Plot aerosol optical depth

In [1]:
import numpy
import iris

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec

import iris.quickplot as qplt

import as ccrs
from cartopy.mpl.ticker import LongitudeFormatter, LatitudeFormatter

Read data

In [2]:
infile = '/g/data/ua6/DRSv2/CMIP5/CSIRO-Mk3-6-0/historicalMisc/mon/aerosol/r1i1p4/od550aer/latest/'

In [4]:
cube = iris.load_cube(infile, 'atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol') 

/g/data/r87/dbi599/miniconda3/envs/ocean/lib/python3.6/site-packages/iris/fileformats/ UserWarning: Missing CF-netCDF measure variable 'areacella', referenced by netCDF variable 'od550aer'
  warnings.warn(message % (variable_name, nc_var_name))
/g/data/r87/dbi599/miniconda3/envs/ocean/lib/python3.6/site-packages/iris/fileformats/ IrisDeprecation: NetCDF default loading behaviour currently does not expose variables which define reference surfaces for dimensionless vertical coordinates as independent Cubes. This behaviour is deprecated in favour of automatic promotion to Cubes. To switch to the new behaviour, set iris.FUTURE.netcdf_promote to True.
atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol / (1) (time: 1956; latitude: 96; longitude: 192)
     Dimension coordinates:
          time                                                 x               -              -
          latitude                                             -               x              -
          longitude                                            -               -              x
          Conventions: CF-1.4
          associated_files: baseURL: gridspecFile:
          branch_time: 29200.0
          cmor_version: 2.6.0
          comment: The raw model output has been divided by the fraction of time each pixel...
          contact: Project leaders: Stephen Jeffrey ( & Leon Rotstayn...
          creation_date: 2011-10-09T02:34:23Z
          experiment: other historical forcing
          experiment_id: historicalMisc
          forcing: AA (anthropogenic aerosols, including the indirect effect of aerosols on...
          frequency: mon
          history: 2011-10-09T02:34:23Z altered by CMOR: replaced missing value flag (-7.77778e+06)...
          initialization_method: 1
          institute_id: CSIRO-QCCCE
          institution: Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization...
          model_id: CSIRO-Mk3-6-0
          modeling_realm: aerosol
          original_name: ta5
          parent_experiment: piControl
          parent_experiment_id: piControl
          parent_experiment_rip: r1i1p1
          physics_version: 4
          product: output
          project_id: CMIP5
          realization: 1
          references: a) Rotstayn, L., Collier, M., Dix, M., Feng, Y., Gordon, H., O\'Farrell,...
          source: CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 2010 atmosphere: AGCM v7.3.5 (T63 spectral, 1.875 degrees...
          table_id: Table aero (27 April 2011) 515efb11350437308d37d5ae80d7523f
          title: CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 model output prepared for CMIP5 anthropogenic aerosols o...
          tracking_id: 69dd8177-a70f-4791-a6a5-78fc8c702e77
          version_number: v20110518
     Cell methods:
          mean: time

In [5]:
zonal_mean_cube = cube.collapsed(['longitude'], iris.analysis.MEAN)

atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol / (1) (time: 1956; latitude: 96)
     Dimension coordinates:
          time                                                 x               -
          latitude                                             -               x
     Scalar coordinates:
          longitude: 179.0625 degrees, bound=(-0.9375, 359.0625) degrees
          Conventions: CF-1.4
          associated_files: baseURL: gridspecFile:
          branch_time: 29200.0
          cmor_version: 2.6.0
          comment: The raw model output has been divided by the fraction of time each pixel...
          contact: Project leaders: Stephen Jeffrey ( & Leon Rotstayn...
          creation_date: 2011-10-09T02:34:23Z
          experiment: other historical forcing
          experiment_id: historicalMisc
          forcing: AA (anthropogenic aerosols, including the indirect effect of aerosols on...
          frequency: mon
          history: 2011-10-09T02:34:23Z altered by CMOR: replaced missing value flag (-7.77778e+06)...
          initialization_method: 1
          institute_id: CSIRO-QCCCE
          institution: Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization...
          model_id: CSIRO-Mk3-6-0
          modeling_realm: aerosol
          original_name: ta5
          parent_experiment: piControl
          parent_experiment_id: piControl
          parent_experiment_rip: r1i1p1
          physics_version: 4
          product: output
          project_id: CMIP5
          realization: 1
          references: a) Rotstayn, L., Collier, M., Dix, M., Feng, Y., Gordon, H., O\'Farrell,...
          source: CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 2010 atmosphere: AGCM v7.3.5 (T63 spectral, 1.875 degrees...
          table_id: Table aero (27 April 2011) 515efb11350437308d37d5ae80d7523f
          title: CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 model output prepared for CMIP5 anthropogenic aerosols o...
          tracking_id: 69dd8177-a70f-4791-a6a5-78fc8c702e77
          version_number: v20110518
     Cell methods:
          mean: time
          mean: longitude

In [6]:
def calc_trend(cube, running_mean=True):
    """Calculate linear trend.
    A 12-month running mean can first be applied to the data.


    coord_names = [ for coord in cube.dim_coords]
    assert coord_names[0] == 'time'

    if running_mean:
        cube = cube.rolling_window('time', iris.analysis.MEAN, 12)

    time_axis = cube.coord('time')

    trend =, 0,, time_axis.points)
    trend =,

    return trend

def linear_trend(data, time_axis):
    """Calculate the linear trend.
    polyfit returns [a, b] corresponding to y = a + bx

    if data.mask[0]:
        return data.fill_value
        return numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(time_axis, data, 1)[-1]

In [7]:
od_3D_trend = calc_trend(cube)
od_2D_trend = calc_trend(zonal_mean_cube)

/g/data/r87/dbi599/miniconda3/envs/ocean/lib/python3.6/site-packages/iris/ UserWarning: The bounds of coordinate 'time' were ignored in the rolling window operation.
  'the rolling window operation.' %

In [8]:
%matplotlib inline

In [9]:
def plot_2D_trend(trends, lats, gs):
    """Plot the zonally integrated trends (i.e. zonal heat gain)"""

    ax = plt.subplot(gs[1])
    ax.plot(trends * 10**6, lats)
    ax.set_xlabel('Trend in zonal average ($10^6$)', fontsize='small')
    ax.set_ylabel('Latitude', fontsize='small')
    ax.axvline(0, color='0.7', linestyle='solid')
    ax.set_yticks([-80, -60, -40, -20, 0, 20, 40, 60, 80])
    ax.set_ylim([lats[0], lats[-1]])

In [14]:
def plot_3D_trend(trends, lons, lats, gs, pretty=True):
    """Plot the trends."""

    ax = plt.subplot(gs[0], projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=180.0))

    cmap =
    ticks = numpy.arange(0, 12, 1)
    cf = ax.contourf(lons, lats, trends * 10**6 , transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(),
                     cmap=cmap, extend='both', levels=ticks)

    if pretty:
        ax.set_yticks([-80, -60, -40, -20, 0, 20, 40, 60, 80], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
        ax.set_xticks([0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
        lon_formatter = LongitudeFormatter(zero_direction_label=True)
        lat_formatter = LatitudeFormatter()
        ax.set_xlabel('Longitude', fontsize='small')
        ax.set_ylabel('Latitude', fontsize='small')    

        cbar = plt.colorbar(cf)
        cbar.set_label('trend ($10^6$)')

In [15]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[15, 3])
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[4, 1]) 

lons = cube.coord('longitude').points
lats = cube.coord('latitude').points

plot_3D_trend(od_3D_trend, lons, lats, gs)
plot_2D_trend(od_2D_trend, lats, gs)

In [20]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[15, 3])
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) 

lons = cube.coord('longitude').points
lats = cube.coord('latitude').points

plot_3D_trend(od_3D_trend, lons, lats, gs, pretty=False)

            bbox_inches='tight', dpi=200)

Plot timeseries

In [17]:
regions = {'globe60': [-60, 60],
           'tropics': [-20, 20],
           'northern_extratropics60': [20, 60],
           'southern_extratropics60': [-60, -20],

region_dict = {'globe60': ('globe (60S - 60N)', 'black', '-'),
               'tropics': ('tropics (20S to 20N)', 'purple', '-'),
               'northern_extratropics60': ('northern extratropics (20N - 60N)', 'red', '-'),
               'southern_extratropics60': ('southern extratropics (60S - 20S)', 'blue', '-'),

In [14]:
def broadcast_array(array, axis_index, shape):
    """Broadcast a one dimensional array to a target shape.
      array (numpy.ndarray): One dimensional array
      axis_index (int): Postion in the target shape that the array
        corresponds to (e.g. if array corresponds to lat in (time, depth
        lat, lon) array then index = 2
      shape (tuple): shape to broadcast to

    dim = axis_index - 1
    while dim >= 0:
        array = array[numpy.newaxis, ...]
        array = numpy.repeat(array, shape[dim], axis=0)
        dim = dim - 1
    dim = axis_index + 1
    while dim < len(shape):    
        array = array[..., numpy.newaxis]
        array = numpy.repeat(array, shape[dim], axis=-1)
        dim = dim + 1

    return array

def region_mask(cube, south_bound, north_bound):
    """Create mask for excluding points not in region of interest.

    False corresponds to points that are not masked.

      cube (iris.cube.Cube): Data cube
      south_bound (float): Southern boundary of region of interest
      north_bound (float): Northern boundary of region of interest 


    data_mask =
    dim_coord_names = [ for coord in cube.dim_coords]
    aux_coord_names = [ for coord in cube.aux_coords]
    lat_coord = cube.coord('latitude')
    vin_flag = numpy.vectorize(in_flag)
    in_region = vin_flag(lat_coord.points, south_bound, north_bound)

    if 'latitude' in dim_coord_names:
        lat_index = dim_coord_names.index('latitude')
        in_region = broadcast_array(in_region, lat_index, cube.shape)
    elif 'latitude' in aux_coord_names:
        dim_diff = len(dim_coord_names) - len(aux_coord_names)
        if dim_diff == 2:
            assert 'time' in dim_coord_names[0:2], "Last two axes must be spatial coordinates"
            assert 'depth' in dim_coord_names[0:2], "Last two axes must be spatial coordinates"
        elif dim_diff == 1:
            assert dim_coord_names[0] == 'depth', "Last two axes must be spatial coordinates"

        while in_region.ndim < data_mask.ndim:
            in_region = in_region[numpy.newaxis, ...]

    mask = data_mask + in_region

    return mask   

def in_flag(lat_value, south_bound, north_bound):
    """Determine if a point is in the region of interest.
    Returns false for points that are included (because they don't need
      to be masked)

    if lat_value < north_bound and lat_value > south_bound:
        return False
        return True 

def regional_average(cube_copy, mask):
    """Calculate the heat content for each timestep.""" = mask
    coord_names = [ for coord in cube_copy.coords()]
    ave = cube_copy.collapsed(coord_names, iris.analysis.MEAN)

    return ave

In [15]:
regional_averages = {}
for region, bounds in regions.iteritems():
    data_mask = region_mask(cube, bounds[0], bounds[-1])
    regional_averages[region] = regional_average(cube.copy(), data_mask)

/Applications/anaconda/envs/default/lib/python2.7/site-packages/iris/ UserWarning: Collapsing spatial coordinate u'latitude' without weighting

In [22]:
for region in regions.keys():
    name, color, style = region_dict[region]
    cube = regional_averages[region]
    cube = cube.rolling_window('time', iris.analysis.MEAN, 12)
    qplt.plot(cube.coord('time'), cube, label=name, color=color, linestyle=style)


    plt.ylabel('ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm')

In [ ]: