Simple greedy algorithms to solve TSP are quite effective, giving an approximation factor of $\Theta\left(\log|V|\right)$.
A greedy TSP solver starts at an arbitrary $V$ and then chooses the node that has the lowest edge weight that it has not already visited.
An implementation of this is contained in
under simple_greed
In [2]:
from algs import simple_greed
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from parsers import TSP
from parstats import dist_across_cost, scatter_vis, cost_progress_trace, get_stats
from graphgen import EUC_2D
from algs import brute_force
import itertools as it
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
Let's try it out some and try to interpret the results.
This graph has 280 nodes in it, and is spec, given by the spec
method is:
In [3]:
tsp_prob = TSP(file="../data/a280.tsp")
is a distance metric, so each $V$ is represented by a 2-tuple, and the edge weight between $V_n$ and $V_m$ is given by their (integer rounded) eucliean distance, $\texttt{int}\left( \sqrt{\sum \left(V_n - V_m\right)^2}\right)$
Let's start a cluster so we can run several agents at once.
In [3]:
./ 100
We want to visualize the cost of each agent, the lowest, highest, and distribution of costs. We can also use the visuallization of the cost as the agent moves along to find out what's going on.
In [5]:
@get_stats(name="Simple greedy approach, small graph",
plots=[dist_across_cost, scatter_vis, cost_progress_trace])
def vis_greedy(*args, **kwargs):
return simple_greed(*args, **kwargs)
In [6]:
vis_greedy(range(1, tsp_prob.spec.dimension));
In [7]:
./ 100
In [8]:
tsp_prob2 = TSP("../data/rl1889.tsp")
@get_stats(name="Simple greedy approach, large graph",
plots=[dist_across_cost, scatter_vis, cost_progress_trace])
def vis_greedy(*args, **kwargs):
return simple_greed(*args, **kwargs)
In [9]:
vis_greedy(range(1, tsp_prob2.spec.dimension));
Ant colony optimization is an expansion of a probabalistic greedy agent. From Wikipedia, the ant's ruleset is:
Let's visualize what this looks like by comparing the distribution (KDE) across costs with a simple greedy algorithm and a simple greedy algorithim that works after an ant-colony optimizaton.
In [10]:
./ 100
This generates a 30-node graph, and runs an ant colony optimization across it.
In [11]:
tsp_prob = TSP('../data/a280.tsp')
tsp_prob.graph = EUC_2D(30)
tsp_prob.spec = dict(comment="Random euclidean graph",
name="Random cities")
@get_stats(name="Ant-colony, small graph",
def vis_ant_results(*args, **kwargs):
return ant_colony(*args, **kwargs, n_ants=1000)
In [12]:
@get_stats(name="Ant-colony without ants, small graph",
def vis_greedy(*args, **kwargs):
return simple_greed(*args, **kwargs)
In [13]:
vis_ant_results(range(0, 30));
versus the simple greedy algorithim
In [14]:
vis_greedy(range(0, 30));
For most graphs, the ant-colony pre optimization works pretty well, bringing down the cost distribution, at the cost of taking more time. This is true even with very simple cost functions to compare the weight of the edge and the pheromone level. This is how the comparison scales to larger graphs, and to more ants.
In [15]:
def vis_across_graph_sizes(start_size, end_size):
tsp_prob = TSP('../data/a280.tsp')
tsp_prob.spec = dict(comment="Random euclidean graph",
name="Random cities")
ant_runs = []
greedy_runs = []
for graph_size in range(start_size, end_size):
r_graph = EUC_2D(graph_size)
tsp_prob.graph = r_graph
tsp_prob.spec['dimension'] = graph_size
@get_stats(name="Ant colony graph size {}".format(graph_size),
def vis_ant_graph(*args, **kwargs):
return ant_colony(*args, **kwargs, n_ants=1000)
@get_stats(name="Greedy comparison - graph size {}".format(graph_size),
def vis_greedy_graph(*args, **kwargs):
return simple_greed(*args, **kwargs)
ant_cost, _ = vis_ant_graph(range(0, graph_size))
greed_cost, _ = vis_greedy_graph(range(0, graph_size))
ant_cost['index'] = graph_size
ant_cost['dataset'] = "Ant-optimized"
greed_cost['index'] = graph_size
greed_cost['dataset'] = "Greedy"
ant_data = pd.concat(ant_runs)
greedy_data = pd.concat(greedy_runs)
data = pd.concat([ant_data, greedy_data]).reset_index()
sns.plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
sns.violinplot(x="index", y="cost", hue="dataset", data=data, split=True)
return data
res = vis_across_graph_sizes(30, 40)
In [4]:
def vis_across_ant_N(tsp_size, n_ants_min, n_ants_max):
tsp_prob = TSP('../data/a280.tsp')
tsp_prob.spec = dict(comment="Random euclidean graph",
name="Random cities")
tsp_prob.graph = EUC_2D(tsp_size)
tsp_prob.spec['dimension'] = tsp_size
ant_runs = []
for n_ants in np.logspace(n_ants_min, n_ants_max, num=10):
@get_stats(name="Ant colony graph size {}".format(tsp_size),
def vis_ant_graph(*args, **kwargs):
return ant_colony(*args, **kwargs, n_ants=int(n_ants))
ant_cost, _ = vis_ant_graph(range(0, tsp_prob.spec['dimension']))
ant_cost['index'] = int(n_ants)
ant_data = pd.concat(ant_runs).reset_index()
sns.plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
sns.violinplot(x="index", y="cost", data=ant_data, saturation=0)
return ant_data
res = vis_across_ant_N(40, 1, 3.5)
If we directly slice the above graph, running a cost distribution across n_ants=100
to n_ants=1000
we can see what the impact is for a given graph.
In [18]:
tsp_prob = TSP('../data/a280.tsp')
@get_stats(name="Ant-colony, medium graph",
plots=[dist_across_cost, cost_progress_trace])
def vis_ant_results(*args, **kwargs):
return ant_colony(*args, **kwargs, n_ants=100)
@get_stats(name="Ant-colony without ants, medium graph",
plots=[dist_across_cost, cost_progress_trace])
def vis_greedy(*args, **kwargs):
return simple_greed(*args, **kwargs)
vis_ant_results(range(1, tsp_prob.spec.dimension));
In [19]:
@get_stats(name="Ant-colony, medium graph, more ants (x10)",
plots=[dist_across_cost, cost_progress_trace])
def vis_ant_results(*args, **kwargs):
return ant_colony(*args, **kwargs, n_ants=1000)
vis_ant_results(range(1, tsp_prob.spec.dimension));
In [21]:
vis_greedy(range(1, tsp_prob.spec.dimension));
Now that we've seen the specific case, let's see how the greedy algorithims perform as we change the size of the graph. Let $N$ be the size of a randomly generated euclideian 2-dimensional graph. The performance should be measured relative to the optimal tour's cost, and let's visualize the distribution across each greedy agent.
Our final summation figure is a comparison between the cost distributions of an ant-colony model and a simple greedy one, comparing both to the optimal tour, while varying the dimension of the graph.
Due to the need to have the exact best tour, let's do this for $4 \leq N \leq 12$, so we sidestep the issue of solving TSP on large graphs.
In [7]:
def vis_across_graph_sizes(start_size, end_size):
tsp_prob = TSP('../data/a280.tsp')
tsp_prob.spec = dict(comment="Random euclidean graph",
name="Random cities")
ant_runs = []
greedy_runs = []
opt_cost = []
for graph_size in range(start_size, end_size):
r_graph = EUC_2D(graph_size)
tsp_prob.graph = r_graph
tsp_prob.spec['dimension'] = graph_size
@get_stats(name="Ant colony graph size {}".format(graph_size),
def vis_ant_graph(*args, **kwargs):
return ant_colony(*args, **kwargs, n_ants=3000)
@get_stats(name="Greedy comparison - graph size {}".format(graph_size),
def vis_greedy_graph(*args, **kwargs):
return simple_greed(*args, **kwargs)
ant_cost, _ = vis_ant_graph(range(0, graph_size))
greed_cost, _ = vis_greedy_graph(range(0, graph_size))
ant_cost['index'] = graph_size
ant_cost['dataset'] = "Ant-optimized"
greed_cost['index'] = graph_size
greed_cost['dataset'] = "Greedy"
ant_data = pd.concat(ant_runs)
greedy_data = pd.concat(greedy_runs)
opt_data = pd.concat(opt_cost)
data = pd.concat([ant_data, greedy_data]).reset_index()
sns.plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
sns.violinplot(x="index", y="cost", hue="dataset", data=data, split=True, inner="stick", bw=0.4)
sns.stripplot(x="index", y="cost", data=opt_data, color="R")
return (data, opt_data)
In [8]:
res = vis_across_graph_sizes(4, 12)
In [ ]: