In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn import ensemble
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier as KNN
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis as LDA
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis as QDA
from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier as AdaBoost
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier as Bagging
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier as GBoost
from sklearn.ensemble import VotingClassifier as Voting
from sklearn import preprocessing

import xgboost as xgb

Do training data

Load amd check training dataset

In [2]:
# load data
train = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
print train.shape

(118529, 17)

In [3]:

voted gender cd hd age dbdistance vccdistance party racename hsonly mrrg chldprsnt cath evang nonchrst otherchrst days.since.reg
0 Y M 7.0 31.0 36 NaN NaN U Hispanic 25.4 63.4 54.0 16.7 16.5 39.6 27.3 420
1 Y F 6.0 38.0 55 NaN NaN U Uncoded 7.9 97.8 59.8 16.7 15.5 30.9 36.9 307
2 Y F 2.0 53.0 24 NaN NaN U Caucasian 50.2 7.6 49.5 14.6 24.0 29.6 31.7 292
3 Y F 7.0 30.0 25 NaN NaN D Caucasian 38.0 8.5 47.4 13.1 22.3 33.3 31.4 316
4 Y M 5.0 19.0 22 NaN NaN R Caucasian 30.5 19.1 23.1 16.0 10.5 39.1 34.5 392

Check and fill missing data

In [4]:
# check NaN column by column
print 'gender any null? ' + str(train['gender'].isnull().values.any())
print 'cd any null? ' + str(train['cd'].isnull().values.any())
print 'hd any null? ' + str(train['hd'].isnull().values.any())
print 'age any null? ' + str(train['age'].isnull().values.any())
print 'dbdistance any null? ' + str(train['dbdistance'].isnull().values.any())
print 'vccdistance any null? ' + str(train['vccdistance'].isnull().values.any())
print 'party any null? ' + str(train['party'].isnull().values.any())
print 'racename any null? ' + str(train['racename'].isnull().values.any())
print 'hsonly any null? ' + str(train['hsonly'].isnull().values.any())
print 'mrrg any null? ' + str(train['mrrg'].isnull().values.any())
print 'chldprsnt any null? ' + str(train['chldprsnt'].isnull().values.any())
print 'cath any null? ' + str(train['cath'].isnull().values.any())
print 'evang any null? ' + str(train['evang'].isnull().values.any())
print 'nonchrst any null? ' + str(train['nonchrst'].isnull().values.any())
print 'otherchrst any null? ' + str(train['otherchrst'].isnull().values.any())
print 'days.since.reg any null? ' + str(train['days.since.reg'].isnull().values.any())
#print 'Id any null? ' + str(train['Id'].isnull().values.any())

gender any null? False
cd any null? True
hd any null? True
age any null? False
dbdistance any null? True
vccdistance any null? True
party any null? False
racename any null? False
hsonly any null? False
mrrg any null? False
chldprsnt any null? False
cath any null? False
evang any null? False
nonchrst any null? False
otherchrst any null? False
days.since.reg any null? False

In [5]:
# fill missing data
predictors_na = ['cd', 'hd', 'dbdistance', 'vccdistance']
train_filled = pd.DataFrame(train)
train_filled[predictors_na] = train_filled[predictors_na].apply(lambda x:x.fillna(x.mean()))

In [6]:
print 'cd any null? ' + str(train_filled['cd'].isnull().values.any())
print 'hd any null? ' + str(train_filled['hd'].isnull().values.any())
print 'dbdistance any null? ' + str(train_filled['dbdistance'].isnull().values.any())
print 'vccdistance any null? ' + str(train_filled['vccdistance'].isnull().values.any())

cd any null? False
hd any null? False
dbdistance any null? False
vccdistance any null? False

Do one-hot encoding and split my_train and my_test

In [7]:
# one-hot encoding categorical predictors
predictors = ['gender', 'cd', 'hd', 'age', 'dbdistance', 'vccdistance',
       'party', 'racename', 'hsonly', 'mrrg', 'chldprsnt', 'cath', 'evang',
       'nonchrst', 'otherchrst', 'days.since.reg']
cate = ['gender', 'cd', 'hd', 'party', 'racename', ]


gender cd hd age dbdistance vccdistance party racename hsonly mrrg chldprsnt cath evang nonchrst otherchrst days.since.reg
0 M 7.0 31.0 36 2.910943 3.242254 U Hispanic 25.4 63.4 54.0 16.7 16.5 39.6 27.3 420
1 F 6.0 38.0 55 2.910943 3.242254 U Uncoded 7.9 97.8 59.8 16.7 15.5 30.9 36.9 307
2 F 2.0 53.0 24 2.910943 3.242254 U Caucasian 50.2 7.6 49.5 14.6 24.0 29.6 31.7 292
3 F 7.0 30.0 25 2.910943 3.242254 D Caucasian 38.0 8.5 47.4 13.1 22.3 33.3 31.4 316
4 M 5.0 19.0 22 2.910943 3.242254 R Caucasian 30.5 19.1 23.1 16.0 10.5 39.1 34.5 392

In [8]:
# one hot encoding 'gender'
onehot = pd.get_dummies(df_x['gender'],prefix='gen')
df_x = df_x.drop('gender', axis=1)
df_x = df_x.join(onehot)

# one hot encoding 'cd'
onehot = pd.get_dummies(df_x['cd'],prefix='cd')
df_x = df_x.drop('cd', axis=1)
df_x = df_x.join(onehot)

# one hot encoding 'hd'
onehot = pd.get_dummies(df_x['hd'],prefix='hd')
df_x = df_x.drop('hd', axis=1)
df_x = df_x.join(onehot)

# one hot encoding 'party'
onehot = pd.get_dummies(df_x['party'],prefix='pty')
df_x = df_x.drop('party', axis=1)
df_x = df_x.join(onehot)

# one hot encoding 'racename'
onehot = pd.get_dummies(df_x['racename'])
df_x = df_x.drop('racename', axis=1)
df_x = df_x.join(onehot)

print df_x.shape

(118529, 105)

In [9]:
# separate x, y
print x[0:3,:]
print y[0:3]

[[  36.            2.91094259    3.24225376   25.4          63.4          54.
    16.7          16.5          39.6          27.3         420.            0.
     1.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            1.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            1.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            1.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            1.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.        ]
 [  55.            2.91094259    3.24225376    7.9          97.8          59.8
    16.7          15.5          30.9          36.9         307.            1.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            1.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     1.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            1.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            1.        ]
 [  24.            2.91094259    3.24225376   50.2           7.6          49.5
    14.6          24.           29.6          31.7         292.            1.
     0.            0.            0.            1.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            1.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            1.            0.            1.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.        ]]
['Y' 'Y' 'Y']

In [10]:
# Randomly split into train and test sets
my_x_train, my_x_test, my_y_train, my_y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.25, random_state=42)

In [11]:
print my_x_train.shape
print my_x_test.shape

(88896, 105)
(29633, 105)

Do testing data

Load testing data

In [12]:
# load data
test = pd.read_csv("test.csv")
print test.shape

(39510, 17)
gender cd hd age dbdistance vccdistance party racename hsonly mrrg chldprsnt cath evang nonchrst otherchrst days.since.reg Id
0 M 2.0 52.0 30 NaN NaN L Caucasian 19.5 21.2 25.3 9.8 16.6 45.2 28.4 393 1
1 F 5.0 19.0 20 NaN NaN U Caucasian 39.7 20.2 29.1 12.0 14.4 41.4 32.2 668 2
2 M 4.0 44.0 56 NaN NaN R Caucasian 11.3 62.7 41.3 14.8 14.7 36.0 34.6 606 3
3 F 7.0 34.0 20 NaN NaN R Caucasian 32.8 11.6 33.1 14.5 10.3 44.6 30.6 565 4
4 F 6.0 41.0 26 NaN NaN D Uncoded 10.2 14.7 22.4 8.2 18.4 43.5 29.9 336 5

Check and fill missing data

In [13]:
# check NaN column by column
print 'gender any null? ' + str(test['gender'].isnull().values.any())
print 'cd any null? ' + str(test['cd'].isnull().values.any())
print 'hd any null? ' + str(test['hd'].isnull().values.any())
print 'age any null? ' + str(test['age'].isnull().values.any())
print 'dbdistance any null? ' + str(test['dbdistance'].isnull().values.any())
print 'vccdistance any null? ' + str(test['vccdistance'].isnull().values.any())
print 'party any null? ' + str(test['party'].isnull().values.any())
print 'racename any null? ' + str(test['racename'].isnull().values.any())
print 'hsonly any null? ' + str(test['hsonly'].isnull().values.any())
print 'mrrg any null? ' + str(test['mrrg'].isnull().values.any())
print 'chldprsnt any null? ' + str(test['chldprsnt'].isnull().values.any())
print 'cath any null? ' + str(test['cath'].isnull().values.any())
print 'evang any null? ' + str(test['evang'].isnull().values.any())
print 'nonchrst any null? ' + str(test['nonchrst'].isnull().values.any())
print 'otherchrst any null? ' + str(test['otherchrst'].isnull().values.any())
print 'days.since.reg any null? ' + str(test['days.since.reg'].isnull().values.any())
print 'Id any null? ' + str(test['Id'].isnull().values.any())

gender any null? False
cd any null? True
hd any null? True
age any null? False
dbdistance any null? True
vccdistance any null? True
party any null? False
racename any null? False
hsonly any null? False
mrrg any null? False
chldprsnt any null? False
cath any null? False
evang any null? False
nonchrst any null? False
otherchrst any null? False
days.since.reg any null? False
Id any null? False

In [14]:
# fill missing data
predictors_na = ['cd', 'hd', 'dbdistance', 'vccdistance']
test_filled = pd.DataFrame(test)
test_filled[predictors_na] = test_filled[predictors_na].apply(lambda x:x.fillna(x.mean()))

Do one-hot encoding and split train and test

In [15]:
# one-hot encoding categorical predictors
predictors = ['gender', 'cd', 'hd', 'age', 'dbdistance', 'vccdistance',
       'party', 'racename', 'hsonly', 'mrrg', 'chldprsnt', 'cath', 'evang',
       'nonchrst', 'otherchrst', 'days.since.reg']
cate = ['gender', 'cd', 'hd', 'party', 'racename', ]


gender cd hd age dbdistance vccdistance party racename hsonly mrrg chldprsnt cath evang nonchrst otherchrst days.since.reg
0 M 2.0 52.0 30 2.988858 3.42336 L Caucasian 19.5 21.2 25.3 9.8 16.6 45.2 28.4 393
1 F 5.0 19.0 20 2.988858 3.42336 U Caucasian 39.7 20.2 29.1 12.0 14.4 41.4 32.2 668
2 M 4.0 44.0 56 2.988858 3.42336 R Caucasian 11.3 62.7 41.3 14.8 14.7 36.0 34.6 606
3 F 7.0 34.0 20 2.988858 3.42336 R Caucasian 32.8 11.6 33.1 14.5 10.3 44.6 30.6 565
4 F 6.0 41.0 26 2.988858 3.42336 D Uncoded 10.2 14.7 22.4 8.2 18.4 43.5 29.9 336

In [16]:
# one hot encoding 'gender'
onehot = pd.get_dummies(df_test_x['gender'],prefix='gen')
df_test_x = df_test_x.drop('gender', axis=1)
df_test_x = df_test_x.join(onehot)

# one hot encoding 'cd'
onehot = pd.get_dummies(df_test_x['cd'],prefix='cd')
df_test_x = df_test_x.drop('cd', axis=1)
df_test_x = df_test_x.join(onehot)

# one hot encoding 'hd'
onehot = pd.get_dummies(df_test_x['hd'],prefix='hd')
df_test_x = df_test_x.drop('hd', axis=1)
df_test_x = df_test_x.join(onehot)

# one hot encoding 'party'
onehot = pd.get_dummies(df_test_x['party'],prefix='pty')
df_test_x = df_test_x.drop('party', axis=1)
df_test_x = df_test_x.join(onehot)

# one hot encoding 'racename'
onehot = pd.get_dummies(df_test_x['racename'])
df_test_x = df_test_x.drop('racename', axis=1)
df_test_x = df_test_x.join(onehot)

print df_test_x.shape

(39510, 105)

In [17]:
# separate x
print test_x[0:3,:]

[[  30.            2.98885831    3.42336005   19.5          21.2          25.3
     9.8          16.6          45.2          28.4         393.            0.
     1.            0.            0.            1.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            1.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     1.            0.            0.            0.            0.            1.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.        ]
 [  20.            2.98885831    3.42336005   39.7          20.2          29.1
    12.           14.4          41.4          32.2         668.            1.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            1.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            1.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            1.            0.            1.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.        ]
 [  56.            2.98885831    3.42336005   11.3          62.7          41.3
    14.8          14.7          36.           34.6         606.            0.
     1.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     1.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     1.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            1.            0.            0.            1.
     0.            0.            0.            0.            0.            0.
     0.            0.            0.        ]]



Test for CS205 project

Set testing parameters

In [25]:
# Testing parameters
num_sample = 50000
# Parameters used for both GBoost and XGBoost
GBoost_stages = 100
GBoost_depth = 5

# Randomly split into train and test sets
my_x_train, my_x_test, my_y_train, my_y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.05, random_state=42)

# Slice the first num_sample
my_x_train = my_x_train[0:num_sample,]
my_y_train = my_y_train[0:num_sample,]

# Print data size
print my_x_train.shape
print my_y_train.shape

(50000, 105)

Modeling and optimization


In [26]:
start_time = time.time()
mGBoost = GBoost(n_estimators=GBoost_stages, max_depth=GBoost_depth), my_y_train)
Gcompute_time = time.time() - start_time

print "GradBoosting score: " + str(mGBoost.score(my_x_test, my_y_test))
print "Training Time: " + str(Gcompute_time) + "sec"

GradBoosting score: 0.707777965244
Training Time: 46.0314760208sec

In [27]:
mGBoost.score(my_x_train, my_y_train)


In [28]:

array(['N', 'Y'], dtype=object)

In [29]:
# Check parameters
print mGBoost

GradientBoostingClassifier(init=None, learning_rate=0.1, loss='deviance',
              max_depth=5, max_features=None, max_leaf_nodes=None,
              min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
              min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, n_estimators=100,
              presort='auto', random_state=None, subsample=1.0, verbose=0,


In [30]:
start_time = time.time()
mXGBoost = xgb.XGBClassifier(n_estimators=GBoost_stages, max_depth=GBoost_depth), my_y_train)
XGcompute_time = time.time() - start_time

print "XGBoost score: " + str(mXGBoost.score(my_x_test, my_y_test))
print "Compute Time: " + str(XGcompute_time) + "sec"

XGBoost score: 0.708790281761
Compute Time: 23.1332030296sec

In [31]:
mXGBoost.score(my_x_train, my_y_train)


In [32]:

array(['N', 'Y'], dtype=object)

In [117]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from xgboost import plot_tree 
plot_tree(mXGBoost, num_trees=2)

In [64]:
# Check parameters
print mXGBoost

XGBClassifier(base_score=0.5, colsample_bylevel=1, colsample_bytree=1,
       gamma=0, learning_rate=0.1, max_delta_step=0, max_depth=5,
       min_child_weight=1, missing=None, n_estimators=100, nthread=-1,
       objective='binary:logistic', reg_alpha=0, reg_lambda=1,
       scale_pos_weight=1, seed=0, silent=True, subsample=1)

Plot accuracy

In [169]:
# compute training set deviance
GBoost_train_acc = np.zeros((GBoost_stages,), dtype=np.float64)

for idx, pred_y_now in enumerate(mGBoost.staged_predict(my_x_train)):
    GBoost_train_acc[idx] = float(sum(pred_y_now == my_y_train))/len(my_y_train)

print GBoost_train_acc

[ 0.6772  0.6772  0.6853  0.6878  0.6881  0.6885  0.6885  0.6886  0.6897
  0.6919  0.6953  0.6978  0.7057  0.7061  0.7106  0.7131  0.7144  0.7158
  0.7175  0.7197  0.7233  0.7239  0.725   0.7265  0.7287  0.73    0.7315
  0.733   0.7339  0.7351  0.7355  0.7367  0.737   0.7393  0.7402  0.7399
  0.7414  0.7419  0.7429  0.7444  0.7441  0.7467  0.7472  0.7484  0.7498
  0.7504  0.7518  0.7523  0.7536  0.7548]

In [182]:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})
# plot the data in feature space
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7, 4))

ax.set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
ax.set_title('Accuracy vs Time')
#ax.set_xticks(range(0, GBoost_stages+5, 5))
#ax.set_ylim([0.65, 0.75])

Gtick = np.array(range(GBoost_stages))*(Gcompute_time/GBoost_stages*1000)
#XGtick = np.array(range(GBoost_stages))*(Gcompute_time/GBoost_stages*1000)

ax.plot(Gtick, GBoost_train_acc, 'b-*', label='GBoost')
#ax.plot(XGtick,mXGBoost.train_score_, 'g-', label='XGBoost')
#ax.plot(range(len(loss_K20_R3)), loss_K20_R3/6000, 'r-', label='K=20,Run3')
#ax.plot(range(len(loss_K20_R3)), loss_K20_R3/6000, 'k-', label='K=20,Run3')




GridSearch by cross validation

In [21]:
# --------------
# A generic function to do CV
# --------------
def cv_optimize(clf, parameters, X, y, n_jobs=1, n_folds=5, score_func=None):
    if score_func:
        gs = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid=parameters, cv=n_folds, n_jobs=n_jobs, scoring=score_func)
        gs = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid=parameters, n_jobs=n_jobs, cv=n_folds), y)

    best = gs.best_estimator_
    return best

Random forest

In [14]:
# --------------
# Optimize n_estimators, max_depth in random forest
# --------------
dt_rforest = ensemble.RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=3)
rforest =, my_y_train)

parameters = {'max_depth': [12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24], 'n_estimators': [20, 25, 30, 35, 40]}
rforest = cv_optimize(rforest, parameters, my_x_train, my_y_train, n_jobs=10, n_folds=5, score_func=None)
print 'Optimal n_estimators: ' + str(rforest.n_estimators)
print 'Optimal max_depth: ' + str(rforest.max_depth)

Optimal n_estimators: 40
Optimal max_depth: 18

In [15]:
# --------------
# Random Forest
# --------------
start_time = time.time()
dt_rforest = ensemble.RandomForestClassifier(max_depth = 18, n_estimators = 40), my_y_train)
compute_time = time.time() - start_time

print "Random forest score: " + str(dt_rforest.score(my_x_test, my_y_test))
print "Compute Time", compute_time

Random forest score: 0.711976512672
Compute Time 6.15420794487

In [16]:
dt_rforest.score(my_x_train, my_y_train)


In [68]:

array(['N', 'Y'], dtype=object)

Do prediction

Random Forest

In [82]:
pred_y = dt_rforest.predict_proba(test_x)
print pred_y[0:5,:]

[[ 0.37287798  0.62712202]
 [ 0.51054856  0.48945144]
 [ 0.25507251  0.74492749]
 [ 0.29004631  0.70995369]
 [ 0.21602965  0.78397035]]


In [89]:
pred_y = dt_KNN.predict_proba(test_x)
print pred_y[0:5,:]

[[ 0.43069753  0.56930247]
 [ 0.4121044   0.5878956 ]
 [ 0.33823453  0.66176547]
 [ 0.43047334  0.56952666]
 [ 0.06307356  0.93692644]]


In [94]:
pred_y = mGBoost.predict_proba(test_x)
print pred_y[0:5,:]

[[ 0.33929182  0.66070818]
 [ 0.55804637  0.44195363]
 [ 0.27185358  0.72814642]
 [ 0.32067297  0.67932703]
 [ 0.20513272  0.79486728]]


In [100]:
pred_y = mBag.predict_proba(test_x)
print pred_y[0:5,:]

/Applications/anaconda/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/ DeprecationWarning: Changing the shape of non-C contiguous array by
descriptor assignment is deprecated. To maintain
the Fortran contiguity of a multidimensional Fortran
array, use 'a.T.view(...).T' instead
  obj_bytes_view = obj.view(
/Applications/anaconda/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/ DeprecationWarning: Changing the shape of non-C contiguous array by
descriptor assignment is deprecated. To maintain
the Fortran contiguity of a multidimensional Fortran
array, use 'a.T.view(...).T' instead
  obj_bytes_view = obj.view(
/Applications/anaconda/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/ DeprecationWarning: Changing the shape of non-C contiguous array by
descriptor assignment is deprecated. To maintain
the Fortran contiguity of a multidimensional Fortran
array, use 'a.T.view(...).T' instead
  obj_bytes_view = obj.view(
/Applications/anaconda/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/ DeprecationWarning: Changing the shape of non-C contiguous array by
descriptor assignment is deprecated. To maintain
the Fortran contiguity of a multidimensional Fortran
array, use 'a.T.view(...).T' instead
  obj_bytes_view = obj.view(
/Applications/anaconda/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/ DeprecationWarning: Changing the shape of non-C contiguous array by
descriptor assignment is deprecated. To maintain
the Fortran contiguity of a multidimensional Fortran
array, use 'a.T.view(...).T' instead
  obj_bytes_view = obj.view(
/Applications/anaconda/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/ DeprecationWarning: Changing the shape of non-C contiguous array by
descriptor assignment is deprecated. To maintain
the Fortran contiguity of a multidimensional Fortran
array, use 'a.T.view(...).T' instead
  obj_bytes_view = obj.view(
/Applications/anaconda/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/ DeprecationWarning: Changing the shape of non-C contiguous array by
descriptor assignment is deprecated. To maintain
the Fortran contiguity of a multidimensional Fortran
array, use 'a.T.view(...).T' instead
  obj_bytes_view = obj.view(
/Applications/anaconda/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/ DeprecationWarning: Changing the shape of non-C contiguous array by
descriptor assignment is deprecated. To maintain
the Fortran contiguity of a multidimensional Fortran
array, use 'a.T.view(...).T' instead
  obj_bytes_view = obj.view(
/Applications/anaconda/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/ DeprecationWarning: Changing the shape of non-C contiguous array by
descriptor assignment is deprecated. To maintain
the Fortran contiguity of a multidimensional Fortran
array, use 'a.T.view(...).T' instead
  obj_bytes_view = obj.view(
/Applications/anaconda/envs/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/externals/joblib/ DeprecationWarning: Changing the shape of non-C contiguous array by
descriptor assignment is deprecated. To maintain
the Fortran contiguity of a multidimensional Fortran
array, use 'a.T.view(...).T' instead
  obj_bytes_view = obj.view(
[[ 0.5         0.5       ]
 [ 0.5         0.5       ]
 [ 0.38333333  0.61666667]
 [ 0.28333333  0.71666667]
 [ 0.11666667  0.88333333]]

Save prediction

In [101]:
df_pred = pd.DataFrame(test_filled['Id'])
df_pred['voted'] = pd.Series(pred_y[:,1], index=df_pred.index)

Id voted
0 1 0.500000
1 2 0.500000
2 3 0.616667
3 4 0.716667
4 5 0.883333

In [102]:

In [ ]: