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.container { width:100% } 

Moore's Shortest Path Algorithm

The function shortest_path takes two arguments.

  • source is the start node.
  • Edges is a dictionary that encodes the set of edges of the graph. For every node x the value of Edges[x] has the form $$ \bigl[ (y_1, l_1), \cdots, (y_n, l_n) \bigr]. $$ This list is interpreted as follows: For every $i = 1,\cdots,n$ there is an edge $(x, y_i)$ pointing from $x$ to $y_i$ and this edge has the length $l_i$.

The task of the function shortestPath(source, Edges) is to compute the distances of all nodes in the graph from the node source. This function works as follows:

  • The variable Distance is a dictionary. After the computation is finished, for every node $x$ such that $x$ is reachable from the node source, the value Distance[x] records the length of the shortest path from source to $x$.

    The node $\texttt{source}$ has distance $0$ from the node $\texttt{source}$ and initially this is all we know. Hence, the dictionary Distance is initialized as {source: 0}.

  • The variable $\texttt{Fringe}$ is a list of those nodes that already have an estimate of their distance from the node \texttt{source}. Furthermore, if a node is in Fringe then this node has at least one neighboring node whose distance from source hasn't been computed. Initially we only know that the node source is connected to the node source. Therefore, we initialize the list Fringe as the list [source].
  • Every iteration of the while-loop takes the first node u from the \texttt{Fringe}.
  • Next, we compute all nodes v that can be reached from u by an edge (u, v). For every such node v we check whether reaching v from u results in a shorter path than previously known. There are two cases.

    • If there is an edge from node u to a node v and Distance[v] is still undefined, then we hadn't yet found a path leading to v.
    • Furthermore, there are those nodes v where we had already found a path leading from source to v but the length of this path is longer than the length of the path that we get when we first visit u and then proceed to v via the edge (u,v).

    We compute the distance of the path leading from source} to u and then to v in both of these cases and add v to the Fringe.

  • The algorithm terminates when the list Fringe is empty because in that case we don't have any means left to improve our estimate of the distance function.

In [ ]:
def shortest_path(source, Edges):
    Distance = { source: 0 }
    Fringe   = [ source ]
    while len(Fringe) > 0:
        u = Fringe.pop()
        for v, l in Edges[u]:
            dv = Distance.get(v, None)
            if dv == None or Distance[u] + l < dv:
                Distance[v] = Distance[u] + l
                if v not in Fringe: 
                    Fringe += [v] 
    return Distance

The version of shortest_path that is given below adds some animation to the algorithm.

In [ ]:
def shortest_path(source, Edges):
    Distance = { source: 0 }
    Fringe   = [ source ]
    while len(Fringe) > 0:
        display(toDot(source, None, Edges, Fringe, Distance))
        print('_' * 80)
        u = Fringe.pop()
        display(toDot(source, u, Edges, Fringe, Distance))
        print('_' * 80)
        for v, l in Edges[u]:
            dv = Distance.get(v, None)
            if dv == None or Distance[u] + l < dv:
                Distance[v] = Distance[u] + l
                if v not in Fringe: 
                    Fringe += [v] 
    display(toDot(source, None, Edges, Fringe, Distance))
    return Distance

Code to Display the Directed Graph

In [ ]:
import graphviz as gv

The function $\texttt{toDot}(\texttt{source}, \texttt{Edges}, \texttt{Fringe}, \texttt{Distance})$ takes a graph that is represented by its Edges, a set of nodes Fringe, and a dictionary Distance that has the distance of a node from the node source.

In [ ]:
def toDot(source, p, Edges, Fringe, Distance):
    V = set()
    for x in Edges.keys():
    dot = gv.Digraph(node_attr={'shape': 'record', 'style': 'rounded'})
    dot.attr(rankdir='LR', size='8,5')
    for x in V:
        if x == source:
            if x != p and x in Fringe:
                dot.node(str(x), color='red', shape='doublecircle')
            elif x == p:
                dot.node(str(x), color='magenta', shape='doublecircle')
                dot.node(str(x), color='blue', shape='doublecircle')
            d = str(Distance.get(x, ''))
            if x == p:
                dot.node(str(x), label='{' + str(x) + '|' + d + '}', color='magenta')
            elif x in Fringe:
                dot.node(str(x), label='{' + str(x) + '|' + d + '}', color='red')
                dot.node(str(x), label='{' + str(x) + '|' + d + '}')
    for u in V:
        for v, l in Edges[u]:
            dot.edge(str(u), str(v), label=str(l))
    return dot

Code for Testing

In [ ]:
Edges = { 'a': [('c', 2), ('b', 9)], 
          'b': [('d', 1)],
          'c': [('e', 5), ('g', 3)],  
          'd': [('f', 2), ('e', 4)],  
          'e': [('f', 1), ('b', 2)],
          'f': [('h', 5)],
          'g': [('e', 1)],
          'h': []

In the diagrams below, the node u that is taken from the Fringe is colored in magenta, while the nodes in the Fringe are colored in red. The start node is colored blue unless it is part of the Fringeor equal to u.

In [ ]:
s  = 'a'
sp = shortest_path(s, Edges)

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