Coupled Cluster Algebra

Audun Skau Hansen | Comp-Phys UiO | September 2014

The class included in this notebook (cell below) is intended to facilitate simple evaluation of hamiltonian operators combining with cluster operators. It consist of a main operator class (Operator) and some complementary functions to simplify the initialization of the normal-ordered hamiltonian and the cluster operators of any order.

The code is pretty much untested and should currently be considered unreliable. A lot of functionality remains to be included, such as the two final rules for CC-diagram interpretation from Shavitt-Bartlett (Chapter 10) and the possibility to return function objects that may potentially be used directly in a CC-implementation. The class could also very well be rewritten to take advantage of Sympy or something similar.

  • Dependencies: itertools, numpy, matplotlib.pyplot

Some simple examples are given below the initialization cell.

In [47]:
# <!-- collapse=True -->
from IPython.display import display, Math, Latex 
#%matplotlib inline  
#from sympy.interactive import printing

from numpy import *
from itertools import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *

class Operator():
    #Normal ordered operator for cluster algebra (diagrammatic)
    def __init__(self, q_create, q_annihilate):
        self.q_c = q_create
        self.q_a = q_annihilate
        self.diagrams = []
        self.contracted = []
        self.I = []
        self.T_operator = []
        self.T_vertices = []
        self.vertexform = []
        self.vertexform_locked = []
        self.labels_p = ['h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a']
        self.labels_h = ['p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i']
        self.enable_printing = False
    def combine(self, ops, excitation = None):
        #Assosciate a list of T-operators (ops) to the current operator instance    
        #Find all possible ways to combine the operators using self.distinct_combinations() 
        T = []
        for i in ops:
        self.T_operator = T
        #Finding acceptable combinations of internal contractions between the operators
        self.I = self.distinct_combinations(self.q_a, T)
        #Find excitation level of combination
    def assess_excitation(self):
        #Assess current excitation level (also if combined operator)
        self.E = self.q_c.count(-1) + self.q_c.count(1) - (self.q_a.count(1) + self.q_a.count(-1))
        for i in range(len(self.T_operator)):
            self.E += self.T_operator[i].count(1) + self.T_operator[i].count(-1) 
        #fill in contracted elements
        self.E/= 2.0
    def scan_extract(L, e):
        #Exctract element e from list L
        ret = None
        for i in range(len(L)):
            if L[i] == e:
                L = delete(L, i)
                ret = e
    def nloops(self,x,y):
        #returns number of loops in budget
        return (x+y - abs(x-y))//2
    def assess_contributions(self, excitation_level = None):
        #returns the contribution to the CC-energy or amplitude eq. in symbolic form
        enable_printing = self.enable_printing #True #self.enable_printing
        self.excitation_level = excitation_level #Setting target excitation level

        self.loops = []
        self.holes = []
        self.equivalents = []
        self.stringforms = []
        for i in self.I:
            #for each distinct diagram, generate the expression for the contribution
            Following S-B, ch. 10, this section evaluates the contribution to the CC-eqs. using the diagrammatic rules:
            (1)  Label internal and external lines with particle and hole labels
            (2)  Associate f(i,a) with every 1-p operator vertex
            (3)  Associate <lout rout!!lin rin> with every 2-p operator vertex
            (4)  Associate t(ab,ij) for every amplitude
            (5)  Sum over all internal lines
            (6)  Multiply by 1/2 for each pair of equivalent internal lines
            (7)  Multiply by 1/2 for each pair of equivalent T-vertices
            (8)  Include a phase factor (-)**(holes-loops)
            (9)  Not yet implemented
            (10) Not yet implemented
            H_labels = []
            H_ins = []
            H_outs = []
            T_labels = []
            prefactor = 1.0 #this factor is multiplied to the sum and adjusted according to the rules laid out above
            #Comparing distribution of lines
            i_budget = self.itemcount(i) #internal distribution
            t_budget = self.itemcount(self.T_operator) #all lines from T
            t_budget_external = self.itemcount(self.T_operator) #distribution of external lines in T
            for e in range(len(t_budget_external)):
                #Subtracting internal lines 
                t_budget_external[e][0] -= i_budget[e][0]
                t_budget_external[e][1] -= i_budget[e][1]
            t_external_equiv = self.find_identical(t_budget_external) #len of this list yields number of identical external distribution in the Ts
            t_equiv = self.find_identical(i_budget) #len of this line yields the number of identical internal distributions in the Ts
            n_equivalent_t = 0
            for e in range(len(t_external_equiv)):
                if t_external_equiv[e] == t_equiv[e]:
                    n_equivalent_t += 1

            #Counting number of equivalent lines, holes and loops
            n_equi_lines = 0
            n_loops = 0
            n_loops_external = 0            
            n_holes = 0
            #Counting equivalent lines
            for e in i_budget:
                n_equi_lines += e[0]//2
                n_equi_lines += e[1]//2

            #Counting loops
            for e in range(len(i_budget)):
                n_loops += self.nloops(i_budget[e][0], i_budget[e][1])
                n_loops_external += self.nloops(t_budget_external[e][0], t_budget_external[e][1]) #So-called quasi-loops (S-B, ch. 10)

            #Counting holes
            for e in range(len(i_budget)):
                n_holes += i_budget[e][1] + t_budget_external[e][1]
            n_holes += self.q_c.count(-1)

            #labelling all lines
            #Setting up a mapping to keep track of connected lines in T
            t_mapping = []
            for e in range(len(self.T_operator)):
                for u in range(len(self.T_operator[e])):
                    t_mapping[e].append(0) #a 0 implies an external line
            for e in range(len(i)):
                for u in range(len(i[e])):
                    linetype = i[e][u] #+1 = particle / -1 = hole
                    for l in range(len(self.T_operator[e])):
                        if self.T_operator[e][l] == linetype:
                            if t_mapping[e][l] == 0:
                                #Connect and label line
                                t_mapping[e][l] = 1 #1 implies a connected line

            #Labeling all looped lines:
            plabels = ['h','g','f','e','d','c','b','a']
            hlabels = ['p','o','n','m','l','k','j','i']
            i_connections = []
            i_labels = []
            for e in range(len(i)):
                for u in range(len(i[e])):

            h_vertices = [] #list containing pairs of operators
            t_vertices = []
            for e in range(len(self.T_operator)):

            #Connect all loops connecting at the hamiltonian
            for e in range(len(i)):
                for u in range(len(i[e])):
                    if i_connections[e][u] == 0:
                        linetype = i[e][u]
                        found = False
                        for ee in range(len(i)):
                            for uu in range(len(i[ee])):
                                if i_connections[e][u] == 0 and i_connections[ee][uu] == 0 and i[ee][uu] == -linetype:
                                    i_connections[e][u] = 2
                                    i_connections[ee][uu] = 2 #2 denotes a looped connection vertex
                                    if linetype == -1:
                                        i_labels[e][u] = hlabels.pop()
                                        i_labels[ee][uu] = plabels.pop()
                                        if e == ee:
                                            t_vertices[e].append([i_labels[e][u], i_labels[ee][uu]])
                                        if e != ee:
                                            t_vertices[e].append([i_labels[e][u], -1])
                                    if linetype == 1:
                                        i_labels[e][u] = plabels.pop()
                                        i_labels[ee][uu] = hlabels.pop()
                                        if e == ee:
                                            t_vertices[e].append([i_labels[e][u], i_labels[ee][uu]])
                                        if e != ee:
                                            t_vertices[e].append([i_labels[e][u], -1])
                                    #set in/out in vertex n

                                    found = True
                            if found:

            #Connect all lines passing through the hamiltonian
            for e in range(len(i)):
                for u in range(len(i[e])):
                    if i_connections[e][u] == 0:
                        linetype = i[e][u]
                        found = False
                        for ee in range(len(self.q_c)):
                            if self.q_c[ee] == linetype:
                                #add vertex, connect
                                i_connections[e][u] = 1
                                if linetype == 1:
                                    i_labels[e][u] = plabels.pop()
                                    t_vertices[e].append([i_labels[e][u], -1])
                                if linetype == -1:
                                    i_labels[e][u] = hlabels.pop()
                                    t_vertices[e].append([1, i_labels[e][u]])
                                h_vertices.append([i_labels[e][u], i_labels[e][u]])
                                found = True
                            if found:
            #Label remaining lines in the T_operator
            for e in range(len(t_vertices)):
                for u in range(len(t_vertices[e])):
                    if t_vertices[e][u][0] == 1:
                       t_vertices[e][u][0] = plabels.pop()
                    if t_vertices[e][u][1] == -1:
                       t_vertices[e][u][1] = hlabels.pop()
            #Add unconnected vertices to T_operator
            for e in range(len(self.T_operator)):
                while len(self.T_operator[e])/2 > len(t_vertices[e]):
                    t_vertices[e].append([plabels.pop(), hlabels.pop()])
            stringform = '' #The stringform will contain the CC contribution in latex format         
            if enable_printing:                    
                print "=== Distinct contribution with excitation %i ===" % self.E
                print "Connection pattern:", i
            prefactor  = ((-1)**(n_holes - (n_loops+n_loops_external)))
            predivisor = (2**n_equi_lines)*(2**n_equivalent_t)
            if enable_printing:
                print "Multiplier:", prefactor, "/", predivisor

            stringform+=' \\frac{%i}{%i} ' % (prefactor, predivisor)
            summingover = ''
            summation_indices = []
            for e in range(len(h_vertices)):
            summation_indices2 = set(summation_indices) #only unique values
            #print summation_indices

            for e in summation_indices2:
                summingover+= e
            stringform+= '\sum_{%s} ' % summingover
            if enable_printing:
                print "Sum over   :", summation_indices
            H_tensor = ['','']
            for e in range(len(h_vertices)):
            if enable_printing:
                print "H-tensor   : <%s||%s> " % (H_tensor[0], H_tensor[1])
            stringform += ' \langle %s|H|%s \\rangle '% (H_tensor[0], H_tensor[1])

            T_tensor = []
            for e in range(len(t_vertices)):
                T_tensor.append(['', ''])
                for u in range(len(t_vertices[e])):
            if enable_printing:
                print "T-tensor(s):"
            for e in T_tensor:
                if enable_printing:
                    print "             T(%s,%s)" % (e[0], e[1])
                stringform += ' t_{%s}^{%s}  ' % (e[0], e[1])
            stringform += "      (excitation:%i) " % self.E
            if excitation_level == None:
                if excitation_level == self.E:
        if enable_printing:    
            print " "
        if len(self.I) == 0:
            #self.stringforms.append('No contributions found.')
            if enable_printing:
                print "=== No distinct contribution found ==="
                print " "
        #print self.I
        for e in range(len(self.I)):
            if excitation_level == None:
                hh,tt = self.visualize(self.q_a, self.q_c, [0,e*2.6], self.I[e], T = self.T_operator, t = 0)
                if excitation_level == self.E:
                    hh,tt = self.visualize(self.q_a, self.q_c, [0,e*2.6], self.I[e], T = self.T_operator, t = 0)
        #self.hhvis, self.tvis = self.visualize(self.q_a, self.q_c, [0,0], self.I[0], T = None, t = 0)
        return 0

    def nozeroedges(self,i):
        #Assert that there are no borders in the endpoints of the connection pattern i
        ret = True
            if i[0] == 0 or i[-1] == 0:
                ret = False
            ret = False
        return ret
    def nozerocontact(self,i):
        #Assert that there are no neighbouring borders in the connection pattern i
        ret = True
        for e in range(len(i) - 1):
            if i[e+1] == 0 and i[e] == 0:
                ret = False
        return ret
    def splitlist(self,L, d):
        #Returns a split list HL from a list L into constituents, d denotes barrier
        HL = [[]]
        n = 0
        for i in range(len(L)):
            if L[i] != d:
            if L[i] == d:
                n += 1        
        return HL
    def itemcount(self,T):
        #Count number of particle- and hole lines in each constituent part of T
        #Returns a list object of the form [[#particles, #holes], ...]
        itemnumber = []
        for i in range(len(T)):
            itemnumber[i].append(T[i].count(1))  #number of q-particles
            itemnumber[i].append(T[i].count(-1)) #number of q-holes
        return itemnumber
    def contractable(self,L,T):
        #Asserts that the number of contractions in each p- and hline of L does not superseed # of p-h in T 
        #input two itemcount items lists, returns bool
        ret = True
        for i in range(len(T)):
            for e in range(len(T[i])):
                if T[i][e]<L[i][e]:
                    #print T[i][e],L[i][e]
                    ret = False
        return ret
    def find_identical(self,T):
        #Find identical operators in the list of operators T
        #returns a list of pairs of indices that denotes permutations that does not alter the T operator
        identicals = []
        for i in range(len(T)):
            for e in range(i,len(T)):
                if T[i] == T[e] and i!=e:
        return identicals
    def permute_elements(self,e1,e2,L):
        #Returns a list where elements at indices e1,e2 in L is permuted
        L_ret = []        
        for i in L:
        L_ret[e1] = L[e2]
        L_ret[e2] = L[e1]
        return L_ret
    def acceptable(self,i, T, excluded, excluded_budgets):
        #Test if a potential connection pattern is distinct
        #Returns bool
        ret = False
        identicals = self.find_identical(T)
        T_budget   = self.itemcount(T)
        if self.nozeroedges(i) and self.nozerocontact(i):
            I = self.splitlist(i, 0)
            I_budget = self.itemcount(I)
            if I_budget not in excluded_budgets:
                for e in identicals:
                    excluded_budgets.append(self.permute_elements(e[0], e[1], I_budget))
                if self.contractable(I_budget,T_budget):
                    if I not in excluded:
                        for e in identicals:
                            excluded.append(self.permute_elements(e[0], e[1], I))
                        ret = True
        return ret
    def distinct_combinations(self,H,T):
        #Returns all possible combinations of H and T
        #I - all q-particle annihilation operators
        #T list of list with T operators. ex. [[-1,1],[-1,1]]  = T_1 T_1
       lenH  = len(H)
       lenT  = len(T)
       lenTi = []
       for i in range(lenT):
       H+=[0 for i in range(lenT-1)] #adding zeros to denote separations in the cluster-operators
       #Creating countlist for T-operator to keep track of q-operators in each clusteroperator
       T_budget = self.itemcount(T)
       #Create all permutations
       H_permuted = permutations(H)
       #Sort out indistinct diagrams and cancelling terms
       excluded = []
       excluded_budgets = []
       accepted = []
       for i in H_permuted:
           if self.acceptable(i, T, excluded, excluded_budgets):
               #print "Accepted"
       self.combined = accepted
       return accepted
    def printout(self):
        for i in self.stringforms:
            display(Math(r'%s' % i))
    def plot_diagrams(self):
        figure(figsize = (2, len(self.diagrams)+1), dpi = 60, edgecolor = 'k',facecolor='white')
        p2 =0.0
        for i in self.diagrams:
            pos2 = [0,p2]
            for e in i[0]:
            for e in i[1]:
                for u in e:
            p2 += 1.8
        axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
        if self.excitation_level == None:
            if self.excitation_level == self.E:

    def visualize(self,h_below, h_above, pos, I, T = None, t = 0):
        #create operator vxnode objects from Ob-object
        #NV = len(O.L)/2
        NV = (len(h_below) + len(h_above))/2
        Nbelow = len(h_below)
        Nabove = len(h_above)
        c_below = []
        for i in range(Nbelow):
            c_below.append(0) #A zero implies a "free" line below the interaction line
        c_above = []
        for i in range(Nabove):
            c_above.append(0) #A zero implies a "free" line above the interaction line
        ncount = NV
        #(1) Identify lines passing through the interaction line
        vnodes = []
        for i in range(Nabove):
            for e in range(Nbelow):
                if c_below[e] == 0 and c_above[i] == 0:
                    if h_above[i]== h_below[e]:
                        #Append the operator to vnodes
                        #print "Found a line passing through the interaction."
                        c_above[i] = 1
                        c_below[e] = 1
                        ncount -= 1
                        if h_above[i] == 1:
                            c1,c2,c3,c4 = [0,None],[1,None],[0,None],[1,None]
                            nd = vxnode([pos[0] + i, pos[1]+1.5], [c1,c2,c3,c4])
                        if h_above[i] == -1:
                            c1,c2,c3,c4 = [1,None],[0,None],[1,None],[0,None]
                            nd = vxnode([pos[0] + i, pos[1]+1.5], [c1,c2,c3,c4])
        #(2) Identify lines annihilating at the interaction 
        for i in range(Nbelow):
            for e in range(Nbelow):
                if c_below[e] == 0 and c_below[i] == 0 and i!= e:
                    if h_below[i]== -1*h_below[e]:
                        #Append the operator to vnodes
                        #print "Found a line annihilating at the interaction."
                        c_below[i] = 1
                        c_below[e] = 1
                        ncount -= 1
                        c1,c2,c3,c4 = [0,None],[0,None],[1,None],[1,None]
                        nd = vxnode([pos[0] + i, pos[1]+1.5], [c1,c2,c3,c4])
        #(3) Identify lines created at the interaction 
        for i in range(Nabove):
            for e in range(Nabove):
                if c_above[e] == 0 and c_above[i] == 0 and i!= e:
                    if h_above[i]== -1*h_above[e]:
                        #Append the operator to vnodes
                        #print "Found a line creating at the interaction"
                        c_above[i] = 1
                        c_above[e] = 1
                        ncount -= 1
                        c1,c2,c3,c4 = [1,None],[1,None],[0,None],[0,None]
                        nd = vxnode([pos[0] + i, pos[1]+1.5], [c1,c2,c3,c4])
        #print "C_above:", c_above
        #print "C_below:", c_below
        #if NV%2 != 0:
        #    print "Warning: non-binary operator."
        for i in range(len(vnodes)-1):
            if t == 0:
            if t == 1:
        tnodes = []
        #print "lenT:", len(T), T
        if T != None:
            for t in range(len(T)):
                for i in range(len(T[t])/2):
                    c1,c2,c3,c4 = [1,None],[1,None],[0,None],[0,None]
                    #nd = vxnode([pos[0] + i, pos[1]], [c1,c2,c3,c4])
                    tnodes[t].append(vxnode([pos[0] + i, pos[1]], [c1,c2,c3,c4]))
                for i in range(len(tnodes[t])-1):             
            p = 0
            for i in range(len(tnodes)):
                #print "Tlen:", len(tnodes[i])
                for e in range(len(tnodes[i])):
                    tnodes[i][e].pos[0] = pos[0] + p
                    p += 1
            for i in range(len((vnodes))):
                vnodes[i].pos[0] += .5

        #Contract  T
        #I contains a recipe for the contractions in the diagram.
        #Iterate over each element in I and match up the contractions

        #For every element in I, match up corresponding elements in H and T

        for i in range(len(tnodes)):

            for e in range(len(I[i])):

                cn = I[i][e]

                self.m = 0
                nn = 0
                cond = True
                while cond:
                    cond = self.probe(tnodes[i],vnodes,cn) #probe and perform a possible connection

                    nn += 1
                    if self.m != 0:

                    if nn>10:
        for i in range(len(tnodes)):
        return [vnodes, tnodes]
    def probe(self,T,H,cn):
        cond = True
        if cn == -1:
            #hole line
            for i in range(len(T)):
                for e in range(len(H)):
                    if T[i].config[0][0] == 1 and T[i].config[0][1] == None:
                        if H[e].config[2][0] == 1 and H[e].config[2][1] == None:
                            #perform connection
                            H[e].config[2][1] = T[i].pos
                            T[i].config[0][0] = 0
                            self.m = 1
                            cn = 0
                if self.m == 1:
        if cn == 1:
            #particle line
            for i in range(len(T)):
                for e in range(len(H)):

                    if T[i].config[1][0] == 1 and T[i].config[1][1] == None:
                        if H[e].config[3][0] == 1 and H[e].config[3][1] == None:
                            #perform connection
                            H[e].config[3][1] = T[i].pos
                            T[i].config[1][0] = 0
                            self.m = 1

                            cn = 0
                if self.m == 1:
        if self.m == 1:
            cond = False
        return cond   

    def nconnect(self,n1,n2,S,order="l0", p_h = None):
        N = 60
        if n1.x==n2.x and n1.y == n2.y:
            Cx = n1.x + S
            Cy = n1.y
            X = Cx + S*cos(linspace(0,2*pi,N))
            Y = Cy + S*sin(linspace(0,2*pi,N))
        #S = -1
            Phx = (n1.x+n2.x)/2.0
            Phy = (n1.y+n2.y)/2.0
            lP = sqrt((n2.x-n1.x)**2 + (n2.y-n1.y)**2)
            dPx = (n2.x-n1.x)/lP    
            dPy = (n2.y-n1.y)/lP
            Cx = Phx - S*dPy
            Cy = Phy + S*dPx  
            lC = sqrt((S*dPy)**2 + (S*dPx)**2)
            #node(Phx,Phy, c="blue")
            #node(Cx,Cy, c="red")
            R = sqrt((Cx-n1.x)**2 + (Cy-n1.y)**2)
            lPC0 = sqrt(((Cx+R)-n1.x)**2 + (Cy - n1.y)**2)
            lPC1 = sqrt(((Cx+R)-n2.x)**2 + (Cy - n2.y)**2)
            dalpha = arccos((2*R**2 - lP**2)/(2.0*R**2))
            CPx = n1.x - Cx
            CPy = n1.y - Cy
            X,Y = 0,0
            if order == "0":
                X = [n1.x, n2.x]
                Y = [n1.y, n2.y]
            if order == "l0":
                if S<0:
                    dalpha = 2*pi - dalpha
                A = linspace(0,dalpha, N)
                X,Y = rotate_v(CPx,CPy,A)
            if order == "r0":
                if S>0:
                    dalpha = 2*pi - dalpha      
                A = linspace(0,-dalpha, N)
                X,Y = rotate_v(CPx,CPy,A)
        msize = 10
        if p_h == 1:
            draw_arrow([X[len(X)/2],Y[len(X)/2]], [-dPx,-dPy])
            #plot(X[len(X)/2],Y[len(X)/2], "^", color = "black", markersize = msize)
        if p_h == -1:
            draw_arrow([X[len(X)/2],Y[len(X)/2]], [-dPx,-dPy])
            #plot(X[len(X)/2],Y[len(X)/2], "v", color = "black", markersize = msize)
        plot(X,Y, color = "black")
    def ncon(self,n1,n2,order = 0, p_h = None):
        if order == 0:
            nconnect(n1,n2,1,"0", p_h)
        if order > 0:
            nconnect(n1,n2,(-2+order),"l0", p_h)
        if order < 0:
            nconnect(n1,n2,(-2-order),"r0", p_h)
def rotate_v(x,y,alpha):
    ca = cos(alpha)
    sa = sin(alpha)
    return ca*x - sa*y, sa*x + ca*y

class vxnode():
    def __init__(self, pos, config):
        #config = [[1,None],[1,None],[1,None],[1,None]]
        self.pos = pos
        self.hole_up = 0  #config[0] #Outgoing Q-particle creation operators
        self.part_up = 0  #config[1] #Outgoing Q-particle creation operators
        self.hole_down = 0#config[2] #Outgoing Q-particle creation operators
        self.part_down = 0#config[3] #Outgoing Q-particle creation operators
        self.config = config
        self.subline = False
        self.Opconnect = []
        self.Tconnect = []
        self.vconnect_h = []
        self.c = "black"
    def opconnect(self, pos):
        #connect horizontal to another vxnode
    def tconnect(self, pos):
        #connect horizontal to another vxnode
    def ttype(self):
        #Draw a solid, horizontal line through the operator
        self.subline = True
    def draw(self, pos2 = None):
        if pos2 != None:
            self.pos[0] += pos2[0]
            self.pos[1] += pos2[1]            
        msize = 10
        c= self.c
        sx = .4
        sy = 2.0
        #if len(self.Tconnect) != 0:
            #sy *= 1.5
            #sx *= 1.3
        config = self.config
        plot(self.pos[0],self.pos[1], ".", color = c,markersize = 10)
        if config[0][0] == 1:
            if config[0][1] == None:
                #Draw straight line hole up
                plot([self.pos[0], self.pos[0]-sx],[self.pos[1], self.pos[1]+sy],color = c)

                #print "DRAWING ARROW"
                draw_arrow([(self.pos[0] + self.pos[0]-sx)/2.0,(self.pos[1] + self.pos[1]+sy)/2.0], [sx,-sy])
                #plot((self.pos[0] + self.pos[0]-sx)/2.0,(self.pos[1] + self.pos[1]+sy)/2.0,"v", color = c, markersize = msize)                
            if config[0][1] != None:
                #connect to node config[0][1] in hole up manner
                order = -1
                #if config[1][1] != None:
                #    order = 0
                self.ncon(node(self.pos),node(config[0][1]), order, -1)
        if config[1][0] == 1:
            if config[1][1] == None:
                #Draw straight line particle up
                plot([self.pos[0], self.pos[0]+sx],[self.pos[1], self.pos[1]+sy],color = c)
                #print "DRAWING ARROW"
                draw_arrow([(self.pos[0] + self.pos[0]+sx)/2.0,(self.pos[1] + self.pos[1]+sy)/2.0], [sx,sy])
                #plot((self.pos[0] + self.pos[0]+sx)/2.0,(self.pos[1] + self.pos[1]+sy)/2.0,"^", color = c, markersize = msize)                
            if config[1][1] != None:
                #connect to node config[0][1] in particle up manner
                order = -1
                #if config[0][1] != None:
                #    order = 0
        if config[2][0] == 1:
            if config[2][1] == None:
                #Draw straight line hole down
                plot([self.pos[0], self.pos[0]-sx],[self.pos[1], self.pos[1]-sy],color = c)
                #print "DRAWING ARROW"
                draw_arrow([(self.pos[0] + self.pos[0]-sx)/2.0,(self.pos[1] + self.pos[1]-sy)/2.0], [-sx,-sy])
                #plot((self.pos[0] + self.pos[0]-sx)/2.0,(self.pos[1] + self.pos[1]-sy)/2.0,"v", color = c, markersize = msize)                
            if config[2][1] != None:
                #connect to node config[0][1] in hole down manner
                #print "Active"
                order = -1
                #if config[3][1] != None:
                #    order = 0
                self.ncon(node(config[2][1]), node(self.pos),order, -1)
        if config[3][0] == 1:
            if config[3][1] == None:
                plot([self.pos[0], self.pos[0]+sx],[self.pos[1], self.pos[1]-sy],color = c)
                #print "DRAWING ARROW"
                draw_arrow([(self.pos[0] + self.pos[0]+sx)/2.0,(self.pos[1] + self.pos[1]-sy)/2.0], [-sx,sy])
                #plot((self.pos[0] + self.pos[0]+sx)/2.0,(self.pos[1] + self.pos[1]-sy)/2.0,"^", color = c, markersize = msize)
                #Draw straight line particle down

            if config[3][1] != None:
                #connect to node config[0][1] in particle down manner
                order = -1
                #if config[2][1] != None:
                #    order = 0
                self.ncon(node(self.pos), node(config[3][1]), order, 1)
        for i in range(len(self.Opconnect)):
            plot([self.pos[0],self.Opconnect[i][0]],[self.pos[1],self.Opconnect[i][1]], ls = "dotted", color = c)
        for i in range(len(self.Tconnect)):
            plot([self.pos[0],self.Tconnect[i][0]],[self.pos[1],self.Tconnect[i][1]], color = c)
        if self.subline:
            plot([self.pos[0]-sx, self.pos[0]+sx], [self.pos[1], self.pos[1]], color = c)    
    def ncon(self,n1,n2,order = 0, p_h = None):
        if order == 0:
            self.nconnect(n1,n2,1,"0", p_h)
        if order > 0:
            self.nconnect(n1,n2,(-2+order),"l0", p_h)
        if order < 0:
            self.nconnect(n1,n2,(-2-order),"r0", p_h)
    def nconnect(self,n1,n2,S,order="l0", p_h = None):
        N = 60
        if n1.x==n2.x and n1.y == n2.y:
            Cx = n1.x + S
            Cy = n1.y
            X = Cx + S*cos(linspace(0,2*pi,N))
            Y = Cy + S*sin(linspace(0,2*pi,N))
        #S = -1
            Phx = (n1.x+n2.x)/2.0
            Phy = (n1.y+n2.y)/2.0
            lP = sqrt((n2.x-n1.x)**2 + (n2.y-n1.y)**2)
            dPx = (n2.x-n1.x)/lP    
            dPy = (n2.y-n1.y)/lP
            Cx = Phx - S*dPy
            Cy = Phy + S*dPx  
            lC = sqrt((S*dPy)**2 + (S*dPx)**2)
            #node(Phx,Phy, c="blue")
            #node(Cx,Cy, c="red")
            R = sqrt((Cx-n1.x)**2 + (Cy-n1.y)**2)
            lPC0 = sqrt(((Cx+R)-n1.x)**2 + (Cy - n1.y)**2)
            lPC1 = sqrt(((Cx+R)-n2.x)**2 + (Cy - n2.y)**2)
            dalpha = arccos((2*R**2 - lP**2)/(2.0*R**2))
            CPx = n1.x - Cx
            CPy = n1.y - Cy
            X,Y = 0,0
            if order == "0":
                X = [n1.x, n2.x]
                Y = [n1.y, n2.y]
            if order == "l0":
                if S<0:
                    dalpha = 2*pi - dalpha
                A = linspace(0,dalpha, N)
                X,Y = rotate_v(CPx,CPy,A)
            if order == "r0":
                if S>0:
                    dalpha = 2*pi - dalpha      
                A = linspace(0,-dalpha, N)
                X,Y = rotate_v(CPx,CPy,A)
        msize = 10
        if p_h == 1:
            draw_arrow([X[len(X)/2],Y[len(X)/2]], [-dPx,-dPy])
            #plot(X[len(X)/2],Y[len(X)/2], "^", color = "black", markersize = msize)
        if p_h == -1:
            draw_arrow([X[len(X)/2],Y[len(X)/2]], [-dPx,-dPy])
            #plot(X[len(X)/2],Y[len(X)/2], "v", color = "black", markersize = msize)
        plot(X,Y, color = "black")

def draw_arrow(pos, point, s = .2, h = .1):
    #Draw an arrow at pos, pointing in the direction of point.
    #normalize direction
    p2 = sqrt(point[0]**2 + point[1]**2)
    point[0] /= p2
    point[1] /= p2
    #pi/2 degree rotation
    p_rotx, p_roty = point[1], -point[0]

    x0, y0 = pos[0], pos[1]
    x1, y1 = pos[0] - s*point[0], pos[1] - s*point[1]
    #plot the arrow
    plot([x0, x1+h*p_rotx],[y0, y1+h*p_roty], color = "black")
    plot([x0, x1-h*p_rotx],[y0, y1-h*p_roty], color = "black")

class node():
    def __init__(self, V, c= "black"):
        self.x = V[0]
        self.y = V[1]
        #plot(x,y,".", color = c,markersize = 15)
def normal_ordered_hamiltonian():
    F1 = Operator([1],[1])
    F2 = Operator([-1],[-1])
    F3 = Operator([1,-1],[])
    F4 = Operator([],[1,-1])
    V1 = Operator([1,1],[1,1])
    V2 = Operator([-1,-1],[-1,-1])
    V3 = Operator([1,-1],[1,-1])
    V4 = Operator([1,1,-1],[1])
    V5 = Operator([1],[1,1,-1])
    V6 = Operator([1,-1,-1],[-1])
    V7 = Operator([-1],[1,-1,-1])
    V8 = Operator([1,1,-1,-1],[])
    V9 = Operator([],[1,1,-1,-1])
    return [F1,F2,F3,F4,V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8,V9]

def cluster_operator(configuration):
    #configuration =[]
    T1= Operator([1,-1],[])
    T2= Operator([1,1,-1,-1],[])
    T3= Operator([1,1,1,-1,-1,-1],[])
    T4= Operator([1,1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1],[])
    T5= Operator([1,1,1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1],[])
    T_list = [T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]
    ret = []
    for i in configuration:
    return ret

def generate_all_combinations(H,T, excitation_level = None, print_alg = 0, print_diag = 0):
    for i in H:
        if print_alg:
        if print_diag:

Some examples

The cell below shows how to quickly assemble a list containing all normal-ordered parts of the hamiltonian. (line 1) The list contains a total of 13 elements, where the first 4 are the one particle term and the following 9 are the two-particle interaction.

In the second line a cluster operator $\hat{T}_1^2 \hat{T}_2$ is created.

The final line finds all contribution to the CC equations (energy and amplitudes) from the connected terms obtained by combining H and T. Excitation level is only outputted to the screen, but could potentially be implemented in such a way that only preferred exitations are displayed. (If your aim is to find contributions only to the energy or certain amplitudes)

In [48]:
H = normal_ordered_hamiltonian()
T = cluster_operator([1,1,2])
generate_all_combinations(H,T, excitation_level = 2, print_alg = 1, print_diag = 0)

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-48-2297e94bbeb3> in <module>()
      1 H = normal_ordered_hamiltonian()
      2 T = cluster_operator([1,1,2])
----> 3 generate_all_combinations(H,T, excitation_level = 2, print_alg = 1, print_diag = 0)

TypeError: generate_all_combinations() got an unexpected keyword argument 'print_alg'

All operators and combinations of operators may be represented visually as diagrams

In [29]:
T = cluster_operator([2,2])
V9 = Operator([],[1,1,-1,-1])

The example below gives a better picture of the inner workings of the algorithm. Any operator is called with two sets of particle and hole definitions. (Particles are 1, holes are -1) The first set relates to lines above the interaction (created virtual particles) and the second to lines below the interaction. As such, the two operators below represents the contribution to the energy arising from combining the two q-particle annihilation filament of the hamiltonian with the $\hat{T}_2$ cluster operator. As expected, the final excitation is 0.

In [30]:
T2 = Operator([1,1,-1,-1],[])
V9 = Operator([],[1,1,-1,-1])
V9.combine([T2]) #input operator must be a list, as a product of cluster operators may potentially be involved

$$ \frac{1}{4} \sum_{aibj} \langle ij|H|ab \rangle t_{ij}^{ab} (excitation:0) $$

Finally, to complete the investigation above, the two other contributions to the CC-energy is confirmed to have excitation level 0 in the example below.

In [31]:
T1= Operator([1,-1],[])
T2= Operator([1,1,-1,-1],[])
F4 = Operator([],[1,-1])    
V9 = Operator([],[1,1,-1,-1])

V9.combine([T1,T1]) #input operator must be a list, as a product of cluster operators may potentially be involved


$$ \frac{1}{2} \sum_{aibj} \langle ij|H|ab \rangle t_{i}^{a} t_{j}^{b} (excitation:0) $$
$$ \frac{1}{1} \sum_{ai} \langle i|H|a \rangle t_{i}^{a} (excitation:0) $$

Part II: Solving the CCD amplitude equation using CCAlgebra

Here, we demonstrate how to calculate the CCD contributions to the T2 amplitude using CCAlgebra.

We first initialize the normal-ordered hamiltonian, and proceed by generating all combinations between the operators:

In [40]:
H = normal_ordered_hamiltonian()
T = cluster_operator([2])
generate_all_combinations(H,T, excitation_level = 1, print_alg = 1, print_diag = 1)
#Too much spacing beneath

$$ \frac{1}{1} \sum_{ai} \langle i|H|a \rangle t_{ij}^{ab} (excitation:1) $$
$$ \frac{-1}{2} \sum_{aib} \langle ib|H|ab \rangle t_{ij}^{ab} (excitation:1) $$
$$ \frac{1}{2} \sum_{aij} \langle ij|H|aj \rangle t_{ij}^{ab} (excitation:1) $$

In [6]:
import IPython
print IPython.sys_info()

{'codename': 'An Afternoon Hack',
 'commit_hash': '02da31c',
 'commit_source': 'installation',
 'default_encoding': 'UTF-8',
 'ipython_path': '/Users/kinealicegulbrandsen/anaconda/',
 'ipython_version': '1.0.0',
 'os_name': 'posix',
 'platform': 'Darwin-13.3.0-x86_64-i386-64bit',
 'sys_executable': '/Users/kinealicegulbrandsen/anaconda/',
 'sys_platform': 'darwin',
 'sys_version': '2.7.5 |Anaconda 1.7.0 (x86_64)| (default, Jun 28 2013, 22:20:13) \n[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5493)]'}

List of bugs / unphysical combinations

In [37]:
T2 = Operator([1,1,-1,-1],[])
V9 = Operator([],[1,-1])
V9.combine([T2]) #input operator must be a list, as a product of cluster operators may potentially be involved

$$ \frac{1}{1} \sum_{ai} \langle i|H|a \rangle t_{ij}^{ab} (excitation:1) $$

In [34]:
T = cluster_operator([2,2,2])
V9 = Operator([],[1,1,-1,-1])

In [46]:

In [ ]: