Assessing the Performance of Lolopy

Transferring data to and from JVM is remarkably costly. In this notebook, we quantify how costly the transfer is compared to the training as a function of training set size. We will use a standard ML problem: predicting glass-forming ability of ternary metallic alloys.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
from matminer.datasets.dataset_retrieval import load_dataset
from matminer.featurizers.composition import ElementProperty
from lolopy.learners import RandomForestRegressor
from lolopy.loloserver import find_lolo_jar
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor as SKRFRegressor
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
from pymatgen import Composition
from time import perf_counter
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Make a timing function.

In [2]:
def time_function(fun, n, *args, **kwargs):
    """Run a certain function and return timing
        fun (function): Function to be evaluated
        n (int): Number of times to run function
        args: Input to function
        ([float]) Function run times
    times = []
    for i in range(n):
        st = perf_counter()
        fun(*args, **kwargs)
        times.append(perf_counter() - st)
    return times

Create the Dataset

We'll use the Materials Project dataset

Pull down the dataset

In [3]:
data = load_dataset('mp_nostruct')

Eliminate entries without formulas

In [4]:
data = data[~ data['formula'].isnull()]

Downselect to $10^3$ entries

In [5]:
data = data.sample(1000)

Generate some features

In [6]:
X = np.array(ElementProperty.from_preset('magpie').featurize_many(data['formula'].apply(Composition), pbar=False))

In [7]:
y = data['e_form'].values

Make a function to run the scala benchmark

In [8]:
lolojar = find_lolo_jar()

In [9]:
def get_scala_timings(X, y, X_run):
    """Train a RF with standard settings using Lolo, generate uncertainties for whole dataset, report timings
        X, y (ndarray): Training dataset
        X_run (ndarray): Dataset to evaluate
        train, expected, uncertainty (float): Training time, expected and uncertainty evaluation times
    np.savetxt('train.csv', np.hstack((X, y[:, None])), delimiter=',')
    np.savetxt('run.csv', np.hstack((X_run, np.zeros((len(X_run), 1)))), delimiter=',')
    p = Popen('scala -J-Xmx8g -cp {} scala-benchmark.scala train.csv run.csv'.format(lolojar), stdout=PIPE, 
         stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
    result =
    return map(float, result.split(','))

In [10]:
scala_train, scala_expect, scala_uncert = get_scala_timings(X, y, X)

In [11]:
print('Lolo train time:', scala_train)

Lolo train time: 25.0268002725

In [12]:
print('Lolo apply time', scala_expect + scala_uncert)

Lolo apply time 5.184949755083333

Profile Fitting the Model

We are looking to comprae the total time for fitting a model to the time required to send data over

In [13]:
model = RandomForestRegressor(num_trees=len(X))

Fit the model 16 times, measure the times

In [14]:
rf_fit = time_function(, 16, X, y)
print('Average fit time:', np.mean(rf_fit))

Average fit time: 25.836265772373736

Run only transfering the data to Java, record the time

In [15]:
x_java, _ = model._convert_train_data(X, y, None)

In [16]:
rf_transfer = time_function(model._convert_train_data, 16, X, y)
print('Average transfer time:', np.mean(rf_transfer))

Average transfer time: 0.024832841125316918

Compute uncertainities

In [17]:
rf_apply = time_function(model.predict, 16, X, return_std=True)
print('Average predict time:', np.mean(rf_apply))

Average predict time: 4.532787880501928

In [18]:
rf_apply_transfer = time_function(model._convert_run_data, 16, X)
print('Average transfer time for prediction:', np.mean(rf_apply_transfer))

Average transfer time for prediction: 0.03166484831672278

Time Scikit-Learn

Compare against a scikit-learn model with the same amount of trees as Lolo.

In [19]:
sk_model = SKRFRegressor(n_estimators=len(X), n_jobs=-1)

In [20]:
sk_train = time_function(, 16, X, y)

In [21]:
print('Sklearn fitting time:', np.mean(sk_train))

Sklearn fitting time: 6.492418694690059

Compare as a Function of Scale

Measure the performance of each model as a function of training/test set size

In [22]:
results = []
for n in tqdm(np.logspace(1, np.log10(len(X)), 8, dtype=int)):
    # Initialize output
    r = {'n': n}
    # Get the training and test set sizes
    X_n = X[:n, :]
    y_n = y[:n]
    # Time using lolo via Scala
    scala_train, scala_expect, scala_uncert = get_scala_timings(X_n, y_n, X)
    r['scala_train'] = scala_train
    r['scala_apply'] = scala_expect
    r['scala_apply_wuncert'] = scala_expect + scala_uncert
    # Time using lolo via lolopy
    r['lolopy_train'] = np.mean(time_function(, 16, X_n, y_n))
    r['lolopy_train_transfer'] = np.mean(time_function(model._convert_train_data, 16, X_n, y_n))
    r['lolopy_apply'] = np.mean(time_function(model.predict, 16, X, return_std=False))
    r['lolopy_apply_wuncert'] = np.mean(time_function(model.predict, 16, X, return_std=True))
    r['lolopy_apply_transfer'] = np.mean(time_function(model._convert_run_data, 16, X))
    model.clear_model()  # To save memory
    # Time using RF
    sk_model = SKRFRegressor(n_estimators=n)
    r['sklearn_fit'] = np.mean(time_function(, 16, X_n, y_n))
    r['sklearn_apply'] = np.mean(time_function(sk_model.predict, 16, X))
    # Append results and continue

In [23]:
results = pd.DataFrame(results)

In [24]:

lolopy_apply lolopy_apply_transfer lolopy_apply_wuncert lolopy_train lolopy_train_transfer n scala_apply scala_apply_wuncert scala_train sklearn_apply sklearn_fit
0 0.116662 0.024391 0.165237 0.017087 0.003188 10 0.015996 0.035499 0.005603 0.001232 0.006404
1 0.133029 0.024051 0.189982 0.016471 0.002876 19 0.029241 0.062266 0.010618 0.002103 0.015835
2 0.168782 0.026943 0.255486 0.036207 0.003416 37 0.053957 0.124907 0.027915 0.004003 0.038460
3 0.222436 0.029697 0.319998 0.099397 0.004629 71 0.118092 0.281287 0.082423 0.008115 0.128532
4 0.324749 0.047900 0.477770 0.361892 0.005894 138 0.223314 0.524047 0.334785 0.016721 0.472197
5 0.542687 0.023511 0.803255 1.476095 0.013816 268 0.410609 1.031157 1.355419 0.037041 1.944339
6 0.911938 0.028466 1.665230 6.058513 0.017012 517 0.821408 2.295356 5.728549 0.081465 7.859019
7 1.739875 0.030233 4.498204 21.606862 0.036226 1000 1.426820 5.280560 24.840871 0.187823 31.290804

Plot the training results. The blue shading is the data transfer time

In [25]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

ax.fill_between(results['n'], results['lolopy_train_transfer'], 0.001, alpha=0.1)

ax.loglog(results['n'], results['lolopy_train'], 'r', label='lolopy')
ax.loglog(results['n'], results['scala_train'], 'b--', label='lolo')
ax.loglog(results['n'], results['sklearn_fit'], 'g:', label='sklearn')

ax.set_ylim(0.005, max(ax.get_ylim()))

ax.set_xlabel('Training Set Size')
ax.set_ylabel('Train Time (s)')

fig.set_size_inches(3.5, 2.5)

Plot the evaluation speed. Note that the number of trees scales with the training set size (hence the decrease in speed with training set size)

In [26]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)

# Plot results without uncertainties
axs[0].loglog(results['n'], len(X)  / results['lolopy_apply'], 'r', label='lolopy')
axs[0].loglog(results['n'], len(X) / results['scala_apply'], 'b--', label='lolo')
axs[0].loglog(results['n'], len(X) / results['sklearn_apply'], 'g:', label='sklearn')
axs[0].set_title('Without Uncertainties')

# Plot results with uncertainities
axs[1].loglog(results['n'], len(X)  / results['lolopy_apply_wuncert'], 'r', label='lolopy')
axs[1].loglog(results['n'], len(X) / results['scala_apply_wuncert'], 'b--', label='lolo')
axs[1].set_title('With Uncertainties')

for ax in axs:

    ax.set_xlabel('Training Set Size')
    ax.set_ylabel('Evaluation Speed (entry/s)')

fig.set_size_inches(6.5, 2.5)

Verify that performance is within acceptable bounds: Less than a 2x slowdown for model training or evaluation at a training set size of 100 entries.

In [27]:
lolopy_timing = interp1d(results['n'], results['lolopy_train'])
lolo_timing = interp1d(results['n'], results['scala_train'])
slowdown = lolopy_timing(100) / lolo_timing(100)
print('Training slowdown: {:.2f}'.format(slowdown))
assert slowdown < 2

Training slowdown: 1.11

In [28]:
lolopy_timing = interp1d(results['n'], results['lolopy_apply'])
lolo_timing = interp1d(results['n'], results['scala_apply'])
slowdown = lolopy_timing(100) / lolo_timing(100)
print('Evaluation without uncertainties slowdown: {:.2f}'.format(slowdown))
assert slowdown < 2

Evaluation without uncertainties slowdown: 1.63

In [29]:
lolopy_timing = interp1d(results['n'], results['lolopy_apply_wuncert'])
lolo_timing = interp1d(results['n'], results['scala_apply_wuncert'])
slowdown = lolopy_timing(100) / lolo_timing(100)
print('Evaluation with uncertainties slowdown: {:.2f}'.format(slowdown))

Evaluation with uncertainties slowdown: 1.00

In [30]: