - Accuracy: 0.80  |  AUC: 0.70

In [ ]: