K-Means: Python vs NumPy vs CUDA

Author: Diogo Silva

This notebook contains an analysis of the results from executing the different implementations (CUDA, NumPy, Python) of the K-Means algorithm.

In [1]:
# necessary imports
%pylab inline
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
# locations of the results
results_filename="/home/chiroptera/workspace/QCThesis/CUDA/tests/test1v2/results.csv" #local
#results_filename="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chiroptera/QCThesis/master/CUDA/tests/test1v2/results.csv" #git repo

In [3]:
results = pd.read_csv(results_filename)

In [95]:
print "Structure of the results"

Structure of the results
type N K time
0 cuda 1000 5 0.006028
1 cuda 1000 5 0.005596
2 cuda 1000 5 0.005583
3 cuda 1000 5 0.005618
4 cuda 1000 5 0.005639

In [96]:

Some of the parameters were don't change in these results, so we can delete them (natural number of clusters, dimensionality and number of iterations). Furthermore, We can delete the rounds column because it becomes useless after averaging the times.

In [5]:
results.drop(['R','NATC','D','iters'], axis=1, inplace=True)


type N K time
0 cuda 1000 5 0.006028
1 cuda 1000 5 0.005596
2 cuda 1000 5 0.005583
3 cuda 1000 5 0.005618
4 cuda 1000 5 0.005639

Below is some statistics about the timings for the rounds. The important thing to notice is that there is low variance on the data, which suggests that the results are consistent.

In [6]:
rounds = results.groupby(['type','N','K'],as_index = True)
results_mean = rounds.mean()

type N K
cuda 1000 5 count 10.000000
mean 0.005652
std 0.000133
min 0.005583
25% 0.005606
50% 0.005611
75% 0.005620
max 0.006028
10 count 10.000000
mean 0.005925
std 0.000019
min 0.005905
25% 0.005908
50% 0.005921
75% 0.005939
max 0.005961
20 count 10.000000
mean 0.006490
std 0.000032
min 0.006453
25% 0.006468
50% 0.006480
75% 0.006505
max 0.006554
30 count 10.000000
mean 0.007084
std 0.000214
min 0.006994
25% 0.007004
50% 0.007013
... ... ... ... ...
python 100000 50 std 0.245966
min 74.615616
25% 74.953829
50% 75.021911
75% 75.245123
max 75.426440
100 count 10.000000
mean 149.606583
std 0.216269
min 149.432901
25% 149.487814
50% 149.547414
75% 149.603782
max 150.171023
250 count 10.000000
mean 374.292756
std 0.886434
min 372.955140
25% 373.427954
50% 374.600424
75% 375.034592
max 375.367697
500 count 3.000000
mean 748.021810
std 0.928455
min 747.010432
25% 747.614964
50% 748.219496
75% 748.527499
max 748.835501

1656 rows × 1 columns

Time analysis

This section explores some of the results of the runtimes of the algorithms.

In [7]:
times = results_mean.loc["cuda"]

time cuda numpy python s_cuda_np s_cuda_py s_np_py
1000 5 0.005652 0.005652 0.000753 0.077027 0.133275 13.628514 102.258720
10 0.005925 0.005925 0.001305 0.152909 0.220343 25.808329 117.128223
20 0.006490 0.006490 0.002358 0.304950 0.363343 46.988938 129.323984
30 0.007084 0.007084 0.003404 0.454567 0.480570 64.170838 133.530784
40 0.007541 0.007541 0.004459 0.606059 0.591274 80.369654 135.926150
50 0.008090 0.008090 0.005462 0.755486 0.675162 93.382484 138.311254
100 0.010642 0.010642 0.010544 1.509709 0.990879 141.869541 143.175428
250 0.017289 0.017289 0.025472 3.767896 1.473330 217.940290 147.923614
500 0.028044 0.028044 0.049470 7.539861 1.764032 268.861147 152.412813
5000 5 0.006125 0.006125 0.002469 0.381881 0.403063 62.346330 154.681516
10 0.006567 0.006567 0.004278 0.758976 0.651526 115.576299 177.393290
20 0.007237 0.007237 0.007606 1.509622 1.050967 208.592179 198.476451
30 0.007855 0.007855 0.010850 2.260080 1.381341 287.728964 208.296767
40 0.008415 0.008415 0.014045 3.008929 1.669032 357.555873 214.229443
50 0.008985 0.008985 0.017246 3.753996 1.919311 417.784013 217.673956
100 0.011690 0.011690 0.033036 7.491506 2.826078 640.858054 226.765876
250 0.019651 0.019651 0.080038 18.715131 4.072946 952.368176 233.827857
500 0.032367 0.032367 0.157988 37.414246 4.881098 1155.926420 236.816868
10000 5 0.008325 0.008325 0.004619 0.759797 0.554853 91.267885 164.490319
10 0.008945 0.008945 0.007885 1.508925 0.881492 168.688506 191.366990
20 0.009796 0.009796 0.014103 3.005581 1.439733 306.820206 213.109137
30 0.010518 0.010518 0.020040 4.493738 1.905275 427.226110 224.233250
40 0.011174 0.011174 0.026021 5.993128 2.328727 536.360179 230.323311
50 0.011823 0.011823 0.031836 7.477114 2.692707 632.410241 234.860416
100 0.014932 0.014932 0.060919 14.920280 4.079778 999.225421 244.921511
250 0.023666 0.023666 0.147644 37.306496 6.238538 1576.343417 252.678351
500 0.037723 0.037723 0.291411 74.523533 7.725052 1975.551660 255.733115
50000 5 0.020834 0.020834 0.022049 3.824464 1.058298 183.568876 173.456710
10 0.022786 0.022786 0.037442 7.606350 1.643178 333.814078 203.151549
20 0.025098 0.025098 0.066449 15.141047 2.647616 603.284131 227.859338
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
500000 100 0.301901 0.301901 3.728228 NaN 12.349175 NaN NaN
250 0.394980 0.394980 8.975798 NaN 22.724697 NaN NaN
500 0.534063 0.534063 17.763117 NaN 33.260370 NaN NaN
1000000 5 0.428848 0.428848 0.613835 NaN 1.431359 NaN NaN
10 0.479970 0.479970 1.052460 NaN 2.192763 NaN NaN
20 0.521014 0.521014 1.871503 NaN 3.592037 NaN NaN
30 0.550708 0.550708 2.660060 NaN 4.830258 NaN NaN
40 0.574093 0.574093 3.464319 NaN 6.034425 NaN NaN
50 0.592112 0.592112 4.229069 NaN 7.142350 NaN NaN
100 0.666272 0.666272 8.106301 NaN 12.166647 NaN NaN
250 0.845346 0.845346 19.864349 NaN 23.498493 NaN NaN
500 1.113948 1.113948 38.625248 NaN 34.674198 NaN NaN
2000000 5 0.957325 0.957325 1.300049 NaN 1.358003 NaN NaN
10 1.112214 1.112214 2.257487 NaN 2.029723 NaN NaN
20 1.232610 1.232610 4.003243 NaN 3.247779 NaN NaN
30 1.305770 1.305770 5.705474 NaN 4.369433 NaN NaN
40 1.352474 1.352474 7.370187 NaN 5.449410 NaN NaN
50 1.391811 1.391811 9.038164 NaN 6.493815 NaN NaN
100 1.553324 1.553324 17.236575 NaN 11.096571 NaN NaN
250 1.919327 1.919327 41.507289 NaN 21.625960 NaN NaN
500 2.343597 2.343597 81.615163 NaN 34.824749 NaN NaN
4000000 5 2.115296 2.115296 2.712077 NaN 1.282127 NaN NaN
10 2.457550 2.457550 4.798049 NaN 1.952371 NaN NaN
20 2.751669 2.751669 8.537976 NaN 3.102835 NaN NaN
30 2.933513 2.933513 12.221041 NaN 4.166009 NaN NaN
40 3.057019 3.057019 15.732017 NaN 5.146195 NaN NaN
50 3.159604 3.159604 19.381760 NaN 6.134237 NaN NaN
100 3.512254 3.512254 36.834550 NaN 10.487440 NaN NaN
250 4.178559 4.178559 89.046252 NaN 21.310277 NaN NaN
500 5.184794 5.184794 174.383964 NaN 33.633729 NaN NaN

81 rows × 7 columns

In [108]:
p=a.get_group(20)[['python','numpy','cuda']].plot(title="Time evolution; 20 clusters",logy=True)
a.get_group(500)[['python','numpy','cuda']].plot(title="Time evolution; 500 clusters",logy=True)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f035e819150>

In [107]:
b.get_group(1e5)[['python','numpy','cuda']].plot(title="Time evolution by number of clusters; 1e5 datapoints",logy=True)
plt.xlabel("Number of clusters")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f035ebc4cd0>

In [106]:
b.get_group(1e5)[['numpy','cuda']].plot(title="Time evolution by number of clusters; 1e5 datapoints",logy=True)
plt.xlabel("Number of clusters")

b.get_group(4e6)[['numpy','cuda']].plot(title="Time evolution by number of clusters; 4e6 datapoints",logy=True)
plt.xlabel("Number of clusters")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f035edc8f10>

Speedup over NumPy

In [11]:
s_cuda_np = results_mean.loc['numpy'] / results_mean.loc['cuda']

In [12]:

5 count 9.000000
mean 0.985723
std 0.493390
min 0.133275
25% 0.554853
50% 1.193400
75% 1.358003
max 1.457132
10 count 9.000000
mean 1.519764
std 0.746424
min 0.220343
25% 0.881492
50% 1.805342
75% 2.029723
max 2.301137
20 count 9.000000
mean 2.457008
std 1.205152
min 0.363343
25% 1.439733
50% 2.936084
75% 3.247779
max 3.732681
30 count 9.000000
mean 3.289609
std 1.628359
min 0.480570
25% 1.905275
50% 3.921441
... ... ...
50 std 2.434479
min 0.675162
25% 2.692707
50% 5.661721
75% 6.493815
max 7.391884
100 count 9.000000
mean 7.911281
std 4.251455
min 0.990879
25% 4.079778
50% 9.161985
75% 11.096571
max 12.349175
250 count 9.000000
mean 14.457752
std 8.629446
min 1.473330
25% 6.238538
50% 15.870797
75% 21.625960
max 23.498493
500 count 9.000000
mean 21.112413
std 13.720313
min 1.764032
25% 7.725052
50% 21.649511
75% 33.633729
max 34.824749

72 rows × 1 columns

In [100]:
for key, grp in s_cuda_np.groupby(level=['K']):
plt.title("Speedup by cardinality")
plt.plot([0, 8], [1, 1], 'k-', lw=2)


([<matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f816ed0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f816810>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f74fc90>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f759390>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f759b10>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f7662d0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f766a50>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f76e110>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f76e890>],
 <a list of 9 Text xticklabel objects>)

In [14]:

1000 count 9.000000
mean 0.743579
std 0.561571
min 0.133275
25% 0.363343
50% 0.591274
75% 0.990879
max 1.764032
5000 count 9.000000
mean 2.095040
std 1.539764
min 0.403063
25% 1.050967
50% 1.669032
75% 2.826078
max 4.881098
10000 count 9.000000
mean 3.094017
std 2.463365
min 0.554853
25% 1.439733
50% 2.328727
75% 4.079778
max 7.725052
50000 count 9.000000
mean 6.354337
std 5.650573
min 1.058298
25% 2.647616
50% 4.309250
... ... ...
500000 std 10.742637
min 1.457132
25% 3.732681
50% 6.272841
75% 12.349175
max 33.260370
1000000 count 9.000000
mean 10.618059
std 11.282378
min 1.431359
25% 3.592037
50% 6.034425
75% 12.166647
max 34.674198
2000000 count 9.000000
mean 10.055049
std 11.186559
min 1.358003
25% 3.247779
50% 5.449410
75% 11.096571
max 34.824749
4000000 count 9.000000
mean 9.690580
std 10.878459
min 1.282127
25% 3.102835
50% 5.146195
75% 10.487440
max 33.633729

72 rows × 1 columns

In [98]:
for key, grp in s_cuda_np.groupby(level=['N']):
plt.plot([0, 8], [1, 1], 'k-', lw=2) #slowdown/speedup threshold

plt.title("Speedup by cardinality")
plt.xlabel("Number of clusters")


([<matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035faeda90>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035faedb90>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f9d6110>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f9d6790>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f9d6f10>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f9de6d0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f9dee50>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f9e8410>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035f9e8b90>],
 <a list of 9 Text xticklabel objects>)

Speedup over Python

In [16]:
s_cuda_py = results_mean.loc['python'] / results_mean.loc['cuda']

In [97]:
for key, grp in s_cuda_py.groupby(level=['K']):
plt.plot([0, 8], [1, 1], 'k-', lw=2) #slowdown/speedup threshold

plt.title("Speedup by cardinality")


([<matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035ffea590>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fc771d0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fb17a10>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fb220d0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fb22850>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fb22fd0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fb2d790>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fb2df10>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fb354d0>],
 <a list of 9 Text xticklabel objects>)

In [91]:
for key, grp in s_cuda_py.groupby(level=['N']):
plt.plot([0, 8], [1, 1], 'k-', lw=2) #slowdown/speedup threshold

plt.title("Speedup by cardinality")
plt.xlabel("Number of clusters")


([<matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fcbe350>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fcbe190>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fc6e790>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fc6ee10>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fc785d0>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fc78d50>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fc02510>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fc02a90>,
  <matplotlib.axis.XTick at 0x7f035fc0d250>],
 <a list of 9 Text xticklabel objects>)