Download from Suspicious Dyndns Hosts

Detects download of certain file types from hosts with dynamic DNS names (selected list)

Rule Content

- title: Download from Suspicious Dyndns Hosts
  id: 195c1119-ef07-4909-bb12-e66f5e07bf3c
  status: experimental
  description: Detects download of certain file types from hosts with dynamic DNS
    names (selected list)
  author: Florian Roth
  date: 2017/11/08
    category: proxy
    product: null
    service: null
      - exe
      - vbs
      - bat
      - rar
      - ps1
      - doc
      - docm
      - xls
      - xlsm
      - pptm
      - rtf
      - hta
      - dll
      - ws
      - wsf
      - sct
      - zip
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
      - '*'
    condition: selection
  - cs-ip
  - c-uri
  - Software downloads
  level: medium

Querying Elasticsearch

Import Libraries

In [ ]:
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search
import pandas as pd

Initialize Elasticsearch client

In [ ]:
es = Elasticsearch(['http://helk-elasticsearch:9200'])
searchContext = Search(using=es, index='logs-*', doc_type='doc')

Run Elasticsearch Query

In [ ]:
s = searchContext.query('query_string', query='(c-uri-extension:("exe" OR "vbs" OR "bat" OR "rar" OR "ps1" OR "doc" OR "docm" OR "xls" OR "xlsm" OR "pptm" OR "rtf" OR "hta" OR "dll" OR "ws" OR "wsf" OR "sct" OR "zip") AND r-dns.keyword:(* OR *.no\ OR *.no\ OR *.no\ OR *.no\ OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR *.dns\ OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR * OR *.dyndns\-at\ OR * OR * OR * OR * OR *')
response = s.execute()
if response.success():
    df = pd.DataFrame((d.to_dict() for d in s.scan()))

Show Results

In [ ]: