Manuscript4 - Computational Model -- Group-level for Fig. 4

Master code for Ito et al., 2017

Takuya Ito (

The model (see Stern et al., 2014)

$$ \frac{dx_{i}}{dt} \tau_{i} = -x_{i}(t) + s \hspace{3 pt} \phi \hspace{1 pt} \bigg{(} x_i(t) \bigg{)} + g \bigg{(} \sum_{j\neq i}^{N} W_{ij} \hspace{3 pt} \phi \hspace{1 pt} \bigg{(} x_{j}(t) \bigg{)} \bigg{)} + I_{i}(t)$$

where $x_i$ is the activity of region $i$, $\tau_{i}$ is the time constant for region $i$, $s$ is the recurrent (local) coupling, $g$ is the global coupling parameter, $\phi$ is the bounded transfer function (in this scenario is the hyperbolic tangent), $W_{xy}$ is the synaptic connectivity matrix, and $I$ is the task-stimulation (if any).

In [23]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import sparse
% matplotlib inline
import scipy.stats as stats
import statsmodels.api as sm
import CompModel_v7 as cm
cm = reload(cm)
import multiprocessing as mp
import sklearn.preprocessing as preprocessing
import sklearn.svm as svm
import statsmodels.sandbox.stats.multicomp as mc
import multregressionconnectivity as mreg
import sys
import permutationTesting as pt
import os
os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(1)
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize

class MidpointNormalize(Normalize):
    def __init__(self, vmin=None, vmax=None, midpoint=None, clip=False):
        self.midpoint = midpoint
        Normalize.__init__(self, vmin, vmax, clip)

    def __call__(self, value, clip=None):
        # I'm ignoring masked values and all kinds of edge cases to make a
        # simple example...
        x, y = [self.vmin, self.midpoint, self.vmax], [0, 0.5, 1]
        return, x, y))

Simulate Tasks

  • Simulations are run for 100 seconds
  • Sampling rate of 10 ms
  • global coupling paramter g = 1.0
  • local coupling parameter s = 1.0
  • Tasks last for 4 seconds @ every 6th second (i.e., 6s, 16s, 26s) for a total of 10 trials in 100 seconds
  • Stimulate 1/4th of the nodes per community (so if 50 nodes per community, stimulate 13)

2.1 Run information transfer mapping with simulated neural data

Due to computational cost, simulations were run on supercomputer and then copied over to lab server. Code is identical to code presented in demo tutorial

3.0 Run data analyses on simulated neural data

In [24]:
# Basic simulation parameters
# Simulation parameters sampled at 10ms
Tmax = 10000 # 100 seconds per block (10 trials perblock, each trial lasts 4 seconds)
Tmaxrest = 60000 # 500 seconds of rest
nblocks = 20
# Network parameters
g = 1.0
s = 1.0
nsubjs = 30
ncommunities = 5
nodespernetwork = 50
totalnodes = ncommunities*nodespernetwork

localtasks = range(1,5)
flexhubtasks = range(5,9)
flexandlocalnets = range(9,13)
flexandlocalnet2 = range(13,17)

ntasks = len(localtasks) + len(flexhubtasks) + len(flexandlocalnets) + len(flexandlocalnet2)

3.0.1a visualize synaptic matrix (sample subject)

In [25]:
nblocks = 20
## First four tasks are local tasks
localtasks = range(1,5)
localcommunity = 4 # local community to stimulate the local tasks
## Second four tasks are 'flexhub' tasks
flexhubtasks = range(5,9)
ntasks = len(flexhubtasks) + len(localtasks)
Tmax = 10000
Tmaxrest = 60000
#    g = 1.0
#    s = 1.0
autocorrfactor = 0
samplingrate = 1.0
#### Set up subject networks ####
# Parameters for subject's networks
ncommunities = 5
innetwork_dsity = .35
outnetwork_dsity = .05
hubnetwork_dsity = .20

nodespernetwork = 50
totalnodes = nodespernetwork*ncommunities

# Construct structural matrix
W = cm.generateStructuralNetwork(ncommunities=ncommunities, innetwork_dsity=innetwork_dsity,
                              outnetwork_dsity=outnetwork_dsity, hubnetwork_dsity=hubnetwork_dsity,
                              nodespernetwork=nodespernetwork, showplot=False)
# Construct synaptic matrix
G = cm.generateSynapticNetwork(W, showplot=False)
# norm = MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0)
plt.title('Synaptic Weight Matrix', y=1.04, fontsize=18)
# plt.savefig('SingleSubj_SynapticWeightMatrix.pdf')

<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7ff8ec299e10>

3.0.1 Visualize actual estimated 'intrinsic FC's from Pearson FC and MultRegFC

In [26]:
fcmat_pearson = np.zeros((totalnodes,totalnodes,nsubjs))
fcmat_multreg = np.zeros((totalnodes,totalnodes,nsubjs))

for subj in range(nsubjs):
    indir = '/projects2/ModalityControl2/data/resultsMaster/Manuscript4_CompModelv7_resubmission/restfc/'
    # Load in pearson FC matrix
    filename1 = 'subj' + str(subj) + '_restfc_pearson.txt'
    fcmat_pearson[:,:,subj] = np.loadtxt(indir + filename1, delimiter=',')
    # Loda in multreg FC matrix
    filename2 = 'subj' + str(subj) + '_restfc_multreg.txt'
    fcmat_multreg[:,:,subj] = np.loadtxt(indir + filename2, delimiter=',')
avg = np.mean(fcmat_pearson,axis=2)
plt.imshow(avg ,origin='lower',interpolation='none')#,vmin=0)
plt.title('Group Rest FC Matrix\nPearson FC', y=1.04, fontsize=18)

avg = np.mean(fcmat_multreg,axis=2)
# norm = MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0)
plt.imshow(avg ,origin='lower',interpolation='none')#,vmin=-.08,vmax=.08)
plt.title('Group Rest FC Matrix\nMultiple Regression FC', y=1.04, fontsize=18)
# plt.savefig('Fig1b_CompModel5_GroupRestFC_MultReg.pdf')

<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7ff8ec719c50>

In [27]:
avg = np.mean(fcmat_multreg,axis=2)
norm = MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0)
plt.imshow(avg, origin='lower',interpolation='none', cmap='OrRd',vmin=0)
plt.title('Group Rest FC Matrix\nMultiple Regression FC', y=1.04, fontsize=18)

<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7ff8ec388650>

3.1 Run Task information transfer mapping classifying each of the different rules (4-way classification)

3.1.1 Define some basic functions

In [28]:
def setUpActFlowRSAMat(subj,net,fromnet,tasks,nblocks=20,fc='multreg'):
    Retrieves actflow data from subject and puts it in an SVM ready format
    tasks input -- an array or list of task numbers corresponding to which set of tasks you want to analyze
                   May want only local tasks or flexhub tasks
    nsamples = len(tasks)*nblocks
    nfeatures = nodespernetwork # regions per network
    svm_mat = np.zeros((nsamples,nfeatures))
    labels = np.zeros((nsamples,))

    indir = '/projects2/ModalityControl2/data/resultsMaster/Manuscript4_CompModelv7_resubmission/actflow_predictions/'
    indcount = 0
    for task in tasks:
        if fc=='multreg':
            filename = 'subj'+str(subj)+'_task'+str(task)+'_net'+str(fromnet)+'tonet'+str(net)+'_multregFC.txt'
        elif fc=='pearson':
            filename = 'subj'+str(subj)+'_task'+str(task)+'_net'+str(fromnet)+'tonet'+str(net)+'_pearsonFC.txt'
        actflowdat = np.loadtxt(indir+filename,delimiter=',')
        svm_mat[indcount:(indcount+nblocks),:] = actflowdat.T
        labels[indcount:(indcount+nblocks)] = task
        indcount += nblocks
    return svm_mat, labels

def setUpBetasRSAMat(subj,net,tasks,nblocks=20):
    Retrieves in task beta from subject and puts it in an SVM ready format
    tasks input -- an array or list of task numbers corresponding to which set of tasks you want to analyze
                   May want only local tasks or flexhub tasks
    nfeatures = nodespernetwork # Number of regions for each network
    nsamples = len(tasks)*nblocks
    svm_mat = np.zeros((nsamples,nfeatures))
    labels =np.zeros((nsamples,))
    net_ind = np.arange(net*nodespernetwork,net*nodespernetwork+nodespernetwork)

    indir = '/projects2/ModalityControl2/data/resultsMaster/Manuscript4_CompModelv7_resubmission/task_betas/'
    indcount = 0
    for task in tasks:
        filename = 'subj'+str(subj)+'_task'+str(task)+'_allblocks.txt'
        betas = np.loadtxt(indir + filename, delimiter=',')
        # Get relevant network data
        svm_mat[indcount:(indcount+nblocks),:] = betas[net_ind,:].T # get all trials
        labels[indcount:(indcount+nblocks)] = task
        indcount += nblocks
    return svm_mat, labels

