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This notebook implements an array-based version of Heapsort.

Graphical Representation of Heaps as Trees

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import graphviz as gv

The function toDot takes three arguments:

  • A is an array of natural numbers of length $n$,
  • f is a natural number such that $0 \leq f < n$ holds,
  • g is a natural number such that $f < g < n$ holds.

The function returns a graphical representation of the array A as a heap. This graphical representation is stored as a directed graph with an encoding suitable for graphviz.

The part A[0:g] is represented as a binary tree, while the part A[g:] is represented as a list. Furthermore, all indexes in the range A[k:g] satisfy the heap condition.

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def toDot(A, f, g):
    n   = len(A)
    dot = gv.Digraph(node_attr={'shape': 'record'})
    for k, p in enumerate(A):
        if k < f:
            dot.node(str(k), label='{' + str(p) + '|' + str(k) + '}', style='filled', fillcolor='red')
        elif k < g:
            dot.node(str(k), label='{' + str(p) + '|' + str(k) + '}', style='rounded')
            dot.node(str(k), label='{' + str(p) + '|' + str(k) + '}', style='filled', fillcolor='green')
    for k in range(0, n // 2):
        if 2 * k + 1 < g:
            dot.edge(str(k), str(2 * k + 1))
        if 2 * k + 2 < g:
            dot.edge(str(k), str(2 * k + 2))
    return dot


The function call swap(A, i, j) takes an array A and two indexes i and j and exchanges the elements at these indexes.

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def swap(A, i, j):
    A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i]

The procedure sink takes three arguments.

  • A is the array representing the heap.
  • k is an index into the array A.
  • n is the upper bound of the part of this array that has to be transformed into a heap.

The array A itself might actually have more than $n+1$ elements, but for the purpose of the method sink we restrict our attention to the subarray A[k:n]. When calling sink, the assumption is that A[k:n+1] should represent a heap that possibly has its heap condition violated at its root, i.e. at index k. The purpose of the procedure sink is to restore the heap condition at index k.

  • We compute the index j of the left subtree below index k.
  • We check whether there also is a right subtree at position j+1.

    This is the case if j + 1 <= n.

  • If the heap condition is violated at index k, we exchange the element at position k with the child that has the higher priority, i.e. the child that is smaller.
  • Next, we check in line 9 whether the heap condition is violated at index k.
    If the heap condition is satisfied, there is nothing left to do and the procedure returns.

  • Otherwise, the element at position k is swapped with the element at position j.

    Of course, after this swap it is possible that the heap condition is violated at position j. Therefore, k is set to j and the while-loop continues as long as the node at position k has at least one child, i.e. as long as 2 * k + 1 <= n.

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def sink(A, k, n):
    while 2 * k + 1 <= n:
        j = 2 * k + 1
        if j + 1 <= n and A[j] > A[j + 1]:
            j += 1
        if A[k] < A[j]:
        swap(A, k, j)
        k = j

The function call heapSort(A) has the task to sort the array A and proceeds in two phases.

  • In phase one our goal is to transform the array Ainto a heap that is stored in A.

    In order to do so, we traverse the array A in reverse in a loop.
    The invariant of this loop is that before sink is called, all trees rooted at an index greater than k satisfy the heap condition. Initially this is true because the trees that are rooted at indices greater than $(n + 1) // 2 - 1$ are trivial, i.e. they only consist of their root node.

    In order to maintain the invariant for index k, sink is called with argument k, since at this point, the tree rooted at index k satisfies the heap condition except possibly at the root. It is then the job of $\texttt{sink}$ to establish the heap condition at index k. If the element at the root has a priority that is too low, sink ensures that this element sinks down in the tree as far as necessary.

  • In phase two we remove the elements from the heap one-by-one and insert them at the end of the array.

    When the while-loop starts, the array A contains a heap. Therefore, the smallest element is found at the root of the heap. Since we want to sort the array A descendingly, we move this element to the end of the array A and in return move the element from the end of the arrayAto the front. After this exchange, the sublist A[0:n-1] represents a heap, except that the heap condition might now be violated at the root. Next, we decrement n, since the last element of the array A is already in its correct position.
    In order to reestablish the heap condition at the root, we call sink with index \texttt{0}.

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def heap_sort(A):
    n = len(A) - 1
    for k in range((n + 1) // 2 - 1, -1, -1):
        sink(A, k, n)
    while n >= 1:
        swap(A, 0, n)
        n -= 1
        sink(A, 0, n)

The version of heap_sort given below adds some animation.

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def heap_sort(A):
    n = len(A) - 1
    display(toDot(A, n // 2, len(A)))
    for k in range((n + 1) // 2 - 1, -1, -1):
        sink(A, k, n)
        print(f'k = {k}')
        display(toDot(A[:], k, len(A)))
    while n >= 1:
        swap(A, 0, n)
        display(toDot(A[:], 1, n + 1))
        n -= 1
        sink(A, 0, n)
        display(toDot(A[:], 0, n + 1))


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import random as rnd

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def demo():
    L = [ rnd.randrange(1, 200) for n in range(1, 16) ]
    print("L = ", L)
    print("L = ", L)

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