This is a Jupyter notebook for David Dobrinskiy's HSE Thesis

How Venture Capital Affects Startups' Success

In [1]:
# You should be running python3

import sys

3.4.5 |Anaconda 2.3.0 (64-bit)| (default, Jul  2 2016, 17:47:47) 
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)]

In [2]:
import pandas as pd  #
import numpy as np   #

import statsmodels.api as sm  #
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import statsmodels

print("Pandas Version: {}".format(pd.__version__))          # pandas version
print("StatsModels Version: {}".format(statsmodels.__version__))  # StatsModels version

Pandas Version: 0.19.1
StatsModels Version: 0.6.1

Let us look at the dynamics of total US VC investment

In [3]:
# load the pwc dataset from azure

from azureml import Workspace

ws = Workspace()
ds = ws.datasets['pwc_moneytree.csv']
frame = ds.to_dataframe()

In [4]:

Quarter Unnamed: 1 1 2 3 4 Grand Total
0 1995.0 # of Deals 503 466 434 494 1,897
1 NaN Amount Invested $1,690,040,500 $2,546,374,500 $1,709,754,500 $2,070,353,900 $8,016,523,400
2 1996.0 # of Deals 585 671 604 775 2,635
3 NaN Amount Invested $2,437,964,900 $3,017,298,000 $2,606,841,300 $3,223,318,800 $11,285,423,000
4 1997.0 # of Deals 773 778 762 919 3,232

In [5]:
del frame['Grand Total']
frame.columns = ['year', 'type', 'q1', 'q2', 'q3', 'q4']
frame['year'] = frame['year'].fillna(method='ffill')

year type q1 q2 q3 q4
0 1995.0 # of Deals 503 466 434 494
1 1995.0 Amount Invested $1,690,040,500 $2,546,374,500 $1,709,754,500 $2,070,353,900
2 1996.0 # of Deals 585 671 604 775
3 1996.0 Amount Invested $2,437,964,900 $3,017,298,000 $2,606,841,300 $3,223,318,800
4 1997.0 # of Deals 773 778 762 919

Deals and investments are in alternating rows of frame, let's separate them

In [6]:
deals_df = frame.iloc[0::2]
investments_df = frame.iloc[1::2]

In [7]:
# once separated, 'type' field is identical within each df
# let's delete it

del       deals_df['type']
del investments_df['type']

In [8]:

year q1 q2 q3 q4
0 1995.0 503 466 434 494
2 1996.0 585 671 604 775
4 1997.0 773 778 762 919
6 1998.0 871 912 931 1,030
8 1999.0 936 1,330 1,448 1,892

In [9]:

year q1 q2 q3 q4
1 1995.0 $1,690,040,500 $2,546,374,500 $1,709,754,500 $2,070,353,900
3 1996.0 $2,437,964,900 $3,017,298,000 $2,606,841,300 $3,223,318,800
5 1997.0 $3,104,430,200 $3,691,566,400 $3,775,959,100 $4,499,598,900
7 1998.0 $4,199,545,200 $5,784,400,500 $5,412,295,700 $6,165,090,000
9 1999.0 $6,648,622,700 $11,315,434,200 $13,654,453,100 $23,340,087,500

In [10]:
def unstack_to_series(df):
    Takes q1-q4 in a dataframe and converts it to a series
    input: a dataframe containing ['q1', 'q2', 'q3', 'q4']
    ouput: a pandas series
    quarters = ['q1', 'q2', 'q3', 'q4']
    d = dict()
    for i, row in df.iterrows():
        for q in quarters:
            key = str(int(row['year'])) + q
            d[key] = row[q]

            # print(key, q, row[q])
    return pd.Series(d)

In [11]:
deals = unstack_to_series(deals_df      ).dropna()
investments = unstack_to_series(investments_df).dropna()

In [12]:
def string_to_int(money_string):
    numerals = [c if c.isnumeric() else '' for c in money_string]
    return int(''.join(numerals))

In [13]:
# convert deals from string to integers
deals = deals.apply(string_to_int)

2015q3    1189
2015q4    1047
2016q1    1021
2016q2     999
2016q3     891
dtype: int64

In [14]:
# investment in billions USD
# converts to integers - which is ok, since data is in dollars
investments_b = investments.apply(string_to_int) 
# in python3 division automatically converts numbers to floats, we don't loose precicion
investments_b = investments_b / 10**9
# round data to 2 decimals
investments_b = investments_b.apply(round, ndigits=2)

2015q3    16.71
2015q4    12.34
2016q1    12.64
2016q2    15.57
2016q3    10.63
dtype: float64

Plot data from MoneyTree report

In [15]:
import matplotlib.pyplot  as plt  #
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.ticker  as ticker
%matplotlib inline

# change matplotlib inline display size
# import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
# pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8, 6)  # that's default image size for this interactive session

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.set_title("VC historical trend (US Data)")
t = range(len(investments_b))      # need to substitute tickers for years later
width = t[1]-t[0]
y1 = investments_b

# create filled step chart for investment amount, y1, width=width, facecolor='0.80', edgecolor='', label = 'Investment ($ Bln.)')
ax1.set_ylabel('Investment ($ Bln.)')

# set up xlabels with years
years = [str(year)[:-2] for year in deals.index][::4]  # get years without quarter 
ax1.set_xticks(t[::4])                   # set 1 tick per year
ax1.set_xticklabels(years, rotation=50)  # set tick names
ax1.set_xlabel('Year')                   # name X axis

# format Y1 tickers to $ billions
formatter = ticker.FormatStrFormatter('$%1.0f Bil.')
for tick in ax1.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
    tick.label1On = False
    tick.label2On = True

# create second Y2 axis for Num of Deals
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
y2 = deals
ax2.plot(t, y2, color = 'k', ls = '-', label = 'Num. of Deals')
ax2.set_ylabel('Num. of Deals')

# add annotation bubbles
ax2.annotate('1997-2000 dot-com bubble', xy=(23, 2100), xytext=(6, 1800),
                bbox=dict(boxstyle="round4", fc="w"),

ax2.annotate('2007-08 Financial Crisis', xy=(57, 800), xytext=(40, 1300),
                bbox=dict(boxstyle="round4", fc="w"),

# add legend
ax2.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.95, 0.88))

fig.tight_layout()  # solves cropping problems when saving png
fig.savefig('vc_trend_3.png', dpi=250)

In [18]:
def tex(df):
    Print dataframe contents in latex-ready format
    for line in df.to_latex().split('\n'):

In [34]:
ds = ws.datasets['ipo_mna.csv']
frame = ds.to_dataframe()

q IPO MnAs
10 3Q'15 12.0 135.0
11 4Q'15 15.0 120.0
12 1Q'16 6.0 112.0
13 NaN NaN NaN
14 MnAs & IPOs of VC Backed companies (2013-2016) NaN NaN

In [35]:
frame = frame.iloc[:-2]
frame = frame.set_index('q')

1Q'13 9.0 107.0
2Q'13 20.0 98.0
3Q'13 24.0 129.0
4Q'13 20.0 139.0
1Q'14 39.0 130.0
2Q'14 24.0 128.0
3Q'14 22.0 140.0
4Q'14 23.0 116.0
1Q'15 12.0 122.0
2Q'15 27.0 99.0
3Q'15 12.0 135.0
4Q'15 15.0 120.0
1Q'16 6.0 112.0

WSJ Unicorns

In [36]:
ds = ws.datasets['wsj_unicorns.csv']
frame = ds.to_dataframe()

Company Latest Valuation Total Equity Funding Last Valuation
150 SMS Assist $1.0 billion $0.26 billion June 2016
151 $1.0 billion $0.19 billion June 2016
152 Mofang Apartments $1.0 billion $0.50 billion April 2016
153 Africa Internet Group $1.0 billion $0.47 billion March 2016
154 Compass $1.0 billion $0.21 billion August 2016

Most funded IPO-reaching US startups

In [37]:
# data from Founder Collective
ds = ws.datasets['most_funded_ipo.csv']
frame = ds.to_dataframe()
most_funded = frame.copy()

Firm Founded R1 Year R2 Year.1 R3 Year.2 R4 Year.3 ... IPO Share Price Current Share Price Current Market Cap IPO Year IPO Raise Acquirer Acquired Year Acquired Price Sector Geo
66 ZenDesk 2007 0.5 2008 1.55 2009 6.00 2009 19.0 2010 ... 9.0 22.27 $2,015,495,794 2014 $100,000,000 - - - B2B SF
67 Zillow 2005 32.0 2005 25.00 2006 30.00 2007 5.5 2011 ... 20.0 36.29 $4,389,558,700 2011 $69,200,000 - - - B2C Seattle
68 Zipcar 2000 4.7 2002 10.00 2005 25.00 2006 21.0 2010 ... 18.0 12.25 $500,000,000 2011 $174,000,000 Avis 2013 0.5 B2C Boston
69 Zulilly 2009 4.6 2009 6.00 2010 43.00 2011 85.0 2012 ... 22.0 18.75 $2,400,000,000 2013 $253,000,000 Liberty Interactive 2016 2.4 B2C Seattle
70 Zynga 2007 0.0 2007 10.00 2008 5.03 2008 25.0 2008 ... 10.0 2.80 $2,453,627,187 2011 $1,000,000,000 - - - B2C SF

5 rows × 33 columns

In [38]:
from datetime import datetime

most_funded['Firm age']     =     - most_funded['Founded']
most_funded['Years to IPO'] = most_funded['IPO Year'] - most_funded['Founded']

In [39]:
# extract all funding rounds
# R1, R2, ... are funding rounds (Raising VC)

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 Other Funding
66 0.5 1.55 6.00 19.0 60.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00
67 32.0 25.00 30.00 5.5 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 4.13
68 4.7 10.00 25.00 21.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00
69 4.6 6.00 43.00 85.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.00
70 0.0 10.00 5.03 25.0 15.19 15.0 300.0 6.34 490.0 0.00

In [40]:
# [axis = 1] to sum by row instead of by-column
most_funded['VC'] = most_funded.iloc[:,2:22:2].sum(axis=1)
# VC data is in MILLIONS of $

In [41]:
most_funded['IPO Raise'].head(3)

0     $87,000,000
1     $71,400,000
2    $462,000,000
Name: IPO Raise, dtype: object

In [42]:
# convert IPO string to MILLIONS of $
converter = lambda x: round(int((x.replace(',',''))[1:])/10**6, 2)
most_funded['IPO Raise']          = most_funded['IPO Raise'           ].apply(converter)
most_funded['Current Market Cap'] = most_funded['Current Market Cap  '].apply(converter)
del most_funded['Current Market Cap  ']

In [43]:
most_funded['IPO Raise'].head(3)

0     87.0
1     71.4
2    462.0
Name: IPO Raise, dtype: float64

In [44]:
most_funded['VC and IPO'] = most_funded['VC'] + most_funded['IPO Raise']

In [45]:
# Price in ordinary $
most_funded['$ Price change'] = most_funded['Current Share Price'] - most_funded['IPO Share Price']

In [46]:
most_funded['% Price change'] = round(most_funded['$ Price change'] / most_funded['IPO Share Price'], 2)

Facebook is an extreme outlier in venture capital, let's exclude it from our analysis

In [47]:
mask = most_funded['Firm'] == 'Facebook'

Firm Founded R1 Year R2 Year.1 R3 Year.2 R4 Year.3 ... Acquired Price Sector Geo Firm age Years to IPO VC Current Market Cap VC and IPO $ Price change % Price change
15 Facebook 2005 0.5 2004 12.7 2005 27.5 2006 240.0 2007 ... - B2C SF 11 7 615.7 339242.62 16615.7 79.02 2.08

1 rows × 39 columns

In [48]:
# removing Facebook
most_funded = most_funded[~mask]

In [49]:
# look at all the columns
[print(c) for c in most_funded.columns]

Other Funding
IPO Share Price
Current Share Price
IPO Year
IPO Raise
Acquired Year
Acquired Price
Firm age
Years to IPO
Current Market Cap
VC and IPO
$ Price change
% Price change

In [50]:
cols = most_funded.columns[:2].append(most_funded.columns[22:])

Index(['Firm', 'Founded', 'Ticker', 'IPO Share Price', 'Current Share Price',
       'IPO Year', 'IPO Raise', 'Acquirer', 'Acquired Year', 'Acquired Price',
       'Sector', 'Geo', 'Firm age', 'Years to IPO', 'VC', 'Current Market Cap',
       'VC and IPO', '$ Price change', '% Price change'],

In [51]:
# remove individual funding rounds - we'll only analyze aggregates
most_funded = most_funded[cols]

In [52]:
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter

x = most_funded['Firm']
y = sorted(most_funded['VC'], reverse=True)

def millions(x, pos):
    'The two args are the value and tick position'
    return '$%1.0fM' % (x)

formatter = FuncFormatter(millions)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,4), dpi=200)

#plt.figure(figsize=(6,4), dpi=200)

# Create a new subplot from a grid of 1x1
# plt.subplot(111)
plt.title("Total VC raised for unicorns"), [0,0]+y, width = 1, facecolor='0.80', edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.3)

plt.ylabel('VC raised per firm\n(before IPO)')

# plt.set_xticks(x)                   # set 1 tick per year

In [53]:
cols = ['Firm', 'Sector', 'VC', 'Current Market Cap']
df = most_funded[cols]
df.set_index('Firm', inplace = True)

Sector VC Current Market Cap
Apigee B2B 173.0 535.07
Appfolio B2B 30.0 729.54

In [54]:
tmp = df.groupby('Sector').sum().applymap(int)
tmp.index += ' Total'
tmp.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace = True)

VC Current Market Cap
B2C Total 6053 96775
B2B Total 3550 111356

In [55]:
tmp2 = df.groupby('Sector').mean().applymap(int)
tmp2.index += ' Average'
tmp2.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace = True)

VC Current Market Cap
B2C Average 201 3225
B2B Average 88 2783

In [56]:
tmp.append(tmp2).applymap(lambda x: "${:,}".format(x))

VC Current Market Cap
B2C Total $6,053 $96,775
B2B Total $3,550 $111,356
B2C Average $201 $3,225
B2B Average $88 $2,783

In [57]:
tex(tmp.append(tmp2).applymap(lambda x: "${:,}".format(x)))

{} &      VC & Current Market Cap \\
B2C Total   &  \$6,053 &            \$96,775 \\
B2B Total   &  \$3,550 &           \$111,356 \\
B2C Average &    \$201 &             \$3,225 \\
B2B Average &     \$88 &             \$2,783 \\

In [58]:
most_funded['Mult'] = (most_funded['Current Market Cap'] / most_funded['VC']).replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan)

Firm Founded Ticker IPO Share Price Current Share Price IPO Year IPO Raise Acquirer Acquired Year Acquired Price Sector Geo Firm age Years to IPO VC Current Market Cap VC and IPO $ Price change % Price change Mult
0 Apigee 2004 APIC 17.0 17.38 2015 87.0 - - - B2B SF 12 11 173.00 535.07 260.00 0.38 0.02 3.092890
1 Appfolio 2006 APPF 12.0 21.60 2015 71.4 - - - B2B LA 10 9 30.00 729.54 101.40 9.60 0.80 24.318000
2 Atlassian 2002 TEAM 21.0 28.76 2015 462.0 - - - B2B Sydney 14 13 0.00 6525.21 462.00 7.76 0.37 NaN
3 Barracuda Networks 2003 CUDA 18.0 24.08 2013 75.0 - - - B2B SF 13 10 45.61 1274.81 120.61 6.08 0.34 27.950230
4 Boingo 2001 WIFI 13.5 11.85 2011 77.9 - - - B2C LA 15 10 90.00 459.42 167.90 -1.65 -0.12 5.104667

In [59]:

{} &        0 &         1 &          2 &                   3 &        4 \\
Firm                &   Apigee &  Appfolio &  Atlassian &  Barracuda Networks &   Boingo \\
Founded             &     2004 &      2006 &       2002 &                2003 &     2001 \\
Ticker              &     APIC &      APPF &       TEAM &                CUDA &     WIFI \\
IPO Share Price     &       17 &        12 &         21 &                  18 &     13.5 \\
Current Share Price &    17.38 &      21.6 &      28.76 &               24.08 &    11.85 \\
IPO Year            &     2015 &      2015 &       2015 &                2013 &     2011 \\
IPO Raise           &       87 &      71.4 &        462 &                  75 &     77.9 \\
Acquirer            &        - &         - &          - &                   - &        - \\
Geo                 &       SF &        LA &     Sydney &                  SF &       LA \\
Firm age            &       12 &        10 &         14 &                  13 &       15 \\
Years to IPO        &       11 &         9 &         13 &                  10 &       10 \\
VC                  &      173 &        30 &          0 &               45.61 &       90 \\
Current Market Cap  &   535.07 &    729.54 &    6525.21 &             1274.81 &   459.42 \\
VC and IPO          &      260 &     101.4 &        462 &              120.61 &    167.9 \\
\$ Price change      &     0.38 &       9.6 &       7.76 &                6.08 &    -1.65 \\
\% Price change      &     0.02 &       0.8 &       0.37 &                0.34 &    -0.12 \\
Mult                &  3.09289 &    24.318 &        NaN &             27.9502 &  5.10467 \\

In [60]:
most_funded['Current Market Cap']

0       535.07
1       729.54
2      6525.21
3      1274.81
4       459.42
5      2004.51
6       567.24
7       253.36
8       375.33
9       720.77
10     2518.68
11     2800.00
12      125.00
13     1569.72
14     2500.00
16     2333.78
17     1818.55
18     1425.54
19     2225.94
20     3163.74
21     4220.59
22     3900.00
23     2031.51
24      545.14
25      312.43
26     1567.73
27     5686.93
28     2326.72
29     1956.36
30    26200.00
41     1596.84
42       84.59
43     1500.00
44    13930.43
45     4106.90
46     1754.76
47      177.00
48     7749.73
49     4324.69
50     3572.13
51      663.00
52      103.96
53     1102.78
54     2500.00
55      533.43
56    13520.06
57     5771.18
58      509.20
59     2628.34
60     2259.53
61    16923.31
62      661.41
63      890.00
64     3150.60
65      121.09
66     2015.50
67     4389.56
68      500.00
69     2400.00
70     2453.63
Name: Current Market Cap, dtype: float64

In [61]:
least_20 = most_funded.dropna().sort_values('VC')[1:21]
least_20 = least_20[['VC', 'Current Market Cap','Mult']].mean()

VC                      44.90900
Current Market Cap    2183.97750
Mult                    63.03569
dtype: float64

In [62]:
most_20 = most_funded.dropna().sort_values('VC')[-20:]
most_20 = most_20[['VC', 'Current Market Cap','Mult']].mean()

VC                     332.686500
Current Market Cap    3182.942000
Mult                    12.956015
dtype: float64

In [63]:
pd.DataFrame([most_20, least_20], index=['most_20', 'least_20']).applymap(lambda x: round(x, 2))

VC Current Market Cap Mult
most_20 332.69 3182.94 12.96
least_20 44.91 2183.98 63.04

In [64]:
tex(pd.DataFrame([most_20, least_20], index=['most_20', 'least_20']).applymap(lambda x: round(x, 2)))

{} &      VC &  Current Market Cap &   Mult \\
most\_20  &  332.69 &             3182.94 &  12.96 \\
least\_20 &   44.91 &             2183.98 &  63.04 \\

In [65]:
cols = ['Sector', 'VC', '% Price change', 'Firm age', 'Years to IPO', 'Current Market Cap', 'Mult']
df = most_funded[cols]
df.columns = ['Sector', 'VC', 'Growth', 'Age', 'yearsIPO', 'marketCAP', 'Mult']


Sector VC Growth Age yearsIPO marketCAP Mult
0 B2B 173.0 0.02 12 11 535.07 3.09289
1 B2B 30.0 0.80 10 9 729.54 24.31800

In [66]:
res = smf.ols(formula='Growth ~ VC + yearsIPO + C(Sector)', data=df).fit()

                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                 Growth   R-squared:                       0.083
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.041
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     1.980
Date:                Tue, 22 Nov 2016   Prob (F-statistic):              0.126
Time:                        04:14:56   Log-Likelihood:                -105.55
No. Observations:                  70   AIC:                             219.1
Df Residuals:                      66   BIC:                             228.1
Df Model:                           3                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                       coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [95.0% Conf. Int.]
Intercept            1.3677      0.589      2.322      0.023         0.192     2.544
C(Sector)[T.B2C]    -0.2068      0.285     -0.725      0.471        -0.776     0.363
VC                  -0.0015      0.001     -2.087      0.041        -0.003 -6.72e-05
yearsIPO            -0.0621      0.059     -1.048      0.298        -0.180     0.056
Omnibus:                       11.241   Durbin-Watson:                   2.164
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.004   Jarque-Bera (JB):               11.383
Skew:                           0.924   Prob(JB):                      0.00337
Kurtosis:                       3.698   Cond. No.                     1.07e+03

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.07e+03. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

In [67]:
res = smf.ols(formula='Growth ~ VC + Age + yearsIPO + C(Sector)', data=df).fit()

                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                 Growth   R-squared:                       0.137
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.084
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     2.577
Date:                Tue, 22 Nov 2016   Prob (F-statistic):             0.0456
Time:                        04:14:56   Log-Likelihood:                -103.41
No. Observations:                  70   AIC:                             216.8
Df Residuals:                      65   BIC:                             228.1
Df Model:                           4                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                       coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [95.0% Conf. Int.]
Intercept            0.4750      0.725      0.655      0.515        -0.974     1.924
C(Sector)[T.B2C]    -0.3221      0.284     -1.132      0.262        -0.890     0.246
VC                  -0.0015      0.001     -2.124      0.037        -0.003 -9.22e-05
Age                  0.2197      0.109      2.022      0.047         0.003     0.437
yearsIPO            -0.2489      0.109     -2.283      0.026        -0.467    -0.031
Omnibus:                        4.643   Durbin-Watson:                   2.150
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.098   Jarque-Bera (JB):                4.076
Skew:                           0.586   Prob(JB):                        0.130
Kurtosis:                       3.152   Cond. No.                     1.34e+03

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.34e+03. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

In [68]:

\textbf{Dep. Variable:}    &      Growth      & \textbf{  R-squared:         } &     0.137   \\
\textbf{Model:}            &       OLS        & \textbf{  Adj. R-squared:    } &     0.084   \\
\textbf{Method:}           &  Least Squares   & \textbf{  F-statistic:       } &     2.577   \\
\textbf{Date:}             & Tue, 22 Nov 2016 & \textbf{  Prob (F-statistic):} &   0.0456    \\
\textbf{Time:}             &     04:14:56     & \textbf{  Log-Likelihood:    } &   -103.41   \\
\textbf{No. Observations:} &          70      & \textbf{  AIC:               } &     216.8   \\
\textbf{Df Residuals:}     &          65      & \textbf{  BIC:               } &     228.1   \\
\textbf{Df Model:}         &           4      & \textbf{                     } &             \\
                          & \textbf{coef} & \textbf{std err} & \textbf{t} & \textbf{P$>$$|$t$|$} & \textbf{[95.0\% Conf. Int.]}  \\
\textbf{Intercept}        &       0.4750  &        0.725     &     0.655  &         0.515        &        -0.974     1.924       \\
\textbf{C(Sector)[T.B2C]} &      -0.3221  &        0.284     &    -1.132  &         0.262        &        -0.890     0.246       \\
\textbf{VC}               &      -0.0015  &        0.001     &    -2.124  &         0.037        &        -0.003 -9.22e-05       \\
\textbf{Age}              &       0.2197  &        0.109     &     2.022  &         0.047        &         0.003     0.437       \\
\textbf{yearsIPO}         &      -0.2489  &        0.109     &    -2.283  &         0.026        &        -0.467    -0.031       \\
\textbf{Omnibus:}       &  4.643 & \textbf{  Durbin-Watson:     } &    2.150  \\
\textbf{Prob(Omnibus):} &  0.098 & \textbf{  Jarque-Bera (JB):  } &    4.076  \\
\textbf{Skew:}          &  0.586 & \textbf{  Prob(JB):          } &    0.130  \\
\textbf{Kurtosis:}      &  3.152 & \textbf{  Cond. No.          } & 1.34e+03  \\
%\caption{OLS Regression Results}

In [69]:
res = smf.ols(formula='Mult ~ VC + yearsIPO + C(Sector)', data=df).fit()

                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                   Mult   R-squared:                       0.067
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.022
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     1.494
Date:                Tue, 22 Nov 2016   Prob (F-statistic):              0.225
Time:                        04:14:56   Log-Likelihood:                -434.79
No. Observations:                  66   AIC:                             877.6
Df Residuals:                      62   BIC:                             886.3
Df Model:                           3                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                       coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [95.0% Conf. Int.]
Intercept          230.1760     96.074      2.396      0.020        38.126   422.226
C(Sector)[T.B2C]   -40.4631     47.546     -0.851      0.398      -135.506    54.579
VC                  -0.1728      0.122     -1.419      0.161        -0.416     0.071
yearsIPO           -14.8434      9.739     -1.524      0.133       -34.312     4.625
Omnibus:                      123.883   Durbin-Watson:                   1.941
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):             5458.990
Skew:                           6.177   Prob(JB):                         0.00
Kurtosis:                      45.807   Cond. No.                     1.08e+03

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.08e+03. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.

In [ ]: