In [1]:
#### Step 1: Install and load the required packages
patList<-read.csv("../data/excel2016-06-21-10-09-28.csv",header = TRUE)
Loading required package: NLP
Attaching package: ‘NLP’
The following object is masked from ‘package:httr’:
Loading required package: RColorBrewer
Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
filter, lag
The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
quanteda version
Attaching package: ‘quanteda’
The following objects are masked from ‘package:tm’:
as.DocumentTermMatrix, stopwords
The following object is masked from ‘package:NLP’:
The following object is masked from ‘jupyter:irkernel’:
The following object is masked from ‘package:utils’:
The following object is masked from ‘package:base’:
In [2]:
dic_key<- read.csv("../data/keywords.csv",header=FALSE)
In [3]:
In [4]:
dic_key <- gsub("[[:punct:]]", " ", dic_key)
In [5]:
dic_key <- gsub("\\\x96"," ",dic_key)
In [6]:
dic_key <- gsub("\\\x92"," ",dic_key)
In [7]:
dic_key <- gsub("\\\xd7"," ",dic_key)
In [8]:
In [9]:
In [10]:
In [92]:
for(i in 1:length(title)){
ll<-c(ll,unlist(strsplit(title[i]," ")))
In [93]:
dic_CO_key_title<-dic_CO_key_title[dic_CO_key_title != ""]
In [94]:
trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)
In [95]:
In [96]:
key<-gsub(" ","_",val)
In [97]:
In [98]:
[1] "additive main effects"
[2] "chromosome arms"
[3] "coalescence trees"
[4] "common bean"
[5] "genotype phenotype relationship"
[6] "introgression"
[7] "leaf beet"
[8] "leaf rust"
[9] "marker assisted backcrossing"
[10] "participatory plant breeding"
[11] "photoperiodism"
[12] "plant variety protection pvp"
[13] "potato late blight"
[14] "qtl 96 e interaction"
[15] "solanum spp"
[16] "ab initio gene identification"
[17] "ab initio gene prediction"
[18] "ab initio predictions"
[19] "aba"
[20] "aba accumulation"
[21] "aba content"
[22] "aba hormone response"
[23] "aba regulation"
[24] "aba role in drought response"
[25] "aba traits"
[26] "aba related genes"
[27] "aba responsive element"
[28] "abb genomic group"
[29] "abiotic stress tolerance"
[30] "abiotic stresses"
[31] "abl 96 bcr fusion gene"
[32] "abnormal chromosome"
[33] "abnormal growth mutations"
[34] "abscissic acid aba"
[35] "ac negative dosage effect"
[36] "ac ds tagging system"
[37] "ac ds transposons"
[38] "accelerated flowering qtls"
[39] "accelerated rate variability"
[40] "acceptance probability"
[41] "accepted point mutation pam"
[42] "acceptor splice junctions"
[43] "acceptor splice site recognition"
[44] "accomplice acc promoter"
[45] "accumulation mechanism"
[46] "accuracy"
[47] "acmv resistance"
[48] "adaboost"
[49] "adaptability"
[50] "adaptation"
[51] "adaptation to terminal drought stress"
[52] "adaptive landscape"
[53] "adaptive lasso"
[54] "adaptive methods"
[55] "adaptive peaks valleys"
[56] "adaptive traits"
[57] "adaptive wavelet filtering"
[58] "additive calibration"
[59] "additive distances"
[60] "additive effect"
[61] "additive expression"
[62] "additivne action"
[63] "additivnetic"
[64] "additivnetic correlations"
[65] "additivnetic covariance"
[66] "additivnetic covariance matrix"
[67] "additivnetic effects"
[68] "additivnetic value"
[69] "additivnetic variances"
[70] "additive main effect"
[71] "additive model"
[72] "additive relationship matrix"
[73] "additive variance"
[74] "additive variance under disequilibrium"
[75] "additive environment interaction"
[76] "admixture"
[77] "admixture mapping"
[78] "admixture proportions"
[79] "advanced backcross"
[80] "advanced backcross qtl analysis abqa"
[81] "advanced backcrossing"
[82] "advanced intercross lines"
[83] "advanced intercrossing lines"
[84] "advanced intercrossing lines ails"
[85] "advanced backcross qtl analysis"
[86] "affine set"
[87] "affine invariant average"
[88] "affymetrix"
[89] "affymetrix 96"
[90] "affymetrix array"
[91] "affymetrix k genechip"
[92] "affymetrix latin square spike in experiment"
[93] "afghanistan"
[94] "aflp"
[95] "agamous gene"
[96] "ago gene"
[97] "agreliant genetics"
[98] "agrobacterium"
[99] "agrobacterium strains"
[100] "agrobacterium tumefaciens"
[101] "agrobacterium mediated"
[102] "agrobacterium mediated dna uptake"
[103] "agrobacterium mediated transformation"
[104] "agrobiodiversity"
[105] "agroecological mapping"
[106] "agronomic"
[107] "agronomic evaluation"
[108] "agronomic management in trials"
[109] "agronomic performance"
[110] "agronomic stability concept"
[111] "akaike information criterion aic"
[112] "alcohol dehydrogenase adh"
[113] "alcohol dehydrogenase adh isoenzyme"
[114] "aldehyde dehydrogenase aldh gene"
[115] "aldehyde dehydrogenasne"
[116] "aleurone color factor interactions"
[117] "alien gene transfer"
[118] "alien introgression xiv"
[119] "alignment algorithms"
[120] "alignment matrix"
[121] "allele"
[122] "allele dispersion"
[123] "allele diversity at orthologous candidate"
[124] "allele frequencies"
[125] "allele frequency"
[126] "allele frequency changes under"
[127] "allele haplotypes"
[128] "allele mining"
[129] "allele network"
[130] "allele non random association"
[131] "allele number"
[132] "allele probabilities"
[133] "allele recoding"
[134] "alleles enrichment"
[135] "allele specific activation"
[136] "allele specific hybridization ash"
[137] "allele trait association"
[138] "allelic"
[139] "allelic association"
[140] "allelic classes"
[141] "allelic combinations"
[142] "allelic independence"
[143] "allelic peeling"
[144] "allelic relationships"
[145] "allelic substitution"
[146] "allelic variation"
[147] "allelic variation studies"
[148] "allelism"
[149] "allelism test"
[150] "allelopathy"
[151] "allopolyploids"
[152] "allo polyploidy"
[153] "along lins"
[154] "alternaria"
[155] "alternative splicing machinery"
[156] "alternative transposition"
[157] "aluminium tolerancnes"
[158] "aluminium toxicity"
[159] "ammi"
[160] "ammi model"
[161] "ammi value assessment"
[162] "amplified fragment lh polymorphism aflp"
[163] "amylase loci"
[164] "amylose content"
[165] "ancestral haplotypes"
[166] "anchor markers"
[167] "aneuploid"
[168] "animal breeding"
[169] "anther culture"
[170] "anthesis silking interval asi"
[171] "anthocyanin"
[172] "anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway"
[173] "anthracnosis"
[174] "antibiotic resistancnes"
[175] "antisense transcripts"
[176] "aphids"
[177] "apical dominance"
[178] "apical meristems"
[179] "apomixis"
[180] "approximate bayesian computation abc"
[181] "apsim"
[182] "arabidopsis"
[183] "arabidopsis thaliana"
[184] "artificial chromosome"
[185] "artificial chromosome doubling"
[186] "artificial environments"
[187] "artificial neural network ann"
[188] "artificial nitrogen fertilizer"
[189] "ascochyta blights"
[190] "asexual"
[191] "asreml"
[192] "association genetics"
[193] "association mapping"
[194] "association mapping with multiple markers"
[195] "association studies"
[196] "atrazine"
[197] "augmented complete block design cbd"
[198] "augmented designs"
[199] "augmented experimental designs"
[200] "augmented incomplete complete block designs"
[201] "augmented resolvable row 96 column designs"
[202] "augmented row column designs"
[203] "augmented split block designs"
[204] "augmented split plot designs"
[205] "autogamous plant"
[206] "autogamy"
[207] "auto polyploidy"
[208] "auxiliary plasmids"
[209] "average environment"
[210] "average environment coordination aec"
[211] "b centromere"
[212] "b chromosome"
[213] "bac clones"
[214] "bac library"
[215] "bacillus thuringiensis bt"
[216] "backcross"
[217] "backcross breeding"
[218] "back cross breeding"
[219] "backcross inbred line bil"
[220] "back cross inbred lines"
[221] "back cross strategy"
[222] "backcrosses"
[223] "back crossing"
[224] "backcrossing"
[225] "bacterial artificial chromosome bac"
[226] "bacterial blight"
[227] "bacterial wilt"
[228] "balancing selection"
[229] "bar gene"
[230] "barley"
[231] "bayes factor"
[232] "bayes rule"
[233] "beagle"
[234] "bean golden yellow mosaic virus bgymv"
[235] "beet necrotic yellow vein virus"
[236] "beet western yellows virus"
[237] "bemisia sp"
[238] "benjamini hochbmethod"
[239] "bernoulli lognormal mixture"
[240] "best linear unbiased"
[241] "best linear unbiased prediction"
[242] "best linear unbiased prediction blup"
[243] "best subset selection"
[244] "beta vulgaris"
[245] "beta globin data"
[246] "beta glucan"
[247] "biadditive factorial regression models"
[248] "bialaphos"
[249] "bias variance decomposition"
[250] "bias variance tradeoff"
[251] "bic"
[252] "bic criterion"
[253] "bimodal distribution"
[254] "binary plasmids"
[255] "binary transformation vectors"
[256] "binary vectors"
[257] "binomial distribution"
[258] "binomial test"
[259] "biodiversity"
[260] "biometrical"
[261] "biometry"
[262] "biotic resistance"
[263] "biotic stress resistance"
[264] "biotic stresses"
[265] "biparental"
[266] "biparental progenies"
[267] "biplot"
[268] "bipolaris maydis"
[269] "black leg"
[270] "black mexican sweet bms corn"
[271] "black rot"
[272] "black sigatoka leaf spot"
[273] "blue"
[274] "blup"
[275] "bolting"
[276] "bolting resistance"
[277] "bonferroni correction"
[278] "bonferroni method"
[279] "bonferroni procedure"
[280] "botanical seed"
[281] "botrytis cinerea"
[282] "bottleneck"
[283] "bottleneck effect"
[284] "box 96 cox transformation"
[285] "bracket markers"
[286] "branch lhs"
[287] "brassica"
[288] "brassica napus"
[289] "brassica spp"
[290] "breakage fusion bridge bfb cycle"
[291] "breeder 92 s exemption"
[292] "breeders selection"
[293] "breeders 92 equation"
[294] "breeders exemption"
[295] "breeders rights"
[296] "breeding"
[297] "breeding achivements"
[298] "breeding approach"
[299] "breeding efforts"
[300] "breeding informatics"
[301] "breeding information management"
[302] "breeding lines"
[303] "breeding material"
[304] "breeding method strategy"
[305] "breeding methodology"
[306] "breeding methods"
[307] "breeding objectives"
[308] "breeding pools"
[309] "breeding population management"
[310] "breeding product prediction"
[311] "breeding programme"
[312] "breeding programmes"
[313] "breeding strategies"
[314] "breeding strategy"
[315] "breeding system"
[316] "breeding types"
[317] "breeding values"
[318] "breeding programme cycle"
[319] "bridge crosses"
[320] "brittle stalk bk mutant"
[321] "brittleness"
[322] "broad adaptation"
[323] "broad based pools"
[324] "broadening genetic variability"
[325] "broad sense heritability"
[326] "bronzne"
[327] "brown midrib mutant"
[328] "brown plant hoppers"
[329] "brown vascular tissue"
[330] "brownian motion diffusion"
[331] "brown midrib bm mutations"
[332] "brown midrib mutations"
[333] "bruchids"
[334] "b spline"
[335] "bt gene"
[336] "buffell grass"
[337] "buffering mechanisms"
[338] "bulked segregant analysis bsa"
[339] "bulmer effect"
[340] "bumping"
[341] "cabbage blossom beetle"
[342] "cabbagll midge"
[343] "cacta transposon"
[344] "cad gene"
[345] "candidatnes"
[346] "canopy spectral reflectance"
[347] "canopy temperature"
[348] "canopy temperature correlation with transpiration status"
[349] "carbohydrate"
[350] "carbohydrate storage"
[351] "carbohydrates"
[352] "carbon fixation"
[353] "carbon isotope composition"
[354] "carbon isotope discrimination"
[355] "carbon partitioning"
[356] "cart algorithm"
[357] "cascading pedigree based scheme"
[358] "causal variants"
[359] "cdna arrays"
[360] "cdna clone sequencing"
[361] "cdna libraries"
[362] "cdna library"
[363] "cdna library clones"
[364] "cdna library development"
[365] "cdna sequencing"
[366] "cell based tilling"
[367] "cell biology"
[368] "cell membrane stability"
[369] "cell selection"
[370] "cell totipotency"
[371] "cell wall biosynthetic genes"
[372] "cell wall digestibility"
[373] "cell wall invertase incw activity"
[374] "cell wall invertase incw activity decrease in drought"
[375] "cell wall invertase incw activity in cereals"
[376] "cell surface proteome"
[377] "cellular"
[378] "cellular genes transduction"
[379] "cellulose"
[380] "cellulose microfibril"
[381] "cellulose synthasnes"
[382] "central limit theorem"
[383] "centric fusion"
[384] "centric knob"
[385] "centromeres"
[386] "centromeric chromatin"
[387] "centromeric retroelements cr element"
[388] "centrosome"
[389] "chaperones"
[390] "chapman kolmogorov theorem"
[391] "character state matrix"
[392] "characterisation"
[393] "characterization under stress"
[394] "characters correlated with fitness"
[395] "chemical desiccation to simulate stress"
[396] "chester leaming variety"
[397] "chester won corn"
[398] "chiasma"
[399] "chiasmatypy"
[400] "chip technology"
[401] "chip 96 chip"
[402] "chi square"
[403] "chi square approximation"
[404] "chi square distribution"
[405] "chi square model"
[406] "chi square statistic"
[407] "chloroamphenicol acetyltransferase"
[408] "chloroamphenicol acetyltransferase cat"
[409] "chlorophyll concentration"
[410] "chlorophyll concentration measurement"
[411] "chlorophyll content"
[412] "chlorophyll fluorescence"
[413] "chloroplast"
[414] "chloroplast diversity"
[415] "chloroplast dna"
[416] "chloroplast inheritance"
[417] "chromatid interference"
[418] "chromatin"
[419] "chromatin content changes"
[420] "chromatin immunoprecitations chip"
[421] "chromatin segment"
[422] "chromatin structure"
[423] "chromatin structure role"
[424] "chromatographic assays"
[425] "chromomeres"
[426] "chromosomal position"
[427] "chromosomal rearrangements"
[428] "chromosomal structural changes"
[429] "chromosomal structures"
[430] "chromosomal theory"
[431] "chromosome architecture"
[432] "chromosome assignment"
[433] "chromosome breakage"
[434] "chromosome doubling"
[435] "chromosome expansion"
[436] "chromosome maps"
[437] "chromosome mutations"
[438] "chromosome number"
[439] "chromosome numbers"
[440] "chromosome pairing"
[441] "chromosome rearrangement"
[442] "chromosome sorting"
[443] "chromosome structure"
[444] "chromosome substitution"
[445] "chromosome theory"
[446] "chromosome tools"
[447] "chromosome walking"
[448] "chromosome walking technique"
[449] "chromosomnome elimination"
[450] "chromosomes"
[451] "cimmyt"
[452] "cis acting eqtl"
[453] "cis regulatory modules crms"
[454] "cis acting elements"
[455] "cis acting modifier"
[456] "cis acting regulatory factors"
[457] "cis regulatory variation"
[458] "cis 96 trans configuration"
[459] "citrate in osmotic adjustment"
[460] "clade models"
[461] "cladogram"
[462] "clarage"
[463] "class ii transposons"
[464] "class discovery analyses"
[465] "classification methods"
[466] "classification trees"
[467] "clonal crops"
[468] "clonal propagation"
[469] "clonal reproduction"
[470] "clonally propagated species"
[471] "closest markers"
[472] "clustalw"
[473] "cluster algorithms"
[474] "cluster analysis"
[475] "cluster search strategies"
[476] "clustering"
[477] "clustering analysis"
[478] "coalescence time"
[479] "coalescent"
[480] "coalescent intensity function"
[481] "coalescent likelihood"
[482] "coalescent modelling"
[483] "coalescent process"
[484] "coalescent proposal"
[485] "coalescent theory"
[486] "coalescing"
[487] "coancestry"
[488] "co ancestry analyses"
[489] "coancestry coefficient"
[490] "coding sequences"
[491] "co dominant marker"
[492] "codon frequencies"
[493] "codon substitution"
[494] "codon usage bias"
[495] "codon based models"
[496] "codons"
[497] "co expressed genes"
[498] "cofactors"
[499] "colchicine"
[500] "cold spots"
[501] "cold tolerance"
[502] "cold tolerance traits"
[503] "colletotrichum lindemuthianum"
[504] "collinearity"
[505] "combining ability"
[506] "combining models"
[507] "comparative genome hybridisation cgh"
[508] "comparativnomic analysis"
[509] "comparativnomics"
[510] "comparative informatics"
[511] "comparative map"
[512] "comparing breeding methods"
[513] "comparison in different environments"
[514] "complementation tests"
[515] "composite interval mapping cim"
[516] "compound symmetry model"
[517] "conditional likelihood"
[518] "conditional probability"
[519] "conditional qtl mapping"
[520] "conditioned reconstruction"
[521] "conductance measurement"
[522] "confidence intervals"
[523] "confidence region"
[524] "confounding risk ratio"
[525] "confusion matrix"
[526] "congenic lines"
[527] "congruity backcrosses"
[528] "congruity backcrossing"
[529] "consensus map"
[530] "constitutive transgene"
[531] "conventional plant breeding"
[532] "corn belt dents"
[533] "corn borer"
[534] "corn breeding"
[535] "corn improvement conference"
[536] "corn stunt"
[537] "corn yields"
[538] "correlated response to selection"
[539] "correlated traits"
[540] "co segregation"
[541] "co transformation"
[542] "co transformation via particle"
[543] "co transformation via plasmids"
[544] "cotton"
[545] "counterparts"
[546] "counting methods"
[547] "countries"
[548] "covalently bound antibodies"
[549] "covariance"
[550] "covariance component estimation"
[551] "crop canopy temperature"
[552] "crop cultivars"
[553] "crop cycle"
[554] "crop cycle lh"
[555] "crop cytoplasmic"
[556] "crop data collection"
[557] "crop development"
[558] "crop diversity"
[559] "crop evolution"
[560] "crop gaphic movements"
[561] "crop gaphy assessment"
[562] "crop improvement"
[563] "crop models"
[564] "crop monitoring"
[565] "crop ontology"
[566] "crop plant domestication"
[567] "crop plants"
[568] "crop reconstruction approaches"
[569] "crop simulation"
[570] "crop simulation models"
[571] "crop simulation to classify environments"
[572] "crop species cultivation"
[573] "crop vulnerability"
[574] "crop water"
[575] "cropping"
[576] "crop simulation model"
[577] "crop specific issues"
[578] "cross between two populations"
[579] "crossability"
[580] "crossability barriers"
[581] "crossability transgenes"
[582] "crossability barrier limited"
[583] "cross fertilization"
[584] "cross hybridization"
[585] "crossing"
[586] "crossing method"
[587] "crossing over"
[588] "crossing over frequencies"
[589] "crossover"
[590] "crossover interactions"
[591] "crossover interference"
[592] "cross pollinated species"
[593] "cross pollination"
[594] "cross validation procedure"
[595] "crown gall tumors"
[596] "cry genes"
[597] "cryopreservation"
[598] "cryphonectria parasitica"
[599] "cryptic relatedness"
[600] "culling"
[601] "cultivar"
[602] "cultivar development"
[603] "cultivar evaluation system"
[604] "cultivar identification"
[605] "cultivar mean"
[606] "cultivars"
[607] "cultivars stability"
[608] "cultivated area"
[609] "cultivated species"
[610] "cumulative selection differential"
[611] "cyanhydric acid"
[612] "cyanogenic glucosides"
[613] "cybrid production"
[614] "cycle lh"
[615] "cyclic process"
[616] "cyst nematode"
[617] "cytogenetic maps"
[618] "cytogenetics"
[619] "cytokinin analysis"
[620] "cytokinins"
[621] "cytoplasm"
[622] "cytoplasm diversity"
[623] "cytoplasmic"
[624] "cytoplasmic donor"
[625] "cytoplasmic genic male sterility cms"
[626] "cytoplasmic male sterile cms"
[627] "cytoplasmic male sterility"
[628] "cytoplasmic male sterility cms"
[629] "cytoplasmic male sterility reversions"
[630] "cytoplasmic male sterile cms cytoplasm"
[631] "dark leaf spot"
[632] "dart markers"
[633] "daylh"
[634] "days to flowering"
[635] "de novo genetic variation"
[636] "dealing with gei"
[637] "decay plots"
[638] "decision support tools"
[639] "decision trees"
[640] "deep rooting"
[641] "deep rooting capacity"
[642] "deeper rooting"
[643] "deep rooting trait"
[644] "defencne networks"
[645] "dehydration tolerance"
[646] "dehydration responsive element"
[647] "dekalb"
[648] "dekalb hybrids"
[649] "delayed leaf senescence dls"
[650] "deletion mutagenesis"
[651] "demographically robust selection genes"
[652] "dent composite"
[653] "dents"
[654] "dephosphorylation"
[655] "desiccation tolerance"
[656] "design"
[657] "design i"
[658] "design ii"
[659] "design iii"
[660] "deterministic haplotyping"
[661] "dh"
[662] "dh lines"
[663] "dh lines evaluation"
[664] "dh populations"
[665] "dh production"
[666] "diabrotica"
[667] "diallel"
[668] "diallel analysis"
[669] "diallel crosses"
[670] "diallel mating design"
[671] "diallel mating scheme"
[672] "diastatic power"
[673] "diboa biosynthesis"
[674] "dichotomous traits"
[675] "differential expression measures"
[676] "differential gene expression"
[677] "differential genotypic responses"
[678] "differential methylation hybridisation dmh"
[679] "differentially transcribed genes"
[680] "digenic epistasis"
[681] "dihaploid plants"
[682] "dihaploids"
[683] "diplodia zea"
[684] "diploid breeding"
[685] "diploid population"
[686] "diploids"
[687] "diploid triploid breeding"
[688] "diplotene"
[689] "direct selection"
[690] "directed est screens"
[691] "directed mapping"
[692] "directed mutagenesis"
[693] "directional selection"
[694] "dirichlet distribution"
[695] "dirichlet mixture prior"
[696] "dirichlet parameters"
[697] "dirichlet prior"
[698] "dirichlet process mixtures dpms"
[699] "dirichlet multinomial distribution"
[700] "discrete kernels"
[701] "disease resistance"
[702] "disease resistance breeding"
[703] "disease resistance qtls"
[704] "disruptive selection"
[705] "dissimilarity coefficients"
[706] "dissimilarity measure"
[707] "distal heterochromatin"
[708] "distance measures"
[709] "distance methods"
[710] "distribution on pedigree"
[711] "divnce analysis"
[712] "diversity array technology dart"
[713] "diversity assessment"
[714] "diversity enhancement"
[715] "diversity source"
[716] "dna"
[717] "dna amplification fingerprinting"
[718] "dna blocks"
[719] "dna chip"
[720] "dna chips"
[721] "dna content"
[722] "dna digestion"
[723] "dna elements"
[724] "dna extraction"
[725] "dna fingerprint data"
[726] "dna fragments"
[727] "dna insertions"
[728] "dna lh"
[729] "dna libraries"
[730] "dna loss"
[731] "dna markers"
[732] "dna methylation"
[733] "dna methylation and"
[734] "dna microarrays"
[735] "dna molecules"
[736] "dna plasmids"
[737] "dna probes"
[738] "dna profiles"
[739] "dna profiling"
[740] "dna segment"
[741] "dna sequence"
[742] "dna sequences"
[743] "dna sequencing"
[744] "dna signatures"
[745] "dna substitution"
[746] "dna technology"
[747] "dna testing"
[748] "domesticated populations"
[749] "domestication bottlenecks"
[750] "dominance"
[751] "dominance effect"
[752] "dominance theory"
[753] "dominant"
[754] "dominant mutations"
[755] "donor population"
[756] "donor splice junctions"
[757] "dosage dependent paramutation"
[758] "double bridge elimination"
[759] "double cross hybrid"
[760] "double crosses"
[761] "double crossover"
[762] "double end sequencing strategy"
[763] "double haploid dh"
[764] "double haploidy"
[765] "double cross hybrids"
[766] "double cut and join"
[767] "doubled haploid lines"
[768] "doubled haploid techniques"
[769] "doubled haploids"
[770] "doubled haploids dh"
[771] "doubled haploids dhs"
[772] "double stranded dna virus"
[773] "dow chemical company dow"
[774] "downstream promoter element dpe"
[775] "downy mildew"
[776] "dreb genes"
[777] "drift"
[778] "drip irrigation"
[779] "drought"
[780] "drought adaptation"
[781] "drought avoidance"
[782] "drought effects"
[783] "drought effects on nitrogen fixation"
[784] "drought episodes"
[785] "drought escape"
[786] "drought escape mechanism"
[787] "drought escape strategy"
[788] "drought improvement methodologies"
[789] "drought phenotyping"
[790] "drought resistance"
[791] "drought resistance qtls"
[792] "drought response"
[793] "drought response resistance index dri"
[794] "drought selection"
[795] "drought stress"
[796] "drought stress management"
[797] "drought susceptibility index dsi"
[798] "drought tolerance"
[799] "drought tolerance and"
[800] "drought tolerance evaluation scheme"
[801] "drought tolerancne activation silencing"
[802] "drought tolerance qtls"
[803] "drought tolerance screening outcomes"
[804] "drought tolerance sources"
[805] "drought tolerance strategies"
[806] "drought trials"
[807] "drought adaptive traits"
[808] "drought prone environments"
[809] "drought resistant"
[810] "drought responsive qtls"
[811] "drought stress index"
[812] "drought stress patterns in sorghum"
[813] "drought stressed crops"
[814] "dry matter content"
[815] "ds element structures"
[816] "ds formation"
[817] "ds transposons"
[818] "duplicated genes"
[819] "duplicated regions"
[820] "duplication"
[821] "duplications"
[822] "dupligate events"
[823] "durum wheat"
[824] "dus"
[825] "dus testing"
[826] "dwarf"
[827] "dwarf gene"
[828] "dwarf varieties"
[829] "e n k"
[830] "e nk model"
[831] "ear development"
[832] "ear emnce"
[833] "ear tissue"
[834] "earliness"
[835] "earliness genes"
[836] "early breeding stage"
[837] "early flowering"
[838] "early generation yield testing"
[839] "early growth traits"
[840] "early maturation"
[841] "early maturity"
[842] "early stopping"
[843] "early vigour"
[844] "early vs late testing"
[845] "ear to row"
[846] "ear to row selection"
[847] "ear to row selection procedure"
[848] "ecotilling"
[849] "ecotilling gel analysis"
[850] "ecotype"
[851] "ecovalence"
[852] "ecovalence analysis"
[853] "effective degree days"
[854] "effective degrees"
[855] "effective marker 96 trait association"
[856] "effective population size"
[857] "effective size"
[858] "effective temperature sum"
[859] "ngenes"
[860] "eigenvalues"
[861] "eigenvectors"
[862] "elastic net"
[863] "electrical capacitance measurement"
[864] "electrical conductivity"
[865] "electrolyte leakage under heat stress"
[866] "elitrmplasm"
[867] "elite inbred lines"
[868] "elite line crosses"
[869] "elite lines"
[870] "elongation qtls"
[871] "embryo culture"
[872] "embryo rescue"
[873] "embryo sac damage"
[874] "embryogenesis"
[875] "embryogenic callus"
[876] "embryogenic frequency"
[877] "embryology"
[878] "empirical blup"
[879] "empirical variance estimator"
[880] "en spm transposons"
[881] "endosperm"
[882] "endosperm balance number"
[883] "endosperm mutation breeding"
[884] "endosperm starch content trait"
[885] "neered minichromosomes"
[886] "enhanced vegetation index evi"
[887] "environmental characterization"
[888] "environmental factors"
[889] "environmental genetic male sterility"
[890] "epicuticular wax load"
[891] "epigenetic"
[892] "epigenetic effects"
[893] "epigenetic memory"
[894] "epigenetic regulation"
[895] "epigenetic regulation factors"
[896] "epigenetic silencing"
[897] "epigenetic variation"
[898] "epistasis"
[899] "epistatic effect implication"
[900] "epistatic effects"
[901] "eqtl hotspot detection"
[902] "eqtl mapping"
[903] "equilibrium additivnetic variance"
[904] "equilibrium phenotypic variance"
[905] "erecta gene"
[906] "t resistance"
[907] "erysiphaminis"
[908] "escape strategy"
[909] "essentially derived cultivars"
[910] "essentially derived varieties"
[911] "euclidean distance"
[912] "eukaryotic genes"
[913] "eukaryotic pre mrna"
[914] "european corn borer ecd"
[915] "european molecular biology laboratory"
[916] "european soil database"
[917] "evaporative demand"
[918] "evapotranspiration"
[919] "evapo transpiration"
[920] "evapotranspiration et"
[921] "evapotranspiration from plantations"
[922] "evapotranspiration requirement"
[923] "evolution mechanisms"
[924] "evolutionary algorithms eas"
[925] "evolutionary breeding"
[926] "evolutionary response to selection"
[927] "exhaustive search"
[928] "exon prediction"
[929] "exon shuffling"
[930] "exotic germplasm"
[931] "exotic adapted genepool"
[932] "exotic adapted progenies"
[933] "expectation bayesian method"
[934] "expectation log likelihood"
[935] "expectation maximization"
[936] "expectation maximisation algorithm"
[937] "expectation maximization algorithm"
[938] "expected accuracy"
[939] "expected change"
[940] "expected gain"
[941] "expected selection gain"
[942] "experimental design"
[943] "experimental designs"
[944] "explicit environmental characterization"
[945] "explicit genotypic information model"
[946] "expressed sequence tag est"
[947] "expression levels"
[948] "expression microarrays"
[949] "expression profiles"
[950] "expression profiling"
[951] "expression qtl eqtl"
[952] "expression quantitative trait loci eqtl"
[953] "expression vectors"
[954] "expression array analysis"
[955] "extended haplotype homozygosity"
[956] "eyespot"
[957] "factor analytic"
[958] "factor analytic model"
[959] "factorial regression"
[960] "factorial regression model"
[961] "factorial regression models"
[962] "false discovery rate fdr"
[963] "false positive"
[964] "family selection"
[965] "family structure"
[966] "favourable allele combination"
[967] "feature prediction"
[968] "feature selection"
[969] "features"
[970] "feed grain"
[971] "feed forward neural networks"
[972] "feeding efficiency"
[973] "feeding value traits"
[974] "fermentable sugar"
[975] "fertility restoration"
[976] "fertility restoring gene"
[977] "fertility restoring genes"
[978] "field trend"
[979] "field trend adjustments"
[980] "field trials"
[981] "fine mapping"
[982] "fingerprinting"
[983] "fitness"
[984] "fitness function"
[985] "fitness surfaces"
[986] "fixed block effects"
[987] "fixed effects"
[988] "flint"
[989] "flint composite"
[990] "flints"
[991] "flooding tolerance"
[992] "floral transition"
[993] "flow cytometry"
[994] "flowering date"
[995] "flowering time"
[996] "fluorescence in situ hybridization fish"
[997] "fluorescent in situ hybridisation fish"
[998] "fluorescent in situ hybridization"
[999] "fodder"
[1000] "forage crop"
[1001] "forage maize"
[1002] "forage plants"
[1003] "foreground selection"
[1004] "foundation seed production"
[1005] "founder effect"
[1006] "fragile breakage"
[1007] "freedom to operate"
[1008] "frequency dependent selection"
[1009] "from distantly related genomes"
[1010] "from exotic genetic resources"
[1011] "from spatial population genetics"
[1012] "from two derived populations"
[1013] "from wild species"
[1014] "full interaction model"
[1015] "full lh cdna"
[1016] "full sib"
[1017] "functional markers"
[1018] "fungal diseases"
[1019] "funk reid"
[1020] "fusarium head blight fhb"
[1021] "fusarium oxysporum"
[1022] "fusarium spp"
[1023] "fusarium wilt"
[1024] "gamete eliminator"
[1025] "gamete formation"
[1026] "gamete selection"
[1027] "gametes"
[1028] "gametic"
[1029] "gametic incompatibility"
[1030] "gametophytic self incompatibility system"
[1031] "gardner eberhart model"
[1032] "gatekeeper genes"
[1033] "gateway based binary vectors"
[1034] "gateway based vector"
[1035] "gblup"
[1036] "ge interactions"
[1037] "gei interactions"
[1038] "gem"
[1039] "gene action"
[1040] "gene action control"
[1041] "gene alteration"
[1042] "gene bank collections"
[1043] "gene capture"
[1044] "gene capturing scale"
[1045] "gene characterization"
[1046] "gene cloning"
[1047] "gene clusters"
[1048] "gene colinearity"
[1049] "gene content"
[1050] "gene content distance"
[1051] "gene content methods"
[1052] "gene conversion"
[1053] "gene correlations"
[1054] "gene databases"
[1055] "gene dominance"
[1056] "gene dosage effect"
[1057] "gene dropping"
[1058] "gene duplications"
[1059] "gene enrichment"
[1060] "gene expression"
[1061] "gene expression analysis"
[1062] "gene expression arrays"
[1063] "gene expression association studies"
[1064] "gene expression deregulation"
[1065] "gene finding"
[1066] "gene frequencies"
[1067] "gene frequency"
[1068] "genn"
[1069] "gene identification"
[1070] "gene identification programs"
[1071] "gene identity"
[1072] "gene inhibition mechanism"
[1073] "gene introgression"
[1074] "gene isolation"
[1075] "gene level"
[1076] "gene level dominance"
[1077] "gene mapping"
[1078] "gene maps"
[1079] "gene markers"
[1080] "gene mining"
[1081] "gene mobility"
[1082] "gene modelling"
[1083] "gene molecular diversity"
[1084] "gene nature"
[1085] "gene network"
[1086] "gene networks"
[1087] "gene number"
[1088] "gene ontology"
[1089] "gene order"
[1090] "gene pools"
[1091] "gene prediction programs"
[1092] "gene products code"
[1093] "gene pyramiding"
[1094] "gene pyramiding schemes"
[1095] "gene regulation"
[1096] "gene regulatory elements"
[1097] "gene segregation"
[1098] "gene sequence movement"
[1099] "gene silencing"
[1100] "gene substitution"
[1101] "gene tagging"
[1102] "gene tagging strategy"
[1103] "gene transfer"
[1104] "gene transformation"
[1105] "gene transgression"
[1106] "gene transmission probability"
[1107] "gene trees"
[1108] "gene variability"
[1109] "gene wholeness"
[1110] "genealogical models"
[1111] "genealogies"
[1112] "genealogy"
[1113] "gene environment"
[1114] "geneflow"
[1115] "geneflow barriers"
[1116] "genne interactions"
[1117] "gene 96 gene 96 environment interaction"
[1118] "gene network 96 environment structure"
[1119] "general combining ability"
[1120] "general combining ability gca"
[1121] "generalised linear mixed model glmm"
[1122] "generalised linear models glms"
[1123] "generation mean analyses"
[1124] "generation mean analysis"
[1125] "generation means"
[1126] "genetic association analysis"
[1127] "genetic association mapping"
[1128] "genetic backgrounds"
[1129] "genetic base"
[1130] "genetic base broadening"
[1131] "genetic base narrowing"
[1132] "genetic basis"
[1133] "genetic bottlenecks"
[1134] "genetic control"
[1135] "genetic correlations"
[1136] "genetic covariables"
[1137] "genetic covariance"
[1138] "genetic covariance matrix"
[1139] "genetic distances 96"
[1140] "genetic diversity"
[1141] "genetic diversity sources"
[1142] "genetic drift"
[1143] "genetic drifts shifts"
[1144] "genetic erosion"
[1145] "genetic evaluation"
[1146] "genetic evidence"
[1147] "genetic factors"
[1148] "genetic fixation"
[1149] "genetic functions"
[1150] "genetic gain"
[1151] "genetic gain estimates"
[1152] "genetic identity"
[1153] "genetic implications"
[1154] "genetic linkage"
[1155] "genetic linkage mapping"
[1156] "genetic linkage maps"
[1157] "genetic map"
[1158] "genetic map construction"
[1159] "genetic map distance"
[1160] "genetic map integration"
[1161] "genetic mapping"
[1162] "genetic maps"
[1163] "genetic markers"
[1164] "genetic mechanisms"
[1165] "genetic merit"
[1166] "genetic merit in animal breeding"
[1167] "genetic mixture modelling"
[1168] "genetic networks"
[1169] "genetic parameters"
[1170] "genetic polymorphisms"
[1171] "genetic predictors"
[1172] "genetic principles"
[1173] "genetic profiles"
[1174] "genetic recombination"
[1175] "genetic reductionism"
[1176] "genetic regressions"
[1177] "genetic relationships"
[1178] "genetic resources"
[1179] "genetic resources availability"
[1180] "genetic revolution"
[1181] "genetic risk factors"
[1182] "genetic selection programs"
[1183] "genetic similarity"
[1184] "genetic stability"
[1185] "genetic stocks"
[1186] "genetic stratification"
[1187] "genetic structure"
[1188] "genetic subdivision"
[1189] "genetic techniques"
[1190] "genetic value"
[1191] "genetic variability"
[1192] "genetic variance"
[1193] "genetic variances"
[1194] "genetic variances with overdominance"
[1195] "genetic variation"
[1196] "genetic vulnerability"
[1197] "genetically identical genotypes"
[1198] "genic male sterility"
[1199] "genome change"
[1200] "genome conditioning"
[1201] "genome conservation"
[1202] "genome content"
[1203] "genome evolution"
[1204] "genome information"
[1205] "genome map"
[1206] "genome mapping"
[1207] "genome organization"
[1208] "genome project"
[1209] "genome rearrangements"
[1210] "genome scans"
[1211] "genome sequence"
[1212] "genome sequencing"
[1213] "genome structure"
[1214] "genome wide association gwa"
[1215] "genome wide association mapping"
[1216] "genome wide association studies gwas"
[1217] "genome wide complex trait analysis gcta"
[1218] "genome wide error rate gwer"
[1219] "genome wide heterozygosity"
[1220] "genome wide selection"
[1221] "genome wide threshold"
[1222] "genomic best linear unbiased prediction gblup"
[1223] "genomic conflicts"
[1224] "genomic control"
[1225] "genomic distribution"
[1226] "genomic groups"
[1227] "genomic imprinting"
[1228] "genomic level"
[1229] "genomic mutation"
[1230] "genomic origin"
[1231] "genomic prediction"
[1232] "genomic relationship matrix grm"
[1233] "genomic selection"
[1234] "genotype building strategies"
[1235] "genotype calling"
[1236] "genotype environment interactions"
[1237] "genotype main effects"
[1238] "genotype performance stability"
[1239] "genotype probabilities"
[1240] "genotype quality control"
[1241] "genotype ranking"
[1242] "genotype relative risks"
[1243] "genotype representation"
[1244] "genotype sampling in complex pedigrees"
[1245] "genotype sampling scheme"
[1246] "genotype selection"
[1247] "genotype by environment"
[1248] "genotype by environment interaction"
[1249] "genotype by environment interaction gei"
[1250] "genotype by environment by management interaction"
[1251] "genotype by year gxy interaction"
[1252] "genotype by year by location gxyxl interaction"
[1253] "genotype environment interaction"
[1254] "genotype 96 environment interaction"
[1255] "genotypic distributions"
[1256] "genotypic frequency"
[1257] "genotypic information"
[1258] "genotypic modelling"
[1259] "genotypic peeling"
[1260] "genotypic reverse peeling"
[1261] "genotypic selection"
[1262] "genotypic value"
[1263] "genotypic values"
[1264] "genotypic variation"
[1265] "genotyping"
[1266] "genotyping errors"
[1267] "genotyping method"
[1268] "genotyping system"
[1269] "genotyping systems"
[1270] "germplasm"
[1271] "germplasm banks"
[1272] "germplasm barriers"
[1273] "germplasm choice"
[1274] "germplasm classification"
[1275] "germplasm collection"
[1276] "germplasm conservation"
[1277] "germplasm development"
[1278] "germplasm information"
[1279] "germplasm management"
[1280] "germplasm sources"
[1281] "gge"
[1282] "gge bi plot analysis"
[1283] "ghost qtl"
[1284] "gibberellic acid"
[1285] "gibberellin analysis"
[1286] "gibberellin biosynthesis"
[1287] "gibberellin mutants"
[1288] "gibberellin synthesis genes"
[1289] "gibbs sampler"
[1290] "gini impurity"
[1291] "gini index"
[1292] "glmm"
[1293] "globular proteins"
[1294] "glossy"
[1295] "glutamate synthase"
[1296] "glutamine synthase"
[1297] "glutamine synthetase"
[1298] "gluten"
[1299] "gluten strh"
[1300] "glutenin subunits"
[1301] "glycine"
[1302] "glycine betaine in osmotic adjustment"
[1303] "glycine oxidation"
[1304] "glycine spp"
[1305] "glyphosate"
[1306] "gradient boosting"
[1307] "gradient descent"
[1308] "gradients"
[1309] "grain filling"
[1310] "grain hardness"
[1311] "grain protein concentration"
[1312] "grain quality"
[1313] "grain set"
[1314] "grain sorghum"
[1315] "grain yield"
[1316] "grain yield components"
[1317] "grain yield vs days to flower"
[1318] "grain filling period"
[1319] "greedy algorithm"
[1320] "green fluorescent protein gfp"
[1321] "green leaf duration gld"
[1322] "green mites"
[1323] "green peach aphid"
[1324] "greenhouse nursery"
[1325] "greenhouse trials"
[1326] "growing season"
[1327] "growth analysis"
[1328] "growth cycle"
[1329] "growth habit"
[1330] "growth habits"
[1331] "growth hormone"
[1332] "growth maintenance"
[1333] "growth maintenance under drought qtls"
[1334] "growth parameters"
[1335] "growth stage influence on response to stress"
[1336] "growth related traits"
[1337] "gwas"
[1338] "gynogenesis"
[1339] "gynogenetic haploids"
[1340] "gynogenic haploids"
[1341] "hadamard conjugation"
[1342] "hadamard matrix"
[1343] "hadamard product"
[1344] "haldane no interference model"
[1345] "haldane distance"
[1346] "haldane map function"
[1347] "haldane 92 s map function"
[1348] "half mass selection"
[1349] "half sib"
[1350] "half sib family selection"
[1351] "hamming distance"
[1352] "hand pollination"
[1353] "haploid"
[1354] "haploid data"
[1355] "haploid identification"
[1356] "haploid plants"
[1357] "haploid production"
[1358] "haploid properties"
[1359] "haploidization"
[1360] "haploids"
[1361] "haplotype"
[1362] "haplotype analysis"
[1363] "haplotype clustering technique"
[1364] "haplotype evolution"
[1365] "haplotype frequencies"
[1366] "haplotypoups"
[1367] "haplotype partition test"
[1368] "haplotype relative risk"
[1369] "haplotype score"
[1370] "haplotype based analysis"
[1371] "haplotype based haplotype relative risk"
[1372] "haplotypes"
[1373] "haplotypes differences"
[1374] "haplotyping"
[1375] "hard wheat quality"
[1376] "hard thresholding"
[1377] "hardy 96 weinbdisequilibrium"
[1378] "hardy weinbequilibrium"
[1379] "hardy weinbequilibrium hwe"
[1380] "hardy 96 weinbequilibrium hwe"
[1381] "hardy weinblaw"
[1382] "hardy 96 weinbtest properties"
[1383] "harvest index"
[1384] "harvest index improvement"
[1385] "hat matrix"
[1386] "hays golden"
[1387] "hazard regression model"
[1388] "heat shock hsf family"
[1389] "heat shock binding protein hsbp"
[1390] "heat shock transcription factors"
[1391] "heat stress"
[1392] "heat tolerance"
[1393] "heat tolerance effects"
[1394] "heat tolerancnes"
[1395] "heat shock"
[1396] "helianthus spp"
[1397] "helitron elements"
[1398] "helitrons"
[1399] "helix"
[1400] "helminthosporium"
[1401] "helminthosporium maydis"
[1402] "hemicellulosic polysaccharides"
[1403] "herbicide tolerancnes"
[1404] "heredity"
[1405] "heritabilities"
[1406] "heritability"
[1407] "heritability index"
[1408] "heritable"
[1409] "heritable clustering"
[1410] "heritable epigenetic silencing"
[1411] "hessian matrix"
[1412] "heterochromatinization"
[1413] "heterochronic mutants"
[1414] "heteroscedasticity"
[1415] "heterosis"
[1416] "heterosis level"
[1417] "heterosis associated markers"
[1418] "heteroskedasticity"
[1419] "heterotic"
[1420] "heterotic alignments"
[1421] "heterotic group construction"
[1422] "heterotic groups"
[1423] "heterotic patterns"
[1424] "heterozygosity"
[1425] "heterozygosity per se"
[1426] "heterozygosity performance relation"
[1427] "heterozygote excess"
[1428] "heterozygous profile"
[1429] "hexaploid"
[1430] "hidden markov model hmm"
[1431] "high chlorophyll fluorescence hcf"
[1432] "high copy mutator lines"
[1433] "high performance chromatography hplc"
[1434] "high throughput sequencing technology"
[1435] "high aba qtl"
[1436] "high aba qtl in maize"
[1437] "high affinity transport system chats"
[1438] "high copy"
[1439] "high copy families"
[1440] "high density gene map"
[1441] "high density molecular map"
[1442] "high dimensional data"
[1443] "high dimensional problems"
[1444] "higher order interactions"
[1445] "high resolution mapping"
[1446] "high throughput mas"
[1447] "high throughput phenotyping"
[1448] "high throughput qrt pcr"
[1449] "high throughput snp genotyping"
[1450] "high throughput snp genotyping system"
[1451] "hill 96 robertson effect"
[1452] "hira protein"
[1453] "histone modification"
[1454] "histones"
[1455] "hitchhiking effect"
[1456] "hogue s yellow dent"
[1457] "homoeologous chromosomes"
[1458] "homogalacturonan hga"
[1459] "homogeneity standards"
[1460] "homogeneous genetic backgrounds"
[1461] "homologous genomic sequences"
[1462] "homologous probes"
[1463] "homologous proteins"
[1464] "homologous recombination"
[1465] "homologs finding"
[1466] "homology modelling"
[1467] "homology based gene prediction"
[1468] "homoscedastic"
[1469] "homozygosity"
[1470] "homozygosity mapping"
[1471] "homozygosity test"
[1472] "homozygous"
[1473] "homozygous diploids"
[1474] "homozygous genotypes"
[1475] "homozygous genotypes development"
[1476] "homozygous profile"
[1477] "hordein loci"
[1478] "hordeins"
[1479] "hordeum"
[1480] "hordeum spontaneum"
[1481] "hordeum spp"
[1482] "hordeum vulgare"
[1483] "host gene expression"
[1484] "host plant genes"
[1485] "hot spots"
[1486] "house project data"
[1487] "hulless"
[1488] "human"
[1489] "hybrid"
[1490] "hybrid d7 nitrogen interaction"
[1491] "hybrid breakdown"
[1492] "hybrid breeding"
[1493] "hybrid corn"
[1494] "hybrid dysgenesis"
[1495] "hybrid embryo culture"
[1496] "hybrid evaluation"
[1497] "hybrid inviability"
[1498] "hybrid performance"
[1499] "hybrid prediction"
[1500] "hybrid rice"
[1501] "hybrid seed traits"
[1502] "hybrid sterility"
[1503] "hybrid type"
[1504] "hybrid wheat production"
[1505] "hybridisation"
[1506] "hybridization"
[1507] "hybridization technology"
[1508] "hybrids"
[1509] "hygromycin phosphotransferase hpt"
[1510] "hypersensitive response"
[1511] "hyperspectral refl ectance"
[1512] "hypothesis testing"
[1513] "hypothetical pedigrees"
[1514] "hypotonic solution"
[1515] "identical by state ibs"
[1516] "identical in state iis"
[1517] "identity by descent ibd"
[1518] "identity by descent probabilities"
[1519] "ideotype"
[1520] "immature embryos"
[1521] "immature zygotic embryo ie embryogenic"
[1522] "immature zygotic embryos ies"
[1523] "imprinted gene"
[1524] "imprinting"
[1525] "imprinting regulation"
[1526] "in silico evaluation"
[1527] "in silico mapping"
[1528] "in silico prediction"
[1529] "in situ"
[1530] "in situ hybridization"
[1531] "inbred"
[1532] "inbred backcross method"
[1533] "inbred development methods"
[1534] "inbred families"
[1535] "inbred genotype"
[1536] "inbred line crosses"
[1537] "inbred line development"
[1538] "inbred lines"
[1539] "inbred populations"
[1540] "inbred progeny selection"
[1541] "inbred testers"
[1542] "inbred hybrid"
[1543] "inbred hybrid concept"
[1544] "inbreds"
[1545] "inbreeding"
[1546] "inbreeding depression"
[1547] "inbreeding depression estimates"
[1548] "inbreeding populations"
[1549] "incomplete block designs icbd"
[1550] "increased yield"
[1551] "increasing gain"
[1552] "increasing response to selection"
[1553] "independent components analysis"
[1554] "independent culling"
[1555] "independent environments"
[1556] "independent generation"
[1557] "index selection"
[1558] "indirect response"
[1559] "indirect selection"
[1560] "indirect selection drought resistance"
[1561] "induction method"
[1562] "infinitesimal model"
[1563] "informative markers"
[1564] "insect resistance"
[1565] "insects resistance"
[1566] "instant inbreds"
[1567] "interpopulation recurrent selection"
[1568] "interspecifi c crosses"
[1569] "interval mapping"
[1570] "intrapopulation selection"
[1571] "intraspecific breeding"
[1572] "intraspecific diversity"
[1573] "intrinsic drought tolerance"
[1574] "introgression library"
[1575] "introgression line il libraries"
[1576] "iodent"
[1577] "iodent family"
[1578] "iowa corn borer synthetic"
[1579] "iowa ideal"
[1580] "iowa long ear"
[1581] "iowa stiff stalk synthetic"
[1582] "iowa two ear synthetic"
[1583] "johnson county white"
[1584] "joint genotype probabilities"
[1585] "joint posterior distribution"
[1586] "joint probabilistic model"
[1587] "joint probability distribution"
[1588] "joint profile probabilities"
[1589] "kanamycin"
[1590] "kanamycin resistancne"
[1591] "kernel development"
[1592] "kernel methods"
[1593] "kernel regression"
[1594] "kernel trick"
[1595] "kernels"
[1596] "kne"
[1597] "kinship coefficient"
[1598] "knobs"
[1599] "knobs meiotic drive"
[1600] "knock out mutagenesis"
[1601] "kruskal 96 wallis test"
[1602] "kullback leibler distance"
[1603] "kullback leibler information"
[1604] "lancaster"
[1605] "lancaster sure crop heterotic group"
[1606] "lancaster sure crop variety"
[1607] "lancaster surecrop"
[1608] "landraces"
[1609] "large effect qtl"
[1610] "laser microdissection"
[1611] "laser capture microdissection"
[1612] "lasso"
[1613] "late blight"
[1614] "latent variables"
[1615] "lateral spikelets"
[1616] "ld based qtl mapping"
[1617] "lea proteins"
[1618] "leaf blight"
[1619] "leaf characters"
[1620] "leaf death"
[1621] "leaf desiccation"
[1622] "leaf diffusive resistance"
[1623] "leaf electrolyte leakage under heat stress"
[1624] "leaf emnce rate ler"
[1625] "leaf geometry"
[1626] "leaf growth"
[1627] "leaf mutants"
[1628] "leaf number"
[1629] "leaf relative water content"
[1630] "leaf rolling"
[1631] "leaf senescence"
[1632] "leaf spot disease"
[1633] "leaf temperature"
[1634] "leaf temperature measurement"
[1635] "leaf tissue"
[1636] "leaf traits"
[1637] "leaf water potential"
[1638] "leaf water retention capacity lwrc"
[1639] "leaming"
[1640] "leaming corn"
[1641] "leptosphaeria maculans"
[1642] "leptotene"
[1643] "leptotene chromosome"
[1644] "lethal dominants"
[1645] "likelihood inferences"
[1646] "likelihood methods"
[1647] "likelihood profile"
[1648] "likelihood ratio"
[1649] "likelihood ratio test"
[1650] "likelihood ratio test lrt"
[1651] "likelihood surfaces"
[1652] "limagrain"
[1653] "linear mixed model"
[1654] "line cross analysis"
[1655] "linkage analysis to detect qtls"
[1656] "linkage association"
[1657] "linkage detection"
[1658] "linkage disequilibrium"
[1659] "linkage disequilibrium ld"
[1660] "linkage disequilibrium ld mapping"
[1661] "linkage drag"
[1662] "linkage effect"
[1663] "linkage effects"
[1664] "linkage estimation"
[1665] "linkagoups"
[1666] "linkage map"
[1667] "linkage mapping"
[1668] "loadings"
[1669] "location selection"
[1670] "loci"
[1671] "locus"
[1672] "locus model"
[1673] "lod score"
[1674] "lodging"
[1675] "lodging resistance"
[1676] "log likelihood"
[1677] "logistic regression"
[1678] "long term selection"
[1679] "loss function"
[1680] "loss matrix"
[1681] "low input breeding programme"
[1682] "low nitrogen stress in maize"
[1683] "low temperature tolerance"
[1684] "magic populations"
[1685] "mahalanobis distance"
[1686] "maize borer"
[1687] "maize breeding"
[1688] "maize cell wall"
[1689] "maize chromosome transmission"
[1690] "maize cultivar development"
[1691] "maize kernel phenotype"
[1692] "maize lignin pathway"
[1693] "major gene"
[1694] "major genes"
[1695] "major effect genes"
[1696] "male sterility"
[1697] "male sterility restoration"
[1698] "malting quality"
[1699] "managed stress environments"
[1700] "managed stress trials"
[1701] "marginal environments"
[1702] "marker"
[1703] "marker characterization"
[1704] "marker data"
[1705] "marker effects"
[1706] "marker genes"
[1707] "marker information"
[1708] "marker loci"
[1709] "marker polymorphisms"
[1710] "marker scores"
[1711] "marker selection"
[1712] "marker selection cofactor"
[1713] "marker typing"
[1714] "marker assisted backcrossing mabc"
[1715] "marker assisted breeding mab"
[1716] "marker assisted breeding method"
[1717] "marker assisted evaluation"
[1718] "marker assisted gene pyramiding"
[1719] "marker assisted germplasm evaluation"
[1720] "marker assisted introgression mai"
[1721] "marker assisted plant breeding"
[1722] "marker assisted recurrent"
[1723] "marker assisted recurrent selection mars"
[1724] "marker assisted selection mas"
[1725] "marker 96 trait association"
[1726] "marker trait associations"
[1727] "mass selection"
[1728] "mass selection response"
[1729] "maternal effect"
[1730] "maternal haploid induction"
[1731] "mating designs"
[1732] "mating patterns"
[1733] "mating system"
[1734] "mating system effects on"
[1735] "mating systems"
[1736] "mcqtl"
[1737] "mean yield"
[1738] "meligethes aenus"
[1739] "met"
[1740] "methylation"
[1741] "methylation errors"
[1742] "methylation filtration"
[1743] "methylation microarrays"
[1744] "methylation patterns"
[1745] "microarray analysis"
[1746] "microarray coating"
[1747] "microarray data"
[1748] "microarray data analysis"
[1749] "microarray experiments"
[1750] "microarray measurements"
[1751] "microarray studies"
[1752] "microarray technologies"
[1753] "microfluidics"
[1754] "micromalting"
[1755] "microprojectile bombardment"
[1756] "micropropagation"
[1757] "microspore culture"
[1758] "microspore embryogenesis"
[1759] "microsporogenesis"
[1760] "mid parent"
[1761] "midge resistance"
[1762] "mid parent heterosis mph"
[1763] "mid parent value"
[1764] "mildew resistance"
[1765] "mini core collections"
[1766] "minor allele frequency maf"
[1767] "mirna genes"
[1768] "mirna target prediction"
[1769] "miscanthus spp"
[1770] "missing heritability"
[1771] "mixed linear model"
[1772] "mixed model"
[1773] "mixed model complex traits"
[1774] "mixed model equations mme"
[1775] "mixed model formulation"
[1776] "mixed model approach"
[1777] "model comparison"
[1778] "model selection"
[1779] "modelling allele frequencies"
[1780] "modelling stress"
[1781] "modelling water availability"
[1782] "modified ear to row"
[1783] "modified living organisms"
[1784] "modified pedigree method"
[1785] "modified reciprocal recurrent"
[1786] "moisture measurement"
[1787] "molecular breeding"
[1788] "monogenic"
[1789] "monogenic hypersensitive resistance"
[1790] "monogenic segregation"
[1791] "monogenic trait"
[1792] "monsanto"
[1793] "mu transposons"
[1794] "mudr"
[1795] "mudr elements"
[1796] "mule transposons"
[1797] "multi"
[1798] "multi environment trials mets"
[1799] "multi allelic loci"
[1800] "multi allelic molecular data"
[1801] "multidimensional scaling mds"
[1802] "multienvironment data"
[1803] "multienvironment testing"
[1804] "multi environment testing"
[1805] "multienvironment trials"
[1806] "multi environment trials met"
[1807] "multi environmental testing"
[1808] "multienvironmental trials"
[1809] "multilines"
[1810] "multilocation trials"
[1811] "multilocus analysis"
[1812] "multiparent advanced generation intercross"
[1813] "multiparent advanced generation intercross magic"
[1814] "multiple snp regression"
[1815] "multiple testing"
[1816] "multiple traits"
[1817] "multi stage procedure"
[1818] "multivariate breeders equation"
[1819] "multivariatne selection models"
[1820] "mutagenic agents"
[1821] "mutant libraries"
[1822] "mutant phenotype"
[1823] "mutant screening"
[1824] "mutant seedlings"
[1825] "mutation breeding"
[1826] "mutator"
[1827] "mutator element"
[1828] "mutator system regulation"
[1829] "mycosphaerella fijiensis"
[1830] "mycotoxins"
[1831] "nadaraya watson estimate"
[1832] "nadaraya 96 watson estimator"
[1833] "natural selection"
[1834] "near infrared reflectance spectroscopy nirs"
[1835] "near isogenic lines nils"
[1836] "neutral markers"
[1837] "nir instruments"
[1838] "nir technology"
[1839] "nirs technology"
[1840] "nitrogen assimilation genes"
[1841] "nitrogen uptaknes"
[1842] "nitrogen use efficiency nue"
[1843] "nonadditive effects"
[1844] "non additivne action"
[1845] "non additive environment interaction"
[1846] "non additivity"
[1847] "non destructive measurement"
[1848] "nondestructive screening"
[1849] "normalised difference vegetation index"
[1850] "normalised difference vegetation index ndvi measurement"
[1851] "north carolina designs"
[1852] "northern flints"
[1853] "novartis seeds"
[1854] "nuclear restorer genes"
[1855] "nullisomic lines"
[1856] "numerator relationship matrix nrm"
[1857] "numerical optimization"
[1858] "nurseries"
[1859] "nutritional quality"
[1860] "off season nursery"
[1861] "opaque o gene"
[1862] "open pollination"
[1863] "open pollinated"
[1864] "open pollinated cultivars"
[1865] "open pollinated varieties opvs"
[1866] "opposing homozygotes"
[1867] "optical mapping"
[1868] "optimal population size"
[1869] "optimisation over several generations"
[1870] "osmotic adjustment"
[1871] "osmotic potential"
[1872] "osmotic solute accumulation"
[1873] "osmotic solutes"
[1874] "osmotically active solutes"
[1875] "outbred populations"
[1876] "outcrossing"
[1877] "outcrossing ability"
[1878] "outliers"
[1879] "ovary culture"
[1880] "ovary culturnogenesis"
[1881] "overdominance"
[1882] "over dominance theory"
[1883] "overfitting"
[1884] "overlapping generations"
[1885] "pachytene chromosomes"
[1886] "panmictic populations"
[1887] "panmictic midparent heterosis"
[1888] "paralogous genes"
[1889] "paralogous qtl"
[1890] "paramutation"
[1891] "paramutation model"
[1892] "paraquat"
[1893] "parent line development"
[1894] "parent selection"
[1895] "parental lines selection"
[1896] "parental material"
[1897] "parental selection"
[1898] "parental types"
[1899] "parent offspring"
[1900] "parent offspring regression"
[1901] "parent of origin effect"
[1902] "partial chromosome substitution lines"
[1903] "partial diallel"
[1904] "particle bombardment"
[1905] "partitioned heritability"
[1906] "paternal haploid induction"
[1907] "paulista dent"
[1908] "pedigree"
[1909] "pedigree analysis"
[1910] "pedigree breeding"
[1911] "pedigree breeding method"
[1912] "pedigree disequilibrium test pdt"
[1913] "pedigree estimation"
[1914] "pedigree ht"
[1915] "pedigree information"
[1916] "pedigree selection"
[1917] "pedigree structures"
[1918] "pedigree uncertainty"
[1919] "pedigreed seed separation"
[1920] "pedigrees"
[1921] "peeling"
[1922] "peeling algorithm"
[1923] "peeling sequence"
[1924] "penalized regression"
[1925] "pentose phosphate pathway"
[1926] "pericarp color gene p"
[1927] "permanent populations"
[1928] "permanent wilting point"
[1929] "phenotype characterisation"
[1930] "phenotype development"
[1931] "phenotype network"
[1932] "phenotype association analysis"
[1933] "phenotype based analysis"
[1934] "phenotype expression association testing"
[1935] "phenotypnotype relationship in protein evolution"
[1936] "phenotypes"
[1937] "phenotypic aggregation within families"
[1938] "phenotypic characterizations"
[1939] "phenotypic classification"
[1940] "phenotypic covariance matrix"
[1941] "phenotypic distribution"
[1942] "phenotypic evolution models"
[1943] "phenotypic information"
[1944] "phenotypic plasticity"
[1945] "phenotypic regressions"
[1946] "phenotypic scoring methods"
[1947] "phenotypic traits"
[1948] "phenotypic value"
[1949] "phenotypic variability"
[1950] "phenotypic variance"
[1951] "phenotyping"
[1952] "phoma exigua"
[1953] "phoma maculans"
[1954] "phosphinothricin ppt"
[1955] "phosphinothricin acetyltransferase"
[1956] "phosphinothricin acetyltransferase pat"
[1957] "phosphomannose isomerase pmi"
[1958] "phosphomannose isomerase pmi gene"
[1959] "photoperiod"
[1960] "photoperiod insensitivity"
[1961] "photoperiod sensitivity"
[1962] "photoperiod temperature"
[1963] "photoperiod dependent qtl"
[1964] "photoperiod independent qtl"
[1965] "photoprotection related traits"
[1966] "photorespiration"
[1967] "photosynthetic capacity"
[1968] "photosynthetic efficiency"
[1969] "phthorimaea operculella"
[1970] "physical map"
[1971] "physical mapping"
[1972] "physiological traits"
[1973] "physoderma maydis"
[1974] "phytochrome"
[1975] "phytopthera infestans"
[1976] "pioneer"
[1977] "pioneer hi bred"
[1978] "pioneer two ear synthetic"
[1979] "plant tissue culture"
[1980] "plant transformation"
[1981] "plant water status"
[1982] "plasticity"
[1983] "pleiotropic"
[1984] "pleiotropic effects"
[1985] "pleiotropy"
[1986] "pollen culture"
[1987] "pollen cytogenetics"
[1988] "pollen dispersal"
[1989] "pollen isolation"
[1990] "pollen killer"
[1991] "pollen movement monitoring"
[1992] "pollination"
[1993] "pollinator lines"
[1994] "pollinators"
[1995] "polycrosses"
[1996] "polycystic kidney disease"
[1997] "polyethylenycol peg"
[1998] "polyethylenycol peg facilitated"
[1999] "polygenic effects"
[2000] "polymorphism information content pic"
[2001] "polyploidization"
[2002] "polyploidy"
[2003] "polytene chromosomes"
[2004] "population admixture"
[2005] "population association"
[2006] "population bottlenecks"
[2007] "population breeding"
[2008] "population construction"
[2009] "population crossover rate"
[2010] "population distributions"
[2011] "population frequency"
[2012] "population genetic simulations"
[2013] "population genetics"
[2014] "population improvement"
[2015] "population labels"
[2016] "population level"
[2017] "population parameters"
[2018] "population recombination rate"
[2019] "population size"
[2020] "population strategies"
[2021] "population stratification"
[2022] "population stratification modelling"
[2023] "population structure"
[2024] "population subdivision"
[2025] "population hybrid concept"
[2026] "populations"
[2027] "powdery mildew"
[2028] "pre anthesis water"
[2029] "prebreeding"
[2030] "pre breeding"
[2031] "precision phenotyping"
[2032] "predicted gain"
[2033] "predicted yield gain"
[2034] "prediction accuracy"
[2035] "preliminary yield trials pyts"
[2036] "progeny test"
[2037] "protoplast fusion"
[2038] "pseudo overdominance"
[2039] "pure lines"
[2040] "qgene"
[2041] "qtl"
[2042] "qtl nitrogen interactions"
[2043] "qtl alleles"
[2044] "qtl analyses"
[2045] "qtl cloning"
[2046] "qtl effects"
[2047] "qtl locations"
[2048] "qtl main effects"
[2049] "qtl mapping"
[2050] "qtl mapping in"
[2051] "qtl mapping study"
[2052] "qtl maps"
[2053] "qtl model"
[2054] "qtl threshold"
[2055] "qtl based selection"
[2056] "qtl by environment interaction"
[2057] "qtl by environment interactions"
[2058] "qtl by genetic background interaction"
[2059] "quadratic approximations"
[2060] "quality control qc"
[2061] "quantitativnetics"
[2062] "quantitative real time pcr qrt pcr"
[2063] "quantitative trait"
[2064] "quantitative trait loci qtl"
[2065] "quantitative trait loci qtls"
[2066] "quantitative trait locus"
[2067] "quantitative trait locus qtl mapping"
[2068] "quantitative trait nucleotides qtns"
[2069] "quantitative traits"
[2070] "quantitative traits inheritance"
[2071] "qugene"
[2072] "qu gene"
[2073] "quline"
[2074] "radiation use efficiency rue"
[2075] "random amplified polymorphic dna rapd"
[2076] "random breakage model"
[2077] "random effects models"
[2078] "random forest"
[2079] "random mating"
[2080] "randomised complete block designs rcbd"
[2081] "randomised controlled trials rcts"
[2082] "recalcitrant species"
[2083] "recipient population"
[2084] "reciprocal full sib"
[2085] "reciprocal full sib selection"
[2086] "reciprocal modified"
[2087] "reciprocal recurrent"
[2088] "reciprocal recurrent selection"
[2089] "reciprocal translocation"
[2090] "recombinant inbred line ril"
[2091] "recombinant inbred line ril populations"
[2092] "recombinant inbred lines"
[2093] "recombinant inbred lines rils"
[2094] "recombinant inbred lines progenies"
[2095] "recombination events"
[2096] "recombination fractions"
[2097] "recombination frequencies"
[2098] "recombination frequency"
[2099] "recombination hotspots"
[2100] "recombination models"
[2101] "recombination rates"
[2102] "recurrent parent rp"
[2103] "recurrent parent recovery"
[2104] "recurrent selection"
[2105] "recurrent selection rs line"
[2106] "recurrent selection method"
[2107] "reduced aba signalling"
[2108] "reid yellow dent"
[2109] "relative water content rwc"
[2110] "reproducing kernel hilbert space rkhs"
[2111] "resistancnes"
[2112] "response to dehydration"
[2113] "response to drought stress"
[2114] "response to extended drought"
[2115] "restorer of fertility rf alleles"
[2116] "restriction fragment lh polymorphism rflp"
[2117] "retrospective indices"
[2118] "ridge regression"
[2119] "ril population"
[2120] "ring chromosomes"
[2121] "root"
[2122] "root architecture"
[2123] "root characters"
[2124] "root lh"
[2125] "root system"
[2126] "root to shoot ratio"
[2127] "root traits"
[2128] "rooting ability"
[2129] "rooting depth"
[2130] "rootworms"
[2131] "rulefit"
[2132] "s family selection"
[2133] "salinity resistance"
[2134] "salinity stress"
[2135] "salinity tolerance"
[2136] "sample preparation"
[2137] "sample preparation protocols"
[2138] "sample size"
[2139] "screening germplasm"
[2140] "screening hybrids"
[2141] "screening methods"
[2142] "screening strategy"
[2143] "secondary traits"
[2144] "seed sorting"
[2145] "segregation ratio"
[2146] "selectable marker gene"
[2147] "selectable marker genes"
[2148] "selectable marker removal"
[2149] "selection criteria"
[2150] "selection differentials"
[2151] "selection efficiency"
[2152] "selection episodes"
[2153] "selection experiments"
[2154] "selection index"
[2155] "selection index wts"
[2156] "selection indices"
[2157] "selection intensity"
[2158] "selection limits"
[2159] "selection measures"
[2160] "selection method evaluation"
[2161] "selection pressure"
[2162] "selection pressures"
[2163] "selection process"
[2164] "selection response"
[2165] "selection responses"
[2166] "selection schemes"
[2167] "selection strategies"
[2168] "selection strategy"
[2169] "selective advantage"
[2170] "selfed progeny"
[2171] "selfing"
[2172] "selfing derived nils"
[2173] "setaria italica"
[2174] "setaria viridis"
[2175] "shmm clustering"
[2176] "shoot"
[2177] "shoot apical meristem sam"
[2178] "shoot apex culture"
[2179] "shoot apex tissue"
[2180] "short duration cultivars"
[2181] "short interspersed nuclear element sine"
[2182] "short tandem repeat str"
[2183] "short tandem repeat polymorphism strp"
[2184] "shotgun sequencing strategy"
[2185] "shrinkage estimates"
[2186] "shrinkage estimation"
[2187] "shrinkage estimator"
[2188] "shrinkage methods"
[2189] "shukla 92 s stability variance"
[2190] "shuttle breeding"
[2191] "signalling genes"
[2192] "simple interval mapping sim"
[2193] "simple sequence repeat ssr"
[2194] "simulated breeding"
[2195] "single crosses"
[2196] "single element insertion"
[2197] "single nucleotide polymorphism snp"
[2198] "single seed descent ssd"
[2199] "single seed descent ssd method"
[2200] "single cross hybrids"
[2201] "sister chromatids"
[2202] "sister mitotic cells"
[2203] "sister chromatid transposition"
[2204] "site directed mutagenesis"
[2205] "site specific recombination"
[2206] "site specific recombination system"
[2207] "site specific recombination systems"
[2208] "smith hazel index"
[2209] "snp arrays"
[2210] "snp map"
[2211] "snp markers"
[2212] "snp technology"
[2213] "somaclonal variation"
[2214] "source sink relationships"
[2215] "southern dents"
[2216] "southern leaf blight"
[2217] "southern leaf blight slb disease"
[2218] "spad chlorophyll measurement"
[2219] "specific adaptation"
[2220] "specific combining ability sca"
[2221] "spikelet"
[2222] "spikelet fertility measurement"
[2223] "spikelet sterility"
[2224] "spikes selection"
[2225] "stacking"
[2226] "stalk rot"
[2227] "starch biosynthesis"
[2228] "stay green"
[2229] "stay green qtls"
[2230] "stay green trait"
[2231] "stem reserve mobilisation"
[2232] "stiff stalk"
[2233] "stiff stalk synthetic"
[2234] "stomatal behaviour"
[2235] "stomatal conductance"
[2236] "stress resistance"
[2237] "subpopulations"
[2238] "substitution lines"
[2239] "sucros model"
[2240] "sunflower"
[2241] "superbinary"
[2242] "superbinary vector"
[2243] "support vector machine svm"
[2244] "syngenta"
[2245] "synteny blocks"
[2246] "synteny conservation"
[2247] "synthetic polyploids"
[2248] "synthetic varieties"
[2249] "tabu search"
[2250] "tag snps"
[2251] "tandem duplication"
[2252] "target population"
[2253] "target population of environments tpe"
[2254] "target traits"
[2255] "t cytoplasm"
[2256] "temperature sensitivnic male sterility"
[2257] "tensiometer"
[2258] "teosinte"
[2259] "teosinte hybrids"
[2260] "terminal drought tolerance"
[2261] "terminal stress tolerance"
[2262] "test environment"
[2263] "testcross"
[2264] "testcross evaluation"
[2265] "testcross evaluationgermplasm"
[2266] "test crossing"
[2267] "testcrossing traits"
[2268] "tester line interaction"
[2269] "testers"
[2270] "testing in the tpe"
[2271] "tetraploid microsporocytes"
[2272] "tetraploidy"
[2273] "thermal sensitivnic male sterility tgms"
[2274] "three way cross hybrids"
[2275] "three ways"
[2276] "ti plasmid"
[2277] "tillering"
[2278] "tilling"
[2279] "tilling populations"
[2280] "tissue culture"
[2281] "tolerancnes"
[2282] "tpe"
[2283] "transformation"
[2284] "transformation frequency tf"
[2285] "transformation method"
[2286] "transformation system"
[2287] "transformation technology"
[2288] "transformation vector"
[2289] "transformation mediated"
[2290] "transformation mediated mutagenesis"
[2291] "transforming information to new"
[2292] "transgene"
[2293] "transgene expression"
[2294] "transgene integration"
[2295] "transgene integration location"
[2296] "transgenic"
[2297] "transgenic breeding"
[2298] "transgenic corn"
[2299] "transgenic crop"
[2300] "transgenic crop commercialization"
[2301] "transgenic wheats"
[2302] "transgenics"
[2303] "transient expression"
[2304] "transient remodeling"
[2305] "translocation"
[2306] "translocation stocks"
[2307] "translocations"
[2308] "transpiration efficiency"
[2309] "transposable element"
[2310] "transposable element amplification"
[2311] "transposable elements"
[2312] "transposon domestication"
[2313] "transposon insertion site sequencing"
[2314] "transposon tagging"
[2315] "transposon tagging system"
[2316] "transposons"
[2317] "trehalose accumulation"
[2318] "trial design"
[2319] "trial methodology"
[2320] "trial planning"
[2321] "triploid corn plant"
[2322] "tripsacum"
[2323] "triticum"
[2324] "triticum aestivum"
[2325] "triticum spp"
[2326] "troyer reid"
[2327] "turcicum"
[2328] "unbalanced data"
[2329] "unbiasedness"
[2330] "under selection"
[2331] "unreplicated designs"
[2332] "upstream genes"
[2333] "uptake efficiency"
[2334] "uptake mechanisms"
[2335] "us corn belt"
[2336] "us corn belt populations"
[2337] "ustilago maydis"
[2338] "variable selection"
[2339] "variance heterogeneity"
[2340] "variance 96 covariance matrix"
[2341] "variance 96 covariance structure"
[2342] "variance stabilizing transformation"
[2343] "variogram"
[2344] "vector backbone"
[2345] "vector backbone transfer"
[2346] "vernalization genes"
[2347] "verticillium"
[2348] "vilmorin"
[2349] "virtual phenotypes"
[2350] "visual selection"
[2351] "water limited yield"
[2352] "water soluble carbohydrates wsc"
[2353] "water use efficiency wue"
[2354] "waxy gene"
[2355] "weeds"
[2356] "weevils"
[2357] "which won where pattern"
[2358] "wholnome association"
[2359] "wholnome scan"
[2360] "wholnome selection"
[2361] "wholnome sequences"
[2362] "wide adaptation"
[2363] "wide adaptation strategy"
[2364] "wide cross"
[2365] "wilcoxon rank sum test"
[2366] "wild relatives"
[2367] "wisconsin quality synthetic"
[2368] "wricke 92 s ecovalence"
[2369] "wue"
[2370] "wue related traits"
[2371] "yeast artificial chromosome yac"
[2372] "yeast artificial chromosomes yacs"
[2373] "yield components"
[2374] "yield heritability under stress"
[2375] "yield plateau"
[2376] "yield potential"
[2377] "yield stability"
[2378] "yield test"
[2379] "yield under drought"
[2380] "yield related heterosis"
[2381] "yield 96 reliability concept"
[2382] "yield 96 stability statistic"
[2383] "zea diploperennis"
[2384] "zea mays"
[2385] "zein"
[2386] "zein genes"
[2387] "zein storage proteins"
[2388] "zeins"
[2389] "zero loop pedigree"
[2390] "zinc finger nucleases zfns"
[2391] "zygotene"
[2392] "aleurone color"
[2393] "anther anthocyanin coloration"
[2394] "aspllus flavus ear rot severity"
[2395] "aspllus ear rot severity"
[2396] "ear bad husk cover incidence"
[2397] "common smut severity"
[2398] "ear aspect"
[2399] "ear diameter"
[2400] "ear damage"
[2401] "ear shape"
[2402] "ear growth"
[2403] "ear growth rate"
[2404] "ear ht"
[2405] "ear harvested number"
[2406] "ear lh"
[2407] "ear number"
[2408] "ear position"
[2409] "ear rot incidence"
[2410] "ear wt"
[2411] "earworm damage"
[2412] "earworm incidence"
[2413] "fusarium graminearum ear rot severity"
[2414] "fusarium moniliforme ear rot severity"
[2415] "fusarium ear rot severity"
[2416] "grain row arrangement"
[2417] "grain row number"
[2418] "ear husk cover"
[2419] "penicillium ear rot severity"
[2420] "ear shelling ratio"
[2421] "stenocarpella ear rot severity"
[2422] "ear leaf lh"
[2423] "ear leaf wt"
[2424] "ear leaf chlorophyll content"
[2425] "endosperm color"
[2426] "endosperm hardness"
[2427] "endosperm lysine content"
[2428] "endosperm protein content"
[2429] "endosperm tryptophan content"
[2430] "aflatoxin content"
[2431] "grain color"
[2432] "grain lh"
[2433] "grain moisture"
[2434] "grain number"
[2435] "grain texture"
[2436] "grain thickness"
[2437] "grain type"
[2438] "grain upper surface shape"
[2439] "grain wt"
[2440] "grain width"
[2441] "largain borer damage"
[2442] "standard germination"
[2443] "maize weevil incidence"
[2444] "maize weevil number in grain"
[2445] "bacterial leaf stripe severity"
[2446] "banded leaf and sheath blight severity"
[2447] "maydis leaf blight severity"
[2448] "brown spot severity"
[2449] "curvularia leaf spot severity"
[2450] "common rust severity"
[2451] "downy mildew severity"
[2452] "turcicum leaf blight severity"
[2453] "gray leaf spot severity"
[2454] "leaf ash content"
[2455] "leaf color"
[2456] "leaf erectness"
[2457] "leaf lh"
[2458] "leaf rolling severity"
[2459] "leaf width"
[2460] "phaeosphaeria leaf spot severity"
[2461] "polysora rust severity"
[2462] "rust severity"
[2463] "senescence"
[2464] "tropical rust severity"
[2465] "tar spot complex severity"
[2466] "pericarp color"
[2467] "anthracnose leaf blight incidence"
[2468] "anthesis time"
[2469] "aphid damage"
[2470] "anthesis silking interval"
[2471] "black bundle incidence"
[2472] "army worm damage"
[2473] "bacterial stalk rot incidence"
[2474] "brown stripe downy mildew incidence"
[2475] "busseola damage"
[2476] "busseola incidence"
[2477] "charcoal rot incidence"
[2478] "chilo damage"
[2479] "corn stunt incidence"
[2480] "maize bushy stunt severity"
[2481] "common smut incidence"
[2482] "corn stunt spiroplasma severity"
[2483] "crazy top downy mildew incidence"
[2484] "diabrotica damage"
[2485] "diatraea damage"
[2486] "java downy mildew incidence"
[2487] "sorghum downy mildew incidence"
[2488] "sorghum downy mildew severity"
[2489] "maize dwarf mosaic virus incidence"
[2490] "ear leaf senescence time"
[2491] "fusarium graminearum stalk rot incidence"
[2492] "fusarium moniliforme stalk rot incidence"
[2493] "fusarium moniliforme stalk rot severity"
[2494] "fungal disease presence"
[2495] "fusarium stalk rot incidence"
[2496] "grain wt loss by maize weevil"
[2497] "head smut incidence"
[2498] "head smut severity"
[2499] "late wilt incidence"
[2500] "lodging incidence"
[2501] "maturity time"
[2502] "multiple cob incidence"
[2503] "maize lethal necrosis severity"
[2504] "mal de rio cuarto virus incidence"
[2505] "maize rough dwarf virus incidence"
[2506] "maize rayado fino virus incidence"
[2507] "maize stripe virus incidence"
[2508] "maize streak virus incidence"
[2509] "maize streak virus severity"
[2510] "normalized difference vegetation index"
[2511] "plant aspect"
[2512] "philippine downy mildew incidence"
[2513] "plant ht to insertion of first tassel branch"
[2514] "plants harvested"
[2515] "photochemical radiation index"
[2516] "sugarcane downy mildew incidence"
[2517] "plant stand"
[2518] "plant uniformity"
[2519] "plant vigor"
[2520] "pythium stalk rot incidence"
[2521] "root lodging incidence"
[2522] "sugarcane mosaic virus incidence"
[2523] "seedling disease incidence"
[2524] "silking time"
[2525] "stem lodging incidence"
[2526] "stalk rot incidence"
[2527] "stem borer damage"
[2528] "stenocarpella stalk rot incidence"
[2529] "stewarts wilt incidence"
[2530] "striga damage"
[2531] "water index"
[2532] "root capacitance"
[2533] "sheath pubescence"
[2534] "shelled cob wt"
[2535] "silk anthocyanin coloration"
[2536] "silk growth"
[2537] "silk growth rate"
[2538] "silk lh"
[2539] "stem color"
[2540] "striga plant number"
[2541] "tassel blasting severity"
[2542] "tassel anthocyanin coloration"
[2543] "tassel density"
[2544] "tassel exertion"
[2545] "tassel glumes base anthocyanin coloration"
[2546] "tassel glumes anthocyanin coloration"
[2547] "tassel opening"
[2548] "tassel size"
[2549] "tassel branching type"
[2550] "tassel branch number"
[2551] "tassel branch wt"
[2552] "uppermost ear shape"
[2553] "grain ash content"
[2554] "grain iron content"
[2555] "grain lysine content"
[2556] "grain oil content"
[2557] "grain protein content"
[2558] "grain starch content"
[2559] "grain tryptophan content"
[2560] "grain provitamina content"
[2561] "grain zinc content"
[2562] "young leaf chlorophyll content"
[2563] "grain abscisic acid content"
[2564] "grain glucose content"
[2565] "root proline content"
[2566] "grain sucrose content"
[2567] "grain viability"
[2568] "plant ht"
[2569] "plant ht to ligule of the flag leaf"
[2570] "grain test wt"
[2571] "seedling vigor"
[2572] "maize dwarf mosaic virus severity"
[2573] "cob glumes anthocyanin coloration"
[2574] "cob glumes color"
[2575] "ear width"
[2576] "cob sucrose content"
[2577] "leaf sucrose content"
[2578] "grain proline content"
[2579] "grain sugar content"
[2580] "leaf abscisic acid content"
[2581] "leaf proline content"
[2582] "root abscisic acid content"
[2583] "root glucose content"
[2584] "root sucrose content"
[2585] "color"
[2586] "anthocyanin coloration"
[2587] "bad husk cover incidence"
[2588] "aspect"
[2589] "diameter"
[2590] "shape"
[2591] "growth"
[2592] "growth rate"
[2593] "ht to insertion of uppermost ear"
[2594] "harvested number"
[2595] "lh"
[2596] "number"
[2597] "position"
[2598] "wt"
[2599] "husk cover"
[2600] "shelling ratio"
[2601] "hardness"
[2602] "lysine content"
[2603] "protein content"
[2604] "tryptophan content"
[2605] "moisture content"
[2606] "texture"
[2607] "thickness"
[2608] "type"
[2609] "upper surface shape"
[2610] "width"
[2611] "yield"
[2612] "maize weevil number"
[2613] "turcicum leaf blight severity"
[2614] "ash content"
[2615] "erectness"
[2616] "rolling severity"
[2617] "busseola damage incidence"
[2618] "corn spiroplasma stunt severity"
[2619] "wt loss by maize weevil"
[2620] "ht to insertion of first tassel branch"
[2621] "havested number"
[2622] "stand"
[2623] "uniformity"
[2624] "vigor"
[2625] "capacitance"
[2626] "pubescence"
[2627] "wt or yield"
[2628] "plant number"
[2629] "blasting severity"
[2630] "density"
[2631] "exertion"
[2632] "opening"
[2633] "size"
[2634] "branching type"
[2635] "iron content"
[2636] "oil content"
[2637] "starch content"
[2638] "provitamina content"
[2639] "zinc content"
[2640] "abscisic acid content"
[2641] "glucose content"
[2642] "proline content"
[2643] "sucrose content"
[2644] "viability"
[2645] "ht"
[2646] "ht to ligule of the flag leaf"
[2647] "test wt"
[2648] "sugar content"
[2649] "identifying"
[2650] "maize"
[2651] "plant"
[2652] "that"
[2653] "displays"
[2654] "increased"
[2655] "culturability"
[2656] "or"
[2657] "transformability"
[2658] "involves"
[2659] "detecting"
[2660] "nine"
[2661] "in"
[2662] "of"
[2663] "which"
[2664] "one"
[2665] "is"
[2666] "associated"
[2667] "with"
[2668] "cell"
[2669] "material"
[2670] "seed"
[2671] "comprises"
[2672] "arginine"
[2673] "insensitive"
[2674] "n-acetyl"
[2675] "glutamate"
[2676] "kinase"
[2677] "gene"
[2678] "exogenous"
[2679] "heterologous"
[2680] "useful"
[2681] "as"
[2682] "for"
[2683] "transforming"
[2684] "selected"
[2685] "from"
[2686] "corn"
[2687] "displaying"
[2688] "green"
[2689] "snap"
[2690] "tolerance"
[2691] "by"
[2692] "located"
[2693] "within"
[2694] "chromosomal"
[2695] "interval"
[2696] "selecting"
[2697] "having"
[2698] "altered"
[2699] "characteristic"
[2700] "preferably"
[2701] "at"
[2702] "least"
[2703] "nucleic"
[2704] "acid"
[2705] "and"
[2706] "comprising"
[2707] "increasing"
[2708] "the"
[2709] "a"
[2710] "water"
[2711] "deficit"
[2712] "overexpressing"
[2713] "r2r3-myb"
[2714] "subfamily"
[2715] "4"
[2716] "transcription"
[2717] "factor"
[2718] "where"
[2719] "vegetable"
[2720] "ornamental"
[2721] "plants"
[2722] "fruit"
[2723] "trees"
[2724] "wheat"
[2725] "used"
[2726] "creating"
[2727] "doubled"
[2728] "first"
[2729] "set"
[2730] "distinct"
[2731] "form"
[2732] "seeds"
[2733] "such"
[2734] "population"
[2735] "frequency"
[2736] "embryos"
[2737] "obtaining"
[2738] "reduced"
[2739] "tassel"
[2740] "skeletonization"
[2741] "severity"
[2742] "polymorphic"
[2743] "segment"
[2744] "flanked"
[2745] "composition"
[2746] "modulating"
[2747] "sexuality"
[2748] "suppressing"
[2749] "complete"
[2750] "feminization"
[2751] "restoring"
[2752] "male"
[2753] "jasmonic"
[2754] "derivative"
[2755] "and/or"
[2756] "their"
[2757] "salt"
[2758] "northern"
[2759] "leaf"
[2760] "blight"
[2761] "resistance"
[2762] "analyzing"
[2763] "presence"
[2764] "quantitative"
[2765] "trait"
[2766] "amplified"
[2767] "products"
[2768] "providing"
[2769] "primer"
[2770] "pairs"
[2771] "configured"
[2772] "to"
[2773] "amplify"
[2774] "unique"
[2775] "pseudo"
[2776] "genome"
[2777] "subjecting"
[2778] "test"
[2779] "genomic"
[2780] "sample"
[2781] "pcr"
[2782] "using"
[2783] "method"
[2784] "pressing"
[2785] "seedling"
[2786] "inducing"
[2787] "cutting"
[2788] "into"
[2789] "two"
[2790] "sides"
[2791] "digging"
[2792] "surrounding"
[2793] "soil"
[2794] "followed"
[2795] "transplanting"
[2796] "construction"
[2797] "expression"
[2798] "cassette"
[2799] "expressing"
[2800] "recombinant"
[2801] "genes"
[2802] "reproductive"
[2803] "tissues"
[2804] "constructing"
[2805] "regulatory"
[2806] "sequences"
[2807] "selective"
[2808] "target"
[2809] "operably"
[2810] "linking"
[2811] "bacterial"
[2812] "stalk"
[2813] "rot"
[2814] "caused"
[2815] "pectobacterium"
[2816] "chrysanthemi"
[2817] "pv"
[2818] "zeae"
[2819] "enhanced"
[2820] "mechanical"
[2821] "strh"
[2822] "characteristics"
[2823] "linked"
[2824] "determining"
[2825] "zygosity"
[2826] "presence/absence"
[2827] "contacting"
[2828] "isolated"
[2829] "obtained"
[2830] "tissue"
[2831] "molecule"
[2832] "capable"
[2833] "hybridizing"
[2834] "specific"
[2835] "nucleotide"
[2836] "sequence"
[2837] "under"
[2838] "high"
[2839] "stringency"
[2840] "conditions"
[2841] "producing"
[2842] "pollinating"
[2843] "essentially"
[2844] "self-incompatible"
[2845] "diploid"
[2846] "female"
[2847] "parent"
[2848] "pollen"
[2849] "tetraploid"
[2850] "produce"
[2851] "f1"
[2852] "triploid"
[2853] "on"
[2854] "induction"
[2855] "induced"
[2856] "commercial"
[2857] "qiyou"
[2858] "201"
[2859] "harvesting"
[2860] "hybridized"
[2861] "grains"
[2862] "obtain"
[2863] "screening"
[2864] "potential"
[2865] "its"
[2866] "ancestor"
[2867] "construct"
[2868] "growing"
[2869] "counting"
[2870] "silks"
[2871] "present"
[2872] "comparing"
[2873] "transformed"
[2874] "control"
[2875] "lines"
[2876] "soy"
[2877] "hormesis"
[2878] "response"
[2879] "applying"
[2880] "herbicide"
[2881] "stress"
[2882] "observing"
[2883] "controlling"
[2884] "microbial"
[2885] "variability"
[2886] "soil-free"
[2887] "system"
[2888] "microorganism"
[2889] "unding"
[2890] "program"
[2891] "medium"
[2892] "grow"
[2893] "has"
[2894] "phenotype"
[2895] "oil"
[2896] "oleic"
[2897] "content"
[2898] "polymorphism"
[2899] "new"
[2900] "regulating"
[2901] "fertility"
[2902] "mutant"
[2903] "sterile"
[2904] "line"
[2905] "promoter"
[2906] "active"
[2907] "basal"
[2908] "transfer"
[2909] "layer"
[2910] "operatively"
[2911] "coding"
[2912] "an"
[2913] "incw2"
[2914] "protein"
[2915] "normal"
[2916] "stressed"
[2917] "progeny"
[2918] "s-type"
[2919] "cms"
[2920] "possessing"
[2921] "functional"
[2922] "restorer"
[2923] "sterility"
[2924] "decreased"
[2925] "mal"
[2926] "de"
[2927] "rio"
[2928] "cuarto"
[2929] "virus"
[2930] "mrcv"
[2931] "acids"
[2932] "newly"
[2933] "conferred"
[2934] "gray"
[2935] "spot"
[2936] "cercospora"
[2937] "alleles"
[2938] "developing"
[2939] "further"
[2940] "desired"
[2941] "traits"
[2942] "additional"
[2943] "leaves"
[2944] "above"
[2945] "ear"
[2946] "controlled"
[2947] "genetic"
[2948] "determinant"
[2949] "shows"
[2950] "non"
[2951] "inheritance"
[2952] "fusarium"
[2953] "mold"
[2954] "second"
[2955] "cytosine"
[2956] "phm12209.11"
[2957] "anthracnose"
[2958] "polynucleotide"
[2959] "respect"
[2960] "deletion"
[2961] "pair"
[2962] "assisting"
[2963] "identify"
[2964] "rough"
[2965] "disease"
[2966] "candidates"
[2967] "disease-resistant"
[2968] "gibberella"
[2969] "resistant"
[2970] "improving"
[2971] "against"
[2972] "exhibiting"
[2973] "kernel"
[2974] "evaluating"
[2975] "production"
[2976] "evaluation"
[2977] "programs"
[2978] "source"
[2979] "estimate"
[2980] "physical"
[2981] "property"
[2982] "mutation"
[2983] "absence"
[2984] "isolating"
[2985] "molecules"
[2986] "proteins"
[2987] "demonstrating"
[2988] "mrna"
[2989] "transcript"
[2990] "head"
[2991] "smut"
[2992] "specified"
[2993] "floury2"
[2994] "nucleotides"
[2995] "positions"
[2996] "correspond"
[2997] "identification"
[2998] "field"
[2999] "non-uniform"
[3000] "rowing"
[3001] "uniform"
[3002] "small"
[3003] "flat"
[3004] "reducing"
[3005] "aflatoxin"
[3006] "levels"
[3007] "aflatoxin-contaminated"
[3008] "allowing"
[3009] "contaminated"
[3010] "float"
[3011] "liquid"
[3012] "uncontaminated"
[3013] "sink"
[3014] "bed"
[3015] "removing"
[3016] "floating"
[3017] "steep"
[3018] "tank"
[3019] "exserohilum"
[3020] "accessible"
[3021] "analysis"
[3022] "rapid"
[3023] "input/output"
[3024] "devices"
[3025] "select"
[3026] "stem"
[3027] "cells"
[3028] "accept"
[3029] "information"
[3030] "related"
[3031] "genotype"
[3032] "generate"
[3033] "value"
[3034] "flowering"
[3035] "time"
[3036] "grass"
[3037] "commodity"
[3038] "product"
[3039] "base"
[3040] "desirable"
[3041] "edible"
[3042] "adapting"
[3043] "crop-growing"
[3044] "environment"
[3045] "characterized"
[3046] "continental"
[3047] "dry"
[3048] "climatic"
[3049] "region"
[3050] "conferring"
[3051] "frost"
[3052] "tolerant"
[3053] "asr"
[3054] "between"
[3055] "markers"
[3056] "correlated"
[3057] "profiles"
[3058] "profile"
[3059] "more"
[3060] "puccinia"
[3061] "graminis"
[3062] "f."
[3063] "sp."
[3064] "tritici"
[3065] "making"
[3066] "infection"
[3067] "tropical"
[3068] "rust"
[3069] "containing"
[3070] "introgressed"
[3071] "based"
[3072] "results"
[3073] "brassicaceae"
[3074] "self-compatibility"
[3075] "self-incompatibility"
[3076] "inactivating"
[3077] "sp11"
[3078] "maintaining"
[3079] "inverted"
[3080] "repeat"
[3081] "productivity"
[3082] "molecular"
[3083] "events"
[3084] "referencing"
[3085] "database"
[3086] "dgat1-2"
[3087] "polypeptide"
[3088] "acid/linoleic"
[3089] "ratio"
[3090] "associating"
[3091] "assaying"
[3092] "phenotypic"
[3093] "offspring"
[3094] "animal"
[3095] "feeds"
[3096] "ccoaomt2"
[3097] "called"
[3098] "g2092"
[3099] "herbivory"
[3100] "insect"
[3101] "pest"
[3102] "introducing"
[3103] "regenerable"
[3104] "regenerating"
[3105] "encoding"
[3106] "rootworm"
[3107] "susceptible"
[3108] "crw2"
[3109] "main"
[3110] "crop"
[3111] "use"
[3112] "monitoring"
[3113] "planting"
[3114] "trap"
[3115] "susceptibility"
[3116] "pests"
[3117] "proximity"
[3118] "treating"
[3119] "gibberellin"
[3120] "quantifying"
[3121] "assay"
[3122] "determine"
[3123] "fertility-restorer-4"
[3124] "performing"
[3125] "probe"
[3126] "both"
[3127] "probes"
[3128] "apparatus"
[3129] "cob"
[3130] "image"
[3131] "processor"
[3132] "receives"
[3133] "imaging"
[3134] "identifies"
[3135] "determines"
[3136] "wall"
[3137] "digestibility"
[3138] "rcg1"
[3139] "confers"
[3140] "enhances"
[3141] "colletotrichum"
[3142] "altering"
[3143] "level"
[3144] "enhancing"
[3145] "per"
[3146] "unit"
[3147] "area"
[3148] "facility"
[3149] "cultivation"
[3150] "nodes"
[3151] "are"
[3152] "spaced"
[3153] "internode"
[3154] "spacing"
[3155] "range"
[3156] "detection"
[3157] "contaminant"
[3158] "mycotoxin"
[3159] "pre"
[3160] "post-harvest"
[3161] "samples"
[3162] "contamination"
[3163] "peak"
[3164] "fluorescence"
[3165] "3072"
[3166] "single"
[3167] "snps"
[3168] "rnt"
[3169] "kit"
[3170] "genuineness"
[3171] "testing"
[3172] "varieties"
[3173] "knockout"
[3174] "disruption"
[3175] "endogenous"
[3176] "acc"
[3177] "synthase"
[3178] "neering"
[3179] "singlne-controlled"
[3180] "stay"
[3181] "glutamine"
[3182] "synthetase"
[3183] "isoenzyme"
[3184] "grain"
[3185] "moisture"
[3186] "chromosome"
[3187] "9"
[3188] "silk"
[3189] "inducer"
[3190] "embryo"
[3191] "doubling"
[3192] "agent"
[3193] "generating"
[3194] "digital"
[3195] "imagery"
[3196] "photometric"
[3197] "processing"
[3198] "immature"
[3199] "processed"
[3200] "genetically"
[3201] "identical"
[3202] "they"
[3203] "arise"
[3204] "placing"
[3205] "limited"
[3206] "paternal"
[3207] "have"
[3208] "tetrads"
[3209] "dyads"
[3210] "stigma"
[3211] "flower"
[3212] "efficiently"
[3213] "organisms"
[3214] "heterozygous"
[3215] "starting"
[3216] "organism"
[3217] "produced"
[3218] "partial"
[3219] "adult"
[3220] "stage"
[3221] "exposure"
[3222] "disease-causing"
[3223] "structure's"
[3224] "dimensional"
[3225] "acquiring"
[3226] "measurement"
[3227] "apprising"
[3228] "operator"
[3229] "dimension"
[3230] "structure"
[3231] "partially"
[3232] "fully"
[3233] "multiplied"
[3234] "food"
[3235] "herbal"
[3236] "supplement"
[3237] "beverages"
[3238] "adhesive"
[3239] "biodiesel"
[3240] "biofuel"
[3241] "asparagine"
[3242] "meal"
[3243] "feed"
[3244] "brown-midrib-3"
[3245] "floury-2"
[3246] "brown-midrib"
[3247] "floury-endosperm"
[3248] "pathogenic"
[3249] "fungus"
[3250] "lignin"
[3251] "synthesis"
[3252] "inhibiting"
[3253] "involved"
[3254] "biosynthesis"
[3255] "compared"
[3256] "non-altered"
[3257] "collecting"
[3258] "building"
[3259] "matrix"
[3260] "subset"
[3261] "individuals"
[3262] "automated"
[3263] "throughput"
[3264] "presentation"
[3265] "acquisition"
[3266] "staging"
[3267] "coordinates"
[3268] "timing"
[3269] "movement"
[3270] "through"
[3271] "diplodia"
[3272] "carrot"
[3273] "der"
[3274] "cinnamyl"
[3275] "alcohol"
[3276] "dehydrogenase"
[3277] "2"
[3278] "delta314"
[3279] "transposon"
[3280] "insertion"
[3281] "after"
[3282] "740"
[3283] "wild-type"
[3284] "identifying/selecting"
[3285] "sorting"
[3286] "robotic"
[3287] "pick"
[3288] "up"
[3289] "identified"
[3290] "alternate"
[3291] "location"
[3292] "interest"
[3293] "species"
[3294] "suitably"
[3295] "programmed"
[3296] "computer"
[3297] "purity"
[3298] "c-type"
[3299] "fertility-restoration"
[3300] "early"
[3301] "structural"
[3302] "variations"
[3303] "predict"
[3304] "expected"
[3305] "degree"
[3306] "heterosis-related"
[3307] "relating"
[3308] "nitrogen"
[3309] "uptake"
[3310] "efficiency"
[3311] "administering"
[3312] "bacillus"
[3313] "thuringiensis"
[3314] "insect-resistance"
[3315] "improves"
[3316] "insecticidal"
[3317] "portion"
[3318] "protein/amino"
[3319] "multidrug"
[3320] "resistance-associated"
[3321] "phytate"
[3322] "en"
[3323] "contained"
[3324] "intervals"
[3325] "meat"
[3326] "quantity"
[3327] "silage-fed"
[3328] "ruminant"
[3329] "cattle"
[3330] "feeding"
[3331] "silage"
[3332] "variety"
[3333] "container"
[3334] "shipping"
[3335] "improved"
[3336] "consists"
[3337] "cross-breeding"
[3338] "ccr1"
[3339] "delta"
[3340] "3318"
[3341] "lower"
[3342] "lignine"
[3343] "introgressing"
[3344] "zea"
[3345] "mays"
[3346] "lacking"
[3347] "identifiable"
[3348] "amplification"
[3349] "filling"
[3350] "nicotinamide"
[3351] "adenine"
[3352] "dinucleotide-dependent"
[3353] "identity"
[3354] "amino"
[3355] "optimization"
[3356] "members"
[3357] "generation"
[3358] "major"
[3359] "resisting"
[3360] "graminearum"
[3361] "nuclear"
[3362] "corresponding"
[3363] "novel"
[3364] "cytokinin"
[3365] "stability"
[3366] "optical"
[3367] "measuring"
[3368] "device"
[3369] "distance"
[3370] "signal"
[3371] "camera"
[3372] "pixels"
[3373] "three-dimensional"
[3374] "enveloped"
[3375] "surface"
[3376] "object"
[3377] "be"
[3378] "detected"
[3379] "oil-associated"
[3380] "qtls"
[3381] "association"
[3382] "informative"
[3383] "establish"
[3384] "statistical"
[3385] "significance"
[3386] "resistances"
[3387] "yields"
[3388] "readable"
[3389] "recorded"
[3390] "reading"
[3391] "genotypic"
[3392] "data"
[3393] "open"
[3394] "supplying"
[3395] "nutrients"
[3396] "containers"
[3397] "varied"
[3398] "all"
[3399] "delineating"
[3400] "window"
[3401] "each"
[3402] "numerical"
[3403] "decision"
[3404] "assisted"
[3405] "selection"
[3406] "fkr"
[3407] "assessing"
[3408] "existing"
[3409] "lin"
[3410] "backcrossed"
[3411] "query"
[3412] "handling"
[3413] "positioning"
[3414] "orienting"
[3415] "preparation"
[3416] "sampling"
[3417] "purpose"
[3418] "transport"
[3419] "utilizing"
[3420] "handle"
[3421] "orient"
[3422] "cauliflower"
[3423] "artichoke"
[3424] "safflower"
[3425] "run"
[3426] "model"
[3427] "brown"
[3428] "midrib"
[3429] "gt1"
[3430] "regrowth"
[3431] "high-throughput"
[3432] "non-destructive"
[3433] "individual"
[3434] "indicative"
[3435] "chemical"
[3436] "impact"
[3437] "modifications"
[3438] "moving"
[3439] "environmental"
[3440] "transporter"
[3441] "images"
[3442] "resulting"
[3443] "cassettes"
[3444] "express"
[3445] "cry3"
[3446] "delta-endotoxin"
[3447] "toxic"
[3448] "coleopteran"
[3449] "activity"
[3450] "6uq025"
[3451] "livestock"
[3452] "raw"
[3453] "industry"
[3454] "ethanol"
[3455] "paper"
[3456] "textile"
[3457] "industries"
[3458] "display"
[3459] "fijiviruses"
[3460] "integrated"
[3461] "simple"
[3462] "repeat-functional"
[3463] "motif"
[3464] "function"
[3465] "wildlife"
[3466] "biological"
[3467] "integrating"
[3468] "silico-gene"
[3469] "annotation"
[3470] "western"
[3471] "worm"
[3472] "european"
[3473] "borer"
[3474] "adapted"
[3475] "elite"
[3476] "can"
[3477] "components"
[3478] "yielding"
[3479] "library"
[3480] "non-human"
[3481] "division"
[3482] "reconstitution-originating"
[3483] "sdr-o"
[3484] "segregating"
[3485] "higher"
[3486] "than"
[3487] "integration"
[3488] "technology"
[3489] "develop"
[3490] "map"
[3491] "fungal"
[3492] "derived"
[3493] "pathogen-tolerant"
[3494] "storage"
[3495] "quality"
[3496] "excess"
[3497] "about"
[3498] "6"
[3499] "percent"
[3500] "matter"
[3501] "accession"
[3502] "ren"
[3503] "001"
[3504] "itself"
[3505] "saline"
[3506] "sodic"
[3507] "soils"
[3508] "sodium"
[3509] "accumulation"
[3510] "aerial"
[3511] "nax"
[3512] "ensuring"
[3513] "validity"
[3514] "correspondence"
[3515] "recursively-determined"
[3516] "correlation"
[3517] "across"
[3518] "koshihikari"
[3519] "rice"
[3520] "subject"
[3521] "another"
[3522] "back-crossing"
[3523] "genotyped"
[3524] "repeating"
[3525] "fertile"
[3526] "contain"
[3527] "enol:pyruvyl-3-phospho:shikimic"
[3528] "foods"
[3529] "parts"
[3530] "floridanum"
[3531] "extranuclear"
[3532] "complex"
[3533] "aerenchyma"
[3534] "roots"
[3535] "responsible"
[3536] "raised"
[3537] "umc"
[3538] "67"
[3539] "128"
[3540] "1"
[3541] "bnlg"
[3542] "1046"
[3543] "609"
[3544] "5"
[3545] "acid-elevating"
[3546] "amount"
[3547] "expressed"
[3548] "inheritable"
[3549] "dhn"
[3550] "chilling"
[3551] "efficacy"
[3552] "distribution"
[3553] "inherited"
[3554] "makers"
[3555] "predicting"
[3556] "mapping"
[3557] "techniques"
[3558] "original"
[3559] "parents"
[3560] "groups"
[3561] "basis"
[3562] "multiple"
[3563] "quantitatively"
[3564] "soybean"
[3565] "soja"
[3566] "mycorrhizal"
[3567] "responsiveness"
[3568] "ability"
[3569] "extract"
[3570] "phosphorus"
[3571] "4sq601"
[3572] "4sq602"
[3573] "remote"
[3574] "sensing"
[3575] "relative"
[3576] "grey"
[3577] "retains"
[3578] "good"
[3579] "qualities"
[3580] "non-resistant"
[3581] "chlorotic"
[3582] "while"
[3583] "preserving"
[3584] "agronomically"
[3585] "methionine-contg."
[3586] "prodn."
[3587] "in-bred"
[3588] "contg."
[3589] "maternal"
[3590] "etc."
[3591] "give"
[3592] "chicken"
[3593] "nutritional"
[3594] "balance"
[3595] "restriction"
[3596] "fragment"
[3597] "determn."
[3598] "diversity"
[3599] "fragments"
[3600] "numerically"
[3601] "defined"
[3602] "genotypes"
[3603] "defining"
[3604] "variants"
[3605] "calculating"
[3606] "probability"
[3607] "occurrence"
[3608] "simulating"
[3609] "partner"
[3610] "predictor"
[3611] "estimates"
[3612] "correlating"
[3613] "measured"
[3614] "measure"
[3615] "whether"
[3616] "targeting"
[3617] "experiment"
[3618] "updating"
[3619] "experiments"
[3620] "pooling"
[3621] "several"
[3622] "polymorphisms"
[3623] "predicted"
[3624] "effects"
[3625] "reference"
[3626] "summing"
[3627] "gain"
[3628] "genome-wide"
[3629] "ranking/selecting"
[3630] "introduce"
[3631] "carrying"
[3632] "transcriptional"
[3633] "living"
[3634] "being"
[3635] "real-time"
[3636] "filtering"
[3637] "values"
[3638] "predefined"
[3639] "outputting"
[3640] "graphical"
[3641] "screen"
[3642] "relationship"
[3643] "multivariate"
[3644] "mixed"
[3645] "completely"
[3646] "absent"
[3647] "unrelated"
[3648] "combinations"
[3649] "correcting"
[3650] "recombination"
[3651] "probabilities"
[3652] "flanking"
[3653] "segments"
[3654] "optimized"
[3655] "estimation"
[3656] "estimated"
[3657] "operating"
[3658] "metabolite"
[3659] "unpollinated"
[3660] "artificial"
[3661] "commercially-important"
[3662] "animals"
[3663] "current"
[3664] "estimating"
[3665] "inferred"
[3666] "without"
[3667] "known"
[3668] "approximating"
[3669] "stored"
[3670] "decisions"
[3671] "determined"
[3672] "supernatant"
[3673] "pericarp"
[3674] "hydrogen"
[3675] "peroxide"
[3676] "enzyme"
[3677] "amylases"
[3678] "separating"
[3679] "other"
[3680] "materials"
[3681] "coat"
[3682] "chip"
[3683] "coat-free"
[3684] "preparing"
[3685] "monocot"
[3686] "culture"
[3687] "force"
[3688] "so"
[3689] "extracted"
[3690] "include"
[3691] "grain`s"
[3692] "hue"
[3693] "brewing"
[3694] "subsets"
[3695] "seed/grain"
[3696] "areas"
[3697] "hard"
[3698] "portions"
[3699] "assert"
[3700] "seed's"
[3701] "collected"
[3702] "exhibits"
[3703] "rapidly"
[3704] "effect"
[3705] "parameter"
[3706] "difference"
[3707] "mean"
[3708] "median"
[3709] "variance"
[3710] "properties"
[3711] "lettuce"
[3712] "lasting"
[3713] "pathogen"
[3714] "bremia"
[3715] "lactucae"
[3716] "oligonucleotides"
[3717] "g"
[3718] "clinical"
[3719] "t"
[3720] "exhibited"
[3721] "plant`s"
[3722] "conveyer"
[3723] "connected"
[3724] "motor"
[3725] "circulatorily"
[3726] "driving"
[3727] "around"
[3728] "guide"
[3729] "pulling"
[3730] "finger"
[3731] "coupled"
[3732] "wind"
[3733] "agricultural"
[3734] "irrigated"
[3735] "land"
[3736] "controller"
[3737] "adjusting"
[3738] "fluid"
[3739] "stream"
[3740] "directing"
[3741] "shutter"
[3742] "vane"
[3743] "storing"
[3744] "aqueous"
[3745] "solution"
[3746] "surrounded"
[3747] "oils"
[3748] "dislodge"
[3749] "removal"
[3750] "extraction"
[3751] "sonicating"
[3752] "anon-destructive"
[3753] "manner"
[3754] "border"
[3755] "extracting"
[3756] "diverse"
[3757] "training"
[3758] "retaining"
[3759] "oryza"
[3760] "releasing"
[3761] "contents"
[3762] "scutellum"
[3763] "embryonic"
[3764] "axis"
[3765] "printing"
[3766] "inkjet"
[3767] "printer"
[3768] "replaces"
[3769] "print"
[3770] "mask"
[3771] "currently"
[3772] "compensating"
[3773] "errors"
[3774] "dot"
[3775] "forming"
[3776] "element"
[3777] "change"
[3778] "relation"
[3779] "lateral"
[3780] "station"
In [99]:
length(dic_CO_key_title) ## total number of terms
In [100]:
abst_dwpi<- as.character(patList$Abstract...DWPI)
In [101]:
abst_dwpi <- phrasetotoken(abst_dwpi, dfd)
mydfm <- dfm(abst_dwpi)
In [102]:
In [103]:
In [37]:
rownames(dtm_tib)<- as.character(patList$Publication.Number)
Warning message:
“Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated.”
In [104]:
In [105]:
In [89]:
dtm<-removeSparseTerms(dtm, 0.99) # this is tunable
In [26]:
write.csv(as.matrix(dtm),file ="dtm_Abstracts_dwpi_CO_Key_Title.csv")
In [111]:
In [112]:
'Isolating pericarp tissue from a seed sample, comprises (a) contacting the seed sample with hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), (b) treating the seed sample with at least one enzyme consisting of proteinases, amylases, amyloglucosidases and cellulases, and (c) separating pericarp tissue from other materials in the H 2 O 2 -soaked and enzyme-treated seed sample. INDEPENDENT CLAIMS are included for:isolating pericarp nucleic acid molecules from a seed sample, comprising the steps (a)-(c) as above per se and (d) extracting nucleic acid molecules from the pericarp tissue; anddetermining the matrilineage of a plant of interest having a paternal parent and a maternal parent, comprising the steps (a)-(d) as above per se and (e) genotyping the nucleic acid molecules, where the genotype corresponds to the genotype of the maternal parent of the plant of interest. The method is useful for isolating pericarp tissue from a seed sample and isolating pericarp nucleic acid molecules for the determination of the matrilineage of a plant of interest having a paternal parent and a maternal parent (all claimed), characterization of heterotic_groups and development of phylogenetic trees and marker assisted breeding practices. The nucleic acid molecules are isolated from the pericarp tissue sample with high purity and quality in a fully-automated manner thus significantly reducing the time and expense of the isolation procedure. Preferred Method: The step (a) comprises soaking the seed sample in an aqueous solution comprising less than 10% (preferably 5%) H 2 O 2 . The step (b) comprises soaking the seed sample in a reaction mixture comprising 1 mg/ml of Pronase (RTM: Protease isolated from Streptomyces griseus). The method further comprises washing the seed sample to remove associated chemicals and/or materials, manual dissection of the seed sample, sonication of the seed sample of interest, rinsing the seed sample to remove solvent and/or enzymes, separating released pericarp from the seed sample and/or soaking the seed sample in a solvent. The step (d) is performed utilizing a bead-based DNA_extraction platform. The parental nucleotide sequences are not amplified from the nucleic acid molecules by PCR. The step (e) comprises amplifying nucleotide sequences from the nucleic acid molecules utilizing the PCR, and determining allelic information at a locus that is linked to a trait of interest and then comparing the allelic information with the genotype of a known second plant of interest. The step (e) is performed using a Kaspar (RTM: Competitive allele specific PCR) genetic analysis platform. Preferred Components: The enzyme is a non-specific protease and is Pronase (RTM: Protease isolated form Streptomyces griseus). The pericarp tissue comprises essentially no non-pericarp tissue. The seed sample is a single seed. The seed sample is obtained from Zea_mays. The bead-based DNA_extraction platform is Magattract (RTM: DNA_extraction robotic platform). The nucleic acid molecules consist of pericarp nucleic acid molecules. The genotype or haplotype of the maternal parent is deduced.'
In [113]:
'Isolating pericarp tissue from a seed sample, comprises (a) contacting the seed sample with hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), (b) treating the seed sample with at least one enzyme consisting of proteinases, amylases, amyloglucosidases and cellulases, and (c) separating pericarp tissue from other materials in the H 2 O 2 -soaked and enzyme-treated seed sample. INDEPENDENT CLAIMS are included for:isolating pericarp nucleic acid molecules from a seed sample, comprising the steps (a)-(c) as above per se and (d) extracting nucleic acid molecules from the pericarp tissue; anddetermining the matrilineage of a plant of interest having a paternal parent and a maternal parent, comprising the steps (a)-(d) as above per se and (e) genotyping the nucleic acid molecules, where the genotype corresponds to the genotype of the maternal parent of the plant of interest. The method is useful for isolating pericarp tissue from a seed sample and isolating pericarp nucleic acid molecules for the determination of the matrilineage of a plant of interest having a paternal parent and a maternal parent (all claimed), characterization of heterotic_groups and development of phylogenetic trees and marker assisted breeding practices. The nucleic acid molecules are isolated from the pericarp tissue sample with high purity and quality in a fully-automated manner thus significantly reducing the time and expense of the isolation procedure. Preferred Method: The step (a) comprises soaking the seed sample in an aqueous solution comprising less than 10% (preferably 5%) H 2 O 2 . The step (b) comprises soaking the seed sample in a reaction mixture comprising 1 mg/ml of Pronase (RTM: Protease isolated from Streptomyces griseus). The method further comprises washing the seed sample to remove associated chemicals and/or materials, manual dissection of the seed sample, sonication of the seed sample of interest, rinsing the seed sample to remove solvent and/or enzymes, separating released pericarp from the seed sample and/or soaking the seed sample in a solvent. The step (d) is performed utilizing a bead-based DNA_extraction platform. The parental nucleotide sequences are not amplified from the nucleic acid molecules by PCR. The step (e) comprises amplifying nucleotide sequences from the nucleic acid molecules utilizing the PCR, and determining allelic information at a locus that is linked to a trait of interest and then comparing the allelic information with the genotype of a known second plant of interest. The step (e) is performed using a Kaspar (RTM: Competitive allele specific PCR) genetic analysis platform. Preferred Components: The enzyme is a non-specific protease and is Pronase (RTM: Protease isolated form Streptomyces griseus). The pericarp tissue comprises essentially no non-pericarp tissue. The seed sample is a single seed. The seed sample is obtained from Zea_mays. The bead-based DNA_extraction platform is Magattract (RTM: DNA_extraction robotic platform). The nucleic acid molecules consist of pericarp nucleic acid molecules. The genotype or haplotype of the maternal parent is deduced.'
In [114]:
'Nondestructive, viability retaining method of sampling a plant embryo, involves removing a tissue sample or releasing and collecting cellular contents comprising at least a portion of the scutellum and/or embryonic axis region of the embryo. INDEPENDENT CLAIMS are included for the following:plant embryo;method for growing a plant;maize plant;method for data driven plant advancement; andmethod for haploid embryo discrimination. The method is useful for retaining viability of sampling a plant embryo, preferably Zea_mays embryo, Triticum embryo or Oryza embryo (all claimed). The method targets immature plant tissues, exhibits early acquisition of genetic and biochemical data from which to make data driven breeding decisions, minimizes requisite DNA purification steps, reduces cost per DNA_extraction, and allows direct use of the resulting DNA for PCR analysis. Preferred Components: The sample removed comprises tissue from the coleoptilar end of the embryo, non-coleoptilar end of the embryo, or equator or middle region of the embryo. The sample is removed using a penetrant, preferably a toothpick, a pipette tip, or similar device. The cells and/or cellular content are removed using sandpaper, or similar material to abrade and retain tissue or cellular contents. The sample is removed by cell disruption digestion or by using a liquid, preferably sodium hydroxide solution to bathe the embryo for a sustained period of time. The sample is removed by slicing with a knife or a laser. Preferred Method: The method further involves performing analysis on the tissue sample or cellular contents from the embryo, and selecting an embryo based on the result of the analysis. The method is automated or semi-automated. The embryo is at the non-mature stage of development. The method further involves collecting cells or cellular contents from the liquid. The removed sample is subjected to genetic, chemical or biochemical analysis.'
In [115]:
termFreq <- colSums(as.matrix(dtm))
In [117]:
tf <- data.frame(term = names(termFreq), freq = termFreq)
tf <- tf[order(-tf[,2]),]
- identifying
- 497
- maize
- 1889
- plant
- 6474
- displays
- 90
- increased
- 555
- culturability
- 8
term freq
plant plant 6474
least least 2823
one one 2583
corn corn 1979
acid acid 1938
maize maize 1889
In [119]:
suppressWarnings(wordcloud(words = tf$term, freq = tf$freq, min.freq = 100,
max.words=8000, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.35,
colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2")))
In [120]:
findFreqTerms(dtm, lowfreq = 500)
- 'maize'
- 'plant'
- 'increased'
- 'one'
- 'allele'
- 'associated'
- 'marker'
- 'locus'
- 'within'
- 'method'
- 'selecting'
- 'first'
- 'second'
- 'progeny'
- 'plants'
- 'comprises'
- 'seed'
- 'gene'
- 'least'
- 'sequence'
- 'comprising'
- 'nucleotide'
- 'selected'
- 'amino'
- 'acid'
- 'dna'
- 'nucleic'
- 'corn'
- 'breeding'
- 'genetic'
- 'population'
- 'trait'
- 'resistance'
- 'qtl'
- 'oleic'
- 'position'
In [123]:
findAssocs(dtm, terms = "dna_extraction", corlimit = 0.3)
$dna_extraction =
- hydrogen
- 0.97
- peroxide
- 0.97
- amylases
- 0.97
- robotic
- 0.79
- sample
- 0.78
- materials
- 0.71
- pericarp
- 0.7
- utilizing
- 0.68
- enzyme
- 0.48
- heterotic_groups
- 0.43
- separating
- 0.35
In [124]:
d<-barplot(tf[1:10,]$freq, las = 2, names.arg = tf[1:10,]$term,
col ="lightblue", main ="Most frequent words",
ylab = "Word frequencies")
In [ ]:
Content source: DTL-FAIRData/ODEX4all-UseCases
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