Phil Marshall & Bryce Kalmbach, September 2016
Last Updated: Bryce Kalmbach, December 2018
We need to be able to assign a stellar mass and size to each of our OM10 lens galaxies, so that we can, in turn, associate a suitable cosmoDC2
galaxy with that object. To do this, we will follow Tom Holoien's "empiriciSN" approach, and model the intrinsic distribution of lens galaxy size, stellar mass, redshift and velocity dispersion with the "extreme deconvolution" algorithm.
SEDs will need to be matched in a separate code since gcr-catalogs
does not have SEDs in the available as the old CATSIM galaxies did.
You will need to have installed Tom Holoien's XDGMM
and empiriciSN
packages, as well as their dependencies.
By default, in
all the model fitting is done with theAstroML
XDGMM algorithm rather than the Bovy et al. (2011) algorithm - for this demo you do not need to have the Bovy et al. algorithm installed to run the code. However, we note that the Bovy et al. algorithm is, in general, significantly (i.e., several times) faster. We recommend you try each method on your dataset when using this class.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import corner
import urllib
import os
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from astroML.plotting import setup_text_plots
from lsst.sims.photUtils import Sed, Bandpass, BandpassDict, getImsimFluxNorm
import empiriciSN
from MatchingLensGalaxies_utilities import *
%matplotlib inline
Set the CosmoDC2 catalog you want to use here and this will ensure consistent naming throughout all the output files created.
In [2]:
catalog_version = 'cosmoDC2_v1.1.4'
We'll use the SL2S sample of galaxy-scale lenses to model the properties of OM10 lenses. The redshifts and velocity dispersions should cover most (but not all) of the LSST lensed quasar sample in OM10.
The data is in Table 3 of Sonnenfeld et al (2013), and stored as a csv format file in the Twinkles data folder.
In [3]:
def get_sl2s_data():
filename = '../../data/SonnenfeldEtal2013_Table3.csv'
! wc -l $filename
z = np.array([])
z_err = np.array([])
v_disp = np.array([])
v_disp_err = np.array([])
r_eff = np.array([])
r_eff_err = np.array([])
log_m = np.array([])
log_m_err = np.array([])
infile = open(filename, 'r')
inlines = infile.readlines()
for line1 in inlines:
if line1[0] == '#': continue
line = line1.split(',')
z = np.append(z, float(line[1]))
v_disp = np.append(v_disp, float(line[2]))
r_eff = np.append(r_eff, float(line[3]))
log_m = np.append(log_m, float(line[4]))
z_err = np.append(z_err, float(line[5]))
v_disp_err = np.append(v_disp_err, float(line[6]))
r_eff_err = np.append(r_eff_err, float(line[7]))
log_m_err = np.append(log_m_err, float(line[8]))
#Build final arrays
X = np.vstack([z, v_disp, r_eff, log_m]).T
Xerr = np.zeros(X.shape + X.shape[-1:])
diag = np.arange(X.shape[-1])
Xerr[:, diag, diag] = np.vstack([z_err**2, v_disp_err**2,
r_eff_err**2, log_m_err**2]).T
return X, Xerr
# Here's what we did to get the csv file:
# ! echo "ID, zlens, vdisp, Reff, Mstar, zlens_err, vdisp_err, Reff_err, Mstar_err" > SonnenfeldEtal2013_Table3.csv
# ! cat gammaptable.tex | sed s%'&'%%g | sed s%'\$'%%g | sed s%'\\'%%g | sed s%'pm'%' '%g | sed s%'disky'%%g | awk '{print $1", "$2", "$5", "$3", "$7", 0.001, "$6", 0.01, "$8}' >> SonnenfeldEtal2013_Table3.csv
We could fit our lens galaxy dataset directly, but one problem is that we don't know the optimal number of components (Gaussians) to use in the fit. Knowing the optimal number of components to fit allows us to obtain a good fit in the smallest amount of time without overfitting the data.
One way to determine the optimal number of Gaussian components to use in the model is by fitting the model with different numbers of components and calculating the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) for each model. The BIC incorporates the number of components in the model, the sample size, and the likelihood of the data under the model, and the model with the lowest score is the optimal model to use.
We can test for the model with the lowest BIC score for a given dataset using the component_test
function, which will compute the BIC for a given dataset and range of n_components and return an array containing all the BIC scores as well as the optimal number of components and corresponding BIC value. The code below will read in all the SN and host parameters we want to use from our data files (using the get_data
function) and use these data to test the performance of the model with n_components ranging from 1 to 8. (Larger numbers of components tend to run into errors occurring because too few observations map to a given Gaussian component. With a bigger dataset, this range could be increased.)
<Note that due to the multiple fits and the large dataset, the BIC test will likely take a while to run, depending on your system.>
In [4]:
# Instantiate an empiriciSN worker object:
empiricist = empiriciSN.Empiricist()
In [5]:
# Define the range of component numbers and read in the dataset:
component_range = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
X, Xerr = get_sl2s_data()
In [6]:
%%capture --no-stdout
# Loop over component numbers, fitting XDGMM model and computing the BIC.
bics, optimal_n_comp, lowest_bic = empiricist.component_test(X, Xerr, component_range)
In [7]:
plot_bic(component_range, bics, optimal_n_comp)
Based on the results of the above test, the model with 1 component has the lowest BIC score and is the optimal choice.
Once we know how many components to use in the model, we can fit a model using that number of components using the fit_model
function. Before fitting for this demo, we are going to split our lens galaxy dataset 65-35, with the larger subsample being used to fit the model and the smaller subsample providing a test sample that we can use to predict stellar masses and compare with our predicted sample.
In [8]:
%%capture --no-stdout
# Split the dataset 65/35:
X_train, X_test, Xerr_train, Xerr_test = \
train_test_split(X, Xerr, test_size=0.35, random_state=17)
# Fit the model:
empiricist.fit_model(X_train, Xerr_train, filename = '', n_components=1)
Note how the fit_model
function also saves the fit to a file for later re-use. If a model has already been fit, it can be read into an existing Empiricist
worker, or a new Empiricist
can be instantiated using the model, like this:
In [9]:
alternative = empiriciSN.Empiricist(model_file='')
# Print the weights array for each object---they should be the same...
Our goal in this notebook is to predict the stellar masses of OM10 lens galaxies. Here we use the XDGMM model we just fit on the test data we separated off from the full dataset. We will use the model to predict stellar masses of lens galaxies based upon their redshift, velocity dispersion and radial size.
<The "test" sample generated above gives us a set of 482 host properties that we can use to fit supernovae, and a set of supernova properties to compare with our model fits.>
First, we adapt the "get_logR" function from empiriciSN to "get_log_m" changing the references and restrictions of that method (it only allows certain columns due to structure of SN dataset it uses) to suit our strong lensing dataset.
In [10]:
#Write new conditioning function
def get_log_m(cond_indices, m_index, X, model_file, Xerr=None):
Uses a subset of parameters in the given data to condition the
model and return a sample value for log(M/M_sun).
cond_indices: array_like
Array of indices indicating which parameters to use to
condition the model.
m_index: int
Index of log(M/M_sun) in the list of parameters that were used
to fit the model.
X: array_like, shape = (n < n_features,)
Input data.
Xerr: array_like, shape = (X.shape,) (optional)
Error on input data. If none, no error used to condition.
log_m: float
Sample value of log(M/M_sun) taken from the conditioned model.
The fit_params array specifies a list of indices to use to
condition the model. The model will be conditioned and then
a mass will be drawn from the conditioned model.
This is so that the mass can be used to find cosmoDC2 galaxies
to act as hosts for OM10 systems.
This does not make assumptions about what parameters are being
used in the model, but does assume that the model has been
fit already.
if m_index in cond_indices:
raise ValueError("Cannot condition model on log(M/M_sun).")
cond_data = np.array([])
if Xerr is not None: cond_err = np.array([])
m_cond_idx = m_index
n_features =[1]
j = 0
for i in range(n_features):
if i in cond_indices:
cond_data = np.append(cond_data,X[j])
if Xerr is not None: cond_err = np.append(cond_err, Xerr[j])
j += 1
if i < m_index: m_cond_idx -= 1
cond_data = np.append(cond_data,np.nan)
if Xerr is not None: cond_err = np.append(cond_err, 0.0)
if Xerr is not None:
cond_XDGMM = empiricist.XDGMM.condition(cond_data, cond_err)
else: cond_XDGMM = empiricist.XDGMM.condition(cond_data)
sample = cond_XDGMM.sample()
log_m = sample[0][m_cond_idx]
return log_m
With that ready to go, we now use it to get estimates on the stellar mass of our test data from the model we have trained above.
In [11]:
%%capture --no-stdout
# Get actual masses from dataset, for comparison:
log_m_test = X_test[:,3]
r_test = X_test[:,2]
# Predict a mass for each galaxy:
cond_indices = np.array([0,1])
sample_log_m = np.array([])
sample_r = np.array([])
for x, xerr in zip(X_test, Xerr_test):
log_m = get_log_m(cond_indices, 3, x[cond_indices], model_file)#, Xerr=xerr)
sample_log_m = np.append(sample_log_m,log_m)
print(x[3], log_m)
for x, xerr in zip(X_test, Xerr_test):
r_cond = get_log_m(cond_indices, 2, x[cond_indices], model_file)#, Xerr=xerr)
sample_r = np.append(sample_r,r_cond)
print(x[2], r_cond)
Now we have a set of test masses in units of log(M/M_sun) and a set of masses sampled from the model. These should have the same distribution when plotted.
In [12]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))
plt.hist(log_m_test, 10, range=(10.5, 12.5), histtype='step', lw=3)
plt.hist(sample_log_m, 10, range=(10.5, 12.5), color ='r', histtype='step', lw=3)
plt.hist(r_test, 10, range=(0, 15), histtype='step', lw=3)
plt.hist(sample_r, 10, range=(0, 15), color ='r', histtype='step', lw=3)
plt.legend(('Test Data', 'Sample'))
In [13]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))
plt.hist(100*(log_m_test-sample_log_m)/log_m_test, 10, histtype='step', lw=3)
plt.xlabel('Percent Residual Error in Log(M/M_{sun})')
plt.hist(100*(r_test-sample_r)/r_test, 10, histtype='step', lw=3)
plt.xlabel('Percent Residual Error in Radius')
It seems that while we can predict the stellar masses to a reasonable degree the estimates for Radius are very poor and we should get those values from cosmoDC2 while matching galaxies on just stellar mass, redshift and ellipticity. Furthermore, below we will drop the radius from the model.
The dataset has a very small amount of data and to prevent overfitting against an even smaller sample we choose to use the full dataset in training the model going forward. We want to make sure that the model gives reasonable values when generating masses, redshift and velocity dispersions. Therefore, we will sample the GMM for 1, 2 and 3 component models and take a look at the results with the training data.
In [14]:
# Drop the radius data and fit only to predict stellar mass
X = X[:,[0,1,3]]
Xerr = Xerr[:,:,[0,1,3]]
Xerr = Xerr[:,[0,1,3], :]
In [15]:
%%capture --no-stdout
empiricist.fit_model(X, Xerr, filename = '', n_components=1)
test_sample = empiricist.XDGMM.sample(size=10000)
In [16]:
setup_text_plots(fontsize=16, usetex=False)
mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False
figure = corner.corner(test_sample[:,:], labels=['z', 'v_disp', 'm'],
range = [(0.0, 1.0), (160, 360), (10.5, 12.5)],
hist_kwargs = {'normed': True}, no_fill_contours=True,
corner.corner(X[:, :], labels=['z', 'v_disp', 'm'], color='red',
range = [(0.0, 1.0), (160, 360), (10.5, 12.5)],
hist_kwargs = {'normed':True}, plot_contours=False,
plot_density=False, plot_datapoints=True,
data_kwargs={'marker':'o', 'alpha':0.4, 'markersize':10},
Here we try fitting our model with 2 components in the GMM.
In [17]:
%%capture --no-stdout
empiricist.fit_model(X, Xerr, filename = '', n_components=2)
In [18]:
test_sample = empiricist.XDGMM.sample(size=10000)
setup_text_plots(fontsize=16, usetex=False)
mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False
figure = corner.corner(test_sample[:,:], labels=['z', 'v_disp', 'm'],
range = [(0.0, 1.0), (160, 360), (10.5, 12.5)],
hist_kwargs = {'normed': True}, no_fill_contours=True,
corner.corner(X[:, :], labels=['z', 'v_disp', 'm'], color='red',
range = [(0.0, 1.0), (160, 360), (10.5, 12.5)],
hist_kwargs = {'normed':True}, plot_contours=False,
plot_density=False, plot_datapoints=True,
data_kwargs={'marker':'o', 'alpha':0.4, 'markersize':10},
And here we use 3 components.
In [19]:
%%capture --no-stdout
empiricist.fit_model(X, Xerr, filename = '', n_components=3)
In [20]:
test_sample = empiricist.XDGMM.sample(size=10000)
setup_text_plots(fontsize=16, usetex=False)
mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False
figure = corner.corner(test_sample[:,:], labels=['z', 'v_disp', 'm'],
range = [(0.0, 1.0), (160, 360), (10.5, 12.5)],
hist_kwargs = {'normed': True}, no_fill_contours=True,
corner.corner(X[:, :], labels=['z', 'v_disp', 'm'], color='red',
range = [(0.0, 1.0), (160, 360), (10.5, 12.5)],
hist_kwargs = {'normed':True}, plot_contours=False,
plot_density=False, plot_datapoints=True,
data_kwargs={'marker':'o', 'alpha':0.4, 'markersize':10},
We have decided to move forward with the 1-parameter GMM model and will now use the available data in OM10 sytems to find a stellar mass for OM10 systems based upon redshift and velocity dispersion. Since our attempts to predict radius seem to be inaccurate we will get radius estimate from cosmoDC2 galaxies as well and thus only will be predicting stellar masses for OM10 lenses here.
In [21]:
# First load in OM10 lenses we are using in Twinkles
from import fits
hdulist ='../../data/om10_qso_mock.fits')
twinkles_lenses = hdulist[1].data
In [22]:
%%capture --no-stdout
# Predict a mass for each galaxy:
cond_indices = np.array([0,1])
twinkles_log_m_1comp = np.array([])
twinkles_log_m_2comp = np.array([])
twinkles_log_m_3comp = np.array([])
empiricist.fit_model(X, Xerr, filename = '', n_components=1)
twinkles_data = np.array([twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'], twinkles_lenses['VELDISP']]).T
for x in twinkles_data:
log_m = get_log_m(cond_indices, 2, x[cond_indices], model_file)
twinkles_log_m_1comp = np.append(twinkles_log_m_1comp,log_m)
empiricist.fit_model(X, Xerr, filename = '', n_components=2)
twinkles_data = np.array([twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'], twinkles_lenses['VELDISP']]).T
for x in twinkles_data:
log_m = get_log_m(cond_indices, 2, x[cond_indices], model_file)
twinkles_log_m_2comp = np.append(twinkles_log_m_2comp,log_m)
empiricist.fit_model(X, Xerr, filename = '', n_components=3)
twinkles_data = np.array([twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'], twinkles_lenses['VELDISP']]).T
for x in twinkles_data:
log_m = get_log_m(cond_indices, 2, x[cond_indices], model_file)
twinkles_log_m_3comp = np.append(twinkles_log_m_3comp,log_m)
Below we compare the distributions of stellar mass given to the OM10 lens galaxies by the 1, 2 and 3 component models.
In [23]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False
n, bins, _ = plt.hist(twinkles_log_m_1comp, histtype='step', label='1 component', range=(10, 14), lw=4, bins=16)
plt.hist(twinkles_log_m_2comp, histtype='step', label='2 component', bins=bins, lw=4)
plt.hist(twinkles_log_m_3comp, histtype='step', label='3 component', bins=bins, lw=4)
plt.xlabel('Estimated Log(Stellar Mass)')
plt.title('Predicting Masses for OM10 Lenses')
Now we connect to the cosmoDC2 database and use redshift, stellar_mass and ellipticity of our OM10 galaxies to find associated radial sizes for our galaxies. The query looks for any galaxies within 10% in dex of redshift and 10% of stellar mass and ellipticity. For our lens galaxies we don't want disks. However, limiting ourselves in cosmoDC2 to only galaxies with stellar_mass_disk
== 0.0 was too restrictive and we instead take the bulge properties for galaxies where the stellar mass of the bulge is over 99% of the total stellar mass. If no matches are found then it will skip on to the next system and we will leave that OM10 system out of the catalog available to the sprinkler.
In [24]:
import GCRCatalogs
import pandas as pd
from GCR import GCRQuery
In [25]:
# _small is a representative sample
catalog = GCRCatalogs.load_catalog(str(catalog_version + '_small'))
In [26]:
# Predict a mass for each galaxy:
cond_indices = np.array([0,1])
twinkles_log_m_1comp = np.array([])
empiricist.fit_model(X, Xerr, filename = '', n_components=1)
twinkles_data = np.array([twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'], twinkles_lenses['VELDISP']]).T
for x in twinkles_data:
log_m = get_log_m(cond_indices, 2, x[cond_indices], model_file)
twinkles_log_m_1comp = np.append(twinkles_log_m_1comp,log_m)
In [27]:
gcr_om10_match = []
err = 0
i = 0
z_cat_min = np.power(10, np.log10(np.min(twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'])) - .1)
z_cat_max = np.power(10, np.log10(np.max(twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'])) + .1)
stellar_mass_cat_min = np.min(np.power(10, twinkles_log_m_1comp))*0.9
stellar_mass_cat_max = np.max(np.power(10, twinkles_log_m_1comp))*1.1
data = catalog.get_quantities(['galaxy_id', 'redshift_true', 'stellar_mass', 'ellipticity_true', 'size_true', 'size_minor_true',
'stellar_mass_bulge', 'stellar_mass_disk', 'size_bulge_true', 'size_minor_bulge_true'],
filters=['stellar_mass > %f' % stellar_mass_cat_min, 'stellar_mass < %f' % stellar_mass_cat_max,
'redshift_true > %f' % z_cat_min, 'redshift_true < %f' % z_cat_max,
'stellar_mass_bulge/stellar_mass > 0.99'])
#### Important Note
# Twinkles issue #310 ( says OM10 defines ellipticity as 1 - b/a but
# gcr_catalogs defines ellipticity as (1-b/a)/(1+b/a) (
data['om10_ellipticity'] = (1-(data['size_minor_bulge_true']/data['size_bulge_true']))
data_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
In [28]:
In [29]:
row_num = -1
keep_rows = []
for zsrc, m_star, ellip in zip(twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'], np.power(10, twinkles_log_m_1comp), twinkles_lenses['ELLIP']):
row_num += 1
#print(zsrc, m_star, ellip)
if row_num % 1000 == 0:
z_min, z_max = np.power(10, np.log10(zsrc) - .1), np.power(10, np.log10(zsrc) + .1)
m_star_min, m_star_max = m_star*.9, m_star*1.1
ellip_min, ellip_max = ellip*.9, ellip*1.1
data_subset = data_df.query('redshift_true > %f and redshift_true < %f and stellar_mass > %f and stellar_mass < %f and om10_ellipticity > %f and om10_ellipticity < %f' %
(z_min, z_max, m_star_min, m_star_max, ellip_min, ellip_max))
#data = catalog.get_quantities(['redshift_true', 'stellar_mass', 'ellipticity_true'])
#data_subset = (query).filter(data)
num_matches = len(data_subset['redshift_true'])
if num_matches == 0:
err += 1
elif num_matches == 1:
gcr_data = [data_subset['redshift_true'].values[0],
elif num_matches > 1:
use_idx = np.random.choice(num_matches)
gcr_data = [data_subset['redshift_true'].values[use_idx],
print("Total Match Failures: ", err, " Percentage Match Failures: ", np.float(err)/len(twinkles_log_m_1comp))
In [30]:
gcr_z_1comp = []
gcr_m_star_1comp = []
gcr_r_eff_1comp = []
gcr_gal_id_1comp = []
for row in gcr_om10_match:
np.savetxt('keep_rows_agn.dat', np.array(keep_rows))
In [31]:
#Let's take a look at a couple results
n, bins, p = plt.hist(twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'], alpha=0.5, bins=15)
plt.hist(gcr_z_1comp, alpha=0.5, bins=bins)
plt.xlabel('Lens Galaxy Redshift')
In [32]:
#Let's take a look at a couple results
n, bins, p = plt.hist(twinkles_log_m_1comp, alpha=0.5, bins=15)#, range=(0,100))
plt.hist(np.log10(gcr_m_star_1comp), alpha=0.5, bins=bins)
plt.xlabel('Log10(Lens Galaxy Stellar Mass) (Solar Masses)')
We are able to match over 95% of the systems, but it seems that this disproportionately leaves out very high masses. Let's see if the 3-component model can do better.
In [33]:
# Predict a mass for each galaxy:
cond_indices = np.array([0,1])
twinkles_log_m = np.array([])
twinkles_reff = np.array([])
empiricist.fit_model(X, Xerr, filename = '', n_components=3)
twinkles_data = np.array([twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'], twinkles_lenses['VELDISP']]).T
for x in twinkles_data:
log_m = get_log_m(cond_indices, 2, x[cond_indices], model_file)
twinkles_log_m = np.append(twinkles_log_m,log_m)
In [34]:
gcr_om10_match = []
err = 0
i = 0
z_cat_min = np.power(10, np.log10(np.min(twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'])) - .1)
z_cat_max = np.power(10, np.log10(np.max(twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'])) + .1)
stellar_mass_cat_min = np.min(np.power(10, twinkles_log_m))*0.9
stellar_mass_cat_max = np.max(np.power(10, twinkles_log_m))*1.1
data = catalog.get_quantities(['galaxy_id', 'redshift_true', 'stellar_mass', 'ellipticity_true', 'size_true', 'size_minor_true',
'stellar_mass_bulge', 'stellar_mass_disk', 'size_bulge_true', 'size_minor_bulge_true'],
filters=['stellar_mass > %f' % stellar_mass_cat_min, 'stellar_mass < %f' % stellar_mass_cat_max,
'redshift_true > %f' % z_cat_min, 'redshift_true < %f' % z_cat_max,
'stellar_mass_bulge/stellar_mass > 0.99'])
#### Important Note
# Twinkles issue #310 ( says OM10 defines ellipticity as 1 - b/a but
# gcr_catalogs defines ellipticity as (1-b/a)/(1+b/a) (
data['om10_ellipticity'] = (1-(data['size_minor_bulge_true']/data['size_bulge_true']))
data_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
row_num = -1
keep_rows = []
for zsrc, m_star, ellip in zip(twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'], np.power(10, twinkles_log_m), twinkles_lenses['ELLIP']):
row_num += 1
#print(zsrc, m_star, ellip)
if row_num % 1000 == 0:
z_min, z_max = np.power(10, np.log10(zsrc) - .1), np.power(10, np.log10(zsrc) + .1)
m_star_min, m_star_max = m_star*.9, m_star*1.1
ellip_min, ellip_max = ellip*.9, ellip*1.1
data_subset = data_df.query('redshift_true > %f and redshift_true < %f and stellar_mass > %f and stellar_mass < %f and om10_ellipticity > %f and om10_ellipticity < %f' %
(z_min, z_max, m_star_min, m_star_max, ellip_min, ellip_max))
#data = catalog.get_quantities(['redshift_true', 'stellar_mass', 'ellipticity_true'])
#data_subset = (query).filter(data)
num_matches = len(data_subset['redshift_true'])
if num_matches == 0:
err += 1
elif num_matches == 1:
gcr_data = [data_subset['redshift_true'].values[0],
elif num_matches > 1:
use_idx = np.random.choice(num_matches)
gcr_data = [data_subset['redshift_true'].values[use_idx],
print("Total Match Failures: ", err, " Percentage Match Failures: ", np.float(err)/len(twinkles_log_m))
In [35]:
gcr_z = []
gcr_m_star = []
for row in gcr_om10_match:
In [36]:
#Let's take a look at a couple results
n, bins, p = plt.hist(twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'], alpha=0.5, bins=15)
plt.hist(gcr_z, alpha=0.5, bins=bins)
plt.xlabel('Lens Galaxy Redshift')
In [37]:
#Let's take a look at a couple results
n, bins, p = plt.hist(twinkles_log_m, alpha=0.5, bins=15)#, range=(0,100))
plt.hist(np.log10(gcr_m_star), alpha=0.5, bins=bins)
plt.xlabel('Log10(Lens Galaxy Stellar Mass) (Solar Masses)')
The matching is now available in over 96% of the OM10 catalog but overall doesn't seem to make much of a difference at the high mass end. Since the distribution for the 3 component model seems to be unrealistic and doesn't add much improvement let's see if we can get a reasonable improvement on the 1 component results using a 2 component model.
In [38]:
# Predict a mass for each galaxy:
cond_indices = np.array([0,1])
twinkles_log_m = np.array([])
twinkles_reff = np.array([])
empiricist.fit_model(X, Xerr, filename = '', n_components=2)
twinkles_data = np.array([twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'], twinkles_lenses['VELDISP']]).T
for x in twinkles_data:
log_m = get_log_m(cond_indices, 2, x[cond_indices], model_file)
twinkles_log_m = np.append(twinkles_log_m,log_m)
In [39]:
gcr_om10_match = []
err = 0
i = 0
z_cat_min = np.power(10, np.log10(np.min(twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'])) - .1)
z_cat_max = np.power(10, np.log10(np.max(twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'])) + .1)
stellar_mass_cat_min = np.min(np.power(10, twinkles_log_m))*0.9
stellar_mass_cat_max = np.max(np.power(10, twinkles_log_m))*1.1
data = catalog.get_quantities(['galaxy_id', 'redshift_true', 'stellar_mass', 'ellipticity_true', 'size_true', 'size_minor_true',
'stellar_mass_bulge', 'stellar_mass_disk', 'size_bulge_true', 'size_minor_bulge_true'],
filters=['stellar_mass > %f' % stellar_mass_cat_min, 'stellar_mass < %f' % stellar_mass_cat_max,
'redshift_true > %f' % z_cat_min, 'redshift_true < %f' % z_cat_max,
'stellar_mass_bulge/stellar_mass > 0.99'])
#### Important Note
# Twinkles issue #310 ( says OM10 defines ellipticity as 1 - b/a but
# gcr_catalogs defines ellipticity as (1-b/a)/(1+b/a) (
data['om10_ellipticity'] = (1-(data['size_minor_bulge_true']/data['size_bulge_true']))
data_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
row_num = -1
keep_rows = []
for zsrc, m_star, ellip in zip(twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'], np.power(10, twinkles_log_m), twinkles_lenses['ELLIP']):
row_num += 1
#print(zsrc, m_star, ellip)
if row_num % 1000 == 0:
z_min, z_max = np.power(10, np.log10(zsrc) - .1), np.power(10, np.log10(zsrc) + .1)
m_star_min, m_star_max = m_star*.9, m_star*1.1
ellip_min, ellip_max = ellip*.9, ellip*1.1
data_subset = data_df.query('redshift_true > %f and redshift_true < %f and stellar_mass > %f and stellar_mass < %f and om10_ellipticity > %f and om10_ellipticity < %f' %
(z_min, z_max, m_star_min, m_star_max, ellip_min, ellip_max))
#data = catalog.get_quantities(['redshift_true', 'stellar_mass', 'ellipticity_true'])
#data_subset = (query).filter(data)
num_matches = len(data_subset['redshift_true'])
if num_matches == 0:
err += 1
elif num_matches == 1:
gcr_data = [data_subset['redshift_true'].values[0],
elif num_matches > 1:
use_idx = np.random.choice(num_matches)
gcr_data = [data_subset['redshift_true'].values[use_idx],
print("Total Match Failures: ", err, " Percentage Match Failures: ", np.float(err)/len(twinkles_log_m))
In [40]:
gcr_z = []
gcr_m_star = []
gcr_r_eff = []
gcr_gal_id = []
for row in gcr_om10_match:
In [41]:
#Let's take a look at a couple results
n, bins, p = plt.hist(twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'], alpha=0.5, bins=15)
plt.hist(gcr_z, alpha=0.5, bins=bins)
plt.xlabel('Lens Galaxy Redshift')
In [42]:
#Let's take a look at a couple results
n, bins, p = plt.hist(twinkles_log_m, alpha=0.5, bins=15)#, range=(0,100))
plt.hist(np.log10(gcr_m_star), alpha=0.5, bins=bins)
plt.xlabel('Log10(Lens Galaxy Stellar Mass) (Solar Masses)')
This does the worst of the 3 models. Therefore, it looks like we should use the 1-component model for the final match to the catalog.
The other thing we want to add into the lensing catalogs are SEDs for the lens galaxies. Here we get the top hat filters out of cosmoDC2 and use the code in sims_GCRCatSimInterface
to match these values to a CATSIM SED file in the same way the galaxies are matched for Instance Catalog production in DC2. We also use the code to calculate the magnitude normalization for PhoSim.
In [33]:
import sys
In [34]:
from SedFitter import sed_from_galacticus_mags
In [35]:
H0 = catalog.cosmology.H0.value
Om0 = catalog.cosmology.Om0
In [36]:
sed_label = []
sed_min_wave = []
sed_wave_width = []
for quant_label in sorted(catalog.list_all_quantities()):
if (quant_label.startswith('sed') and quant_label.endswith('bulge')):
label_split = quant_label.split('_')
bin_order = np.argsort(sed_min_wave)
sed_label = np.array(sed_label)[bin_order]
sed_min_wave = np.array(sed_min_wave)[bin_order]
sed_wave_width = np.array(sed_wave_width)[bin_order]
Check to see that our bins are now in order when we call them.
In [37]:
for i in zip(sed_label, sed_min_wave, sed_wave_width):
In [38]:
In [39]:
keep_rows_1comp = np.genfromtxt('keep_rows_agn.dat')
In [40]:
keep_rows_1comp = np.array(keep_rows_1comp, dtype=int)
In [41]:
In [42]:
columns = ['galaxy_id', 'redshift_true', 'mag_u_lsst', 'mag_g_lsst', 'mag_r_lsst',
'mag_i_lsst', 'mag_z_lsst', 'mag_y_lsst']
for sed_bin in sed_label:
data = catalog.get_quantities(columns,
filters=['stellar_mass > %f' % stellar_mass_cat_min, 'stellar_mass < %f' % stellar_mass_cat_max,
'redshift_true > %f' % z_cat_min, 'redshift_true < %f' % z_cat_max,
'stellar_mass_bulge/stellar_mass > 0.99'])
data_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
In [43]:
sed_name_list = []
magNorm_list = []
lsst_mags = []
mag_30_list = []
redshift_list = []
i = 0
# Using 1-component model results
for gal_id, gal_z in zip(gcr_gal_id_1comp, gcr_z_1comp):
if i % 1000 == 0:
data_subset = data_df.query(str('galaxy_id == %i' % gal_id))
mag_array = []
lsst_mag_array = [data_subset['mag_%s_lsst' % band_name].values[0] for band_name in ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']]
for sed_bin in sed_label:
mag_array = np.array(mag_array)
lsst_mag_array = np.array(lsst_mag_array)
print(len(sed_name_list), len(keep_rows_1comp))
In [44]:
mag_30_list = np.array(mag_30_list).T
lsst_mags = np.array(lsst_mags).T
redshift_list = np.array(redshift_list)
In [45]:
sed_name, magNorm, av, rv = sed_from_galacticus_mags(mag_30_list, redshift_list,
H0, Om0, sed_min_wave, sed_wave_width, lsst_mags)
sed_name_list = sed_name
magNorm_list = magNorm
print(len(sed_name_list), len(keep_rows_1comp))
In [46]:
sed_name_array = np.array(sed_name_list)
magNorm_array = np.array(magNorm_list)
av_array = np.array(av)
rv_array = np.array(rv)
In [47]:
np.shape(av_array), np.shape(rv_array)
Before saving our new information we want to check that the SEDs we are matching are in fact old, metal-poor templates. So we take the metallicity and age from all the templates and check them out.
In [48]:
sed_metals = []
sed_ages = []
sed_metals_dict = {'0005Z':'.005', '002Z':'.02', '02Z':'.2', '04Z':'.4', '1Z':'1.0', '25Z':'2.5'}
for sed_template in sed_name_array:
sed_info = sed_template.split('/')[1].split('.')
sed_age_info = sed_info[1].split('E')
sed_ages.append(np.power(10, int(sed_age_info[1]))*int(sed_age_info[0]))
In [49]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
mpl.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False
plt.xlabel('Log10(Galaxy Age (years))')
names, counts = np.unique(sed_metals, return_counts=True)
x = np.arange(len(names), dtype=int), counts)
plt.xticks(x, names)
plt.xlabel('Metallicity (Z_sun)')
plt.suptitle('Age and Metallicity of matched SED templates')
It seems that we are indeed getting templates for older galaxies and mostly less than solar metallicity.
We will take all the columns currently in the twinkles om10 data and add in our new reff values, SED filenames and SED magnitude normalizations.
In [50]:
test_bandpassDict = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles()
imsimband = Bandpass()
In [51]:
mag_norm_om10 = []
test_sed = Sed()
test_sed.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(str(os.environ['SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR']), sed_name_array[0]))
a, b = test_sed.setupCCM_ab()
# We need to adjust the magNorms of the galaxies so that,
# in the i-band, they match the OM10 APMAG_I.
# We do this be calculating the i-magnitudes of the galaxies as they
# will be simulated, finding the difference between that magnitude
# and APMAG_I, and adding that difference to *all* of the magNorms
# of the galaxy (this way, the cosmoDC2 validated colors of the
# galaxies are preserved)
for i, idx in list(enumerate(keep_rows_1comp)):
if i % 10000 == 0:
print(i, idx)
test_sed = Sed()
test_sed.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(str(os.environ['SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR']), sed_name_array[i]))
fnorm = getImsimFluxNorm(test_sed, magNorm_array[3,i])
test_sed.addDust(a, b, A_v=av_array[i], R_v=rv_array[i])
test_sed.redshiftSED(twinkles_lenses['ZLENS'][idx], dimming=True)
i_mag = test_sed.calcMag(test_bandpassDict['i'])
d_mag = twinkles_lenses['APMAG_I'][idx]-i_mag
mag_norm_om10.append(magNorm_array[:,i] + d_mag)
In [52]:
col_list = []
for col in twinkles_lenses.columns:
if != 'REFF':
col_list.append(fits.Column(, format=col.format, array=twinkles_lenses[][keep_rows_1comp]))
col_list.append(fits.Column(, format=col.format, array=gcr_r_eff_1comp))
col_list.append(fits.Column(name='lens_sed', format='40A', array=sed_name_array))
col_list.append(fits.Column(name='sed_magNorm', format='6D', array=mag_norm_om10))
col_list.append(fits.Column(name='lens_av', format='D', array=av_array))
col_list.append(fits.Column(name='lens_rv', format='D', array=rv_array))
In [53]:
cols = fits.ColDefs(col_list)
In [54]:
tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols)
In [55]:
tbhdu.writeto('../../data/twinkles_lenses_%s.fits' % catalog_version)
Great! Now that we have saved our new lens catalog we can open it up and make sure the data is where we want it.
In [56]:
hdulist_2 ='../../data/twinkles_lenses_%s.fits' % catalog_version)
In [57]:
print(hdulist_2[1].data['REFF'][0], hdulist_2[1].data['lens_sed'][0], hdulist_2[1].data['sed_magNorm'][0],
hdulist_2[1].data['lens_av'][0], hdulist_2[1].data['lens_rv'][0])
print(gcr_r_eff_1comp[0], sed_name_list[0], mag_norm_om10[0], av_array[0], rv_array[0])
Looks good!