Produce input catalogs for lensed system postage stamp generation

Last Updated: Bryce Kalmbach, December 2018

This is a notebook to produce the host AGN and SN catalogs that are used to created FITS postage stamps of the lensed systems. The goal here is to associate the lens and host information into a single catalog so that Nan Li can use it properly model the host galaxy shapes and we include them as fits files with the instance catalogs. PhoSim is able to take these fits files as input for the given line in the instance catalog so that we have properly shaped host galaxies in our lensed systems.

Load in galaxy catalogs as dataframes

These come from unsprinkled instance catalogs of the DDF region.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
from import fits
import numpy as np
from desc.sims.GCRCatSimInterface import InstanceCatalogWriter
from lsst.sims.utils import SpecMap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lsst.utils import getPackageDir
from lsst.sims.photUtils import Sed, BandpassDict, Bandpass
from lsst.sims.catUtils.matchSED import matchBase
import os
%matplotlib inline

/global/common/software/lsst/common/miniconda/py3-4.3.21-env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: 
This call to matplotlib.use() has no effect because the backend has already
been chosen; matplotlib.use() must be called *before* pylab, matplotlib.pyplot,
or matplotlib.backends is imported for the first time.

/global/homes/b/brycek/DC2/sims_catalogs/python/lsst/sims/catalogs/db/ UserWarning: Duplicate object type id 4 specified: 
Output object ids may not be unique.
This may not be a problem if you do not want globally unique id values
  'want globally unique id values')
/global/homes/b/brycek/DC2/sims_catalogs/python/lsst/sims/catalogs/db/ UserWarning: Duplicate object type id 28 specified: 
Output object ids may not be unique.
This may not be a problem if you do not want globally unique id values
  'want globally unique id values')

In [2]:
base_columns = ['prefix', 'uniqueId', 'raPhoSim', 'decPhoSim',
                        'phosimMagNorm', 'sedFilepath', 'redshift',
                        'shear1', 'shear2', 'kappa', 'raOffset', 'decOffset',

In [3]:
df_galaxy = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.environ['SCRATCH'],
                                delimiter=' ', header=None,
                                names=base_columns+['majorAxis', 'minorAxis',
                                                    'positionAngle', 'sindex',
                                                    'internalAv', 'internalRv',
                                                    'galacticAv', 'galacticRv'])

In [4]:
df_disk = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.environ['SCRATCH'],
                                delimiter=' ', header=None,
                                names=base_columns+['majorAxis', 'minorAxis',
                                                    'positionAngle', 'sindex',
                                                    'internalAv', 'internalRv',
                                                    'galacticAv', 'galacticRv'])

In [5]:
df_agn = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.environ['SCRATCH'],
                                 delimiter=' ', header=None,
                                                     'galacticAv', 'galacticRv'])

In [6]:
df_agn['galaxy_id'] = np.right_shift(df_agn['uniqueId'], 10)

In [7]:

prefix uniqueId raPhoSim decPhoSim phosimMagNorm sedFilepath redshift shear1 shear2 kappa raOffset decOffset spatialmodel internalExtinctionModel galacticExtinctionModel galacticAv galacticRv galaxy_id
0 object 3392000069749 54.351016 -29.474949 21.245477 agnSED/agn.spec.gz 0.047309 -0.000002 -0.000048 0.000007 0 0 point none CCM 0.029307 3.1 3312500068
1 object 3392000201845 55.064013 -29.107730 19.310657 agnSED/agn.spec.gz 0.027914 -0.000015 0.000021 -0.000026 0 0 point none CCM 0.045022 3.1 3312500197
2 object 3392000248949 54.820543 -29.341426 20.232832 agnSED/agn.spec.gz 0.044629 -0.000012 0.000021 -0.000017 0 0 point none CCM 0.036800 3.1 3312500243
3 object 3392000249973 54.847392 -29.342723 22.711512 agnSED/agn.spec.gz 0.044629 -0.000008 0.000030 -0.000014 0 0 point none CCM 0.038021 3.1 3312500244
4 object 3392000252021 54.772554 -29.279037 23.265985 agnSED/agn.spec.gz 0.044629 -0.000055 0.000038 0.000025 0 0 point none CCM 0.035074 3.1 3312500246

In [8]:
df_galaxy['galaxy_id'] = np.right_shift(df_galaxy['uniqueId'], 10)

In [9]:

prefix uniqueId raPhoSim decPhoSim phosimMagNorm sedFilepath redshift shear1 shear2 kappa ... minorAxis positionAngle sindex internalExtinctionModel internalAv internalRv galacticExtinctionModel galacticAv galacticRv galaxy_id
0 object 3392000025697 54.881856 -28.765553 21.346167 galaxySED/Burst.80E09.002Z.spec.gz 0.017818 -0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.648529 80.872978 4 CCM 0.0 2.0 CCM 0.044331 3.1 3312500025
1 object 3392000033889 54.815604 -28.803041 22.967427 galaxySED/Exp.80E09.002Z.spec.gz 0.021390 -0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.298480 88.921657 4 CCM 0.0 2.0 CCM 0.044144 3.1 3312500033
2 object 3392000037985 55.234418 -29.034768 23.699069 galaxySED/Exp.10E10.002Z.spec.gz 0.018474 -0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000 ... 1.166655 129.902200 4 CCM 0.0 2.0 CCM 0.047380 3.1 3312500037
3 object 3392000069729 54.351016 -29.474949 15.274427 galaxySED/Exp.10E10.04Z.spec.gz 0.047309 -0.000002 -0.000048 0.000007 ... 2.746652 58.996228 4 CCM 0.0 2.0 CCM 0.029307 3.1 3312500068
4 object 3392000070753 54.913149 -29.205063 21.510131 galaxySED/Burst.80E09.04Z.spec.gz 0.037030 -0.000018 0.000027 -0.000017 ... 0.708551 129.172123 4 CCM 0.0 2.0 CCM 0.039536 3.1 3312500069

5 rows × 24 columns

In [10]:
df_disk['galaxy_id'] = np.right_shift(df_disk['uniqueId'], 10)

In [11]:

prefix uniqueId raPhoSim decPhoSim phosimMagNorm sedFilepath redshift shear1 shear2 kappa ... minorAxis positionAngle sindex internalExtinctionModel internalAv internalRv galacticExtinctionModel galacticAv galacticRv galaxy_id
0 object 3392000009323 54.693652 -29.077189 18.192925 galaxySED/Exp.20E09.02Z.spec.gz 0.020022 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 ... 2.121733 3.872094 1 CCM 0.1 4.0 CCM 0.041432 3.1 3312500009
1 object 3392000016491 54.877503 -28.839979 20.971618 galaxySED/Burst.20E09.0005Z.spec.gz 0.018648 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 ... 2.155571 79.758104 1 CCM 0.1 3.5 CCM 0.046292 3.1 3312500016
2 object 3392000019563 54.994210 -28.802359 22.405348 galaxySED/Exp.50E09.0005Z.spec.gz 0.017085 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 ... 0.557445 157.899908 1 CCM 0.2 2.1 CCM 0.045183 3.1 3312500019
3 object 3392000022635 54.562747 -29.058309 23.121197 galaxySED/Exp.50E09.002Z.spec.gz 0.020561 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 ... 1.082256 93.739670 1 CCM 0.1 2.8 CCM 0.034288 3.1 3312500022
4 object 3392000025707 54.881856 -28.765553 23.794633 galaxySED/Exp.62E09.0005Z.spec.gz 0.017818 -0.0 -0.0 0.0 ... 0.794547 80.872978 1 CCM 0.1 2.9 CCM 0.044331 3.1 3312500025

5 rows × 24 columns

Make the AGN catalogs

What we are going to do is take the information on the unlensed bulge and disks from the instance catalog above and combine it with information on the lens that will be sprinkled in front of it so that we can accurately model the appearance of the lensed hosts in a fits postage stamp to include with the instance catalogs and give us properly modeled host galaxy images. We first do it for the AGN here and then repeat for the SNe below.

Load in the AGN lensed systems and cache file

The cache file associates the galaxy_id values with the twinklesId values in the lensed system catalog. The file cosmoDC2_vX.X_matched_AGN.fits contains the information on the lensed systems.

In [12]:
catalog_version = 'cosmoDC2_v1.1.4'

In [13]:
hdulist ='../../data/%s_matched_AGN.fits' % catalog_version)
twinkles_lenses = hdulist[1].data

In [14]:
agn_cache_df = pd.read_csv('../../data/%s_agn_cache.csv' % catalog_version)

Next we add in the lens properties to go with each of the images.

In [15]:
#TwinklesId can range from 0 - 1099
ra_images = []
dec_images = []
num_images = []
twinkles_system_images = []
unique_id_lens = []

unique_id_bulge = []
unique_id_disk = []

bulge_index = []
disk_index = []

disk_valid = []

i = 0
for twinkles_system in range(len(twinkles_lenses)):
    if twinkles_system % 100 == 0:
    cache_info = agn_cache_df.query('twinkles_system == %i' % twinkles_system)
    gal_id = cache_info['galtileid'].values[0]
    lens_info = twinkles_lenses[np.where(twinkles_lenses['twinklesId'] == twinkles_system)]
    bulge_info = df_galaxy.query('galaxy_id == %i' % gal_id)
    disk_info = df_disk.query('galaxy_id == %i' % gal_id)

    #print(bulge_info, disk_info)
    for lens_image in range(lens_info[0]['NIMG']):
        ra_shift = np.radians(lens_info[0]['XIMG'][lens_image] / 3600.) / np.cos(np.radians(bulge_info['decPhoSim']))
        dec_shift = np.radians(lens_info[0]['YIMG'][lens_image] / 3600.)
        image_ra = np.radians(bulge_info['raPhoSim']) + ra_shift
        image_dec = np.radians(bulge_info['decPhoSim'] + dec_shift)
        base_id = (gal_id + int(1.5e10))*10000 + twinkles_system*4 + lens_image
        unique_id_bulge.append(np.left_shift(base_id, 10) + 97)
        unique_id_disk.append(np.left_shift(base_id, 10) + 107)
        if len(disk_info) == 0:
        i += 1


In [16]:
host_bulge = df_galaxy.iloc[bulge_index]

In [17]:
host_bulge = host_bulge.reset_index(drop=True)

In [18]:
host_bulge['twinkles_system'] = twinkles_system_images

In [19]:
host_bulge['image_number'] = num_images

In [20]:
host_bulge['uniqueId_lens'] = unique_id_lens

In [21]:
host_bulge['uniqueId'] = unique_id_bulge

In [22]:
host_bulge['raPhoSim_lens'] = host_bulge['raPhoSim']
host_bulge['decPhoSim_lens'] = host_bulge['decPhoSim']

In [23]:
host_bulge['raPhoSim'] = ra_images
host_bulge['decPhoSim'] = dec_images

In [24]:

prefix uniqueId raPhoSim decPhoSim phosimMagNorm sedFilepath redshift shear1 shear2 kappa ... internalRv galacticExtinctionModel galacticAv galacticRv galaxy_id twinkles_system image_number uniqueId_lens raPhoSim_lens decPhoSim_lens
0 object 179926356316160097 53.649331 -28.200851 23.750343 galaxySED/Exp.12E09.1Z.spec.gz 1.907144 0.011577 -0.035357 -0.027762 ... 2.0 CCM 0.025911 3.1 2570933234 0 0 2632635631713 53.649314 -28.200843
1 object 179926356316161121 53.649293 -28.200842 23.750343 galaxySED/Exp.12E09.1Z.spec.gz 1.907144 0.011577 -0.035357 -0.027762 ... 2.0 CCM 0.025911 3.1 2570933234 0 1 2632635631713 53.649314 -28.200843
2 object 179979750236164193 53.205003 -28.167406 22.932481 galaxySED/Exp.25E09.02Z.spec.gz 2.110945 0.009374 0.009484 -0.020661 ... 3.0 CCM 0.021773 3.1 2576147484 1 0 2637975023713 53.205275 -28.167419
3 object 179979750236165217 53.205311 -28.167420 22.932481 galaxySED/Exp.25E09.02Z.spec.gz 2.110945 0.009374 0.009484 -0.020661 ... 3.0 CCM 0.021773 3.1 2576147484 1 1 2637975023713 53.205275 -28.167419
4 object 180040019486728289 53.426069 -27.808202 24.646902 galaxySED/Exp.12E09.1Z.spec.gz 2.880240 0.037115 0.002291 -0.000975 ... 2.0 CCM 0.019606 3.1 2582033153 2 0 2644001948769 53.426463 -27.808202

5 rows × 29 columns

In [25]:
host_disk = df_disk.iloc[disk_index]

In [26]:
host_disk = host_disk.reset_index(drop=True)

In [27]:
host_disk['twinkles_system'] = np.array(twinkles_system_images)[disk_valid]

In [28]:
host_disk['image_number'] = np.array(num_images)[disk_valid]

In [29]:
host_disk['uniqueId_lens'] = np.array(unique_id_lens)[disk_valid]

In [30]:
host_disk['uniqueId'] = np.array(unique_id_disk)[disk_valid]

In [31]:
host_disk['raPhoSim_lens'] = host_disk['raPhoSim']
host_disk['decPhoSim_lens'] = host_disk['decPhoSim']

In [32]:
host_disk['raPhoSim'] = np.array(ra_images)[disk_valid]
host_disk['decPhoSim'] = np.array(dec_images)[disk_valid]

In [33]:

prefix uniqueId raPhoSim decPhoSim phosimMagNorm sedFilepath redshift shear1 shear2 kappa ... internalRv galacticExtinctionModel galacticAv galacticRv galaxy_id twinkles_system image_number uniqueId_lens raPhoSim_lens decPhoSim_lens
0 object 179926356316160107 53.649331 -28.200851 49.271284 galaxySED/Inst.19E07.002Z.spec.gz 1.907144 0.011577 -0.035357 -0.027762 ... 2.0 CCM 0.025911 3.1 2570933234 0 0 2632635631713 53.649314 -28.200843
1 object 179926356316161131 53.649293 -28.200842 49.271284 galaxySED/Inst.19E07.002Z.spec.gz 1.907144 0.011577 -0.035357 -0.027762 ... 2.0 CCM 0.025911 3.1 2570933234 0 1 2632635631713 53.649314 -28.200843
2 object 179979750236164203 53.205003 -28.167406 52.535020 galaxySED/Inst.25E07.002Z.spec.gz 2.110945 0.009374 0.009484 -0.020661 ... 2.0 CCM 0.021773 3.1 2576147484 1 0 2637975023713 53.205275 -28.167419
3 object 179979750236165227 53.205311 -28.167420 52.535020 galaxySED/Inst.25E07.002Z.spec.gz 2.110945 0.009374 0.009484 -0.020661 ... 2.0 CCM 0.021773 3.1 2576147484 1 1 2637975023713 53.205275 -28.167419
4 object 180040019486728299 53.426069 -27.808202 50.803657 galaxySED/Inst.15E07.002Z.spec.gz 2.880240 0.037115 0.002291 -0.000975 ... 2.0 CCM 0.019606 3.1 2582033153 2 0 2644001948769 53.426463 -27.808202

5 rows × 29 columns

In [34]:
host_bulge.to_csv('../../data/%s_bulge_agn_host.csv' % catalog_version)
host_disk.to_csv('../../data/%s_disk_agn_host.csv' % catalog_version)

Make the SNe catalogs

We do the same as we did for the lensed AGN systems with the lensed SNe systems below.

Load in the SNE lensed systems and cache file

The cache file associates the galaxy_id values with the twinklesId values in the lensed system catalog. The file cosmoDC2_vX.X_sne_cat.csv contains the information on the images.

In [35]:
sne_df = pd.read_csv('../../data/%s_sne_cat.csv' % catalog_version)

In [36]:
sne_cache_df = pd.read_csv('../../data/%s_sne_cache.csv' % catalog_version)

In [37]:

t0 sigma gamma e theta_e theta_gamma zs zl snx sny ... lensgal_sed lens_av lens_rv twinkles_sysno td x y mu imno t_start
0 62789.969968 220.313202 0.014794 0.184035 262.226643 273.367425 0.092126 0.045038 0.528398 -0.214797 ... galaxySED/Exp.10E10.04Z.spec.gz 0.0 2.0 1100 0.000000 1.112007 -0.562962 2.611519 0 62789.969968
1 62789.969968 220.313202 0.014794 0.184035 262.226643 273.367425 0.092126 0.045038 0.528398 -0.214797 ... galaxySED/Exp.10E10.04Z.spec.gz 0.0 2.0 1100 8.476256 -0.106035 0.038406 -0.168308 1 62798.446224
2 61307.102728 219.712380 0.099394 0.468707 311.306044 228.228920 0.095760 0.043930 -0.237093 0.146633 ... galaxySED/Exp.40E09.1Z.spec.gz 0.1 4.0 1101 0.000000 -0.761709 0.609792 2.692527 0 61307.102728
3 61307.102728 219.712380 0.099394 0.468707 311.306044 228.228920 0.095760 0.043930 -0.237093 0.146633 ... galaxySED/Exp.40E09.1Z.spec.gz 0.1 4.0 1101 4.117691 0.456249 -0.093761 -2.305423 1 61311.220420
4 61018.143316 182.689346 0.066827 0.721095 35.788858 216.450284 0.151658 0.068575 -0.314648 0.041791 ... galaxySED/Exp.10E10.04Z.spec.gz 0.0 2.0 1102 0.000000 -0.838950 -0.247964 1.465403 0 61018.143316

5 rows × 56 columns

Next we add in the lens properties to go with each of the images.

In [38]:
#TwinklesId ranges from 1100 - 1100+number of cached SNe
ra_images = []
dec_images = []
num_images = []
twinkles_system_images = []
unique_id_lens = []

unique_id_bulge = []
unique_id_disk = []

bulge_index = []
disk_index = []

disk_valid = []

i = 0
for twinkles_system in range(1100, 1100+len(sne_cache_df)):
    if twinkles_system % 100 == 0:
    cache_info = sne_cache_df.query('twinkles_system == %i' % twinkles_system)
    gal_id = cache_info['galtileid'].values[0]
    lens_info = sne_df.iloc[np.where(sne_df['twinkles_sysno'] == twinkles_system)]
    bulge_info = df_galaxy.query('galaxy_id == %i' % gal_id)
    disk_info = df_disk.query('galaxy_id == %i' % gal_id)

    #print(bulge_info, disk_info)
    for lens_image in lens_info['imno'].values:
        ra_shift = np.radians(lens_info['x'].iloc[lens_image] / 3600.) / np.cos(np.radians(bulge_info['decPhoSim']))
        dec_shift = np.radians(lens_info['y'].iloc[lens_image] / 3600.)
        image_ra = np.radians(bulge_info['raPhoSim']) + ra_shift
        image_dec = np.radians(bulge_info['decPhoSim'] + dec_shift)
        base_id = (gal_id + int(1.5e10))*10000 + twinkles_system*4 + lens_image
        unique_id_bulge.append(np.left_shift(base_id, 10) + 97)
        unique_id_disk.append(np.left_shift(base_id, 10) + 107)
        if len(disk_info) == 0:
        i += 1


In [39]:
host_bulge = df_galaxy.iloc[bulge_index]

In [40]:
host_bulge = host_bulge.reset_index(drop=True)

In [41]:
host_bulge['twinkles_system'] = twinkles_system_images

In [42]:
host_bulge['image_number'] = num_images

In [43]:
host_bulge['uniqueId_lens'] = unique_id_lens

In [44]:
host_bulge['uniqueId'] = unique_id_bulge

In [45]:
host_bulge['raPhoSim_lens'] = host_bulge['raPhoSim']
host_bulge['decPhoSim_lens'] = host_bulge['decPhoSim']

In [46]:
host_bulge['raPhoSim'] = ra_images
host_bulge['decPhoSim'] = dec_images

In [47]:

prefix uniqueId raPhoSim decPhoSim phosimMagNorm sedFilepath redshift shear1 shear2 kappa ... internalRv galacticExtinctionModel galacticAv galacticRv galaxy_id twinkles_system image_number uniqueId_lens raPhoSim_lens decPhoSim_lens
0 object 179840022348185697 53.131556 -28.599572 21.059599 galaxySED/Exp.62E09.04Z.spec.gz 0.090045 0.000021 0.001851 -0.000146 ... 4.0 CCM 0.029268 3.1 2562502182 1100 0 2624002234465 53.131204 -28.599570
1 object 179840022348186721 53.131170 -28.599570 21.059599 galaxySED/Exp.62E09.04Z.spec.gz 0.090045 0.000021 0.001851 -0.000146 ... 4.0 CCM 0.029268 3.1 2562502182 1100 1 2624002234465 53.131204 -28.599570
2 object 179840029075869793 53.605522 -28.387494 25.743250 galaxySED/Burst.62E09.002Z.spec.gz 0.095564 0.000686 0.000152 -0.000170 ... 4.0 CCM 0.027995 3.1 2562502839 1101 0 2624002907233 53.605763 -28.387497
3 object 179840029075870817 53.605907 -28.387497 25.743250 galaxySED/Burst.62E09.002Z.spec.gz 0.095564 0.000686 0.000152 -0.000170 ... 4.0 CCM 0.027995 3.1 2562502839 1101 1 2624002907233 53.605763 -28.387497
4 object 179840093598113889 53.231066 -28.457710 25.455733 galaxySED/Inst.50E09.02Z.spec.gz 0.153528 0.000830 0.001565 -0.000518 ... 4.0 CCM 0.025146 3.1 2562509140 1102 0 2624009359457 53.231331 -28.457709

5 rows × 29 columns

In [48]:
host_disk = df_disk.iloc[disk_index]

In [49]:
host_disk = host_disk.reset_index(drop=True)

In [50]:
host_disk['twinkles_system'] = np.array(twinkles_system_images)[disk_valid]

In [51]:
host_disk['image_number'] = np.array(num_images)[disk_valid]

In [52]:
host_disk['uniqueId_lens'] = np.array(unique_id_lens)[disk_valid]

In [53]:
host_disk['uniqueId'] = np.array(unique_id_disk)[disk_valid]

In [54]:
host_disk['raPhoSim_lens'] = host_disk['raPhoSim']
host_disk['decPhoSim_lens'] = host_disk['decPhoSim']

In [55]:
host_disk['raPhoSim'] = np.array(ra_images)[disk_valid]
host_disk['decPhoSim'] = np.array(dec_images)[disk_valid]

In [56]:

prefix uniqueId raPhoSim decPhoSim phosimMagNorm sedFilepath redshift shear1 shear2 kappa ... internalRv galacticExtinctionModel galacticAv galacticRv galaxy_id twinkles_system image_number uniqueId_lens raPhoSim_lens decPhoSim_lens
0 object 179840022348185707 53.131556 -28.599572 20.286594 galaxySED/Const.12E10.04Z.spec.gz 0.090045 0.000021 0.001851 -0.000146 ... 4.0 CCM 0.029268 3.1 2562502182 1100 0 2624002234465 53.131204 -28.599570
1 object 179840022348186731 53.131170 -28.599570 20.286594 galaxySED/Const.12E10.04Z.spec.gz 0.090045 0.000021 0.001851 -0.000146 ... 4.0 CCM 0.029268 3.1 2562502182 1100 1 2624002234465 53.131204 -28.599570
2 object 179840029075869803 53.605522 -28.387494 25.172322 galaxySED/Const.10E10.0005Z.spec.gz 0.095564 0.000686 0.000152 -0.000170 ... 2.3 CCM 0.027995 3.1 2562502839 1101 0 2624002907233 53.605763 -28.387497
3 object 179840029075870827 53.605907 -28.387497 25.172322 galaxySED/Const.10E10.0005Z.spec.gz 0.095564 0.000686 0.000152 -0.000170 ... 2.3 CCM 0.027995 3.1 2562502839 1101 1 2624002907233 53.605763 -28.387497
4 object 179840093598113899 53.231066 -28.457710 21.468666 galaxySED/Exp.25E09.02Z.spec.gz 0.153528 0.000830 0.001565 -0.000518 ... 4.0 CCM 0.025146 3.1 2562509140 1102 0 2624009359457 53.231331 -28.457709

5 rows × 29 columns

In [57]:
host_bulge.to_csv('../../data/%s_bulge_sne_host.csv' % catalog_version)
host_disk.to_csv('../../data/%s_disk_sne_host.csv' % catalog_version)

In [ ]: