In [1]:
DOCS_FOLDER = "/Users/ Data/LuceneTalk/ProcessedDocs"
FILE_MASK = ".*\.txt"
PHRASES_FILE = "/Users/ Data/LuceneTalk/Phrases.txt"
PHRASE_FREQ_FILE= '/Users/ Data/LuceneTalk/phrases_freq.txt'
In [2]:
import time
full_start = time.time()
In [3]:
import re
import numpy as np
import time
import hashlib
from collections import defaultdict
re_collapse_spaces = re.compile("\s+")
def collapse_spaces(s):
return re_collapse_spaces.sub(" ", s).strip()
re1 = re.compile("[;:\'\"\*/\),\(\|\s]+")
def clean_str(s):
s = str(s).replace("'s"," ")
#doesn't work in regex
s = s.replace("-", " ").replace("\\"," ")
s = re1.sub(" ",s).strip()
return collapse_spaces(s)
def compute_ngrams(tokens, max_len = None, min_len = 1):
tokens : iterable of string
a single sentence of tokens. Assumes start and stop tokens omitted
max_len : int
maximum ngram length
min_len : int
minimum ngram length
if max_len == None:
max_len = len(tokens)
if min_len > max_len:
raise Exception("min_len cannot be more than max_len")
ngrams = set()
# unigrams
for ngram_size in range(min_len, max_len + 1):
for start in range(0, len(tokens) - ngram_size + 1):
end = start + ngram_size -1
words = []
for i in range(start, end + 1):
ngrams.add(tuple(words)) # make a tuple so hashable
return ngrams
# is a valid token
__bad_chars__ = "<>{}[]~@"
__punct__ = set(".?!,;:")
def is_valid_term(term):
# remove single char entries and only numeric
if len(term) == 0:
return False
if len(term) == 1:
#else misses c and r
if term.isalpha():
return True
return False
# no html or js terms
for c in __bad_chars__:
if c in term:
return False
if term[-1] in __punct__:
return False
if "function(" in term:
return False
if "!" in term or "?" in term:
return False
digit_chars = 0.0
for c in term:
if c.isdigit() or not c.isalnum():
digit_chars += 1.0
# 60% digits?
if (digit_chars / len(term)) >= 0.75:
return False
return True
re1 = re.compile("[;:\'\"\*/\),\(\-\|\s]+")
# we may want to keep some non-alpha characters, such as # in C# and + in C++, etc.
def remove_punct(s):
s = s.replace("'s"," ")
return collapse_spaces(re1.sub(" ",s).strip())
def hash_string(s):
hash_object = hashlib.md5(b'%s' % s)
return str(hash_object.hexdigest())
def find_files(folder, regex, remove_empty = False):
Find all files matching the [regex] pattern in [folder]
folder : string
folder to search (not recursive)
regex : string (NOT regex object)
pattern to match
files = os.listdir(folder)
matches = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(folder, f))
for f in files
if, f, re.IGNORECASE)]
if remove_empty:
matches = [f for f in matches if os.path.getsize(f) > 0]
return matches
In [4]:
# load stop words
def load_stop_words(stop_words_file):
stop_words = set()
with open(stop_words_file) as f:
for line in f:
word = line.strip()
if word[0] != "#":
word = word.lower()
return stop_words
stop_words = load_stop_words(STOP_WORDS_FILE)
print("%i stop words loaded" % len(stop_words))
stop_words = set()
In [6]:
import os, re
start = time.time()
files = find_files(DOCS_FOLDER, FILE_MASK, True)
print("%s files found in %s" % (len(files), DOCS_FOLDER))
documents = []
for i, fname in enumerate(files):
with open(fname) as f:
contents =
end = time.time()
print("Loading %i documents took %s seconds" % (len(files), str(end - start)))
In [7]:
start = time.time()
#Or use a counter here.
doc_freq = defaultdict(int)
# remove short docs
tokenized_docs = []
sent_id = 0
sent_ids = set()
lens = []
hashed = set()
for doc in documents:
un_tokens = set()
tok_sents = []
for sent in doc:
cl_sent = remove_punct(sent.lower())
hash_sent = hash_string(cl_sent)
# remove dupe sentences (not - will hurt df accuracy a little)
if hash_sent in hashed:
tokens = tuple(cl_sent.split(" "))
sent_id += 1
tok_sents.append((sent_id, tokens))
# create inverted index and unique tokens (for doc freq calc)
proc_tokens = set()
for tok in tokens:
if not tok in proc_tokens:
if not tok in un_tokens:
doc_freq[tok] += 1
if len(tok_sents) > 0:
end = time.time()
print end-start, "secs"
len(tokenized_docs), "docs", len(doc_freq), "unique tokens"
In [8]:
# Get really frequent items for removal
num_docs = float(len(tokenized_docs))
above_threshold = [k for k,v in doc_freq.items() if v >= MIN_DOC_FREQ]
# remove really frequent terms (in 50% or more of documents)
too_freq = set([k for k in above_threshold if (doc_freq[k]/num_docs) >= 0.50])
freq_terms = [k for k in above_threshold
if k not in stop_words and
k not in too_freq and
print("%s frequent terms identified for building phrases" % len(freq_terms))
In [9]:
import time
start = time.time()
# Find all phrases up to length MAX_PHRASE_LEN at or above the defined MIN_DOC_FREQ above
phrase_doc_freq = defaultdict(int)
for term in freq_terms:
phrase_doc_freq[tuple([term])] = doc_freq[term]
# data structure is a list of list (document) of pairs - sentences: (int, list (of tokens))
# each item is a doc, a list of sents. each sent is a list of valid remaining phrases
# seed with one valid phrase per sent
#working_docs = [map(lambda sent: [sent], d) for d in tokenized_docs]
working_docs = [map(lambda (sid, sent): (sid, [sent]), d) for d in tokenized_docs]
working_freq_terms = set(freq_terms)
# sentences with one or more phrases that are frequent enough (under the apriori algorithm closure priniciple)
working_sent_ids = set(sent_ids)
# don't bother whitling this down further at the start, almost all sentences have at least on freq term in them
for phrase_len in range(2, MAX_PHRASE_LEN + 1):
phrase_start = time.time()
print "phrase_len", phrase_len
print len(working_docs), "docs", len(working_freq_terms), "terms", len(working_sent_ids), "sentences"
# for current phrase_len
current_phrase_doc_freq = defaultdict(int)
# used to look up sentence ids by phrase
phrase2sentids = defaultdict(set)
new_work_docs = []
for doc in working_docs:
new_work_sents = []
unique_potential_phrases = set()
for sent_id, phrases in doc:
if sent_id not in working_sent_ids:
new_work_phrases = []
for phrase in phrases:
current_phrase = []
for term in phrase:
if term in working_freq_terms:
if len(current_phrase) >= phrase_len:
current_phrase = []
if len(current_phrase) >= phrase_len:
if len(new_work_phrases) > 0:
for phrase in new_work_phrases:
ngrams = compute_ngrams(phrase, phrase_len, phrase_len)
for tpl_ngram in ngrams:
new_work_sents.append((sent_id, new_work_phrases))
# end for sent in doc
# for doc freq, need to compute unique phrases in document
for unique_tpl_phrase in unique_potential_phrases:
current_phrase_doc_freq[unique_tpl_phrase] +=1
if len(new_work_sents) > 0:
new_working_freq_terms = set()
new_working_sent_ids = set()
for tuple_phrase, freq in current_phrase_doc_freq.items():
if freq < MIN_DOC_FREQ:
phrase_doc_freq[tuple_phrase] = freq
for tok in tuple_phrase:
if len(new_working_freq_terms) <= 1 or len(new_work_docs) == 0 or len(new_working_sent_ids) == 0:
working_docs = new_work_docs
working_freq_terms = new_working_freq_terms
working_sent_ids = new_working_sent_ids
phrase_end = time.time()
print "\t", len(phrase_doc_freq), "phrases found"
print "\ttook", phrase_end - phrase_start, "seconds"
print ""
end = time.time()
print "took", end - start, "seconds"
print len(phrase_doc_freq), "phrases found"
In [10]:
# there are a lot of short phrases that always or nearly always have the same DF as longer phrases that they constitute
def find_sub_phrases_to_remove(tpl_phrase, valid_phrases, doc_freq, to_rem):
if len(tpl_phrase) <= 1:
phrase_df = doc_freq[tpl_phrase]
ngrams = compute_ngrams(tpl_phrase, len(tpl_phrase)-1, 1)
for tpl_ngram in ngrams:
if tpl_ngram in valid_phrases and tpl_ngram not in to_rem:
sub_phr_df = doc_freq[tpl_ngram]
# if sub_phrase_df is close to the same frequency
if phrase_df >= (0.9 * sub_phr_df):
#to_rem_dbg.add((tpl_phrase, tpl_ngram, phrase_df, sub_phr_df))
find_sub_phrases_to_remove(tpl_ngram, valid_phrases, doc_freq, to_rem)
# don't process unigrams
valid_phrases = set(phrase_doc_freq.keys())
phrases = filter(lambda k: len(k) > 1, phrase_doc_freq.keys())
to_remove = set()
for tpl_key in sorted(phrases, key = lambda k: -len(k)):
if tpl_key not in to_remove:
phrase_df = phrase_doc_freq[tpl_key]
# find all shorter sub-phrases
find_sub_phrases_to_remove(tpl_key, valid_phrases, phrase_doc_freq, to_remove)
len(to_remove)#, len(to_remove_dbg)
In [11]:
#Dump phrases to file
with open(PHRASES_FILE, "w+") as f:
for tpl in sorted(phrase_doc_freq.keys()):
# phrases only
if tpl not in to_remove:
joined = " ".join(tpl)
f.write(joined + "\n")
full_end = time.time()
print("Whole process took %s seconds" % str(full_end - full_start))
In [12]:
with open(PHRASE_FREQ_FILE, "w+") as f:
for tpl,v in sorted(phrase_doc_freq.items(), key = lambda (k,v): -v):
# phrases only
if tpl not in to_remove:
joined = " ".join(tpl)
f.write(joined + "," + str(v) + "\n")