Plane Crash Info

This exercise is trying to make some more sense out of the data collected at, which contains way too few charts for this topic. Using this notebook you can explore the data and add your own charts.

N.B. This is work in progress… If you have any suggestion, please feel free to raise an issue or provide a pull request in the repo on GitHub!

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import re
import json
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn

from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import planecrashinfo_light as pci

%matplotlib inline

Raw Data

In [2]:
df = pd.read_csv('data/data.csv')

In [3]:

Unnamed: 0 Unnamed: 0.1 Date: Time: Location: Operator: Flight #: Route: AC Type: Registration: cn / ln: Aboard: Fatalities: Ground: Summary:
0 0 ACCIDENT DETAILS February 03, 1921 ? Mendotta, Minnisota US Aerial Mail Service ? ? De Havilland DH-4 130 ? 1 (passengers:0 crew:1) 1 (passengers:0 crew:1) 0 Shortly after takeoff from Minneapolis-World C...
1 1 ACCIDENT DETAILS February 09, 1921 ? La Crosse, Wisconsin US Aerial Mail Service ? ? Junkers F-13 301 ? 3 (passengers:0 crew:3) 3 (passengers:0 crew:3) 0 Crashed for unknown reasons. Both pilots and t...
2 2 ACCIDENT DETAILS February 15, 1921 ? Off Gibraltar Aeropostale ? ? Breguet 14 F-ALBA ? 2 (passengers:0 crew:2) 2 (passengers:0 crew:2) 0 The mail fligh encountered poor weather condit...
3 3 ACCIDENT DETAILS February 22, 1921 ? Elko, Nevada US Aerial Mail Service ? ? De Havilland DH-4 67 ? 1 (passengers:0 crew:1) 1 (passengers:0 crew:1) 0 Shortly after taking off, the aircraft stalled...
4 4 ACCIDENT DETAILS April 06, 1921 ? Point Cook, Australia Military - Royal Australian Air Force ? ? Avro 504 H3021 ? 2 (passengers:0 crew:0) 2 (passengers:0 crew:0) 0 Shortly after taking off on a training flight,...

Clean(er) Data

In [4]:
df = pci.clean_database(df)

In [5]:

Time Location Operator Route AC_Type Aboard Fatalities Ground Summary Origin Destination Fatalities_total Location_Country Accident_type
1921-02-03 NaN Mendotta, Minnesota US Aerial Mail Service NaN De Havilland DH-4 1 (passengers:0 crew:1) 1 (passengers:0 crew:1) 0.0 Shortly after takeoff from Minneapolis-World C... NaN NaN 1.0 USA 0
1921-02-09 NaN La Crosse, Wisconsin US Aerial Mail Service NaN Junkers F-13 3 (passengers:0 crew:3) 3 (passengers:0 crew:3) 0.0 Crashed for unknown reasons. Both pilots and t... NaN NaN 3.0 USA 0
1921-02-15 NaN Gibraltar Aeropostale NaN Breguet 14 2 (passengers:0 crew:2) 2 (passengers:0 crew:2) 0.0 The mail fligh encountered poor weather condit... NaN NaN 2.0 Gibraltar 0
1921-02-22 NaN Elko, Nevada US Aerial Mail Service NaN De Havilland DH-4 1 (passengers:0 crew:1) 1 (passengers:0 crew:1) 0.0 Shortly after taking off, the aircraft stalled... NaN NaN 1.0 USA 0
1921-04-06 NaN Point Cook, Australia Military - Royal Australian Air Force NaN Avro 504 2 (passengers:0 crew:0) 2 (passengers:0 crew:0) 0.0 Shortly after taking off on a training flight,... NaN NaN 2.0 Australia 0


In [6]:
s = df.groupby(df.index.year).size()
s.plot(title='#Accidents (total, by year)');

In [7]:
s = df.groupby(df.index.year).size().cumsum()
s.plot(title='#Accidents (cumulated, by year)');

In [8]:
s = df.groupby(df.index.month).size()'#Accidents (total, by month)');

In [9]:
s = df.groupby(df.index.weekday).size()'#Accidents (total, by day of week)')
plt.xticks(range(7), ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']);

In [10]:
s = df.groupby('#Accidents (total, by day)');

In [11]:
s = df.groupby((df.index.year // 10) * 10).size()'#Accidents (total, by decade)');

In [12]:
s = df.groupby((df.index.quarter)).size()'#Accidents (total, by quarter)')
plt.xticks(range(5), ['spring', 'summer', 'autumn', 'winter'], rotation='horizontal');


In [13]:
df.Fatalities_total.groupby(df.index.year).sum().plot(title='#Fatalities (total)');

In [14]:
s = df.Fatalities_total.groupby((df.index.year // 10) * 10).sum(), s.values, width=5)
plt.title('#Fatalities (total, by decad)');

In [15]:
s = df.groupby(by=['AC_Type']).Fatalities_total.sum().sort_values(ascending=True, na_position='first')[-20:]
s.plot.barh(title='Biggest 20 CA types by the number of #fatalities');

In [16]:
s = df.groupby(by=['Origin']).Fatalities_total.sum().sort_values(ascending=True, na_position='first')[-20:]
s.plot.barh(title='Top 20 origins with max number of #fatalities');

In [17]:
s = df.groupby(by=['Destination']).Fatalities_total.sum().sort_values(ascending=True, na_position='first')[-20:]
s.plot.barh(title='Top 20 destinations with max number of #fatalities');

In [18]:
df.Ground.groupby(df.index.year).sum().plot(title='#Ground fatalities (total)');

In [19]:


In [20]:
s = df.groupby('AC_Type').size().sort_values(ascending=True)[-20:]
s.plot.barh(title='Top 20 aircraft with highest #accidents');

In [22]:
plane_brands = df.AC_Type.unique()

def get_plane_brand(brands, brand_name):
    return [op for op in brands if type(op) == str and op.startswith(brand_name)]

doug = get_plane_brand(plane_brands, 'Douglas')
anto = get_plane_brand(plane_brands, 'Antonov')
airb = get_plane_brand(plane_brands, 'Airbus')
boei = get_plane_brand(plane_brands, 'Boeing')

In [23]:
print('A number of the Boeing models %s' % len(boei))
print('A number of the Douglas models %s' % len(doug))
print('A number of the Antonov models %s' % len(anto))
print('A number of the Airbus models %s' % len(airb))

A number of the Boeing models 295
A number of the Douglas models 213
A number of the Antonov models 87
A number of the Airbus models 37

In [24]:
s = df[df.AC_Type.isin(airb)].groupby('AC_Type').size()'#Accidents for Airbus Aircraft', figsize=(12, 6));

In [27]:
def extract_airbus_type(ac_type):
    "Extract main Airbus type from 'AC Type', e.g. 'A300' from 'Airbus A-300-605R'."

    if type(ac_type) != str:
        return ''
    pat = 'Airbus ?(A[\.\-]?\d{3,3})'
    m =, ac_type)
    return m.groups()[0].replace('-', '').replace('.', '') if m else ''

In [28]:
airbus_models = set([extract_airbus_type(a) for a in airb])

{'A310', 'A340', 'A300', 'A321', 'A320', 'A330'}

In [29]:
df['Airbus_Model'] = df.AC_Type.apply(extract_airbus_type)

In [30]:
s = df[df.Airbus_Model.isin(airbus_models)].groupby('Airbus_Model').size()'#Accidents for Airbus Aircraft by Model');

In [31]:
df2 = df[df.AC_Type.isin(airb)]
s2 = df2.groupby(df2.index.year).size()
s2.plot(title='#Accidents for Airbus Aircraft');

In [32]:
df1 = df[df.AC_Type.isin(doug)]
s1 = df1.groupby(df1.index.year).size()
s1.plot(title='#Accidents for Douglas Aircraft');

In [34]:
df3 = df[df.AC_Type.isin(anto)]
s3 = df3.groupby(df3.index.year).size()
s3.plot.line(title='#Accidents for Antonov Aircraft');

In [35]:
df4 = df[df.AC_Type.isin(boei)]
s4 = df4.groupby(df4.index.year).size()
s4.plot(title='#Accidents for Boeing Aircraft');

In [32]:
dfab = pd.DataFrame(data={'Douglas': s1, 'Airbus': s2, 'Antonov': s3, 'Boeing': s4})
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))


In [36]:
s = df.groupby('Operator').size().sort_values(ascending=True)[-20:]
s.plot.barh(title='Top 20 airlines with highest #accidents');

In [38]:
mil_ops = sorted([op for op in df.Operator.unique() if type(op) == str and 'Military' in op])

In [39]:
df4 = df[df.Operator.isin(mil_ops)]
s4 = df4.groupby(df4.index.year).size()
s4.plot.line(title='#Accidents for Military Operators (total, by year)')

s = df.groupby(df.index.year).size()
s.plot.line(title='#Accidents (total, by year)');


In [40]:
s = df.groupby('Origin').size().sort_values(ascending=True)
s[-20:].plot.barh(title='Top 20 most frequest origins (of %d)' % len(s), figsize=(10, 6));

In [41]:
s = df.groupby('Destination').size().sort_values(ascending=True)
s[-20:].plot.barh(title='Top 20 most frequent destinations (of %d)' % len(s), figsize=(10, 6));


In [42]:
s = df.groupby('Location_Country').size().sort_values(ascending=True)[-20:]
s.plot.barh(title='Top 20 countries with highest #accidents', figsize=(10, 6));

In [43]:
s = df.groupby('Location').size().sort_values(ascending=True)[-20:]
s.plot.barh(title='Top 20 location of the #accidents', figsize=(10, 6));

Number of accidents during takeoff, landing and in the way

In [44]:
labels = ['unknown', 'take-off', 'landing', 'others']
ac_type_frequency = df.Accident_type.value_counts()
plt.title('Number of the #accidents during take-off, landing and in the way')
plt.xticks(range(4), [labels[key] for key in (ac_type_frequency.keys())]);

#Accidents types by decade

In [7]:
s = df.groupby((df.index.year // 10) * 10)['Accident_type'].agg('value_counts')
years_range = np.arange(1920, 2020, 10)

unknowns = [] 
takeoffs = []
landings = []
others = []
all_types = [unknowns, takeoffs, landings, others]
for year in years_range:
    for i in range(4):

In [9]:
ax1 = plt.plot(years_range, unknowns, label='unknowns')
ax2 = plt.plot(years_range, takeoffs, label='takeoffs')
ax3 = plt.plot(years_range, landings, label='landings')
ax4 = plt.plot(years_range, others, label='others')

plt.title('#Accidents types by decade')

For respective maps see below...

Maps of Crash Locations

Without more data cleaning (removing prefixes like 'Near...' or 'Off...', etc.) we can plot ca. 53% of all crash locations below.

In [6]:
def show_map(positions, title='', proj='mill', lat_0=0, lon_0=0):
    "Show a world map."
    plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(20,10))

    map = Basemap(projection=proj, lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0, resolution='c')
    map.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30), labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])
    map.drawmeridians(np.arange(map.lonmin, map.lonmax + 30, 60), labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])
    map.fillcontinents(color='#dddddd', lake_color='#aaddff')

    for pos in positions:
        lon, lat = pos['lon'], pos['lat']
        map.plot(lon, lat, 'ro', markersize=3, latlon=True)

In [7]:
locs = json.load(open('data/geolocs.json'))
positions = list(filter(None, locs.values()))
print('#locations found: %d' % len(locs))
print('#coordinates found: %d' % len(positions))

#locations found: 4290
#coordinates found: 3298

In [8]:
title = 'Approx. Plane Crash Locations (%d out of %d)'% (len(positions), len(locs))
show_map(positions, title=title, proj='mill')

In [38]:
title = 'Approx. Plane Crash Locations (%d out of %d)'% (len(positions), len(locs))
show_map(positions, title=title, proj='ortho', lat_0=30, lon_0=-40)

Warning: Cannot label parallels on Orthographic basemap'Warning: Cannot label meridians on full-disk
                Geostationary, Orthographic or Azimuthal equidistant basemap

In [ ]: