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.container { width:100% } 

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import graphviz as gv

The function $\texttt{toDot}(\texttt{Parent})$ takes a dictionary $\texttt{Parent}$. For every node $x$, $\texttt{Parent}[x]$ is the parent of $x$. It draws this dictionary as a family tree using graphviz.

In [ ]:
def toDot(Parent):
    dot = gv.Digraph()
    M   = Parent.keys()
    for x in M:
        p = Parent[x]
        if x == p:
            dot.edge(str(p), str(x), dir='back', headport='nw', tailport='ne')
            dot.edge(str(p), str(x), dir='back')
    return dot

A Tree Based Implementation of the Union-Find Algorithm

Given a set $M$ and a binary relation $R \subseteq M \times M$, the function $\texttt{union_find}$ returns a partition $\mathcal{P}$ of $M$ such that we have $$ \forall \langle x, y \rangle \in R: \exists S \in \mathcal{P}: \bigl(x \in S \wedge y \in S\bigr) $$ The resulting partition defines the equivalence relation that is generated by $R$.

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def union_find(M, R):
    Parent = { x: x for x in M } 
    Height = { x: 1 for x in M }
    for x, y in R:
        root_x = find(x, Parent)
        root_y = find(y, Parent)
        if root_x != root_y:
            if Height[root_x] < Height[root_y]:
                Parent[root_x] = root_y
            elif Height[root_x] > Height[root_y]:
                Parent[root_y] = root_x
                Parent[root_y]  = root_x
                Height[root_x] += 1
    Roots = { x for x in M if Parent[x] == x }
    return [{y for y in M if find(y, Parent) == r} for r in Roots]

Given a dictionary Parent and an element $x$ from $M$, the function $\texttt{find}(x, \texttt{Parent})$ returns the ancestor of $x$ that is its own parent.

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def find(x, Parent):
    p = Parent[x]
    if p == x:
        return x
    return find(p, Parent)

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def demo():
    M = set(range(1, 10))
    R = { (1, 4), (7, 9), (3, 5), (2, 6), (5, 8), (1, 9), (4, 7) }
    P = union_find(M, R)
    return P

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The former worst case is now actually the best case.

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def worst_case(n):
    M = set(range(1, n+1))
    R = [ (k+1, k) for k in M if k < n ]
    print(f'R = {R}')
    P = union_find(M, R)
    print(f'P = {P}')

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If the pairs are combined more or less randomly, the trees grow at most logarithmically.

In [ ]:
def worst_case_set(n):
    M = set(range(1, n+1))
    R = { (k+1, k) for k in M if k < n }
    print(f'R = {R}')
    P = union_find(M, R)
    print(f'P = {P}')

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