iPython Notebook Exercises


  1. Create a new directory called ProjectEuler.
  2. Start an iPython notebook session.
  3. Open a new notebook and name it ProjectEuler1.
  4. At the top of your notebook, include a "Heading 1" cell with the title Project Euler Problem 1.
  5. Below that, add a markdown cell with the problem title and statement from Project Euler Problem 1 in it.
  6. Find a partner. One of you will act as driver, the other as navigator. Include a markdown cell with the names of the driver and navigator in it.
  7. Solve the Project Euler Problem 1 test case together in one code cell. Verify that you get the answer included in the problem statement by printing the result.
  8. In a new code cell, use your solution to answer the question in the problem statement.
  9. Repeat steps 1-8 for the other person, swapping roles of driver and navigator.
  10. Save your notebook.
  11. Practice your workflow:
    • git status
    • git add ProjectEuler1.ipynb
    • git status
    • git commit -m "solving first project euler problem"
    • git status
    • git push origin master
    • git status

Note: All subsequent Project Euler problems should be completed in the same manner, with

  • the problem title and statement included in markdown/heading cells
  • the solution for the test case (if any) in one code cell
  • the solution for the requested problem in another code cell

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