WDigest Downgrade


id WIN-190510202010
author Roberto Rodriguez @Cyb3rWard0g
creation date 2019/05/10
platform Windows
playbook link

Technical Description

Windows 8.1 introduced a registry setting that allows for disabling the storage of the user’s logon credential in clear text for the WDigest provider. This setting can be modified in the property UseLogonCredential for the registry key HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest. If this key does not exists, you can create it and set it to 1 to enable clear text passwords.


Adversaries might have updated the property value UseLogonCredential of HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest to 1 in order to be able to extract clear text passwords from memory contents of lsass.


Initialize Analytics Engine

In [ ]:
from openhunt.mordorutils import *
spark = get_spark()

Download & Process Mordor File

In [ ]:
mordor_file = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hunters-forge/mordor/master/small_datasets/windows/defense_evasion/modify_registry_T1112/empire_wdigest_downgrade.tar.gz"
registerMordorSQLTable(spark, mordor_file, "mordorTable")

Analytic I

FP Rate Log Channel Description
Low ['Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational'] Look for any process updating UseLogonCredential registry key value

In [ ]:
df = spark.sql(
SELECT `@timestamp`, computer_name, Image, TargetObject
FROM mordorTable
WHERE channel = "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational"
    AND event_id = 13
    AND TargetObject LIKE "%UseLogonCredential"
    AND Details = 1

Detection Blindspots

Hunter Notes

Hunt Output

Category Type Name
signature SIGMA sysmon_wdigest_registry_modification