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Introduction to Bokeh

In this tutorial we'll learn how to use Bokeh to build interactive visualizations viewable in a browser. Generally this tutorial will have the following format

  1. charting - High level interface to go from data to plot
  2. plotting - Intermediate interface allowing control to all parts of a plot
    • Vectorized attributes
    • Toolbars
    • Linked Brushing
    • Interactivity
  3. Baseball example - Example of viewing statistics of baseball


This tutorial uses many different libraries that are all available with the Anaconda Distribution. Once you have Anaconda install, please run these commands from a terminal:

$ conda install -y blaze
$ conda install -y bokeh
$ conda install -y odo

Introduction to Bokeh

Provide a first-class visualization library for web-aware applications, without requiring web-level programming.

We wrote JavaScript, so you don't have to.

Write a visualization python. Bokeh creates data descripors and a scenegraph consumed by BokehJS. This works in ipython notebook, creating static files and interacting with dynamic data sources.

Bokeh includes pre-built schemas in bokeh.charts, a low-level composition interface (similar to matplotlib), a server for large and/or dynamic datasources and widgets for providing client-side realtime interaction.

The non-JS framework also has prototypes in other languages (Scala, Julia...maybe R).

Note: There are examples notebooks in bokeh/examples/plotting/notebooks. Start an ipython notebook server there to get more examples.

Gallery -- tutorial -- Documentation -- Repo

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np


Bokeh can output to html, a notebook, or just fragments for embedding in a web application.

To start playing, we'll use the notebook. Later we will see the other types of output.

In [2]:
from bokeh.plotting import output_notebook  
output_notebook() # Tell Bokeh to output in an ipython notebook (other options later)