Pandas 4: Combining data

Sometimes we need to combine data from two or more dataframes. That's colloquially known as a merge or a join. There are lots of ways to do this. We do a couple but supply references to more at the end.

Along the way we take an extended detour to review methods for downloading and unzipping compressed files. The tools we use here have a broad range of other applications, including web scraping.


Note: requires internet access to run.

This IPython notebook was created by Dave Backus, Chase Coleman, Brian LeBlanc, and Spencer Lyon for the NYU Stern course Data Bootcamp.


Import packages, etc.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd             # data package
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # graphics 
import sys                      # system module, used to get Python version 
import os                       # operating system tools (check files)
import datetime as dt           # date tools, used to note current date  

# these are new 
import requests, io             # internet and input tools  
import zipfile as zf            # zip file tools 
import shutil                   # file management tools 

%matplotlib inline 

print('\nPython version: ', sys.version) 
print('Pandas version: ', pd.__version__)
print('Requests version: ', requests.__version__)
print("Today's date:",

Python version:  3.5.1 |Anaconda 4.0.0 (64-bit)| (default, Feb 16 2016, 09:49:46) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]
Pandas version:  0.18.0
Requests version:  2.9.1
Today's date: 2016-04-22

MovieLens data

The data comes as a zip file that contains several csv's. We get the details from the README inside. (It's written in Markdown, so it's easier to read if we use a browser to format it. Or we could cut and paste into a Markdown cell in an IPython notebook.)

The file descriptions are:

  • ratings.csv: each line is an individual film rating with the rater and movie id's and the rating. Order: userId, movieId, rating, timestamp.
  • tags.csv: each line is a tag on a specific film. Order: userId, movieId, tag, timestamp.
  • movies.csv: each line is a movie name, its id, and its genre. Order: movieId, title, genres. Multiple genres are separated by "pipes" |.
  • links.csv: each line contains the movie id and corresponding id's at IMBd and TMDb.

The easy way to input this data is to download the zip file onto our computer, unzip it, and read the individual csv files using read.csv(). But anyone can do it the easy way. We want to automate this, so we can redo it without any manual steps. This takes some effort, but once we have it down we can apply it to lots of other data sources.

In [ ]:

Automate file download

We're looking for an automated way, so that if we do this again, possibly with updated data, the whole process is in our code. Automated data entry involves these steps:

  • Get the file. We use the requests package, which handles internet files and comes pre-installed with Anaconda. This kind of thing was hidden behind the scenes in the Pandas read_csv function, but here we need to do it for ourselves. The package authors add:

    Recreational use of other HTTP libraries may result in dangerous side-effects, including: security vulnerabilities, verbose code, reinventing the wheel, constantly reading documentation, depression, headaches, or even death.

  • Convert to zip. Requests simply loads whatever's at the given url. The io module's io.Bytes reconstructs it as a file, here a zip file.
  • Unzip the file. We use the zipfile module, which is part of core Python, to extract the files inside.
  • Read in the csv's. Now that we've extracted the csv files, we use read_csv as usual.

We found this Stack Overflow exchange helpful.

Digression. This is probably more than you want to know, but it's a reminder of what goes on behind the scenes when we apply read_csv to a url. Here we grab whatever is at the url. Then we get its contents, convert it to bytes, identify it as a zip file, and read its components using read_csv. It's a lot easier when this happens automatically, but a reminder what's involved if we ever have to look into the details.

In [2]:
# get "response" from url 
url = ''
r = requests.get(url) 

# describe response 
print('Response status code:', r.status_code)
print('Response type:', type(r))
print('Response .content:', type(r.content)) 
print('Response headers:\n', r.headers, sep='')

Response status code: 200
Response type: <class 'requests.models.Response'>
Response .content: <class 'bytes'>
Response headers:
{'Content-Type': 'application/zip', 'Server': 'Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)', 'Date': 'Fri, 22 Apr 2016 17:46:05 GMT', 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes', 'Keep-Alive': 'timeout=5, max=100', 'ETag': '"80552-fe029-5291222b37ae7"', 'Content-Length': '1040425', 'Connection': 'Keep-Alive', 'Last-Modified': 'Mon, 11 Jan 2016 17:19:11 GMT'}

In [3]:
# convert bytes to zip file  
mlz = zf.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content)) 
print('Type of zipfile object:', type(mlz))

Type of zipfile object: <class 'zipfile.ZipFile'>

In [4]:
# what's in the zip file?


In [5]:
# extract and read csv's
movies  = pd.read_csv([2]))
ratings = pd.read_csv([3]))

In [6]:
# what do we have? 
for df in [movies, ratings]:
    print('Type:', type(df))
    print('Dimensions:', df.shape)
    print('Variables:', list(df))
    print('First few rows', df.head(3), '\n')

Type: <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Dimensions: (10329, 3)
Variables: ['movieId', 'title', 'genres']
First few rows    movieId                    title  \
0        1         Toy Story (1995)   
1        2           Jumanji (1995)   
2        3  Grumpier Old Men (1995)   

0  Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy|Fantasy  
1                   Adventure|Children|Fantasy  
2                               Comedy|Romance   

Type: <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Dimensions: (105339, 4)
Variables: ['userId', 'movieId', 'rating', 'timestamp']
First few rows    userId  movieId  rating   timestamp
0       1       16     4.0  1217897793
1       1       24     1.5  1217895807
2       1       32     4.0  1217896246 

In [ ]:

Exercise. Something to do together. suppose we wanted to save the files on our computer. How would we do it? Would we prefer individual csv's or a single zip?

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [7]:
# experiment via
with open('', 'wb') as out_file:
    shutil.copyfileobj(io.BytesIO(r.content), out_file)

Merging ratings and movie titles

The movie ratings in the dataframe ratings give us individual opinions about movies, but they don't include the name of the movie. Why not? Rather than include the name every time a movie is rated, the MovieLens data associates each rating with a movie code, than stores the names of movies associatd with each movie code in the dataframe movies. We run across this a lot: some information is in one data table, other information is in another.

Our want is therefore to add the movie name to the ratings dataframe. We say we merge the two dataferames. There are lots of ways to merge. Here we do one as an illustration.

Let's start by reminding ourselves what we have.

In [8]:

userId movieId rating timestamp
0 1 16 4.0 1217897793
1 1 24 1.5 1217895807
2 1 32 4.0 1217896246

In [9]:

movieId title genres
0 1 Toy Story (1995) Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy|Fantasy
1 2 Jumanji (1995) Adventure|Children|Fantasy
2 3 Grumpier Old Men (1995) Comedy|Romance

In [ ]:


Here's roughly what's involved in what we're doing. We take the movieId variable from ratings and look it up in movies. When we find it, we look up the title and add it as a column in ratings. The variable movieId is common, so we can use it to link the two dataframes.

In [10]:
combo = pd.merge(ratings, movies,   # left and right df's
                 how='left',        # add to left 
                 on='movieId'       # link with this variable/column 

print('Dimensions of ratings:', ratings.shape)
print('Dimensions of movies:', movies.shape)
print('Dimensions of new df:', combo.shape)


Dimensions of ratings: (105339, 4)
Dimensions of movies: (10329, 3)
Dimensions of new df: (105339, 6)
userId movieId rating timestamp title genres
0 1 16 4.0 1217897793 Casino (1995) Crime|Drama
1 1 24 1.5 1217895807 Powder (1995) Drama|Sci-Fi
2 1 32 4.0 1217896246 Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys) (1995) Mystery|Sci-Fi|Thriller
3 1 47 4.0 1217896556 Seven (a.k.a. Se7en) (1995) Mystery|Thriller
4 1 50 4.0 1217896523 Usual Suspects, The (1995) Crime|Mystery|Thriller
5 1 110 4.0 1217896150 Braveheart (1995) Action|Drama|War
6 1 150 3.0 1217895940 Apollo 13 (1995) Adventure|Drama|IMAX
7 1 161 4.0 1217897864 Crimson Tide (1995) Drama|Thriller|War
8 1 165 3.0 1217897135 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) Action|Crime|Thriller
9 1 204 0.5 1217895786 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995) Action
10 1 223 4.0 1217897795 Clerks (1994) Comedy
11 1 256 0.5 1217895764 Junior (1994) Comedy|Sci-Fi
12 1 260 4.5 1217895864 Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) Action|Adventure|Sci-Fi
13 1 261 1.5 1217895750 Little Women (1994) Drama
14 1 277 0.5 1217895772 Miracle on 34th Street (1994) Drama
15 1 296 4.0 1217896125 Pulp Fiction (1994) Comedy|Crime|Drama|Thriller
16 1 318 4.0 1217895860 Shawshank Redemption, The (1994) Crime|Drama
17 1 349 4.5 1217897058 Clear and Present Danger (1994) Action|Crime|Drama|Thriller
18 1 356 3.0 1217896231 Forrest Gump (1994) Comedy|Drama|Romance|War
19 1 377 2.5 1217896373 Speed (1994) Action|Romance|Thriller

In [ ]:

In [11]:
# save as csv file for future use 

In [12]:
print('Current directory:\n', os.getcwd(), sep='')
print('List of files:', os.listdir(), sep='\n')

Current directory:
List of files:
['.ipynb_checkpoints', 'bootcamp_advgraphics_seaborn.ipynb', 'bootcamp_data_management.ipynb', 'bootcamp_data_management_datasets.ipynb', 'bootcamp_examples.ipynb', 'bootcamp_exam_practice.ipynb', 'bootcamp_exam_practice_answerkey.ipynb', 'bootcamp_exam_s16_answerkey.ipynb', 'bootcamp_graphics.ipynb', 'bootcamp_indicators.ipynb', 'bootcamp_pandas-clean.ipynb', 'bootcamp_pandas-group.ipynb', 'bootcamp_pandas-merge.ipynb', 'bootcamp_pandas-shape.ipynb', 'bootcamp_pandas-summarize.ipynb', 'bootcamp_practice_a.ipynb', 'bootcamp_practice_a_answerkey.ipynb', 'bootcamp_sandbox.ipynb', 'bootcamp_test.ipynb', 'mlcombined.csv', '']

In [ ]:

Exercise. Some of these we know how to do, the others we don't. For the ones we know, what is the answer? For the others, what (in loose terms) do we need to be able to do to come up with an answer?

  • What is the overall average rating?
  • What is the overall distribution of ratings?
  • What is the average rating of each movie?
  • How many ratings does each movie get?

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [13]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
bins = [bin/100 for bin in list(range(25, 575, 50))]
combo['rating'].plot(kind='hist', ax=ax, bins=bins, color='blue', alpha=0.5)

"\nfig, ax = plt.subplots()\nbins = [bin/100 for bin in list(range(25, 575, 50))]\nprint(bins)\ncombo['rating'].plot(kind='hist', ax=ax, bins=bins, color='blue', alpha=0.5)\nax.set_xlim(0,5.5)\nax.set_ylabel('Number')\nax.set_xlabel('Rating')\n"

In [ ]:

Population "estimates" and "projections"

We look (again) at the UN's population data, specifically the age distribution of the population. The data comes in two sheets: estimates that cover the period 1950-2015 and projections that cover 2016-2100. Our mission is to combine them.

Load data

We start, as usual, by loading the data. This takes a minute or so.

In [14]:
url1 = ''
url2 = '1_Indicators%20(Standard)/EXCEL_FILES/1_Population/'
url = url1 + url2 + url3 

cols = [2, 5] + list(range(6,28))
est = pd.read_excel(url, sheetname=0, skiprows=16, parse_cols=cols, na_values=['…'])
prj = pd.read_excel(url, sheetname=1, skiprows=16, parse_cols=cols, na_values=['…'])

print('Dimensions and dtypes of estimates: ', est.shape, '\n', est.dtypes.head(), sep='')
print('\nDimensions and dtypes of projections: ', prj.shape, '\n', prj.dtypes.head(), sep='')

Dimensions and dtypes of estimates: (3374, 24)
Major area, region, country or area *     object
Reference date (as of 1 July)              int64
0-4                                      float64
5-9                                      float64
10-14                                    float64
dtype: object

Dimensions and dtypes of projections: (4338, 23)
Major area, region, country or area *     object
Reference date (as of 1 July)              int64
0-4                                      float64
5-9                                      float64
10-14                                    float64
dtype: object

Comment. Note that they have different numbers of columns. Let's see where that comes from.

In [15]:

['65-69', '70-74', '75-79', '80+', '80-84', '85-89', '90-94', '95-99', '100+']

In [16]:

['65-69', '70-74', '75-79', '80-84', '85-89', '90-94', '95-99', '100+']

In [ ]:

Clean data

Pick a useable subset and fix extra column so that we can combine them. The problem here is that until 1990, the highest age category was '80+. From 1990 on, we have a finer breakdown.

We fix this by reassigning '80+' to '80-84' and not worrying that some of these people are 85 or older. Note that df.fillna(0.0) replaces missing values with zeros.

In [17]:
def cleanpop(df, countries, years): 
    take df as input and select countries and years 
    # rename first two columns 
    names = list(df) 
    df = df.rename(columns={names[0]: 'Country', names[1]: 'Year'}) 

    # select countries and years
    newdf = df[df['Country'].isin(countries) & df['Year'].isin(years)] 
    return newdf

countries = ['Japan']
past      = [1950, 2000]
future    = [2050, 2100]

e = cleanpop(est, countries, past) 
p = cleanpop(prj, countries, future)

# make copie sfor later use 
ealt = e.copy()
palt = p.copy()

# fix top-coding in estimates
e['80-84'] = e['80-84'].fillna(0.0) + e['80+'].fillna(0.0)
e = e.drop(['80+'], axis=1)

# check dimensions again
print('Dimensions of cleaned estimates: ', e.shape)
print('Dimensions of cleaned projections: ', p.shape)

Dimensions of cleaned estimates:  (2, 23)
Dimensions of cleaned projections:  (2, 23)

In [19]:
# check to see if we have the same variables 
list(e) == list(p)


In [ ]:

Merge estimates and projections

If we have two blocks of data, and want just want to put them on top of each other, we use the Pandas' concatenate function. Ditto two blocks next to each other.

But first we need to fix the difference in the columns of the two dataframes.

In [20]:
pop = pd.concat([e, p], axis=0).fillna(0.0)

Country Year 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 ... 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-99 100+
1134 Japan 1950 10997.606 9448.307 8634.342 8484.002 7636.338 6089.337 5104.356 4989.952 ... 2728.668 2277.718 1757.865 1271.333 674.869 362.356 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
1144 Japan 2000 5858.083 5992.304 6534.552 7481.678 8394.685 9782.756 8684.281 8046.208 ... 8654.066 7673.926 7024.429 5825.320 4082.687 2540.718 1476.095 527.205 111.014 10.780
1465 Japan 2050 4365.709 4454.049 4533.887 4644.123 4791.892 4986.758 5222.010 5419.444 ... 6065.917 6630.748 7010.576 7539.984 8225.455 6530.305 4766.516 2968.450 1523.374 441.117
1475 Japan 2100 3662.422 3723.514 3791.893 3872.946 3960.466 4046.149 4121.987 4203.284 ... 4561.356 4613.669 4655.102 4687.750 4715.118 4656.733 4296.603 3419.217 2105.037 904.728

4 rows × 23 columns

In [ ]:

Exercise. What happens if we try to merge the original dataframes, including the one with the extra 80+ column? Run the code below and comment on what you get.

In [26]:
popalt = pd.concat([ealt, palt], axis=0)

'\npopalt = pd.concat([ealt, palt], axis=0).fillna(0.0)\npopalt\n'

In [ ]:

Shape data

We want age categories in the index (the default x axis in a plot) and the years in the columns. The country we don't care about because there's only one.

In [23]:
pop = pop.drop('Country', axis=1)
popi = pop.set_index('Year')

0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 ... 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-99 100+
1950 10997.606 9448.307 8634.342 8484.002 7636.338 6089.337 5104.356 4989.952 4429.172 3959.115 ... 2728.668 2277.718 1757.865 1271.333 674.869 362.356 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
2000 5858.083 5992.304 6534.552 7481.678 8394.685 9782.756 8684.281 8046.208 7741.920 8928.982 ... 8654.066 7673.926 7024.429 5825.320 4082.687 2540.718 1476.095 527.205 111.014 10.780
2050 4365.709 4454.049 4533.887 4644.123 4791.892 4986.758 5222.010 5419.444 5543.959 5727.320 ... 6065.917 6630.748 7010.576 7539.984 8225.455 6530.305 4766.516 2968.450 1523.374 441.117
2100 3662.422 3723.514 3791.893 3872.946 3960.466 4046.149 4121.987 4203.284 4294.733 4394.420 ... 4561.356 4613.669 4655.102 4687.750 4715.118 4656.733 4296.603 3419.217 2105.037 904.728

4 rows × 21 columns

In [24]: = 'Age'
popt = popi.T

Year 1950 2000 2050 2100
0-4 10997.606 5858.083 4365.709 3662.422
5-9 9448.307 5992.304 4454.049 3723.514
10-14 8634.342 6534.552 4533.887 3791.893
15-19 8484.002 7481.678 4644.123 3872.946
20-24 7636.338 8394.685 4791.892 3960.466

In [25]:
ax = popt.plot(kind='bar', color='blue', alpha=0.5, 

In [ ]:

Exercise. Use set_index, stack, and unstack to shape the dataframe popi into popt.

In [ ]:


The Pandas docs are ok, but we prefer the Data Carpentry guide

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