TREMOR12 automated data processing

In [1]:
# Required modules - do not modify
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# User preferences - can be changed
pref_grid_visible = True
pref_plot_gravity = True
pref_save_figures = False
pref_filename     = 'tremor_samples.csv'

Raw data

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# Create dataframe from CSV file
df = pd.read_csv(pref_filename)

# Create time column starting at zero and use as index
# Note that the 'timestamp2001_ms' column contains absolute date and time (in ms from Jan 1, 2001)
# Time is in seconds
df['time'] = 0.001 * (df['timestamp2001_ms'] - df['timestamp2001_ms'][0])
cols = df.columns.tolist()
cols = cols[-1:] + cols[1:-1]
params = df[cols].set_index('time')

# Show first 5 rows for exploratory purposes

roll pitch yaw rotX rotY rotZ accX accY accZ gravX gravY gravZ
0.000000 -0.268758 0.016428 0.123095 0.020964 -0.064637 -0.045642 -0.030481 -0.055561 0.006962 -0.263525 -0.122784 -0.956806
0.010000 -0.269731 0.016056 0.123714 0.061535 -0.110241 -0.054151 -0.030487 -0.048095 0.001352 -0.264435 -0.123398 -0.956476
0.020033 -0.271110 0.015760 0.124805 0.108518 -0.155816 -0.057343 -0.024382 -0.040939 0.001512 -0.265718 -0.124482 -0.955980
0.030041 -0.273008 0.015626 0.126265 0.144900 -0.200314 -0.049840 -0.023518 -0.043169 -0.007425 -0.267483 -0.125929 -0.955298
0.040041 -0.278764 0.016071 0.133000 0.154542 -0.208792 -0.046644 -0.026946 -0.039420 -0.000295 -0.272737 -0.132608 -0.952906

Descriptive parameter statistics

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# Provide basic descriptive statistics for tremor parameters

roll pitch yaw rotX rotY rotZ accX accY accZ gravX gravY gravZ
count 808.000000 808.000000 808.000000 808.000000 808.000000 808.000000 808.000000 808.000000 808.000000 808.000000 808.000000 808.000000
mean -0.992005 1.837763 0.360829 -0.087991 -0.094372 0.039380 -0.000066 0.034955 0.020339 -0.612401 -0.347423 -0.463532
std 0.616394 1.990519 0.179723 2.246431 4.000816 2.223562 0.503292 0.294676 0.380595 0.216771 0.166498 0.463732
min -2.713387 -3.137010 0.009150 -7.341962 -12.319378 -6.990265 -1.283882 -0.708737 -1.270164 -0.949870 -0.707237 -0.977277
25% -1.317743 2.484498 0.233794 -1.349800 -2.349001 -1.505577 -0.206585 -0.117221 -0.160816 -0.797238 -0.475772 -0.870620
50% -0.894487 2.699471 0.365033 0.047393 0.108100 -0.015090 -0.016317 -0.005987 0.009378 -0.660303 -0.356980 -0.572989
75% -0.460041 2.845255 0.495841 1.276256 2.507316 1.196256 0.269633 0.192568 0.229690 -0.426545 -0.231670 -0.230436
max -0.187178 3.139689 0.785583 5.963924 10.784140 7.624787 1.653141 0.834309 1.193677 -0.183936 -0.009150 0.768944

Create graphs

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def create_plot(param_values, title_value, entity_value):
    '''Creates separate plots from manually entered values'''
    param_plot = params[param_values].plot(figsize=(20,5), title=title_value, grid = pref_grid_visible)
    param_plot.set_xlabel('Time (seconds)')
    param_plot.set_ylabel(title_value + ' (' + entity_value + ')')
    plt.legend(['X', 'Y', 'Z'], loc=1)
    if pref_save_figures:
        plt.savefig('fig_' + title_value.lower().replace(' ', '_') + '.png', dpi=300)
    return param_plot

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# Create individual plots
create_plot(['accX', 'accY', 'accZ'], 'Acceleration', 'G')
create_plot(['roll', 'pitch', 'yaw'], 'Rotation', 'radians')
create_plot(['rotX', 'rotY', 'rotZ'], 'Rotation speed', 'radians / second')
if pref_plot_gravity:
    create_plot(['gravX', 'gravY', 'gravZ'], 'Gravity', 'G')

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