When a file is opened, the default program used to open the file (also called the file association or handler) is checked. File association selections are stored in the Windows Registry and can be edited by users, administrators, or programs that have Registry access or by administrators using the built-in assoc utility. Applications can modify the file association for a given file extension to call an arbitrary program when a file with the given extension is opened.
- title: Change Default File Association
id: 3d3aa6cd-6272-44d6-8afc-7e88dfef7061
status: experimental
description: When a file is opened, the default program used to open the file (also
called the file association or handler) is checked. File association selections
are stored in the Windows Registry and can be edited by users, administrators,
or programs that have Registry access or by administrators using the built-in
assoc utility. Applications can modify the file association for a given file extension
to call an arbitrary program when a file with the given extension is opened.
author: Timur Zinniatullin, oscd.community
date: 2019/10/21
modified: 2019/11/04
- https://github.com/redcanaryco/atomic-red-team/blob/master/atomics/T1042/T1042.yaml
category: process_creation
product: windows
service: null
- cmd
- /c
- assoc
condition: selection
- Admin activity
- Image
- CommandLine
- User
- LogonGuid
- Hashes
- ParentProcessGuid
- ParentCommandLine
level: low
- attack.persistence
- attack.t1042
In [ ]:
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search
import pandas as pd
In [ ]:
es = Elasticsearch(['http://helk-elasticsearch:9200'])
searchContext = Search(using=es, index='logs-*', doc_type='doc')
In [ ]:
s = searchContext.query('query_string', query='(process_command_line.keyword:*cmd* AND process_command_line.keyword:*\/c* AND process_command_line.keyword:*assoc*)')
response = s.execute()
if response.success():
df = pd.DataFrame((d.to_dict() for d in s.scan()))
In [ ]: