Creating a flat file for

We are reading the USDA National Nutrient Database as created by this project ( The original data can be found at

The US RDA columns are created using data from Dietary Reference Intakes: The Essential Guide to Nutrient Requirements available from the National Academies Press at

Note every RDA value in the text was used. For instance, the US RDA for Iron varies significantly by age and sex, so I deemed it easier to just leave out RDA information for Iron.

And finally, every effort has been made to keep this data as clean and accurate as possible, but no medical warranty, advice, etc should be construed. This was collected by a computer scientist who might have made an error that would not be immediately apparent. Caveat emptor!

Important! The mongo access below assumes that the data was loaded in to a Docker container named mainmongo, and that this notebook is running in a Jupyter container that was linked (via --link on the command line). If you are running MongoDB and Jupyter "natively", you should be able to change 'mainmongo' to 'localhost' in the code below. Also note that you should have already installed pandas.

In [1]:
!pip install pymongo

import pandas as pd
import pymongo

Collecting pymongo
  Downloading pymongo-3.4.0-cp35-cp35m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (359kB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 368kB 1.3MB/s 
Installing collected packages: pymongo
Successfully installed pymongo-3.4.0
You are using pip version 8.1.2, however version 9.0.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.

In [2]:
    'ID', 'FoodGroup', 'ShortDescrip', 'Descrip', 'CommonName', 'MfgName', 'ScientificName',

    'Energy_kcal', 'Protein_g', 'Fat_g', 'Carb_g', 'Sugar_g', 'Fiber_g',

    'VitA_mcg', 'VitB6_mg', 'VitB12_mcg', 'VitC_mg', 'VitE_mg', 'Folate_mcg',
    'Niacin_mg', 'Riboflavin_mg', 'Thiamin_mg', 'Calcium_mg', 'Copper_mcg',
    'Iron_mg', 'Magnesium_mg', 'Manganese_mg', 'Phosphorus_mg', 'Selenium_mcg',

def flat(r):
    nutr = dict([
        ( int(n['nutrient_id']), n['nutrient_val'] )
        for n in r.get('nutrients', [])
    def n(i):
        return float(nutr.get(i, 0.0))
    return {
        'ID': r['ndb_num'],
        'FoodGroup': r['food_group_descrip'],
        'ShortDescrip': r['short_descrip'],
        'Descrip': r['descrip'],
        'CommonName': r['common_name'],
        'MfgName': r['mfg_name'],
        'ScientificName': r['scientific_name'],
        'Energy_kcal': n(208),
        'Protein_g': n(203),
        'Fat_g': n(204),
        'Carb_g': n(205),
        'Sugar_g': n(269),
        'Fiber_g': n(291),
        'VitA_mcg': n(320),
        'VitB6_mg': n(415),
        'VitB12_mcg': n(418),
        'VitC_mg': n(401),
        'VitE_mg': n(323),
        'Folate_mcg': n(435),
        'Niacin_mg': n(406),
        'Riboflavin_mg': n(405),
        'Thiamin_mg': n(404),
        'Calcium_mg': n(301),
        'Copper_mcg': n(312),
        'Iron_mg': n(303),
        'Magnesium_mg': n(304),
        'Manganese_mg': n(315),
        'Phosphorus_mg': n(305),
        'Selenium_mcg': n(317),
        'Zinc_mg': n(309),

data = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
    (flat(r) for r in pymongo.MongoClient('mainmongo', 27017).nutrition.nndb.find()), 

In [3]:
data['VitA_USRDA']       = data['VitA_mcg']      / 900.0
data['VitB6_USRDA']      = data['VitB6_mg']        / 1.7
data['VitB12_USRDA']     = data['VitB12_mcg']      / 2.4
data['VitC_USRDA']       = data['VitC_mg']        / 90.0
data['VitE_USRDA']       = data['VitE_mg']        / 15.0
data['Folate_USRDA']     = data['Folate_mcg']    / 400.0
data['Niacin_USRDA']     = data['Niacin_mg']      / 16.0
data['Riboflavin_USRDA'] = data['Riboflavin_mg']   / 1.3
data['Thiamin_USRDA']    = data['Thiamin_mg']      / 1.2
data['Calcium_USRDA']    = data['Calcium_mg']   / 1200.0
data['Copper_USRDA']     = data['Copper_mcg']    / 900.0
data['Magnesium_USRDA']  = data['Magnesium_mg']  / 420.0
data['Phosphorus_USRDA'] = data['Phosphorus_mg'] / 700.0
data['Selenium_USRDA']   = data['Selenium_mcg']   / 55.0
data['Zinc_USRDA']       = data['Zinc_mg']        / 11.0

In [4]:

Energy_kcal Protein_g Fat_g Carb_g Sugar_g Fiber_g VitA_mcg VitB6_mg VitB12_mcg VitC_mg ... Folate_USRDA Niacin_USRDA Riboflavin_USRDA Thiamin_USRDA Calcium_USRDA Copper_USRDA Magnesium_USRDA Phosphorus_USRDA Selenium_USRDA Zinc_USRDA
count 8618.000000 8618.00000 8618.000000 8618.000000 8618.000000 8618.000000 8618.000000 8618.000000 8618.000000 8618.000000 ... 8618.000000 8618.000000 8618.000000 8618.000000 8618.000000 8618.000000 8618.000000 8618.000000 8618.000000 8618.000000
mean 226.438617 11.52391 10.647024 21.819062 6.560253 2.023242 93.968786 0.264369 1.225260 7.925377 ... 0.125765 0.213222 0.182499 0.174881 0.061176 0.000191 0.077965 0.222838 0.229363 0.179111
std 169.388910 10.55059 15.866353 27.239000 13.602098 4.313670 779.362205 0.478614 4.319183 57.582758 ... 0.466402 0.302161 0.346062 0.431974 0.167803 0.000615 0.133496 0.290133 0.514406 0.305292
min 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 93.000000 2.47000 0.992500 0.040000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.034250 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.023875 0.035385 0.025000 0.007500 0.000033 0.023810 0.052857 0.001818 0.020909
50% 191.000000 8.28500 5.235000 8.945000 0.370000 0.300000 1.500000 0.120000 0.080000 0.000000 ... 0.017500 0.131250 0.115385 0.064583 0.015833 0.000088 0.047619 0.190000 0.070909 0.076818
75% 336.000000 19.97750 13.900000 32.900000 5.300000 2.400000 21.000000 0.355000 1.297500 2.500000 ... 0.062500 0.314328 0.200000 0.185833 0.051667 0.000161 0.069048 0.308571 0.387273 0.245455
max 902.000000 88.32000 100.000000 100.000000 99.800000 79.000000 30000.000000 12.000000 98.890000 2400.000000 ... 14.702500 7.968750 13.461538 19.479167 6.136667 0.016722 1.859524 14.168571 34.854545 8.268182

8 rows × 38 columns

In [7]:
data.to_csv('./nndb_flat.csv', index=False)