put your names here!
Viruses multiply in more than one way. One of the most common is called the Lytic Cycle, and the other is the Lysogenic Cycle. Both cycles are similar in that the virus takes cells hostage and use the cell's resources to multiply, making many copies of itself. Once enough new viruses are produced inside the cell it bursts, and the newly-created viruses then are released into the bloodstream to carry on the process and search for new host cells to invade.
Antiviral drugs behave differently than antibiotics - rather than directly destroying the virus population in a patient, they instead generally inhibit the creation of new viruses by preventing viruses from entering target cells, by preventing the viruses from synthesizing new viruses once they have invaded new cells, or by preventing the release of newly-created viruses from the host cell.
In general, we can think of what happenes to an infected patient that has been administered an antiviral drug using a simple model. The key points are:
You have a mission that will take place in three parts:
It's instructive to look at section 1.2 of Nelson's book.
There is an initial phase where the number of viruses grows exponentially, since $\frac{dN_v}{dt} \propto \frac{dN_I}{dt} \propto \gamma N_v / t_{mul}$. This leads to $N_v(t) \simeq N_v(0) e^{t/t_{mul}}$, where $N_v(0)$ is the number of virions in the bloodstream at t=0.
Some time $T_{crit}$ after the drug is administered, cell infection stops and the number of infected cells changes as $\frac{dN_I}{dt} = -N_{I}/t_{rel}$. This leads to the exponential solution $N_I(t) = N_I(0) e^{-t/t_{rel}}$. (Where $t=0$ is assumed to be at the time that cell infection stops, which is really $T_{crit}$
The total viral load depends on the rate that virions are dumped into the bloodstream by dying cells and cleared from the body by its immune system. In other words:
$\frac{dN_v}{dt} = -N_v/t_{clr} + \gamma N_{I}/t_{rel}$
Or, taking into account the fact that we know $N_I(t)$ already, with t=0 redefined to be the time where cell infection stops:
$\frac{dN_v}{dt} = -N_v/t_{clr} + \frac{\gamma N_I(0)}{t_{rel}} e^{-t/t_{rel}}$
In [ ]:
# put your computer program here!
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import numpy as np
NV0 = 1.0e+4 # number of initial viral cells
NI0 = 1.0e+4 # number of initial infected cells
T_crit = 1.0 # time scale (in days) on which the drug becomes effective
t_clr = 1.0 # time scale (in days) on which
t_rel = 1.0 # time scale (in days) where inected cells die and release virions
t_mul = 1.0 # growth time of viruses (in days) prior to drug administration
dt = 0.01 # timestep length (in days)
end_time = 10.0 # simulation end time (in days)
gamma = 10.0 # number of virions/infected cell
NV = NV0
NI = NI0
time = []
viral_load = []
infected_cells = []
this_time = 0.0
while(this_time <= end_time):
if this_time <= T_crit:
# change in virions w/time
dNVdt = gamma * NI0 / t_mul * math.exp(this_time/t_mul)
NI_inf = NI0 * math.exp(this_time/t_mul)
NV += dNVdt*dt
else: # this_time > T_crit
dNVdt = gamma*NI_inf/t_rel*math.exp(-(this_time-T_crit)/t_rel) - NV/t_clr
NV += dNVdt*dt
#NI_inf +=
this_time += dt
Computer program notes: The students should create either a for loop or a while loop that evolves the system forward in time, and which basically solves $N_v(t)$ with two distinct phases:
There should be if statements involved, and possibly break/continue statements if they're feeling clever.
put your answers here!
Note: this assignment (as with the previous assignment) was inspired by Nelson's Physical models of Living Systems, Chapter 1, and Kinder and Nelson's A Student's Guide to Python for Physical Modeling, Chapter 4.