TalkingData -- Submission

In this notebook we generate submission based on the stacked features.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import xgboost as xgb
import time 
from scipy import sparse
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

#path to data, features and classifiers
DATA_PATH = "../../../input/"
FEATURE_PATH = "../../../features/"
CLF_PATH = "../../../models/"

#number of classes considered

#random seed
SEED = 1747

#do not allow probabilities below EPS
EPS = 0.001

#age_gender categories
cats = ['F23-', 'F24-26', 'F27-28', 'F29-32', 'F33-42', 'F43+', 'M22-', 'M23-26', 'M27-28', 'M29-31', 'M32-38', 'M39+']

#float format used in the submission file


#parameters for xgb fitting for devices without events
'verbose_eval': 50, 
'num_boost_round': 120,

#parameters for xgb fitting for devices with events
'verbose_eval': 100, 
'num_boost_round': 550,

#params for xgb
'objective' :'multi:softprob',
"num_class": 12,
'eval_metric': 'mlogloss', 

Now, we load the classifiers, data and features.

In [2]:
classifier_general = pickle.load(open("{0}xgb_params_no_events.p".format(CLF_PATH),'rb'))
classifier_events = pickle.load(open("{0}xgb_params_events.p".format(CLF_PATH), 'rb'))
classifier_general['objective'] = 'multi:softprob'
classifier_events['objective'] = 'multi:softprob'

train = pd.read_csv('{0}gender_age_train.csv'.format(DATA_PATH))
test = pd.read_csv('{0}gender_age_test.csv'.format(DATA_PATH))

train_ids = pickle.load(open('{0}train_event_ids'.format(DATA_PATH), 'rb'))
test_ids = pickle.load(open('{0}test_event_ids'.format(DATA_PATH), 'rb'))

features_general = sparse.csr_matrix(pickle.load(open('{0}phone_model_features.p'.format(FEATURE_PATH), 'rb')))
features_event = pickle.load(open('{0}feature_sel_lvl0_events.p'.format(FEATURE_PATH), 'rb'))

Fitting of classifiers

Implement a method to fit an XGB model and predict probabilities.

In [3]:
def fit_predict_xgb(X_train, X_test, y, hyper_params, fit_params):
    labels = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(y)
    dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X_train, labels)
    dtest = xgb.DMatrix(X_test)
    gbm = xgb.train(hyper_params, dtrain, evals = [(dtrain, 'train')], **fit_params )
    return gbm.predict(dtest)

Fit classifier and generate predictions on all devices.

In [4]:
prediction_general = fit_predict_xgb(features_general[:len(train)], 
                                    train['group'], classifier_general, FIT_PARAMS_GENERAL)

prediction_events = fit_predict_xgb(features_event[:len(train_ids)], 
                                     train[train['device_id'].isin(train_ids)]['group'], classifier_events, FIT_PARAMS_EVENTS)

[0]	train-mlogloss:2.480607
[50]	train-mlogloss:2.373757
[100]	train-mlogloss:2.339313
[119]	train-mlogloss:2.331777
/home/christian/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/xgboost/ VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future
  preds = preds.reshape(nrow, preds.size / nrow)
[0]	train-mlogloss:2.472073
[100]	train-mlogloss:1.950904
[200]	train-mlogloss:1.797024
[300]	train-mlogloss:1.707134
[400]	train-mlogloss:1.638839
[500]	train-mlogloss:1.580103
[549]	train-mlogloss:1.552651

Regularization of probabilities and submission

Now, we need a method to regularize the probabilities and generate a dataframe.

In [5]:
def prediction_frame(ids, y):
    y_cut = [[max(EPS, proba) for proba in proba_vector] for proba_vector in y]
    df = pd.DataFrame(y_cut, columns = cats)

    default_vals = np.empty((test.shape[0], len(cats)))
    default_df = pd.DataFrame(default_vals, columns = cats)

    df.insert(0, 'device_id',  ids.astype(str))
    return df.set_index('device_id')

Using this auxiliary function, we now generate the final submission frame.

In [7]:
df_general = prediction_frame(test['device_id'], prediction_general)
df_events = prediction_frame(test_ids, prediction_events)
df_total = df_events.combine_first(df_general)

In [8]:
df_total.to_csv("../../../input/subm.csv", index = True, float_format = FLOAT_FORMAT)

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