In [12]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sea
%matplotlib inline
In [13]:
#Free vs Paid
DF = pd.read_csv("games-features-edit.csv")
f = DF[DF['IsFree'] == True].count()
fr = DF[(DF['IsFree'] == True) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
fs = DF[(DF['IsFree'] == True) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", f[1], "free games, with an average of", fr[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", f[1], "free games, with an average rating of", fs[0], "per game.")
nf = DF[DF['IsFree'] == False].count()
nfr = DF[(DF['IsFree'] == False) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
nfs = DF[(DF['IsFree'] == False) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", nf[1], "paid games, with an average of", nfr[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", nf[1], "paid games, with an average rating of", nfs[0], "per game.")
d = {'one' : pd.Series([fr[1], nfr[1]],
index=['Free R', 'Paid R'])}#Rating
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
df.plot(kind='bar', title='Ratings Per Game', legend=False)
plt.savefig("../report/freevnon-ratings-bar.png", bbox_inches='tight');
In [14]:
d = {'one' : pd.Series([fs[0], nfs[0]],
index=['Free S', 'Paid S'])}#Scoring
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
df.plot(kind='bar', title='Metacritic Mean Rating', legend=False)
plt.savefig("../report/freevnon-metacritic-bar.png", bbox_inches='tight');
In [15]:
#Recommendations by Metacritic (Y,X)
c = plt.scatter(DF['Metacritic'],DF['RecommendationCount'], color=sea.color_palette()[0])
plt.xlabel('Metacritic Score')
plt.ylabel('Recommendation Count')
plt.ylim(0, 100000)
plt.savefig("../report/metacritic-recommendations-scatter.png", bbox_inches='tight');
In [16]:
#Genre Comparsions
gng = DF[DF['GenreIsNonGame'] == True].count()
gngr = DF[(DF['GenreIsNonGame'] == True) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
gngs = DF[(DF['GenreIsNonGame'] == True) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", gng[1], "NonGame games, with an average of", gngr[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", gng[1], "NonGame games, with an average rating of", gngs[0], "per game.")
gi = DF[DF['GenreIsIndie'] == True].count()
gir = DF[(DF['GenreIsIndie'] == True) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
gis = DF[(DF['GenreIsIndie'] == True) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", gi[1], "Indie games, with an average of", gir[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", gi[1], "Indie games, with an average rating of", gis[0], "per game.")
gac = DF[DF['GenreIsAction'] == True].count()
gacr = DF[(DF['GenreIsAction'] == True) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
gacs = DF[(DF['GenreIsAction'] == True) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", gac[1], "Action games, with an average of", gacr[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", gac[1], "Action games, with an average rating of", gacs[0], "per game.")
gad = DF[DF['GenreIsAdventure'] == True].count()
gadr = DF[(DF['GenreIsAdventure'] == True) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
gads = DF[(DF['GenreIsAdventure'] == True) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", gad[1], "Adventure games, with an average of", gadr[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", gad[1], "Adventure games, with an average rating of", gads[0], "per game.")
gc = DF[DF['GenreIsCasual'] == True].count()
gcr = DF[(DF['GenreIsCasual'] == True) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
gcs = DF[(DF['GenreIsCasual'] == True) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", gc[1], "Casual games, with an average of", gcr[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", gc[1], "Casual games, with an average rating of", gcs[0], "per game.")
gst = DF[DF['GenreIsStrategy'] == True].count()
gstr = DF[(DF['GenreIsStrategy'] == True) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
gsts = DF[(DF['GenreIsStrategy'] == True) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", gst[1], "Strategy games, with an average of", gstr[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", gst[1], "Strategy games, with an average rating of", gsts[0], "per game.")
grpg = DF[DF['GenreIsRPG'] == True].count()
grpgr = DF[(DF['GenreIsRPG'] == True) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
grpgs = DF[(DF['GenreIsRPG'] == True) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", grpg[1], "RPG games, with an average of", grpgr[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", grpg[1], "RPG games, with an average rating of", grpgs[0], "per game.")
gsi = DF[DF['GenreIsSimulation'] == True].count()
gsir = DF[(DF['GenreIsSimulation'] == True) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
gsis = DF[(DF['GenreIsSimulation'] == True) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", gsi[1], "Simulation games, with an average of", gsir[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", gsi[1], "Simulation games, with an average rating of", gsis[0], "per game.")
gea = DF[DF['GenreIsEarlyAccess'] == True].count()
gear = DF[(DF['GenreIsEarlyAccess'] == True) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
geas = DF[(DF['GenreIsEarlyAccess'] == True) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", gea[1], "EarlyAccess games, with an average of", gear[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", gea[1], "EarlyAccess games, with an average rating of", geas[0], "per game.")
gftp = DF[DF['GenreIsFreeToPlay'] == True].count()
gftpr = DF[(DF['GenreIsFreeToPlay'] == True) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
gftps = DF[(DF['GenreIsFreeToPlay'] == True) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", gftp[1], "FreeToPlay games, with an average of", gftpr[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", gftp[1], "FreeToPlay games, with an average rating of", gftps[0], "per game.")
gsp = DF[DF['GenreIsSports'] == True].count()
gspr = DF[(DF['GenreIsSports'] == True) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
gsps = DF[(DF['GenreIsSports'] == True) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", gsp[1], "Sports games, with an average of", gspr[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", gsp[1], "Sports games, with an average rating of", gsps[0], "per game.")
gr = DF[DF['GenreIsRacing'] == True].count()
grr = DF[(DF['GenreIsRacing'] == True) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
grs = DF[(DF['GenreIsRacing'] == True) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", gr[1], "Racing games, with an average of", grr[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", gr[1], "Racing games, with an average rating of", grs[0], "per game.")
gmmo = DF[DF['GenreIsMassivelyMultiplayer'] == True].count()
gmmor = DF[(DF['GenreIsMassivelyMultiplayer'] == True) & DF['RecommendationCount']].mean()
gmmos = DF[(DF['GenreIsMassivelyMultiplayer'] == True) & DF['Metacritic']].mean()
print ("There are", gmmo[1], "MassivelyMultiplayer games, with an average of", gmmor[1], "ratings per game.")
print ("There are", gmmo[1], "MassivelyMultiplayer games, with an average rating of", gmmos[0], "per game.")
d = {'one' : pd.Series([gngr[1], gir[1], gacr[1], gadr[1], gcr[1], gstr[1], grpgr[1],
gsir[1], gear[1], gftpr[1], gspr[1], grr[1], gmmor[1]],
index=['NonGame', 'Indie', 'Action', 'Adventure', 'Casual', 'Strategy', 'RPG',
'Simulation', 'Early Access', 'Free To Play', 'Sports', 'Racing', 'MMO'])}#Rating
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
df.plot(kind='bar', title='Ratings Count by Genre', legend=False)
plt.savefig("../report/genre-ratings-bar.png", bbox_inches='tight');
In [17]:
d = {'one' : pd.Series([gngs[0], gis[0], gacs[0], gads[0], gcs[0], gsts[0], grpgs[0],
gsis[0], geas[0], gftps[0], gsps[0], grs[0], gmmos[0]],
index=['NonGame', 'Indie', 'Action', 'Adventure', 'Casual', 'Strategy', 'RPG',
'Simulation', 'Early Access', 'Free To Play', 'Sports', 'Racing', 'MMO'])}#Scoring
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
df.plot(kind='bar', legend=False, title="Mean Metacritic Score by Genre")
plt.savefig("../report/genre-metacritic-bar.png", bbox_inches='tight');
In [18]:
#Recommendations by Price (Y,X)
c = plt.scatter(DF['PriceInitial'],DF['RecommendationCount'], color=sea.color_palette()[0])
plt.xlabel("Initial Price in USD")
plt.ylabel("Number of Recommendations")
plt.ylim((0, 100000))
plt.savefig("../report/price-recommendations-scatter.png", bbox_inches='tight');
In [19]:
#Metacritic score by Price (Y,X)
c = plt.scatter(DF['PriceInitial'],DF['Metacritic'], color=sea.color_palette()[0])
plt.xlabel("Initial Price in USD")
plt.ylabel("Mean Metacritic Score")
plt.ylim(20, 100)
plt.savefig("../report/price-metacritic-scatter.png", bbox_inches='tight');
In [20]:
#Recommendations by Metacritic (Y,X)
c = plt.scatter(DF['Metacritic'],DF['RecommendationCount'], color=sea.color_palette()[0])
plt.xlabel('Metacritic Score')
plt.ylabel('Recommendation Count')
plt.savefig("../report/metacritic-recommendations-scatter-all.png", bbox_inches='tight');
In [21]:
#Recommendations by Price (Y,X)
c = plt.scatter(DF['PriceInitial'],DF['RecommendationCount'], color=sea.color_palette()[0])
plt.xlabel("Initial Price in USD")
plt.ylabel("Number of Recommendations")
plt.savefig("../report/price-recommendations-scatter-all.png", bbox_inches='tight');
In [22]:
#Metacritic score by Price (Y,X)
c = plt.scatter(DF['PriceInitial'],DF['Metacritic'], color=sea.color_palette()[0])
plt.xlabel("Initial Price in USD")
plt.ylabel("Mean Metacritic Score")
plt.savefig("../report/price-metacritic-scatter-all.png", bbox_inches='tight');