This program reads a set of neuron hoc files from a given directory and spits out a tabular comparison of each neuron's cable properties; these properties include the number of branch points, total cable length, mean path length, and overall tortuosity.
First, here are the required imports:
In [1]:
# Required for system access (utilized below)
import sys
# Required for os access (utilized below)
import os
# Required to interpret hoc files
from neuron_readExportedGeometry import *
# Required for efficient calculation of mean and standard deviation
import numpy as np
# Required to display and save data in tabular/graphical form
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Next, load up a set of neuron hoc files within a directory as a list of geo objects:
In [2]:
# Specify a directory full of hoc files
directory = '/home/cosmo/marderlab/test/'
# Convert the given directory into a list of hoc files
hocs = [(directory + h) for h in os.listdir(directory)]
# Convert the list of hoc files into a list of geo objects
geos = [demoReadsilent(h) for h in hocs]
Now that we have our list of geo objects ready to go, let's make a parallel list of names:
In [3]:
# Loop through the filenames in directory and split off irrelevant
# information
names = [h.split('_s')[0].split('_f')[0].split('.h')[0].split('_r')[0] for h in os.listdir(directory)]
Next up, let's make a parallel list containing the number of branch points present in each neuron:
In [4]:
# Count the number of branches, which is equivalent to the number of
# branch points
branchpoints = [len(g.branches) for g in geos]
Now, let's make another parallel list containing the total cable length of each neuron:
In [5]:
# More detailed documentation for this code can be found in cable-length-calculator.ipynb
cablelengths = [] # Initialize a list of cablelengths
for geo in geos:
tips, ends = geo.getTips() # Store all the tip segments in a list, "tips"
# Also store the associated ends in "ends"
find = PathDistanceFinder(geo, geo.soma) # Set up a PDF object for the
# given geo object, anchored at
# the soma
paths = [find.pathTo(seg) for seg in tips] # List of all paths
counted = [] # Initialize a list for keeping track of which segments have
# already been measured
cablelength = 0 # Initialize a running total of cable length
for path in paths: # Sort through each path
pruned = [seg for seg in path if seg not in counted] # Limit the paths
# we work with to
# those which have
# not already been
# measured
forfind = PathDistanceFinder(geo, pruned[0]) # Initialize a PDF
# anchored at the earliest
# unmeasured segment
cablelength += forfind.distanceTo(pruned[-1]) # Add the distance
# between the anchor and
# the tip segment to the
# running total
for seg in pruned: # Add all of the measured segments to "counted"
Next, let's make yet another parallel list containing the mean path length of each neuron:
In [6]:
# Loops through geos and calculates the mean path length for each neuron
plmeans = [np.mean(g.getProperties()[0]['Path Length']) for g in geos]
Now, let's make a parallel list containing the standard deviation in path length for each neuron:
In [7]:
# Loops through geos and calculates the standard deviation in path
# length for each neuron
plstds = [np.std(g.getProperties()[0]['Path Length']) for g in geos]
Next up, let's make another parallel list containing the mean tortuosity of each neuron:
In [8]:
# Loops through geos and calculates the mean tortuosity for each neuron
tortmeans = [np.mean(g.getProperties()[0]['Tortuosity']) for g in geos]
Now, let's make yet another parallel list containing the standard deviation in tortuosity for each neuron:
In [9]:
# Loops through geos and calculates the standard deviation in tortuosity
# for each neuron
tortstds = [np.std(g.getProperties()[0]['Tortuosity']) for g in geos]
In [10]:
filename = 'Test.txt'
f = open(filename, 'w')
props = ['Neuron ID', 'Branches', 'Total Cable Length (um)',
'Mean Path Length (um)', 'Path Length Standard Deviation',
'Mean Tortuosity', 'Tortuosity Standard Deviation']
tablebar = \
f.write('\n' + tablebar + '\n')
f.write('|{0:<26}|{1:<22}|{2:<31}|'.format(props[0], props[1],
props[2]) + '\n')
f.write(tablebar + '\n')
for n in range(len(geos)):
cablelengths[n]) + '\n')
f.write(tablebar + '\n')
f.write('\n' + tablebar + '\n')
f.write('|{0:<26}|{1:<22}|{2:<31}|'.format(props[0], props[3],
props[4]) + '\n')
f.write(tablebar + '\n')
for n in range(len(geos)):
f.write('|{0:<26}|{1:<22}|{2:<31}|'.format(names[n], plmeans[n],
plstds[n]) + '\n')
f.write(tablebar + '\n')
f.write('\n' + tablebar + '\n')
f.write('|{0:<26}|{1:<22}|{2:<31}|'.format(props[0], props[5],
props[6]) + '\n')
f.write(tablebar + '\n')
for n in range(len(geos)):
f.write('|{0:<26}|{1:<22}|{2:<31}|'.format(names[n], tortmeans[n],
tortstds[n]) + '\n')
f.write(tablebar + '\n')
with(open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename))) as fr:
Alternatively, we can make the table using matplotlib: