Multiple approaches to the same model binary alloy, evaluated numerically.
Our model is quite simple: there are A and B atoms, and one vacancy, in a periodic lattice. There is a concentration $c_\text{B}$ of B atoms (solute). Only the vacancy is mobile. The thermodynamics are kept very simple: A, B, and vacancies have no interaction. There are only two rates in the problem: $\nu_\text{A}$ and $\nu_\text{B}$ which are the rates of vacancy-A and vacancy-B atom exchanges. Without loss of generality, we take $\nu_\text{A}=1$, and the lattice constant to be 1. We will solve our problem on a square lattice.
We will study variation with concentration $c_\text{B}$ (and $c_\text{A}=1-c_\text{B}$ for a dilute limit of vacancies), for three different choices of $\nu_\text{B}/\nu_\text{A}$:
We consider multiple models to evaluate their accuracy:
The 4 methods have different amounts of computational complexity.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'seaborn-whitegrid')
%matplotlib inline
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse.linalg import minres
import pyamg # adaptive multigrid solver
import itertools
from tqdm import tnrange, tqdm_notebook # progress bar; not necessary, but helpful for long runs
In [2]:
# Turn off or on to run optional testing code in notebook:
# Also turns on / off progress bars
__TESTING__ = False
Setting up our simple square lattice:
In [3]:
dxlist = [np.array([1,0]), np.array([-1,0]), np.array([0,1]), np.array([0,-1])]
z = len(dxlist) # coordination number
d = len(dxlist[0]) # dimension
Nt = 3 # number of species (A + B + vacancy)
In [4]:
def make_connectivity(Npbc):
Makes an `Npbc` x `Npbc` square lattice, with Npbc. Returns a matrix of "connectivity"
with dimensions (Nstates, coordination)
:param Nbpc: size of square lattice
:return connectivity: array of (Nstates, coordination) where for each state,
it gives the endpoint state for jump, indexed from our dxlist.
def toindex(nvec, Npbc):
return (nvec[0]%Npbc) + Npbc*(nvec[1]%Npbc)
def fromindex(n, Npbc):
return (n%Npbc, n//Npbc)
Nsites = Npbc**d
connectivity = np.zeros((Nsites, z), dtype=int)
for n in range(Nsites):
st, c = fromindex(n, Npbc), connectivity[n]
for i, dx in enumerate(dxlist):
c[i] = toindex((st[0]+dx[0], st[1]+dx[1]), Npbc)
return connectivity
In [5]:
if __TESTING__:
conn = make_connectivity(16)
for n, c in enumerate(conn):
for m in c:
if n not in conn[m]:
print('Missing back connection from {} to {}?'.format(n, m))
We define our system state very simply:
, an integer vector of length Nsites
, where values of 0 = A, 1 = B. Note: the value of chemocc[vacsite]
is undefined, but ignored.Because everything is random, we place the vacancy at site 0.
In [6]:
def generate_state(cB, Ns):
Generate an initial configuration for a given concentration, number of sites.
:param cB: concentration of B atoms (probability a site has a B atom)
:param Ns: number of sites
:return vacsite: index of site corresponding to vacancy position
:return chemocc: vector of chemistries at each site
vacsite, chemocc = 0, np.random.choice((0,1), Ns, p=(1.-cB, cB))
chemocc[vacsite] = -1
return vacsite, chemocc
In [7]:
def KMC_diff(cB, nuB, connectivity, Nkmc=1, Nsamples=2**8, Nerror=2**4):
Runs KMC to determine Onsager transport coefficients. A few parameters determine how the run goes:
:param cB: concentration of "solute"
:param nuB: relative rate of solute-vacancy exchange
:param Nkmc: number of jumps to include in a trajectory; this is a multiplier on the number of sites
:param Nsamples: number of trajectories to sample to determine the diffusivity
:param Nerror: number of averages to use to estimate stochastic error
:returns Lab: transport coefficients, for the different chemistries
:returns dLab: standard deviation in Lab
Nsites = connectivity.shape[0]
Lmat, dLmat = np.zeros((Nt, Nt)), np.zeros((Nt, Nt))
for nerror in tnrange(Nerror, desc='L average',
leave=False, disable=not __TESTING__):
Dmat = np.zeros((Nt,Nt))
for nsamp in range(Nsamples):
displace = [np.zeros(2), np.zeros(2), np.zeros(2)] # A, B, vacancy
T = 0
vacsite, chemocc = generate_state(cB, Nsites)
# check to make sure there's an initial escape (important for nuB==0 only)
if not((nuB == 0) and all(chemocc[j]==1 for j in connectivity[vacsite])):
for nkmc in range(Nkmc*Nsites):
# rate table: very simple
rates = np.array([1. if chemocc[j]==0 else nuB
for j in connectivity[vacsite]])
# escape time
dT = 1./np.sum(rates)
# select the jump
jumptype = np.random.choice(z, p=dT*rates)
# accumulate
T += dT
displace[-1] += dxlist[jumptype]
newvac = connectivity[vacsite, jumptype]
displace[chemocc[newvac]] -= dxlist[jumptype]
# update state
chemocc[vacsite] = chemocc[newvac]
chemocc[newvac] = -1
vacsite = newvac
for c1 in range(Nt):
for c2 in range(Nt):
Dmat[c1, c2] +=[c1], displace[c2])/(4*T)
Dmat /= Nsamples
Lmat += Dmat
dLmat += Dmat**2
Lmat /= Nerror
dLmat /= Nerror
return Lmat, np.sqrt((dLmat - Lmat**2)/Nerror)
In [8]:
# Faster implementation using precalculated rate tables, and generating
# all of the jump choices in advance, for the different environments
def KMC_diff_fast(cB, nuB, connectivity, Nkmc=1, Nsamples=2**8, Nerror=2**4):
Runs KMC to determine Onsager transport coefficients. A few parameters determine how the run goes:
:param cB: concentration of "solute"
:param nuB: relative rate of solute-vacancy exchange
:param Nkmc: number of jumps to include in a trajectory; this is a multiplier on the number of sites
:param Nsamples: number of trajectories to sample to determine the diffusivity
:param Nerror: number of averages to use to estimate stochastic error
:returns Lab: transport coefficients, for the different chemistries
:returns dLab: standard deviation in Lab
Nsites = connectivity.shape[0]
Lmat, dLmat = np.zeros((Nt, Nt)), np.zeros((Nt, Nt))
# setup some rate tables.
Nstates = 2**z
bitlist = [1 << i for i in range(z)] # mapping of index to bits
intdict = {}
for localchem in itertools.product((0,1), repeat=z):
intdict[localchem] = sum(bitlist[i] for i, c in enumerate(localchem) if c)
def int2index(i):
"""Takes in an integer and returns the mapping"""
return [ 1 if i&bitlist[n] else 0 for n in range(z)]
ratedict = np.zeros(Nstates)
probdict = np.zeros((Nstates, z))
for localchem in itertools.product((0,1), repeat=z):
n = intdict[localchem]
rates = np.array([1. if localchem[j]==0 else nuB for j in range(z)])
if np.sum(rates) != 0:
# escape time
dT = 1./np.sum(rates)
ratedict[n] = dT
probdict[n,:] = dT*rates
ratedict[n] = 0
probdict[n,:] = np.array([1. for j in range(z)])
# setup some random guesses
Njumps = Nerror*Nsamples*Nsites*Nkmc # total number of jumps needed
ncount = np.zeros(Nstates, dtype=int)
randjumps = []
for n in range(Nstates):
# estimate how many times we'll encounter a given environment:
N = np.product([cB if c else (1.-cB) for c in int2index(n)])*Njumps
N = 1+int(N + 3*np.sqrt(N)) # counting statistics; +3 standard deviations.
ncount[n] = N-1
if ratedict[n] > 0:
randjumps.append(np.random.choice(z, N, p=probdict[n]))
for nerror in tnrange(Nerror, desc='L average',
leave=False, disable=not __TESTING__):
Dmat = np.zeros((Nt,Nt))
for nsamp in range(Nsamples):
displace = [np.zeros(2, dtype=int),
np.zeros(2, dtype=int),
np.zeros(2, dtype=int)] # A, B, vacancy
T = 0
vacsite, chemocc = generate_state(cB, Nsites)
# check to make sure there's an initial escape (important for nuB==0 only)
if ratedict[intdict[tuple(chemocc[j] for j in connectivity[vacsite])]] != 0:
for nkmc in range(Nsites*Nkmc):
# rate table: very simple
n = intdict[tuple(chemocc[j] for j in connectivity[vacsite])]
# select the jump
jumptype = randjumps[n][ncount[n]]
ncount[n] -= 1
# accumulate escape time
T += ratedict[n]
displace[-1] += dxlist[jumptype]
newvac = connectivity[vacsite, jumptype]
displace[chemocc[newvac]] -= dxlist[jumptype]
# update state
chemocc[vacsite] = chemocc[newvac]
chemocc[newvac] = -1
vacsite = newvac
# check that we don't need more jumps:
if ncount[n] < 0:
randjumps[n] = np.random.choice(z, randjumps[n].shape[0],
ncount[n] = randjumps[n].shape[0]-1
for c1 in range(Nt):
for c2 in range(Nt):
Dmat[c1, c2] +=[c1], displace[c2])/(4*T)
Dmat /= Nsamples
Lmat += Dmat
dLmat += Dmat**2
Lmat /= Nerror
dLmat /= Nerror
return Lmat, np.sqrt((dLmat - Lmat**2)/Nerror)
In [9]:
if __TESTING__:
L, dL = KMC_diff(0.5, 2., make_connectivity(8))
In [10]:
def percolation_diff(cB, connectivity, Nsamples=2**4, Nerror=2**4):
Directly computes diffusivity for a percolation problem (nuB==0)
:param cB: concentration of "solute"
:param Nsamples: number of configurations to sample to determine the diffusivity
:param Nerror: number of averages to use to estimate stochastic error
:returns Lab: transport coefficients, for the different chemistries
:returns dLab: standard deviation in Lab
Nsites = connectivity.shape[0]
Lmat, dLmat = 0., 0.
for nerror in tnrange(Nerror, desc='L average', leave=False, disable=not __TESTING__):
Dmat = 0
for nsamp in range(Nsamples):
D0 = 0
vacsite, chemocc = generate_state(cB, Nsites)
# break into connected domains (a list of connected networks)
# first get a set of sites that are not B atoms
asites = set(n for n,c in enumerate(chemocc) if c!=1)
while asites:
# try to create a new network:
n = asites.pop() # first member, random
# two sets: the network being constructed, sites to branch from
net, remainders = {n}, {n}
while remainders:
# grab a new member whose connections we'll check:
n = remainders.pop()
for m in connectivity[n]:
if m in asites:
# m is in asites if we've not already checked its connections
asites.remove(m) # remove it from the global list
if len(net)<2: continue
D0 = 0
sitelist = [n for n in net]
siteindex = {n:i for i,n in enumerate(sitelist)}
Ilist, Jlist, Vlist, blist = [], [], [], []
for i,n in enumerate(sitelist):
conn = connectivity[n]
b0, d0 = 0., 0.
for m, dx in zip(conn, dxlist):
j = siteindex[m]
d0 += 1.
b0 += dx[0]
except KeyError:
D0 += d0
bvec = np.array(blist)
W = sparse.csr_matrix((Vlist, (Ilist, Jlist)),
etabar,info = minres(W, bvec, x0=np.random.rand(W.shape[0]), tol=1e-8)
if info!=0: print('got {} return from minres'.format(info))
etabar -= np.average(etabar)
Dmat += (0.25*D0 +, etabar))/Nsites
# Dmat += 0.25*D0/Nsites
Dmat /= Nsamples
Lmat += Dmat
dLmat += Dmat**2
Lmat /= Nerror
dLmat /= Nerror
return Lmat, np.sqrt((dLmat - Lmat**2)/Nerror)
These are simple analytic expressions; the built in crystal structure "parameter" is gamma, which is a function of the dilute tracer correlation coefficient ($f$) for a square lattice, $$\gamma = \frac{f+1}{f-1}$$ We can get the bias basis solution by replacing this value with z, the coordination number. $$\gamma_\text{bias basis} = -z$$ which corresponds to a dilute tracer correlation coefficient of $f=1-2/(z+1)$. The analytic solution for the square lattice is $f=1/(\pi-1)\approx 0.467$, so $\gamma = -\pi/(\pi-2) \approx -2.752$.
In [11]:
def Danalytic(cB, nuB, gamma = -(np.pi)/(np.pi-2)):
Analytic GF solution.
:param cB: concentration of "solute"
:param nuB: relative rate of solute-vacancy exchange
:param gamma: optional parameter. This is (f+1)/(f-1) for full correlation, or -z for bias basis.
:returns Lab: transport coefficients, for the different chemistries
cA, nuA = 1.-cB, 1.
nuave = cA*nuA + cB*nuB
bv = cA*(nuave-nuA) - cB*(nuave-nuB)
g = 1./(gamma*nuave - (2*nuA + 2*nuB - 3*nuave))
DAA = cA*nuA + 2*cA*cB*nuA*nuA*g
DBB = cB*nuB + 2*cA*cB*nuB*nuB*g
DAB = -2*cA*cB*nuA*nuB*g
DvA = -cA*nuA + nuA*bv*g
DvB = -cB*nuB - nuB*bv*g
Dvv = nuave + cA*cB*((nuA-nuB)**2)*g
return np.array([[DAA, DAB, DvA], [DAB, DBB, DvB], [DvA, DvB, Dvv]])
The residual bias correction allows for any linear basis solution, such as the mean-field Green function solution, to be corrected by using the residual bias as a new basis. For the percolation problem, we can construct an analytic expression that involves numerical terms to be evaluated.
In [37]:
def Dbiascorrect(cB):
Residual-bias corrected SCGF solution; only for nuB = 0, just returns DAA,
which is already divided by cA.
:param cB: concentration of "solute"
:returns DAA: transport coefficient (diffusivity) of A.
# check edge cases first:
if np.isclose(cB,1):
return 0.
return (1.-cB)/(1.+0.1415926534*cB) + \
(-0.01272990905*cB + 4.529059154*cB**2 - 399.7080744*cB**3 - \
561.6483202*cB**4 + 665.0100411*cB**5 + 622.9427624*cB**6 - \
379.2388949*cB**7 + 48.12615674*cB**8)/\
(1. + 361.2297602*cB + 590.7833342*cB**2 + 222.4121227*cB**3 + \
307.7589952*cB**4 + 208.3266238*cB**5 - 52.05560275*cB**6 - \
24.0423294*cB**7 - 1.884593043*cB**8)
In [13]:
if __TESTING__:
LGF = Danalytic(0.5, 2.)
Lbb = Danalytic(0.5, 2., gamma = -z)
In this approach, we expand a basis set entirely from the local chemistry around the vacancy. By doing this explicitly in terms of the states, we capture all possible cluster expansions out to a fixed range. The computational complexity grows quite rapidly, so we keep the cutoff a bit short, as it grows like $2^n$ for $n$ sites around the vacancy.
First, we make lists of the sites we want to consider:
In [14]:
sitelists = [dxlist.copy()]
for shell in [[np.array([1,1]), np.array([1,-1]), np.array([-1,1]), np.array([-1,-1])],
[np.array([2,0]), np.array([-2,0]), np.array([0,2]), np.array([0,-2])],
[np.array([2,1]), np.array([2,-1]), np.array([-2,1]), np.array([-2,-1])],
[np.array([1,2]), np.array([-1,2]), np.array([1,-2]), np.array([-1,-2])],
[np.array([2,2]), np.array([2,-2]), np.array([-2,2]), np.array([-2,-2])]]:
sitelists.append(sitelists[-1].copy() + shell)
if __TESTING__:
for s in sitelists:
print(len(s), s)
Next, we make a function which constructs all of the necessary information for the states to make the Wbar and bbar matrices corresponding to our sitelists. It is recommended, that for a given sitelist, this only be done once, as it can be reused to make Wbar and bbar for different concentrations and rates.
Next: we are going to run through and construct our mappings. Here is what we will store:
), we will store a list of other basis functions to which it can transition; the rate type (0 or 1), and the probability factor as a tuple (nA, nB). This will be used to construct the off-diagonal components of Wbar
In [15]:
def make_Wbarlists(sitelist):
Takes in a list of sites, and constructs two lists that contain all the information
needed to make Wbar and bbar.
:param sitelist: list of sites to include
:returns Wbarlist: list of information to construct off-diagonal components of Wbar
:returns Wbardiag: list of information to construct diagonal components of Wbar *and* bbar vector
# helper functions and analysis:
Nsites = len(sitelist)
Nstates = 2**Nsites
bitlist = [1 << i for i in range(Nsites)] # mapping of index to bits, equivalent to 2**i
def index2int(lis):
"""Takes a list returns the integer mapping"""
return sum(bitlist[i] for i, c in enumerate(lis) if c)
def int2index(i):
"""Takes in an integer and returns the mapping"""
return [ 1 if i&bitlist[n] else 0 for n in range(Nsites)]
# lists for shifts:
# * `shiftlist` contains the new bit in the translated basis if that position is set in the current list
# * `unsetbitlist` contains the list of bits that are "missing", and hence free to be set.
shiftlist = []
unsetbitlist = []
for dx in dxlist:
shifts = []
for site in sitelist:
if np.array_equal(site, dx):
newsite = -dx
newsite = site - dx
# is that a site that we are tracking?
newbit = bitlist[ [np.array_equal(newsite, s) for s in sitelist].index(True) ]
except ValueError:
newbit = 0
unsetbitlist.append([b for b in bitlist if b not in shifts])
Wbarlist = []
Wbardiag = []
Nnew = len(unsetbitlist[0]) # how many unset bits are there?
for n in tnrange(Nstates, disable=not __TESTING__):
lis = int2index(n)
nB = sum(1 for c in lis if c)
nA = Nsites-nB
p = (nA, nB)
# counters for our jumptype:
nuBt, nuAx, nuBx = 0, 0, 0
# now, run through our jumps (dx)
Wbarentries = []
for njump, dx, shifts, unsetbits in zip(itertools.count(), dxlist, shiftlist, unsetbitlist):
jumptype = 1 if lis[njump] == 1 else 0
if jumptype:
# we count how often nuB appears:
nuBt += 1
nuBx -= np.sign(dx[0])
nuAx -= np.sign(dx[0])
# construct all of the end states that should appear
basebits = sum(shifts[i] for i, c in enumerate(lis) if c)
for cnew in itertools.product((0,1), repeat=Nnew):
newnB = sum(1 for c in cnew if c)
newnA = Nnew - newnB
endstate = basebits + sum(unsetbits[i] for i, c in enumerate(cnew) if c)
Wbarentries.append((endstate, (nA+newnA, nB+newnB), jumptype))
Wbardiag.append((p, nuBt, nuAx, nuBx))
return Wbarlist, Wbardiag
In [16]:
if __TESTING__:
Wbarlist, Wbardiag = make_Wbarlists(sitelists[1])
Function to construct Wbar and bbar for a given concentration and rate.
In [17]:
def make_Wbar_bbar(cB, nuB, Wbarlist, Wbardiag):
Takes in the analysis from our "cluster expansion" generator above and constructs corresponding matrices.
:param cB: concentration of "solute"
:param nuB: relative rate of solute-vacancy exchange
:param Wbarlist: output from make_Wbarlist
:param Wbardiag: output from make_Wbarlist
:returns Wbar: sparse matrix representation of Wbar
:returns bbar: vector of biases, only in the x direction.
Nstates = len(Wbardiag)
Nsites = int(np.log2(Nstates))
cA, nuA = 1-cB, 1.
nubase = len(dxlist)*nuA
nudiff = nuB-nuA
nubar = cA*nuA + cB*nuB
lncA, lncB = np.log(cA), np.log(cB) # for doing powers quickly
probdict = {}
for nA in range(2*Nsites+1):
for nB in range(2*Nsites+1):
probdict[(nA, nB)] = np.exp(nA*lncA + nB*lncB)
# Wbarmatrix, bbar = np.zeros((Nstates, Nstates)), np.zeros((Nstates, 2))
bbar = np.zeros((Nstates, Nt)) # A, B, vac
# sparse matrix version of Wbarmatrix
Ilist, Jlist, Vlist = [], [], [] # sparse matrix version
for n, Wbarentries, (ptup, nuBt, nuAx, nuBx) in \
tqdm_notebook(zip(itertools.count(), Wbarlist, Wbardiag), total=Nstates,
leave=False, disable=not __TESTING__):
# diagonal first
p = probdict[ptup]
bbar[n,:] = p*nuA*nuAx, p*nuB*nuBx, -p*(nuB*nuBx+nuA*nuAx)
Il, Jl, Vl = [n], [n], [-p*(nubase+nuBt*nudiff)]
jdict = {n: 0}
if Vl[0] != 0:
# now the off-diagonal
for (m, pnewtup, jtype) in Wbarentries:
w = probdict[pnewtup]*(nuB if jtype else nuA)
if m in jdict:
Vl[jdict[m]] += w
jdict[m] = len(Vl)
Ilist += Il
Jlist += Jl
Vlist += Vl
Wbarmatrix = sparse.csr_matrix((Vlist, (Ilist, Jlist)), shape=(Nstates,Nstates))
del(Ilist, Jlist, Vlist) # garbage collect
return Wbarmatrix, bbar
In [18]:
if __TESTING__:
Wbarlist, Wbardiag = make_Wbarlists(sitelists[0])
Wbar, bbar = make_Wbar_bbar(0.5, 2, Wbarlist, Wbardiag)
In [19]:
def SCMF_diff(cB, nuB, Wbarlist, Wbardiag):
Computes the transport coefficients using the generalized SCMF
:param cB: concentration of "solute"
:param nuB: relative rate of solute-vacancy exchange
:param Wbarlist: output from make_Wbarlist
:param Wbardiag: output from make_Wbarlist
:returns Lab: transport coefficients, for the different chemistries
# uncorrelated first:
cA, nuA = 1-cB, 1.
nubar = cA*nuA + cB*nuB
L0 = np.array([[cA*nuA, 0, -cA*nuA], [0, cB*nuB, -cB*nuB], [-cA*nuA, -cB*nuB, nubar]])
# correlated:
Wbar, bbar = make_Wbar_bbar(cB, nuB, Wbarlist, Wbardiag)
x0 = np.random.rand(Wbar.shape[0])
# ml = pyamg.smoothed_aggregation_solver(Wbar, symmetry='symmetric', max_coarse=10)
# etabar = np.array([ml.solve(bbar[:,0], x0=x0, tol=1e-8),
# ml.solve(bbar[:,1], x0=x0, tol=1e-8),
# ml.solve(bbar[:,2], x0=x0, tol=1e-8)]).T
etabar = np.array([minres(Wbar, bbar[:,0], x0=x0, tol=1e-8)[0],
minres(Wbar, bbar[:,1], x0=x0, tol=1e-8)[0],
minres(Wbar, bbar[:,2], x0=x0, tol=1e-8)[0]]).T
etaave = np.average(etabar, axis=0)
etabar -= etaave
return L0 +, bbar)
In [20]:
if __TESTING__:
Wbarlist, Wbardiag = make_Wbarlists(sitelists[0])
print(SCMF_diff(0.5, 2, Wbarlist, Wbardiag))
Now, setup different levels of SCMF cluster expansions:
In [21]:
NSCMF = 4 # maximum depth in the sitelists we'll go; 5 requires 1M states, 6 requires 16M states.
Wbarlists = [make_Wbarlists(sitelists[n]) for n in range(NSCMF)]
In [22]:
# KMC parameters that we'll use throughout:
connectivity = make_connectivity(64) # 4096 sites.
Nkmc, Nsamples, Nerror = 1, 256, 32
In [23]:
# data collection parameters we will use throughout
NdivKMC, NdivGF, NdivSCMF = 16, 1024, 64 # KMC is least efficient, SCMF next least, GF very fast.
conc_KMC = np.linspace(0, 1, num=NdivKMC+1)[1:-1] # leave out c=0,1
conc_GF = np.linspace(0, 1, num=NdivGF+1)
conc_SCMF = np.linspace(0, 1, num=NdivSCMF+1)[1:-1] # leave out c=0,1
# dictionary of results: keys will be 1 (equal), 4 (fast diffuser), 0 (stopped solute)
Diff_results = {}
In [24]:
nuB = 1.
In [25]:
L_KMC, dL_KMC = [], []
for cB in tqdm_notebook(conc_KMC, disable=not __TESTING__):
Lab, dLab = KMC_diff_fast(cB, nuB, connectivity, Nkmc, Nsamples, Nerror)
In [26]:
L_GF, L_bb = [], []
for cB in conc_GF:
Lab = Danalytic(cB, nuB)
Lab = Danalytic(cB, nuB, gamma=-z)
In [27]:
L_SCMF = [list() for n in range(len(Wbarlists))]
for cB in tqdm_notebook(conc_SCMF, disable=not __TESTING__):
for n, (Wbarlist, Wbardiag) in enumerate(Wbarlists):
Lab = SCMF_diff(cB, nuB, Wbarlist, Wbardiag)
In [28]:
# list of dictionary of results
Diff_results[1] = {"L_KMC": L_KMC, "dL_KMC": dL_KMC, "L_GF": L_GF, "L_bb": L_bb, "L_SCMF": L_SCMF}
In [29]:
nuB = 4.
In [30]:
L_KMC, dL_KMC = [], []
for cB in tqdm_notebook(conc_KMC, disable=not __TESTING__):
Lab, dLab = KMC_diff_fast(cB, nuB, connectivity, Nkmc, Nsamples, Nerror)
In [31]:
L_GF, L_bb = [], []
for cB in conc_GF:
Lab = Danalytic(cB, nuB)
Lab = Danalytic(cB, nuB, gamma=-z)
In [32]:
L_SCMF = [list() for n in range(len(Wbarlists))]
for cB in tqdm_notebook(conc_SCMF, disable=not __TESTING__):
for n, (Wbarlist, Wbardiag) in enumerate(Wbarlists):
Lab = SCMF_diff(cB, nuB, Wbarlist, Wbardiag)
In [33]:
# list of dictionary of results
Diff_results[4] = {"L_KMC": L_KMC, "dL_KMC": dL_KMC, "L_GF": L_GF, "L_bb": L_bb, "L_SCMF": L_SCMF}
In [34]:
nuB = 0.
In [35]:
L_KMC, dL_KMC = [], []
for cB in tqdm_notebook(conc_KMC, disable=not __TESTING__):
Lab, dLab = KMC_diff_fast(cB, nuB, connectivity, Nkmc, Nsamples, Nerror)
In [38]:
L_GF, L_bb, L_GFrbc = [], [], []
for cB in conc_GF:
Lab = Danalytic(cB, nuB)
Lab = Danalytic(cB, nuB, gamma=-z)
Lab = Dbiascorrect(cB)
In [39]:
L_SCMF = [list() for n in range(len(Wbarlists))]
for cB in tqdm_notebook(conc_SCMF, disable=not __TESTING__):
for n, (Wbarlist, Wbardiag) in enumerate(Wbarlists):
Lab = SCMF_diff(cB, nuB, Wbarlist, Wbardiag)
In [40]:
# percolation runner
perc_connectivity = make_connectivity(256) # 65536 sites.
L_perc, dL_perc = [], []
for cB in tqdm_notebook(conc_KMC, disable=not __TESTING__):
Lab, dLab = percolation_diff(cB, perc_connectivity)
In [41]:
# list of dictionary of results
Diff_results[0] = {"L_KMC": L_KMC, "dL_KMC": dL_KMC,
"L_GF": L_GF, "L_GFrbc": L_GFrbc,
"L_bb": L_bb, "L_SCMF": L_SCMF,
"L_perc": L_perc, "dL_perc": dL_perc}
In [42]:
for c, Lab, dLab, Labperc, dLabperc in zip(conc_KMC,
Diff_results[0]['L_KMC'], Diff_results[0]['dL_KMC'],
Diff_results[0]['L_perc'], Diff_results[0]['dL_perc']):
print(c, Lab[0,0], dLab[0,0]/Lab[0,0], Labperc, dLabperc/Labperc)
In [43]:
# 1: KMC, 2: GF, 3: bias basis, 4: SCMF
component, ylabel = (1,1), "$D^{\\rm B}=(c_{\\rm v}c_{\\rm B})^{-1}\ L^{\\rm{BB}}$"
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (4,8)
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True)
for ncase, ax in zip((1, 4), ax1):
cL1 = np.array([[c, Lab[component]/c, dLab[component]/c] for c, Lab, dLab in
zip(conc_KMC, Diff_results[ncase]['L_KMC'], Diff_results[ncase]['dL_KMC'])])
cL2 = np.array([[c, Lab[component]/c] for c, Lab in zip(conc_GF, Diff_results[ncase]['L_GF']) if c!=0])
cL3 = np.array([[c, Lab[component]/c] for c, Lab in zip(conc_GF, Diff_results[ncase]['L_bb']) if c!=0])
cL4 = np.array([[c, Lab[component]/c] for c, Lab in zip(conc_SCMF, Diff_results[ncase]['L_SCMF'][3])
if np.abs(Lab[component])<2])
ax.plot(cL4[:,0], cL4[:,1], 'b', label='SCMF')
ax.plot(cL3[:,0], cL3[:,1], 'r', label='bias basis')
ax.plot(cL2[:,0], cL2[:,1], 'g', label='GF')
ax.errorbar(cL1[:,0], cL1[:,1], yerr=cL1[:,2], fmt='ko', label='KMC')
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize='x-large')
ax.text(0.1, 0.9*ncase, "$\\nu_{\\rm B}=" + "{}$".format(ncase),
fontsize='x-large', bbox={'facecolor': 'white'})
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,1.1,0.5,0.3), ncol=1, shadow=True,
frameon=True, fontsize='large', framealpha=1.)
ax.set_xlabel('$c_{\\rm{B}}$', fontsize='x-large')
# plt.savefig('solute-diffusivity.pdf', transparent=True, format='pdf')
In [48]:
# 1: KMC, 2: GF, 3: bias basis, 4: SCMF
component, ylabel = (0,0), "$D^{\\rm A}=(c_{\\rm v}c_{\\rm A})^{-1}\ L^{\\rm{AA}}$"
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (4,8)
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True)
for ncase, ax in zip((0, 4), ax1):
cL1 = np.array([[c, Lab[component]/(1-c), dLab[component]/(1-c)] for c, Lab, dLab in
zip(conc_KMC, Diff_results[ncase]['L_KMC'], Diff_results[ncase]['dL_KMC'])])
if ncase==0:
cL1p = np.array([[0,1,0]] + [[c, Lab/(1-c), dLab/(1-c)] for c, Lab, dLab in
zip(conc_KMC, Diff_results[ncase]['L_perc'], Diff_results[ncase]['dL_perc'])])
cL2p = np.array([[c, Lab] for c, Lab in zip(conc_GF, Diff_results[ncase]['L_GFrbc']) if c!=1])
cL2 = np.array([[c, Lab[component]/(1-c)] for c, Lab in zip(conc_GF, Diff_results[ncase]['L_GF']) if c!=1])
cL3 = np.array([[c, Lab[component]/(1-c)] for c, Lab in zip(conc_GF, Diff_results[ncase]['L_bb']) if c!=1])
cL4 = np.array([[c, Lab[component]/(1-c)] for c, Lab in zip(conc_SCMF, Diff_results[ncase]['L_SCMF'][3])
if np.abs(Lab[component])<2])
ax.plot(cL4[:,0], cL4[:,1], 'b', label='SCMF')
ax.plot(cL3[:,0], cL3[:,1], 'r', label='bias basis')
ax.plot(cL2[:,0], cL2[:,1], 'g', label='GF')
if ncase==0: ax.plot(cL2p[:,0], cL2p[:,1], 'g--', label='GF+RBC')
ax.errorbar(cL1[:,0], cL1[:,1], yerr=cL1[:,2], fmt='ko', label='KMC')
if ncase==0: ax.errorbar(cL1p[:,0], cL1p[:,1], yerr=cL1p[:,2],
fmt='mo-', label='percolation')
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize='x-large')
ax.text(0.1, 0.05 if ncase==0 else 0.8, "$\\nu_{\\rm B}=" + "{}$".format(ncase), fontsize='x-large', bbox={'facecolor': 'white'})
ax1[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,0.55,0.5,0.3), ncol=1, shadow=True,
frameon=True, fontsize='large', framealpha=1.)
ax.set_xlabel('$c_{\\rm{B}}$', fontsize='x-large')
# plt.savefig('solvent-diffusivity.pdf', transparent=True, format='pdf')