3.2.1 Define some basic functions

In [29]:
def runActFlowRSA((subj,net,fromnet,tasks,nblocks,fc)):
    Runs a leave-block-out CV style SVM analysis (leaving 4 blocks out per CV)
    Trains on predicted ActFlow data
    Tests on real data (betas)
    actflow_mat, labels = setUpActFlowRSAMat(subj,net,fromnet,tasks,nblocks=nblocks,fc=fc)
    real_mat, labels = setUpBetasRSAMat(subj,net,tasks,nblocks=nblocks)
#     actflow_mat = preprocessing.scale(actflow_mat,axis=0)
#     real_mat = preprocessing.scale(real_mat,axis=0)
    ncvs = nblocks
    indices = np.arange(actflow_mat.shape[0])
    matched_rhos = []
    mismatch_rhos = []
    for cv in range(ncvs):
        task_ind = {}
        prototype = {}
        # Construct prototypes of each task
        for task in tasks: 
            # Get indices for this particular task
            task_ind[task] = np.where(labels==task)[0]
            # Decide which one is your 'comparison test trial' will be
            test_ind = task_ind[task][cv]
            # Find the indices for the prototypes
            train_ind = np.setxor1d(test_ind,task_ind[task])
            prototype[task] = np.mean(real_mat[train_ind,:],axis=0)
        # Now compare each pair of tasks with the prototype
        for task_a in tasks:
            for task_b in tasks:
                test_ind = task_ind[task_a][cv] # Compare task a
                rho_tmp = stats.spearmanr(prototype[task_b].T,actflow_mat[test_ind,:].T)[0] # With task b
                rho_tmp = np.arctanh(rho_tmp)
                if task_a==task_b:
                    # Match!
    # Get averages 
    matched_rhos_avg = np.mean(matched_rhos)
    mismatch_rhos_avg = np.mean(mismatch_rhos)
    return matched_rhos_avg, mismatch_rhos_avg

3.2.3 Run information transfer mapping analysis on subjects using MultReg FC

In [30]:
# Empty variables for FlexHub task analysis
rho_mat_match_flexhub = np.zeros((ncommunities,ncommunities,nsubjs))
rho_mat_mismatch_flexhub = np.zeros((ncommunities,ncommunities,nsubjs))
for i in range(ncommunities):
    for j in range(ncommunities):
        if i==j: continue
        fromnet = i
        net = j
        nblocks = nblocks
        ## First run on flexhub tasks
        inputs = []
        for subj in range(nsubjs): inputs.append((subj,net,fromnet,flexhubtasks,nblocks,fc))
        # Run multiprocessing
        pool = mp.Pool(processes=15)
        results_flexhub = pool.map_async(runActFlowRSA, inputs).get()

        ## Get results
        for subj in range(nsubjs):
            match, mismatch = results_flexhub[subj]
            rho_mat_match_flexhub[i,j,subj],rho_mat_mismatch_flexhub[i,j,subj] = match, mismatch

3.2.3 Statistical testing on results and plot

In [31]:
# Instantiate empty result matrices
tmat_flexhub = np.zeros((ncommunities,ncommunities))
pmat_flexhub = np.ones((ncommunities,ncommunities))
for i in range(ncommunities):
    for j in range(ncommunities):
        if i==j: continue
        t, p = stats.ttest_rel(rho_mat_match_flexhub[i,j,:],rho_mat_mismatch_flexhub[i,j,:])
        tmat_flexhub[i,j] = t
        # One-sided p-value
        if t > 0:
            p = p/2.0
        elif t < 0:
            p = 1.0 - p/2.0
        pmat_flexhub[i,j] = p

## FlexHub Tasks
# Run FDR correction on p-values (Don't get diagonal values)
qmat_flexhub = np.ones((ncommunities,ncommunities))
triu_ind = np.triu_indices(ncommunities,k=1)
tril_ind = np.tril_indices(ncommunities,k=-1)
all_ps = np.hstack((pmat_flexhub[triu_ind],pmat_flexhub[tril_ind]))
h, all_qs = mc.fdrcorrection0(all_ps)
# the first half of all qs belong to triu, second half belongs to tril
qmat_flexhub[triu_ind] = all_qs[:len(triu_ind[0])]
qmat_flexhub[tril_ind] = all_qs[len(tril_ind[0]):]
binary_mat_flexhub = qmat_flexhub < .05

rho_diff_mat_flexhub = np.mean(rho_mat_match_flexhub,axis=2) - np.mean(rho_mat_mismatch_flexhub,axis=2)

threshold_acc = np.multiply(binary_mat_flexhub,tmat_flexhub)
norm = MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0)
plt.title('Network-to-Network Information Transfer\n(FDR-corrected)\nFlexHub Tasks -- MultReg FC',fontsize=16, y=1.02)
plt.yticks(range(ncommunities), ['FlexHub', 'Net1', 'Net2', 'Net3', 'Net4'])
plt.xticks(range(ncommunities), ['FlexHub', 'Net1', 'Net2', 'Net3', 'Net4'])
plt.ylabel('Network ActFlow FROM',fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel('Network ActFlow TO',fontsize=15)
# plt.savefig('SFig_CompModel_Network2Network_RSA_MultRegFC_HubNetStim_.pdf')

3.3 Statistical testing on results and plot using FWE-correction (permutation testing)

In [32]:
# Instantiate empty result matrices
tfwe_flexhub = np.zeros((ncommunities,ncommunities))
pfwe_flexhub = np.ones((ncommunities,ncommunities))

ite_flexhub = rho_mat_match_flexhub - rho_mat_mismatch_flexhub

indices = np.ones((ncommunities,ncommunities))
flatten_ind = np.where(indices==1)

## FlexHub Tasks
t, p = pt.permutationFWE(ite_flexhub[flatten_ind[0],flatten_ind[1],:], permutations=1000, nproc=15)
p = 1.0 - p
tfwe_flexhub[flatten_ind[0],flatten_ind[1]] = t
pfwe_flexhub[flatten_ind[0],flatten_ind[1]] = p
binary_mat_flexhub = pfwe_flexhub < 0.05
# Print statistics to place in text of paper
# Compute average t-value of hub-network transfers
sig_ind = pfwe_flexhub<0.05
nonsig_ind = pfwe_flexhub>0.05
print 'Average significant T-value:', np.mean(tfwe_flexhub[sig_ind])
print 'Maximum significant P-value:', np.max(pfwe_flexhub[sig_ind])
print 'Average significant ITE:', np.mean(ite_flexhub[sig_ind])
print '\n'
print 'Average non-significant T-value:', np.mean(tfwe_flexhub[nonsig_ind])
print 'Average non-significant P-value:', np.mean(pfwe_flexhub[nonsig_ind])
print 'Average non-significant ITE:', np.mean(ite_flexhub[nonsig_ind])

ite_mat_flexhub = np.mean(rho_mat_match_flexhub,axis=2) - np.mean(rho_mat_mismatch_flexhub,axis=2)

threshold_acc = np.multiply(binary_mat_flexhub,tmat_flexhub)
norm = MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0)
plt.title('Network-to-Network Information Transfer\n(FWE-corrected)\nFlexHub Tasks -- MultReg FC',fontsize=16, y=1.02)
plt.yticks(range(ncommunities), ['FlexHub', 'Net1', 'Net2', 'Net3', 'Net4'])
plt.xticks(range(ncommunities), ['FlexHub', 'Net1', 'Net2', 'Net3', 'Net4'])
plt.ylabel('Network ActFlow FROM',fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel('Network ActFlow TO',fontsize=15)
# plt.savefig('SFig_CompModel_Network2Network_RSA_MultRegFC_HubNetStim_.pdf')

Average significant T-value: 11.8557605467
Maximum significant P-value: 0.0
Average significant ITE: 0.128640697383

Average non-significant T-value: -0.0169503290875
Average non-significant P-value: 0.918235294118
Average non-significant ITE: -0.000220691456621

4.0 Compute BGC using resting-state MultRegFC

In [33]:
outofnet_intrinsicFC = np.zeros((ncommunities,nsubjs))
indices = np.arange(nodespernetwork*ncommunities)
for subj in range(nsubjs):
    for net in range(0,ncommunities):
    #     if net == hubnet: continue 
        net_ind = np.arange(nodespernetwork*net,nodespernetwork*net + nodespernetwork)
        net_ind.shape = (len(net_ind),1)
        outofnet_ind = np.setxor1d(net_ind,indices)
        outofnet_ind.shape = (len(outofnet_ind),1)
        outofnet_intrinsicFC[net,subj] =  np.mean(fcmat_multreg[net_ind, outofnet_ind.T, subj])
fcmean = np.mean(outofnet_intrinsicFC,axis=1)
fcerr = np.std(outofnet_intrinsicFC,axis=1)/np.sqrt(nsubjs)
fig =, fcmean, yerr=fcerr)
# fig = plt.ylim([.09,0.10])
fig = plt.xticks(np.arange(.4,5.4,1.0),['FlexHub', 'Net1', 'Net2', 'Net3', 'Net4'],fontsize=14)
fig = plt.ylabel('Multiple Regression FC', fontsize=16)
fig = plt.xlabel('Networks', fontsize=16)
fig = plt.title("Out-of-Network (BGC) Intrinsic FC", fontsize=18, y=1.02)
fig = plt.tight_layout()
# pp2 = PdfPages('Fig1_CompModel_OutNetIntrinsicFC.pdf')
# pp2.savefig(fig)
# pp2.close()

In [34]:
pvals = []
tvals = []
hubnet = 0
for net in range(ncommunities):
    if hubnet == net: continue
    t, p = stats.ttest_rel(outofnet_intrinsicFC[hubnet,:],outofnet_intrinsicFC[net,:])
qvals = mc.fdrcorrection0(pvals)[1]

for net in range(ncommunities):
    if net == hubnet:
        print 'Average out-of-network GBC of network', net, ':', round(np.mean(outofnet_intrinsicFC[net,:]),5)
        print 'Average out-of-network GBC of network', net, ':', round(np.mean(outofnet_intrinsicFC[net,:]),5), '\t t =', round(tvals[net-1],3), '\t p =', round(pvals[net-1],3), '\t q =', round(qvals[net-1],3)

print 'Average t-value for hub network greater than local networks:', np.mean(tvals)

Average out-of-network GBC of network 0 : 0.0043
Average out-of-network GBC of network 1 : 0.00036 	 t = 21.613 	 p = 0.0 	 q = 0.0
Average out-of-network GBC of network 2 : 0.00029 	 t = 20.401 	 p = 0.0 	 q = 0.0
Average out-of-network GBC of network 3 : 0.00032 	 t = 21.807 	 p = 0.0 	 q = 0.0
Average out-of-network GBC of network 4 : 0.00038 	 t = 20.747 	 p = 0.0 	 q = 0.0
Average t-value for hub network greater than local networks: 21.1417644007

Correct for FWE instead

In [35]:
contrast = np.zeros((ncommunities-1,outofnet_intrinsicFC.shape[1]))

hubnet = 0
i = 0
for net in range(ncommunities):
    if hubnet == net: continue
    t, p = stats.ttest_rel(outofnet_intrinsicFC[hubnet,:],outofnet_intrinsicFC[net,:])
    contrast[i,:] = outofnet_intrinsicFC[hubnet,:] - outofnet_intrinsicFC[net,:]
    i += 1
t, p_fwe = pt.permutationFWE(contrast, permutations=1000, nproc=15)    
p_fwe = 1.0 - p_fwe 
qvals = mc.fdrcorrection0(pvals)[1]

for net in range(ncommunities):
    if net == hubnet:
        print 'Average out-of-network GBC of network', net, ':', round(np.mean(outofnet_intrinsicFC[net,:]),5)
        print 'Average out-of-network GBC of network', net, ':', round(np.mean(outofnet_intrinsicFC[net,:]),5), '\t t =', round(t[net-1],3), '\t p =', round(p_fwe[net-1],3)

Average out-of-network GBC of network 0 : 0.0043
Average out-of-network GBC of network 1 : 0.00036 	 t = 21.613 	 p = 0.0
Average out-of-network GBC of network 2 : 0.00029 	 t = 20.401 	 p = 0.0
Average out-of-network GBC of network 3 : 0.00032 	 t = 21.807 	 p = 0.0
Average out-of-network GBC of network 4 : 0.00038 	 t = 20.747 	 p = 0.0