In the first round of feature engineering, we extract features from the phone brand and the device model. The most immediate approach is to label-encode these two columns. As an additional feature, we add the regularized class histograms proposed in
In [2]:
import numpy as np
import math
import pickle
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
#path to data and constructed features
DATA_PATH = "../../../input/"
FEATURE_PATH = "../../../features/"
#parameter for crosstab feature; minimum number of occurrences for a brand to be considered
NMIN = 50
#seed for randomness
SEED = 1747
#number of classes
Next, we load train, test and phone data.
In [3]:
train = pd.read_csv('{0}gender_age_train.csv'.format(DATA_PATH))[['device_id', 'group']].set_index('device_id')
test = pd.read_csv('{0}gender_age_test.csv'.format(DATA_PATH))['device_id']
phone_brand = pd.read_csv('{0}phone_brand_device_model.csv'.format(DATA_PATH)).groupby('device_id', sort = False).first()
train_test = np.hstack([train.index, test])
phone_brand = pd.Series(train_test, name = 'device_id').to_frame().merge(phone_brand, 'left',
left_on = 'device_id', right_index = True).set_index('device_id')
We relabel the device-ids to obtain a more legible representation and merge the phone data.
In [4]:
dec = LabelEncoder().fit(train_test)
[train_test, train.index, test.index, phone_brand.index] = [dec.transform(data) for data in
[train_test, train.index, test, phone_brand.index]]
We add the prefix of the device model as new feature.
In [5]:
phone_brand['device_pref'] = phone_brand['device_model'].apply(lambda model: model[0:2])
To generate the first features, we label-encode the train-test data.
In [6]:
phone_brand_enc = phone_brand.copy()
phone_brand_enc = phone_brand_enc.apply(lambda col: LabelEncoder().fit_transform(col), axis = 0)
In addition to plain ohe, we implement an idea from, which suggests to characterize a brand or device model by its gender-age histogram.
To set up the crosstab feature, we need to do a blending-type partition.
In [7]:
def blend_split(df, labels):
#first, generate validation set
df_train, _, labels_train, _ = train_test_split(df, labels, stratify = labels, train_size = 0.8, random_state = SEED)
#second, split in stacking folds
return train_test_split(df_train, labels_train, stratify = labels_train, train_size = 0.5, random_state = SEED)
We generate two splits, one for all events and the other one only for events with devices.
In [8]:
train_event_indices = dec.transform(pickle.load(open('{0}train_event_ids'.format(DATA_PATH),'rb')))
test_event_indices = dec.transform(pickle.load(open('{0}test_event_ids'.format(DATA_PATH),'rb')))
train_test_event_indices = np.hstack([train_event_indices, test_event_indices])
train_mask = train.index.isin(train_event_indices)
labels_all = train['group']
labels_event = labels_all[train_mask]
blend_all = blend_split(phone_brand[phone_brand.index.isin(train.index)], labels_all)
blend_events_raw = blend_split(phone_brand[phone_brand.index.isin(train_event_indices)], labels_event)
We also consider elements that are not associated with events.
In [9]:
residual_indices = train.index.difference(train_event_indices)
y_res = train[train.index.isin(residual_indices)]['group']
phone_brand_res = phone_brand[phone_brand.index.isin(residual_indices)]
blend_events = [pd.concat([blend_events_raw[0], phone_brand_res], axis = 0),
pd.concat([blend_events_raw[1], phone_brand_res], axis = 0),
np.hstack([blend_events_raw[2], y_res]),
np.hstack([blend_events_raw[3], y_res])
Now, we define a transformer to compute the crosstab-features on the blending folds. In order to obtain features that are not constraint to [0,1], we consider the logs of the class probabilities.
In [99]:
class CrossTabEncoder(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
A CrossTabEncoder characterizes a feature by its crosstab dataframe.
def fit(self, blend_data, label_name):
"""For each class of the considered feature, the empirical histogram for the prediction classes is computed.
blend_data : data used for the histogram computation
#compute the prior
prior = pd.Series(labels_all).value_counts(normalize = True).sort_index().values = [features[label_name] for features in blend_data[0:2]]
self.crosstabs = [compute_crosstabs(data, classes, prior) for data, classes in zip(, blend_data[2:4])]
self.crosstab_total = compute_crosstabs(pd.concat(, axis = 0), np.hstack(blend_data[2:4]), prior)
return self
def transform(self, data):
"""The precomputed histograms are joined as features to the given data set.
X : array-like object
Transformed dataset.
feat = [feature.to_frame().merge(crosstab,'left',left_on =, right_index = True ).drop(, axis = 1)
for feature, crosstab in zip(, self.crosstabs[::-1])]
merge_12 = data.to_frame().merge(pd.concat(feat, axis = 0).groupby(level = 0, sort = False).first(),
'left', left_index = True, right_index = True).drop(, axis = 1)
merge_total = pd.merge(data.to_frame(), self.crosstab_total, 'left',
left_on =, right_index = True).drop(, axis = 1).fillna(0)
return merge_12.combine_first(merge_total)
def compute_crosstabs(tab_0, tab_1, prior):
compute the log of relative crosstabs regularized by a prior
return pd.crosstab(tab_0, tab_1).apply(lambda row: compute_log_probs(row, prior), axis = 1)
def compute_log_probs(row, prior):
"""helper function for computing regularized log probabilities
#add 1 to avoid taking logarithm of 0
row = row + 1
#smooth out the probabilities by using the prior
row_sum = row.sum()
weight = min(row_sum, NMIN)/NMIN
row = (1 - weight) * prior + weight * (row/row_sum)
#compute the log ratios of class probabilities and the popularity of the feature
row = row.apply(lambda y: math.log(y) - math.log(1.0/NCLASSES))
return row
Next, we define a function to compute crosstab-encoders for multiple columns.
In [85]:
def generate_crosstab_features(blend_data, data):
ctes = [CrossTabEncoder().fit(blend_data, column) for column in data.columns]
return pd.concat([cte.transform(data[column]) for column, cte in zip(data.columns, ctes)], axis = 1)
We generate the cross-tab features for all devices and the events-devices.
In [100]:
crosstab_all = generate_crosstab_features(blend_all, phone_brand)
crosstab_events = generate_crosstab_features(blend_events, phone_brand[phone_brand.index.isin(train_test_event_indices)])
We also record the column names.
In [104]:
crosstab_names = ['{0} {1}'.format(pref,suf) for pref,suf in zip(phone_brand.columns.repeat(NCLASSES).values,crosstab_all.columns)]
Finally, we collect all features, and their names and persist them to disk.
In [105]:
phone_model_features = np.hstack([phone_brand_enc, crosstab_all])
phone_model_features_events = np.hstack([phone_brand_enc[phone_brand_enc.index.isin(train_test_event_indices)],
phone_model_names = np.hstack([phone_brand.columns, crosstab_names])
pickle.dump(phone_model_features, open('{0}phone_model_features.p'.format(FEATURE_PATH), 'wb'))
pickle.dump(phone_model_names, open('{0}phone_model_features_names.p'.format(FEATURE_PATH), 'wb'))
pickle.dump(phone_model_features_events, open('{0}phone_model_features_event.p'.format(FEATURE_PATH), 'wb'))
pickle.dump(phone_model_names, open('{0}phone_model_features_names_event.p'.format(FEATURE_PATH), 'wb'))
In [ ]: