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.container { width:100% }

Implementing a Stack Class

First, we define an empty class Stack.

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class Stack:

Next we define a constructor to this class. The function $\texttt{stack}(S)$ takes an uninitialized object $S$ and initializes its member variable mStackElements. This member variable is a list containing the data stored in the stack.

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def stack(S):
    S.mStackElements = []

We add this method to the class Stack. Since we add it under the name __init__, this method will be the constructor.

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Stack.__init__ = stack
del stack

Next, we add the method push to the class Stack. The method $\texttt{push}(S, e)$ pushes $e$ onto the stack $S$.

In [ ]:
def push(S, e):
    S.mStackElements += [e]

We add this method to the class Stack.

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Stack.push = push
del push

The method pop removes the topmost element from a stack.

In [ ]:
def pop(S):
    assert len(S.mStackElements) > 0, "popping empty stack"
    S.mStackElements = S.mStackElements[:-1]

Stack.pop = pop
del pop

The method top returns the element that is on top of the stack.

In [ ]:
def top(S):
    assert len(S.mStackElements) > 0, "top of empty stack"
    return S.mStackElements[-1] = top
del top

The method isEmpty checks whether the stack is empty.

In [ ]:
def isEmpty(S):
    return S.mStackElements == []

Stack.isEmpty = isEmpty
del isEmpty

The method copy creates a shallow copy of the given stack.

In [ ]:
def copy(S):
    C = Stack()
    C.mStackElements = S.mStackElements[:]
    return C

Stack.copy = copy
del copy

The method toStr converts a stack into a string.

In [ ]:
def toStr(S):
    C = S.copy()
    result = C._convert()
    dashes = "-" * len(result)
    return '\n'.join([dashes, result, dashes])

Stack.__str__ = toStr
del toStr

The method convert converts a stack into a string.

In [ ]:
def convert(S):
    if S.isEmpty():
        return '|'
    top =
    return S._convert() + ' ' + str(top) + ' |'

Stack._convert = convert
del convert


In [ ]:
def createStack(L):
    S = Stack()
    for x in L:
    return S

In [ ]:
S = createStack(range(10))

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
Stack.__repr__ = Stack.__str__

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
for i in range(10):

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