ORE Jupyter Dashboard

This dashboard contains several modules to visualize an NPV cube generated by ORE.

It assumes a standard installation of Anaconda Python 3, see https://www.continuum.io/downloads. Some plots require more dependencies, see below.

Launch ORE

This launcher allows you to kick off a job in ORE. You have to supply this cell with the location of your ore executable and the xml file that configures the job you want to run. You can do this either by specifying the default paths below in the code or by pasting them in the text fields after you run the cell below. Click on the Launch button to start the job. Depending on how complex this calculation is, it might take some time until it ran through. If you prefer do do this in the console, you can alternatively run it there and just specify the output file later.

In [ ]:
# default paths (either change here or use the interface below)
ore_exe_path = 'C:\\Program Files\\ORE\\App\\bin\\x64\\Release\\ore.exe'
ore_xml = 'C:\\Program Files\\ORE\\Examples\\Example_2\\Input\\ore.xml'

In [ ]:
from ipywidgets import Text, Button
from IPython.display import display
import subprocess
import os

ore_path_selector = Text(description='ORE Path:', value=ore_exe_path, width=200)
xml_selector = Text(description='XML File:', value=ore_xml, width=200)
launch_button = Button(description='Launch')

def launch_ore(b):
    cwd = os.getcwd() # save directory of the jupyter notebook
    config_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(xml_selector.value))
    os.chdir(config_path) # navigate to ore config folder
    command = [ore_path_selector.value, os.path.join(os.path.join(config_path, 'Input'),'ore.xml')]
    print("Starting ORE run... please wait...")
    p = subprocess.Popen(command,
    stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
    os.chdir(cwd) # go back to jupyter notebook
    print("ORE run successful!")
    global npv_cube_filename
    npv_cube_filename = os.path.join(os.path.join(config_path, 'Output'),'rawcube.csv')


Select Netting Sets and Trades

This section allows you to select the netting sets and trades you want to analyze. Select the cube file by either changing the default path in the cell below or by pasting its location in the menu after you executed the cells of this section. Click on Load to load in the data. You can select only one netting set at a time, but arbitrary few or many trades in it.

In [ ]:
npv_cube_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'rawcube.csv')

In [ ]:
import pandas as pd       
from ipywidgets import Select, SelectMultiple, HBox

current_netting_sets = [0]
def set_current_netting_sets(netting_sets):
    current_netting_sets = netting_sets['new']

current_trades = [0]
def set_current_trades(trades):
    current_trades = trades['new']

netting_set_selector = Select(description='Netting Sets:')
trades_selector = SelectMultiple(description='Trades:')
netting_set_selector.observe(set_current_netting_sets, names='value')
trades_selector.observe(set_current_trades, names='value')
def load_cube_file(b):
    csv_file = npv_file_selector.value
    global df
    df = pd.read_csv(csv_file)
    df.columns = ['Id', 'NettingSet', 'DateIndex' , 'Date', 'Sample', 'Value']
    netting_set_selector.options = list(df.NettingSet.unique())
    trades_selector.options = list(df.Id.unique())
    trades_selector.value = trades_selector.options

npv_file_selector = Text(description='Cube File:', value=npv_cube_filename, width=200)
read_npv_button = Button(description='Load')


display(HBox([npv_file_selector, read_npv_button]))
display(HBox([netting_set_selector, trades_selector]))

Plot Exposure Density Surface (matplotlib)

We aggregate the npv values of the trades from the cube to a netting set level. For each date (x-axis) we estimate the density of the distribution of the values (y-axis) and plot the value of this density (z-axis) as a surface plot. Notice that the z-axis has no business meaning.

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import numpy as np

from enum import Enum
from ipywidgets import RadioButtons, FloatSlider

%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties

from scipy.stats.kde import gaussian_kde
from numpy.linalg.linalg import LinAlgError

class ExposureTypes(Enum):
    EE = 'EE'
    EPE = 'EPE'
    ENE = 'ENE'

# sum values over selected trades in netting set
df_surface_ee = df[(df.NettingSet == netting_set_selector.value) & df.Id.isin(trades_selector.value)][['Id', 'Value', 'Sample', 'DateIndex']].groupby(['DateIndex','Sample']).sum().reset_index()
# truncate for EPE or ENE
df_surface_epe = df_surface_ee.copy()
df_surface_ene = df_surface_ee.copy()
df_data = {ExposureTypes.EE:df_surface_ee,

fig_surface = plt.figure()
fig_surface.canvas.set_window_title('Density Surface')

dates = pd.to_datetime(df['Date']).unique()
dates = dates - dates.min()
years = dates.astype('timedelta64[D]') / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') / 365

def plot_exposure_surface(current_exposure):
    global df_data
    df_surface = df_data[ExposureTypes[current_exposure]]
     # for each date index, calculate densities of distribution of values
    grid_size = 50
    global npv_min
    global npv_max
    npv_min = df_surface.Value.min()
    npv_max = df_surface.Value.max()
    global dist_space
    dist_space = np.linspace(npv_min, npv_max, grid_size)
    global num_dates
    num_dates = len(df_surface.DateIndex.unique())
    global density_values
    density_values = np.zeros((num_dates, grid_size))
    for k in range(num_dates):
        row = df_surface.loc[df_surface['DateIndex']==k, 'Value'].values
            density = gaussian_kde(row)
            density_values[k] = density(dist_space)
            density_values[k] = np.zeros(grid_size)
    global density_max
    density_max = np.max(density_values)
    # plot result
    global fig_surface
    ax_surface = fig_surface.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax_surface.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: "{:,.1f}".format(x)))
    ax_surface.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: "{:,.1f}".format(x/1000000)))
    ax_surface.set_ylabel(exposure_selector.value+" [mn]")
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(years, dist_space)
    ax_surface.plot_trisurf(X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), density_values.T.flatten(), cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0)

def change_exposure_type(rb):

exposure_selector = RadioButtons(description='Exposure Type:', options=[name for name,member in ExposureTypes.__members__.items()])
exposure_selector.observe(change_exposure_type, names='value')


This plot allows you to slide through the exposure density surface above looking at time slice.

In [ ]:
from ipywidgets import IntSlider, FloatText

fig_surface = plt.figure()
ax_time_slider = fig_surface.add_subplot(111)
fig_surface.canvas.set_window_title('Time Slider')

def plot_time_slider(change):
    date = change['new']
    ax_time_slider.plot(dist_space, density_values[date], color='k', label=exposure_selector.value)
    ax_time_slider.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: format(int(x), ',')))
    ax_time_slider.set_xlim(npv_min, npv_max)
    ax_time_slider.set_ylim(0, density_max)
    year_text.value = "{:,.3f}".format(years[date])
time_slider = IntSlider(min=0, max=num_dates-1, value=0, description='DateIndex:')
time_slider.observe(plot_time_slider, names='value')
year_text = FloatText(description="Years:", value=years[time_slider.value])
display(HBox([time_slider, year_text]))

Plot Exposure Density Surface (pythreejs)

This plot is functionally equivalent to the exposure surface in matplotlib above, but uses the library pythreejs, see https://github.com/jovyan/pythreejs, for improved interactivity.

In [ ]:
import pythreejs as p3js
from ipywidgets import interact

hs, ws = density_values.shape

surf_g = p3js.SurfaceGeometry(z=list(density_values.flat), width=1, height=1, width_segments=ws - 1, height_segments=hs - 1)
surf = p3js.Mesh(geometry=surf_g, material=p3js.LambertMaterial(map=p3js.height_texture(density_values, 'YlGnBu_r')))
surfgrid = p3js.SurfaceGrid(geometry=surf_g, material=p3js.LineBasicMaterial(color='black'))
scene = p3js.Scene(children=[surf, p3js.AmbientLight(color='#777777')])
c = p3js.PerspectiveCamera(position=[0, 2, 3], up=[0, 0, 1], 
                      children=[p3js.DirectionalLight(color='white', position=[3, 2, 1], intensity=0.8)])
renderer = p3js.Renderer(camera=c, scene = scene, controls=[p3js.OrbitControls(controlling=c)])


@interact(width=FloatSlider(min=1, max=10), 
          height=FloatSlider(min=1, max=10), 
          scale=FloatSlider(min=1, max=1000000, value=100000),)
def adapt_dimensions(width, height, scale):
    surf_g.width = width
    surf_g.height = height
    surf_g.z = list((scale * density_values).flat)

Exposure Statistics (matplotlib)

This plot produces the classical exposure statistics:

  • EE = Expected Exposure
  • EPE = Expected Positive Exposure
  • ENE = Expected Negative Exposure
  • PFE = Potential Future Exposure (at a certain quantile)

In [ ]:
df_stats = df[(df.NettingSet == netting_set_selector.value) & df.Id.isin(trades_selector.value)][['Id', 'Value', 'Sample', 'DateIndex']].groupby(['DateIndex','Sample']).sum().reset_index()
df_epe = df_stats.copy()
df_ene = df_stats.copy()


ee = df_stats[['DateIndex', 'Value']].groupby('DateIndex').mean().values[:,0]
epe = df_epe[['DateIndex', 'Value']].groupby('DateIndex').mean().values[:,0]
ene = df_ene[['DateIndex', 'Value']].groupby('DateIndex').mean().values[:,0]

In [ ]:
fig_statistics = plt.figure()
ax_statistics = fig_statistics.add_subplot(111)

dates = pd.to_datetime(df['Date']).unique()
dates = dates - dates.min()
years = dates.astype('timedelta64[D]') / np.timedelta64(1, 'D') / 365

def plot_exposure_statistics(pfe_percentile):
    pfe_percentile_val = pfe_percentile['new']
    ax_statistics.plot(years, ee, label=ExposureTypes.EE.value)
    ax_statistics.plot(years, epe, label=ExposureTypes.EPE.value)
    ax_statistics.plot(years, ene, label=ExposureTypes.ENE.value)
    pfe = df_stats[['DateIndex', 'Value']].groupby('DateIndex').quantile(pfe_percentile_val/100).values[:,0]
    ax_statistics.plot(years, pfe, label='PFE ' + str(pfe_percentile_val))
    ax_statistics.get_xaxis().set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: "{:,.1f}".format(x)))

    #ax_statistics.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: "{:,.1f}".format(x)))
    ax_statistics.set_ylabel("Exposure [mn]")
    ax_statistics.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: format(int(x), ',')))
    ax_statistics.set_ylim([np.amin(df_stats[['DateIndex', 'Value']].groupby('DateIndex').min().values),np.amax(df_stats[['DateIndex', 'Value']].groupby('DateIndex').max().values)*1.01])
    fontP = FontProperties() # set legend outside plot
    ax_statistics.legend(loc='upper left', shadow=True, prop=fontP)
percentile_selector = FloatSlider(min=90, max=100, value=95, description='PFE Percentile:')
percentile_selector.observe(plot_exposure_statistics, names='value')

Exposure statistics (bqplot)

This plot is functionally equivalent to the exposure statistics plot above, but uses bqplot, see https://github.com/bloomberg/bqplot, for improved interactivity.

In [ ]:
import bqplot as bq
from traitlets import link

xs = bq.LinearScale()
ys = bq.LinearScale()
x = years
pfe = df_stats[['DateIndex', 'Value']].groupby('DateIndex').quantile(0.95).values[:,0]
y = np.vstack((ee,epe,ene,pfe))

line = bq.Lines(x=x, y=y, scales={'x': xs, 'y': ys}, display_legend=True, labels=['EE','EPE', 'ENE', 'PFE'])
xax = bq.Axis(scale=xs, label='years', grid_lines='solid')
yax = bq.Axis(scale=ys, orientation='vertical', tick_format=',0.2f', grid_lines='solid')

fig = bq.Figure(marks=[line], axes=[xax, yax], animation_duration=1000, legend_location='top-left')

percentile_slider = FloatSlider(min=90, max=100, value=95)
percentile_text = FloatText(description="percentile", value=percentile_slider.value)

@interact(percentile = percentile_slider)
def change_percentile(percentile):
    pfe = df_stats[['DateIndex', 'Value']].groupby('DateIndex').quantile(percentile/100).values[:,0]
    y = np.vstack((ee,epe,ene,pfe))
    line.y = y
    line.labels = ['EE','EPE', 'ENE', 'PFE ' + str(percentile)]


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